Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Now they say something called the "Omicron" variant has emerged in Africa.

Sounds sinister enough to scare a lot of people.

Bill Gates himself must have invented that name. Oh, Micron! Get it?

Can i invent one too? Omigod, it's the Omigod variant! It just popped up on Pitcairns Island! Quick, everybody, get more booster shots!
Omicron is on the A to Z List for this plandemic genocide of worldwide communism!!!

Great picture Don Wassall. What I wish people would know in their minds is that even the secret societies & groups behind this will not benefit it this worldwide
coup succeeds. No one will benefit unless your at the top 1% of the 1%. Think the royal bloodlines. All of the rest who helped them to acheive their goal will be disposed
of like the rest of us when they are done. They want the world all to themselves. Even the former Amazon CEO said we will have to live on the space because they don't want
humans to live on the earth. These people are all nuts. I hope more of the people involved at the higher levels turn from their ways. To kill the majority of the earth and
actually think it's a good thing is as EVIL as it comes. No one has a right to play God here on earth. They can try and they are but ALL WILL BE PUNISHED beyond
anything that we could ever imagine. Woe to those that make evil good and good evil.

As for me I'm on team humanity!
Anyone who has even the most basic understanding of science will know that mutations are random, unpredictable, and do not follow a set pattern. Every single new Covid variant magically and conveniently being more contagious, more dangerous, and scarier than the last is a statistical impossibility. This simply cannot happen in nature. Even if the virus was created in a lab (which it almost certainly was), it's been out in nature for long enough that it will develop its own mutations that follow the normal pattern of there being no pattern.

There are only 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. Once the powers that be run out of Greek letters to name their continuous stream of ever-bigger boogeyman Covid variants, I imagine they'll turn to something like celebrity names. Get ready for the super-contagious Kim Kardashian variant, which will require a booster shot every day and twice on Sundays.
Anyone who has even the most basic understanding of science will know that mutations are random, unpredictable, and do not follow a set pattern. Every single new Covid variant magically and conveniently being more contagious, more dangerous, and scarier than the last is a statistical impossibility. This simply cannot happen in nature. Even if the virus was created in a lab (which it almost certainly was), it's been out in nature for long enough that it will develop its own mutations that follow the normal pattern of there being no pattern.

There are only 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. Once the powers that be run out of Greek letters to name their continuous stream of ever-bigger boogeyman Covid variants, I imagine they'll turn to something like celebrity names. Get ready for the super-contagious Kim Kardashian variant, which will require a booster shot every day and twice on Sundays.
THIS is the mindset and approach we need to take when dealing with other people on this whole issue. Well said. I know there are those we encounter that have had someone they know that have died "with" it and a lot less really "from" it so we should use caution. It's out of hand so voicing opposition at this point is a top priority.
Anyone who has even the most basic understanding of science will know that mutations are random, unpredictable, and do not follow a set pattern. Every single new Covid variant magically and conveniently being more contagious, more dangerous, and scarier than the last is a statistical impossibility. This simply cannot happen in nature. Even if the virus was created in a lab (which it almost certainly was), it's been out in nature for long enough that it will develop its own mutations that follow the normal pattern of there being no pattern.

There are only 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. Once the powers that be run out of Greek letters to name their continuous stream of ever-bigger boogeyman Covid variants, I imagine they'll turn to something like celebrity names. Get ready for the super-contagious Kim Kardashian variant, which will require a booster shot every day and twice on Sundays.

Perhaps not a statistical impossibility but not how it usually works. Viruses always mutate and typically towards less deadly, because dead people don’t pass it on. There are already a few strains out there and there will be more. This announcement is just a political ploy to keep the fear going. They are using it as an excuse to push for more vaccinations even though there is no idea if the current one would offer any protection. It seems as if the global government/media cabal is nothing but the marketing arm for Big Pharma.

