Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Non stop jabs to Tag, Track and Trace you to control the population forever.
Great information. Undoubtedly uncovering the work of satan's servants. This is no tin foil hat stuff anymore. They've planned their work and are working their plan. Our job is to resist, speak out, be wise and know when to speak, when not to, and who not to speak to about "things" they may be duped by the serpents about. This is full-on demonic deception. I may be a Post-Millennialist regarding eschatology but this is a "beast system" nonetheless.

Anybody who hasn't trusted Christ as their Savior needs to do so now! Settle your destiny so even if they take you out early, you are ready to meet your Maker! Amen and amen my CF friends.
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"Pandemic" huh?

Essentially the US death rate has been about the same, or lower, that many other years - and that includes all the people deliberately exterminated in nursing homes and hospital ventilators and killed by their "vaccine".


This chart at the link is an important one. Don't overlook it. It proves that their "pandemic" that they are trying to shut the whole world down over is baloney. I saved it because they will probably disappear it. If there was a real "pandemic" - like the Black Death in the middle ages - the death rate would have gone up 100 times, 1,000 times...

United States - Historical Death Rate Data
Death Rate Growth Rate
2021 8.977 1.090%
2020 8.880 1.120%
2019 8.782 1.120%
2018 8.685 1.220%
2017 8.580 1.240%
2016 8.475 1.270%
2015 8.369 1.270%
2014 8.264 1.290%
2013 8.159 0.090%
2012 8.152 0.090%
2011 8.145 0.090%
2010 8.138 0.090%
2009 8.131 0.090%
2008 8.124 -0.960%
2007 8.203 -0.950%
2006 8.282 -0.960%
2005 8.362 -0.940%
2004 8.441 -0.930%
2003 8.520 -0.330%
2002 8.548 -0.330%
2001 8.576 -0.310%
2000 8.603 -0.320%
1999 8.631 -0.320%
1998 8.659 -0.370%
1997 8.691 -0.360%
1996 8.722 -0.370%
1995 8.754 -0.350%
1994 8.785 -0.360%
1993 8.817 -0.310%
1992 8.844 -0.300%
1991 8.871 -0.300%
1990 8.898 -0.300%
1989 8.925 -0.300%
1988 8.952 0.280%
1987 8.927 0.270%
1986 8.903 0.280%
1985 8.878 0.270%
1984 8.854 0.280%
1983 8.829 -0.050%
1982 8.833 -0.050%
1981 8.837 -0.050%
1980 8.841 -0.050%
1979 8.845 -0.050%
1978 8.849 -1.230%
1977 8.959 -1.210%
1976 9.069 -1.190%
1975 9.178 -1.180%
1974 9.288 -1.170%
1973 9.398 -0.410%
1972 9.437 -0.410%
1971 9.476 -0.420%
1970 9.516 -0.410%
1969 9.555 -0.410%
1968 9.594 0.310%
1967 9.564 0.310%
1966 9.534 0.330%
1965 9.503 0.320%
1964 9.473 0.320%
1963 9.443 0.070%
1962 9.436 0.070%
1961 9.429 0.060%
1960 9.423 0.070%
1959 9.416 0.070%
1958 9.409 -0.320%
1957 9.439 -0.320%
1956 9.469 -0.320%
1955 9.499 -0.310%
1954 9.529 -0.310%
1953 9.559 -0.310%
1952 9.589 -0.310%
1951 9.619 -0.310%
1950 9.649 0.000%
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China: Here is one of the videos they showed when they started their scam in order to instill panic. Note how the man skillfully breaks his fall. He also appears to be wearing protective clothing.

China: Here is one of the videos they showed when they started their scam in order to instill panic. Note how the man skillfully breaks his fall. He also appears to be wearing protective clothing.

