Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The New VAERS Numbers as of July 7th, 2021 and this is just for America and only the numbers that have been officially reported. It's far worse than these numbers show.

438,440 Adverse Events
26,818 Hospitalizations
7,463 Disabled
3,324 Heart Attacks
2,200 Myocarditis Reactions
985 Miscarriages
9048 Deaths

For anyone here that has not taken this poison please don't and spread the word to everyone.
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I've read that VAERS typically captures only 1% of actual figures because the data reporting is bureaucratic, non-fluid, and conservative (exactly the opposite of covid reporting). But since covid is so politicized, VAERS may now actually account for 10% of actual stats.

Imagine that, ~90k deaths from experimental gene therapeutics in half a year, absolute denial from the empire media, and no end in sight to the medical imperatives.

There was a little fluff landmark article this week that global deaths have surpassed 4 million (on a planet of 7.5 billion). Very impressive: now show us death totals where respiratory infection was a contributing factor for other 18-month periods in history.
There have been little to no difference in the death numbers posted by the CDC in the United States or in any country all around the world in the last two years. Nothing outside of the normal figures.

There is no pandemic. Never has been. It's a plandemic called Event 201. Next they will take down the global power systems. May God help us.

My advice to everyone here. First don't take the tests or the vaccines. Second have alot of extra food and water on hand and a generator to produce power in case the sh** hits the fan. Right now as we
speak they are conducting the Cyber Polygon Worldwide Event to simulate a worldwide power shutdown. This will be planned just like Covid. Please listen guys and prepare.
I had my second Pfizer vaccination, and the next day I was severely sick with a fever and couldn't eat anything.

However, I slept it off and by two days later, I was feeling okay again.
Emmanuel Macron, the French president, raised the possibility of forcing all citizens to get vaccinated on Monday, as he announced that jabs would be compulsory from September for health workers to help battle a fresh rise in Covid cases.

"We must go towards vaccination of all French people, it is the only way towards a normal life," Mr Macron said in a televised address to the nation.

"A new race against the clock is on," he said, referring to the highly contagious delta variant.

"We may need to ask ourselves the question of mandatory vaccination for all."
There is no delta variant but just so you guys know they will push this until jan of 2022 or 2023. It's all in the documents. Expect variant after variant.
Remember when this crap first started, way back in March 2020? Remember how we were told at the time that we would just have to lock down for two weeks, then things would get back to normal? Then weeks turned into months, then months turned into years. Then we were told that the vaccine would save us. Now that large numbers of people are vaccinated, we're being given this "delta variant" line, with accompanying calls for mandatory vaccinations, booster shots, and re-imposition of lockdowns. It's all the same thing and there's an excellent term for it - moving the goalposts. Undoubtedly more "variants" of the virus will mysteriously appear, more "booster shots" will be called for, and the cycle will repeat endlessly, with the goalposts being moved every time we get close to the government's latest stated target.

The powers that be are going to continue to milk this and keep doing the same thing until the people make it clear that they've had enough and won't go along with the program anymore.
It's amazing how stupid "normies" are. People are serious buying everything they are selling! LOL 3rd vaccine shot? c'mon man as our President would say.
It's amazing how stupid "normies" are. People are serious buying everything they are selling! LOL 3rd vaccine shot? c'mon man as our President would say.
i know several people who’ve tested “positive” for “covid,” with most being completely asymptomatic and the remainder suffering systems akin to having the flu (which can obviously be rough on those with weak immune systems). what’s really “funny” is that a large percentage of the folks who’ve “gotten covid” did so only AFTER becoming fully vaccinated. “weird,” huh?
For all the non christians out there you might want to research the Mark of the Beast warned about in the Holy Bible thousands of years ago. Eventually a false Anti Christ will declare he is here to save the
world and he will fool most people including christians. To the muslims, budhists and christians many of the select will be fooled along with the non believers. Then he will perform amazing things and bring
about World Peace for a short time. He will also combine all the religions into a new InterFaith One World Religion to join the One World Govt. They also will use an Alien Invasion to try to prove that Aliens
made the earth and all mankind. Yes it's sounds crazy but this is their plan. To make the whole world not believe in the True God and worship the False God Anti Christ. He will force the mark on everyone on
earth. Refusal will equal jail and then death. I hope you guys remember this and don't just think this is nonsense. Rememer these things as we go forward.