Oh and the Dow lost 1000 points on the news. I think someone might possibly profit from this. How about that!
Moderna stock was like $13 last year. now it's $320+ for a share! Pfizer and Moderna are also on Top 10 companies Congress invests in. Cohencidence.
Moderna stock was like $13 last year. now it's $320+ for a share! Pfizer and Moderna are also on Top 10 companies Congress invests in. Cohencidence.
Money equals power and vice versa. This is why I say that in the old Bolshevik Red Russian Revolution (that was responsible for the deaths of millions) that you had what they even admit was a Government-run media corporate conglomerate. Now we have a Media-run Government. At the very least, and less specifically, the Corporations run our government and they are most all headed by the usual suspects promoting all of the globohomo and anti-White agendas in their Leftist, Neo-Bolshevik bag of tricks. I laughed out loud yesterday when I heard the news of the big Dow drop. I knew it was all part of the plan and the hand-rubbers were doing just that.
I laughed out loud yesterday when I heard the news of the big Dow drop. I knew it was all part of the plan and the hand-rubbers were doing just that.

Lol, you are completely correct - it is one big massive joke. Markets don't even budge when the Fed changes interest rates. The price of gold moves completely independently from the news cycle because of how much is wrapped up in futures contracts and arbitrage.

My dad is retired with a comfortable nest egg. I remember the last big Dow 'panic' maybe 6-8 months ago; his financial planner had a busy Friday making emergency calls to all his clients, explaining that this was due to the surge in the Delta variant and advising to sit tight. Yeah right buddy. No one could have possibly predicted that. I wondered if there was a top-down directive at JP Morgan to make all these calls to their boomer investors to 'spread awareness.' Not outside the realm of possibility. But absent that, how condescending is it to distill market news in this manner? Did "the market" think that the lethal Delta variant was going to kill a bunch of consumers? Lol, of course not. If these blips are in any way organic, it is in anticipation of increased GOVERNMENT-IMPOSED LOCKDOWNS. Imagine if every boomer with a retirement fund was motivated to call their local politicians to oppose mandates, closures, and restrictions! Quite a difference from telling them all that there's a deadly virus floating around, and that the prudent move is to sit tight, wait it out, and do absolutely nothing.
Moderna stock was like $13 last year. now it's $320+ for a share! Pfizer and Moderna are also on Top 10 companies Congress invests in. Cohencidence.

Moderna (MRNA) was about 13 in July 2019 before they started their "pandemic". It's now over 336. It went up 22 1/2% on Friday when the media breathlessly warned about the latest Oh,Micron! strain and the rest of the market crashed.
Bill Gates himself must have invented that name. Oh, Micron! Get it?

Can i invent one too? Omigod, it's the Omigod variant! It just popped up on Pitcairns Island! Quick, everybody, get more booster shots!

Maybe they can bring Dustin Hoffman out of retirement for a movie where he flies around in a helicopter chasing down and shooting non-compliants with a vaxx dart gun.

Perhaps not a statistical impossibility but not how it usually works. Viruses always mutate and typically towards less deadly, because dead people don’t pass it on. There are already a few strains out there and there will be more. This announcement is just a political ploy to keep the fear going. They are using it as an excuse to push for more vaccinations even though there is no idea if the current one would offer any protection. It seems as if the global government/media cabal is nothing but the marketing arm for Big Pharma.

Oh and the Dow lost 1000 points on the news. I think someone might possibly profit from this. How about that!

You are correct, viruses do tend to mutate towards less deadly. That makes it even more unbelievable that every new coronavirus strain is more dangerous than the last. Yet that is exactly the narrative the (((media))) are pushing and expect us to swallow.
Get ready guys. Have extra food, water and other safety devices. They want to lock down our country and the world to stop this GREAT AWAKENING. The question
is will Americans and the rest of the world fall for it again? Some hints that martial law is coming soon. Who knows but it's gonna be a long cold scary winter. Just
be ready and expect the unexpected.
I think you can guess the answer to the question posed below.

The Times of India, a media outlet previously very skeptical of Big Pharma, is reporting from the South African Medical Association that officials are puzzled about the hype around Omicron.

The variant has only produced mild symptoms in regional patients with very little impact.

JOHANNESBURG: “The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, Angelique Coetzee, the Chairwomman of the South African Medial Association told sputnik news on Saturday.” … “We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it.”
Changed the letters OMICRON and to get MORONIC! Feels like we are being played. Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste....the Great Re Set demands this!
We are going to witness the First Worldwide Lockdown attemped for everyone on earth for this Omicron which as just another step in this PLANDEMIC SCAMDEMIC.

People of the World. RISE UP NOW. Die on our feet or forvever be a slave. I know you guys think I'm crazy but it's coming.
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