Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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LA County officials are now trying to back off their "3 month quarantine" declaration, going from "all but certain" (their own words 2 days ago, which they're now eating) to "nothing's set in stone," after massive backlash from all segments of the population.

Like I said yesterday, it's all about trying to see exactly how much they can get away with.
LA County officials are now trying to back off their "3 month quarantine" declaration, going from "all but certain" (their own words 2 days ago, which they're now eating) to "nothing's set in stone," after massive backlash from all segments of the population.

Like I said yesterday, it's all about trying to see exactly how much they can get away with.

Shows how out of touch they are. Their prior success gave them a big head. The Vatos and homeboys down there are ready to tear them a new one. Garcetti and gang better back off.
Just had another flyover from Beale. It was so exciting and inspiring to see those symbols of freedom streak past in the sky.

We know you're all down there frightened and lonely but here's a treat for you little piss ants.

Together we can beat this thing.
Another little bit of positive news (we need all we can get): Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco has stated he will not arrest people who violate California's stay-at-home order.
Nice commentary by actor/director Nick Searcy. Hits the nail on the head here. A virus is something that never goes away, so the communists can play this card forever if they like. And you have to agree or you want to kill grandma.

Nick Searcy: The World Is Ruined and All the Left’s Dreams Have Come True
Posted at 10:30 am on May 15, 2020 by Nick Searcy

The other day when it was really hot, our neighbors were socially distancing in our swimming pool, and I needed to make a perilous virus-dodging run to the bombed-out battlefield we in what used to be America used to call “the grocery store.”

As a proper wrestling fan, I of course possess a luche libre wrestling mask, and so as a joke, I put it on, and announced to the swimmers that I was going in search of dinner and toilet paper.

Laughter ensued.One of them pointed out that my nose and mouth was not sufficiently covered by the Mask of Mil Mascaras, so I even put on a #FaceDiaper (as my golf buddy A.B. calls them).They squealed with delight, screaming “I DARE YOU.” (Yes, “squealed.” You’d have to know my neighbors.)

So, having been dared, I had to do it.I thought, “This will be hilarious. I really should film this. People are going to laugh and laugh…”

This is what I looked like.


I did a whole grocery run, about 20 minutes — and nobody laughed.Not on the way into the store, not while I was shopping, nothing.I got NO ATTENTION whatsoever (and as an international film and television star, this is always VERY upsetting). Nobody thought it was funny, or scary, or weird, or ANYTHING.Nobody noticed. Even the cashier smiled and asked me if I was having a nice day.

Two months ago, she would have called the police.

We have all lost our damn minds.To quote the probably Chinese-financed film “Zoolander”, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

The Left has finally managed to literally ruin the entire world.They’ve destroyed everything — the NBA, the NCAA, college itself, high school, bars, restaurants, golf courses, retail sales, small businesses, bowling alleys, concerts, driving ranges, kids’ soccer, pickup games at the Y, or in fact anything that you used to do for fun — and they never want it to end. The two parties that make up the Left in America, the Democrat Party and the Chinese Communist Party, have, at long last, openly joined forces to punish Americans for the crime of not wanting totalitarian one-party rule like we have in oppressive places like China, North Korea, and California.

They will never let the old America come back if they can help it.They want it dead and gone, and always have.And in the Chinese Virus, or COVID19 or the Moo Shu Achoo or Lung Pao Sicken or whatever “racist” name you want to give it, they have stumbled upon the perfect weapon — because it can never be solved.

You may have it and not have any symptoms — but you may spread this thing with no symptoms to someone else who also may not have symptoms, so you have to stay home.But if someone else gets it and has symptoms, then you are a murderer, so you have to stay home.In order for you to be sure you don’t have it, YOU HAVE TO BE TESTED — but then, even if you test negative for the virus, YOU MIGHT GET IT 30 SECONDS AFTER THE TEST, so you have to stay home.And we can’t ever go back to normal until every single human being in America is tested — but even then, we can’t be sure, so you have to stay home.

