Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Old, washed up, fry, Neil Young, who was back in the 60's and 70's all about protesting against The Man, freedom of speech, etc. has taken himself off Spotify because Joe Rogan is spreading "misinformation that is unsafe to listeners".
Hypocritical wussy Communist. I hope he lives with his Depends panties in a wad the rest of his miserable days...
Neil Young was always a piece of garbage. A carpetbagging, Canadian commie who despised and spit on many of the people who enjoyed his genre of music. His song Southern Man is one of the most anti-White songs ever made. He should have been thankful that America welcomed him but instead he’s spent his miserable life trashing the country, it’s people and it’s culture.
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Alex Stein is a great troll. His vaccination song in front of the Dallas City Council is good too.
This is the first time I’ve happened across him. I’ll definitely check out the vax song!

edit: here it is and you were right freethinker, this was funnier than the first one!

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I remember a story from back in the 90s, when the chicken pox vaccine came out. A bunch of parents that hosted "pox parties" for their kids so they could catch it and become immune the natural way were arrested and charged with "endangerment." Lobbyists from Big Pharma were pushing politicians to order the arrests. There was so much backlash from the people that the government eventually dropped the charges.
Please everyone here watch this video. It's very important. They will try to force every human in the world if they get away with it. You won't be able to buy or sell without
it if they are successful. Do not ever take this shots. They are marked and similar to if not the mark of the beast.
Congratulations you made it through Race Riots and Covaids. Unfortunately our massa Jews have decided to speed things up even more and you now must hate Russia and embrace WW3!
So I'm at the post office today. There's a sign asking customers to be masked but they stopped enforcing it months ago though the employees still wear one as do most customers. I asked the clerk helping me when she was going to be allowed to take her mask off, then quickly added, "if you want to." Around 55 years old, she said she had gotten used to wearing one. In other words, it's not coming off anytime soon even if the post office gives the go ahead.

Directly behind me in line was a woman around 75 or so. "I'm never taking mine off!" she volunteered, unsolicited. "I'm fully vaccinated and have all the booster shots but I'm afraid of the unvaccinated." She then added that she had just gotten over a bad case of Covid despite being "fully vaxxed"!

It really is a cult via media and government fearmongering, the only difference being that while cults are usually thought of as small in number, this one still has about a third or so of the population still firmly in its grip.
So I'm at the post office today. There's a sign asking customers to be masked but they stopped enforcing it months ago though the employees still wear one as do most customers. I asked the clerk helping me when she was going to be allowed to take her mask off, then quickly added, "if you want to." Around 55 years old, she said she had gotten used to wearing one. In other words, it's not coming off anytime soon even if the post office gives the go ahead.

Directly behind me in line was a woman around 75 or so. "I'm never taking mine off!" she volunteered, unsolicited. "I'm fully vaccinated and have all the booster shots but I'm afraid of the unvaccinated." She then added that she had just gotten over a bad case of Covid despite being "fully vaxxed"!

It really is a cult via media and government fearmongering, the only difference being that while cults are usually thought of as small in number, this one still has about a third or so of the population still firmly in its grip.

So I'm at the post office today. There's a sign asking customers to be masked but they stopped enforcing it months ago though the employees still wear one as do most customers. I asked the clerk helping me when she was going to be allowed to take her mask off, then quickly added, "if you want to." Around 55 years old, she said she had gotten used to wearing one. In other words, it's not coming off anytime soon even if the post office gives the go ahead.

Directly behind me in line was a woman around 75 or so. "I'm never taking mine off!" she volunteered, unsolicited. "I'm fully vaccinated and have all the booster shots but I'm afraid of the unvaccinated." She then added that she had just gotten over a bad case of Covid despite being "fully vaxxed"!

It really is a cult via media and government fearmongering, the only difference being that while cults are usually thought of as small in number, this one still has about a third or so of the population still firmly in its grip.
It's amazing. I was at Sam's Club yesterday because I joined just because their gas prices make the membership more than pay for itself. Anyway, the lady checking the receipts on the way out was probably 25-35. She was wearing a mask but some/most employees weren't. I couldn't help (sarcasm) but tell her that she didn't have to wear it anymore. With raised eyebrows and wide eyes she exclaimed, "Oh, I know!" as if to say, "I'm going to continue to wear it because I am very aware and informed of how deadly and apocalyptic things are!" I just thought to myself how sad and pathetic this deluded woman is.

These people think they are morally superior and smarter because they stay allegiant to the cult you speak of. Mass insanity.
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