Pathetic acting and crowd "extras" coughing and crap! What terrible acting and low grade SciFi optics.
This is what we fell for??! Seriously?! I had never seen that before... Pathetic!!
Pathetic acting and crowd "extras" coughing and crap! What terrible acting and low grade SciFi optics.
This is what we fell for??! Seriously?! I had never seen that before... Pathetic!!

I'd never seen that one before either. The one i remember is a crisis actor in China walking along and then suddenly, in mid stride, he pretends to fall down dead from Covid...with a handy camera that just happened to be filming the action. I'll see if i can find that one.
Why would China want to show any covid deaths? They have denied there is much of a problem there. They list less then 5000 people dead from covid, less then Michigan. I don't think they would need crisis actors for something they don't admit is a crisis.
Why would China want to show any covid deaths? They have denied there is much of a problem there. They list less then 5000 people dead from covid, less then Michigan. I don't think they would need crisis actors for something they don't admit is a crisis.

Those pictures were from when it first started not now. The newspaper doesn't show the dates. There seems to have been a conspiracy to sow panic when it started. It started in Wuhan, China with people allegedly falling dead in the street from "Covid". They changed the Covid script since then. I don't think we r supposed to remember the videos of people - I called them crisis actors* - abruptly falling dead. And again note the US death rate statistics for 2020 and 2021 which were not exceptional years, even with the mass killing of people in nursing homes.

* I have a bad habit of remembering stuff i'm not supposed to, like what i heard and saw on the media on and right after 911. I remember the website which disappeared after Sandy Hook when a lot of people started making the connection. I remember their website very well, how they were advertising for people to perform in realistic crime scenarios. I wondered at that since i was involved with that and never heard of anyone hiring outside actors to perform in those things. I believe they have now even scrubbed from the Internet Archive which, the last time i looked, still had one single entry left, but before that there were many.


Surprisingly one is still left on Internet Archive Wayback Machine, from Oct 2012. Sandy Hook was Dec 2012.
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From 3 days ago. Impressive. Need some of that unity and zeal here.
Sheffield United Star John Fleck Collapses on Pitch During Tuesday Match and Rushed to the Hospital – TV Live Feed Cut when Announcer Asks If He’s Had COVID Jab

The first comment under that:

"Have Zero empathy for these idiots. Before every game in the premier league these fools kneel for “racism” that doesn’t really exist. Keep kneeling fools and take your required boosters."

And another comment:

"Have you all seen the FIVE minute video where all it shows are the soccer players collapsing all over Europe? And dying? It's horrendous. These young, healthy men have never had a chest pain in their lives and you can just see the fear in their eyes when it happens. You can find the video at Natural News I think."
Australia restrictions and tyranny getting worse:
I have tried today emailing Chief "Minister" Michael Gunner. You can't. The links always default to error, unable to send, etc. He is probably being scorched by the Aussies and everyone else. The video White Lightning posted shows who he really is. It's off the charts powergrabbing at its worst.
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Australia restrictions and tyranny getting worse:
I have tried today emailing Chief "Minister" Michael Gunner. You can't. The links always default to error, unable to send, etc. He is probably being scorched by the Aussies and everyone else. The video White Lightning posted shows who he really is. It's off the charts powergrabbing at its worst.

I got news for people. Those are not really quarantine camps. Like the song "Hotel California" you check in but you don't check out. This is MASS GENOCIDE.

There was a head doctor in Germany who last week made a confessional video. He admitted the whole covid was a scam. This doctor on video admitted it's
about worldwide control, communism and he also said genocide. This doctor admitted they are killing people everywhere. Shortly after he posted the video
he committed suicide or so we are told. Many other nurses, doctors and pharmacists along with microbiology experts have said there is no covid virus. They
all risk their lives for speaking the truth. This is why most won't say a word as the GENOCIDE continues.
This is a long 90 minute video from one of the smartest ladies financially in the world. Catherine Austin Fitts says this will be worse than communism. They want
worldwide slavery at a level never seen in the world for those of us lucky enough to somehow make it through this. Scary but a must listen & watch!!!!
American Freedom News