Are you getting this?There is no scenario under which you can be absolutely sure, so you have to stay home — and if you try to open your business because the government subsistence check these newly energized Communists are breathlessly sending you isn’t enough for your selfish ass, you need to be put in jail, where we have plenty of room, since we let all the actual criminals out because they might get the virus that is making you stay at home.So the homeless, the rapists, and the violent criminals need to be let out on the streets to keep them safe — But You. Have. To. Stay. Home.

I’m convinced that the fact that none of the new rules make a damn bit of sense is part of their strategy.You can walk around inside a grocery store with a wrestling mask on, but you can’t play golf in the fresh air? You can go in a liquor store, but not a clothing store? You can go to Walmart and buy a video game or a television, but you can’t get your hair done? The damned stupidity of the rules actually force you NOT to think for yourself but simply OBEY, or be punished! “Never mind that the rules don’t make sense, you selfish capitalist bastard!DO YOU WANT TO KILL GRANDMA? Just wait till we let this rapist out of jail, and you can have his cell!”

And where the CCP and the Democrat Party have taken absolute power, they are literally killing Grandma. Andrew Cuomo, the Left’s favorite fantasy replacement candidate for their ridiculous nominee Chauncey the Fingerer, forced patients diagnosed with Winnie the Flu back into rest homes in New York causing hundreds if not thousands of deaths among the elderly that might have been postponed (not prevented, since we are all going to die someday).

The same thing happened in Pennsylvania, where the devastatingly attractive Pennsylvania Health Secretary forced COVID-positive patients into nursing homes while moving her own mother OUT to protect her, therefore knowingly endangering and killing countless grandmas while saving her own.

And now in CA, the only two relevant political parties (again, I am talking about the Democrats and the CCP) have decreed that the lockdown must last another three months.Never mind the statistics that say the virus has a survival rate of around 99%. You have to understand that this isn’t about saving Grandma, as Cuomo and the glamorous PA Health Secretary demonstrate. This isn’t about public health, or safety, or medicine.Like everything else the CCP and the Democrats do or say, this is about — you guessed it — Trump.

They are trying to destroy the economy, and wipe out the middle class, because they think it will hurt Trump.The Russian collusion lie did not work.The Ukrainian lie did not work (while #ObamaGate is revealing that the Democrats were projecting AGAIN. The Left always accuses their opponents of what they they are doing themselves).None of the “insurance policies” that Strozk and Page claimed they had set up have worked.

But this COVID nonsense is working, and probably precisely because it doesn’t make sense.Cuomo in New York even admitted that 60% of the newly diagnosed patients were people who were “sheltering at home.” Los Angeles has decreed that you MUST wear a mask whenever you are outside, forcing everyone to deplete their own immune systems rather than building natural immunities by getting some “fresh air,” as our Grandmas used to recommend before America’s Cuomos started deliberately wiping them out.

“Never mind that it doesn’t make sense, you silly MAGA-hat wearing racists!OBEY THE EXPERTS or be punished by the glorious and all-knowing State!”

The Left will never voluntarily give this power they have back.Our only chance is through civil disobedience.We will see, over the next few weeks, if there are enough of us left to bring America back to full normal.But don’t expect any help from the blue states that are dominated by the DNC and the CCP.They have finally utterly smashed the evil capitalist pigs and shut them down completely.Their long-awaited fevered totalitarian dreams are, at the moment, coming to full fruition.

It is time for us to throw away the useless #facediapers they are deliberately subjugating and humiliating us with, and don our lucha libre masks instead.We are going to have to get in the ring with these leftist heels sooner or later and wrestle for the fate of the country.

Let’s get ready to rumble.
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Great article, and I was just checking out the website it came from and found this. (BTW, when copying and pasting an article, it's important to include the link so that CF doesn't potentially get in trouble for a copyright violation.)