People need to wake up fast but I doubt they will. Too many brain dead zombies that will do what there told which will lead us all to the slaughter.
I have a different take on this issue then some here.
This link covers it fairly well:

The short version is that the vaccines currently being used don’t spur the immune system to keep antibody memory for a long time. Usually antibody memory is kept in the bones and is fired up whenever needed.

As can be expected the reaction from a “partial” piece of the virus seems to not last long. Numbers from Israel and Great Britain show that the cases are coming back. Expect the US to follow suit especially when flu season hits. It’s going to get ugly.

The regime knows this is true but is hiding behind the “variant” excuse for the rising numbers. That’s why they are floating a 3rd shot. They don’t want to admit the vaccine is very short term and now down to 60% effective (and falling). Another shot buys them time. Who knows? Maybe it goes away.

My own feeling is that we will need an old fashioned style vaccine which will probably need occasional boosters like the current flu. Basically we are going to have to learn to live with it at some level.
vaccine mandatory for access to food, sports, gym etc in france at the end of this month
i will wait to see if they can actually enforce that especially in communist run cities before i get throught the trouble of getting the vaccine since the communists oppose mandatory vaccination
I have a different take on this issue then some here.
This link covers it fairly well:

The short version is that the vaccines currently being used don’t spur the immune system to keep antibody memory for a long time. Usually antibody memory is kept in the bones and is fired up whenever needed.

As can be expected the reaction from a “partial” piece of the virus seems to not last long. Numbers from Israel and Great Britain show that the cases are coming back. Expect the US to follow suit especially when flu season hits. It’s going to get ugly.

The regime knows this is true but is hiding behind the “variant” excuse for the rising numbers. That’s why they are floating a 3rd shot. They don’t want to admit the vaccine is very short term and now down to 60% effective (and falling). Another shot buys them time. Who knows? Maybe it goes away.

My own feeling is that we will need an old fashioned style vaccine which will probably need occasional boosters like the current flu. Basically we are going to have to learn to live with it at some level.

Thanks for that link. It's nice to see science-based vaccine skepticism instead of nutty conspiracy stuff. I hope this will lead to more science-minded posters who are intimidated by the conspiracy theorists to come out of the woodwork. (See, this is me being more moderate. ;) As a great poster recently said, it's easy to be extreme anonymously on the Internet, it takes a lot more courage to be moderate).

I read some of that guy's other articles where he talks about how the real science shows that the risks from the vaccine are far higher than anything the media's been reporting. Vaccine mandates are bad enough, but if our lords and masters start mandating booster shots, people will be gambling with their own health every few months (or however often the boosters will be required).

I do think there will be pushback from the common people - regular people already have "red alert burnout" or "lockdown burnout" or however you want to call it. The human brain can only stay in crisis mode for so long before it either drops to a lower level of alarm or simply collapses. I agree that eventually, we are going to "learn to live" with the virus for however long it lasts, just like we've learned to live with the flu since the beginning of humanity.
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of messenger RNA vaccine technology, is now being attacked and smeared by the (((media))) because he's been critical of government vaccine policy. (((Google))) is even going so far as to outright lie through their teeth and has now engineered their search results to show "Robert Malone did not invent the messenger RNA vaccine" as the first result in any search for Dr. Malone's name.

Snowball was fighting on Farmer Jones' side at the Battle of the Cowshed. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. We are literally living in an Orwellian nightmare. Our government is literally as bad as Oceania's from 1984, and that's no longer an exaggeration.
If you guys want to get jabbed whenever science tells you to, that's on you LOL.
vaccine mandatory for access to food, sports, gym etc in france at the end of this month
i will wait to see if they can actually enforce that especially in communist run cities before i get throught the trouble of getting the vaccine since the communists oppose mandatory vaccination

**** that. Looks like you better start up a garden and take up some hunting/fishing. Sports and gym can be replaced easily with other more important things. Don't cave in until every refugee in France is vaccinated first.
The last racial break down I saw on a chart had over 60% of whites in America already have taken the vaccine. Only 14% of hispanics and 9% of blacks had. So whites are the dwf's of this medical madness. Remember
guys that less then 1% op healthy people under 70 worldwide die from it. It's actually less than half of 1 percent. You have a better chance to die and be seirously injured from the vaccine. Wake up Brothers!
**** that. Looks like you better start up a garden and take up some hunting/fishing. Sports and gym can be replaced easily with other more important things. Don't cave in until every refugee in France is vaccinated first.

i will only get the vaccine if i'm forced to get it
First France and now England has mandatory vaccinations for everyone. This is not a game. People need to fight this. This is a slow genocide.
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