CDC Official Has Solution for Vaccine Refusers: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’

Here is another video of that event - and like Dr Baker of the CDC said in your post below, that is just what I was thinking the reaction of the World Vampire would be to seeing that Long Island, NY protest: We need to flood Long Island with the scum of the third world (excluding, of course, the exclusive north shore and the Hamptons and Fire Island).
War on Terror
War on Drugs
War on Poverty
War on Viruses

We've heard it all before, how we must make war on the bad thing and in the process sacrifice our civil liberties. But since all the bad things are things that will never go away, the wars will be endless and our freedom will never come back.

And while this "war on coronavirus" has many similarities to all these earlier wars, never before have our overlords taken war-inspired totalitarianism to quite such an extreme. "Never let a good opportunity go to waste" is their motto, and this must seem like the best opportunity ever.
Notice how this Baker c*** who wants to "Get rid of all Whites in the United States" calls herself a "minority". So without saying she's a jew she's telling us she's a jew. And her hatred for Whites openly calling for our death is proof enough. If Trump or any high-ranking person had any integrity or balls they'd have her fired immediately and investigated, crawling up her ass with a microscope and laser beam searching for anything to nail the bitch on. What an evil political whore.
Great article, and I was just checking out the website it came from and found this. (BTW, when copying and pasting an article, it's important to include the link so that CF doesn't potentially get in trouble for a copyright violation.)

CDC Official Has Solution for Vaccine Refusers: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’
As a nurse I've dealt with actual anti-vaxxers (not people who have legitimate concerns about being guinea pigs for a new COVID-19 vaccine that will surely be rushed through the process from start to finish due to social pressure, but actual anti-vaxxers who refuse to get their children vaccinated for polio or measles but still want to send them to our public schools). Most of those people are "fresh off the boat," non-white immigrants who cite pagan superstitions for their refusal (and diseases like polio and measles that previously have been eradicated in the First World are making a comeback because Third World immigrants are bringing them here).

Negative stereotyping of White people has been drilled so deeply into people's heads by the Jewish media that many now have the mentality of "only whites can have X bad trait," whether it be serial killer, child molester, flat earther, anti-vaxxer, etc. (even though actual statistics show that Whites are under-represented in all of the aforementioned categories).
As a nurse I've dealt with actual anti-vaxxers (not people who have legitimate concerns about being guinea pigs for a new COVID-19 vaccine that will surely be rushed through the process from start to finish due to social pressure, but actual anti-vaxxers who refuse to get their children vaccinated for polio or measles but still want to send them to our public schools). Most of those people are "fresh off the boat," non-white immigrants who cite pagan superstitions for their refusal (and diseases like polio and measles that previously have been eradicated in the First World are making a comeback because Third World immigrants are bringing them here).

Negative stereotyping of White people has been drilled so deeply into people's heads by the Jewish media that many now have the mentality of "only whites can have X bad trait," whether it be serial killer, child molester, flat earther, anti-vaxxer, etc. (even though actual statistics show that Whites are under-represented in all of the aforementioned categories).

I don't think there is any such thing as a serious "flat earther". It is just schtick that the enemy controlled media uses to try to mock what they call "conspiracy theories".
Something I've noticed, especially on easily changeable sites like Wikipedia, is Orwellian-style revisionist history about the Spanish flu in which people are pretending that the measures the government took back then were far more draconian than they really were, in order to "justify" the draconian measures our overlords are taking now. A popular tactic is the use of real historical pictures with fake captions, such as claiming that a train conductor is refusing boarding to passengers not wearing masks when in reality he's just checking tickets.

As the culture of fear and blind obedience grows stronger, I'm seeing more people wearing masks inside their own cars now.
Something I've noticed, especially on easily changeable sites like Wikipedia, is Orwellian-style revisionist history about the Spanish flu in which people are pretending that the measures the government took back then were far more draconian than they really were, in order to "justify" the draconian measures our overlords are taking now. A popular tactic is the use of real historical pictures with fake captions, such as claiming that a train conductor is refusing boarding to passengers not wearing masks when in reality he's just checking tickets.

As the culture of fear and blind obedience grows stronger, I'm seeing more people wearing masks inside their own cars now.

At least one so far, apparently suffering from oxygen deprivation because of the mask she was driving with, lost control of her car, crashed, and died.
American Freedom News