Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The elderly and injured and sick white people are locked in their rooms in the nursing homes and no visitors are allowed. The attendants, often black, can be just as cruel as they want to be, and when the person dies they just write down cause of death: Covid.

April 21, 2020


NY Times: 70 Died at a Nursing Home as Body Bags Piled Up.



As we have repeatedly stated, the Covid-19 lock-down of millions of helplessly isolated seniors provided the planners of this Satanic scheme with the perfect opportunity to artificially inflate the fake "death toll" numbers by incentivizing the murder of drugged-up inmates of various nursing homes. But nothing could have prepared us for the slaughter which occurred at the Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center II in Andover, N.J. As far as we can tell, the seniors incarcerated at this notoriously sub-standard facility lacked the means to afford one of the better nursing homes in northern New Jersey. How much easier it must be for the self-professed champions of the poor to silently slaughter the poor with morphine injections and/or lung-busting ventilators; before finally tagging the deceased as "Covid" --- 70 of them in all! And in rapidly ageing America, there will be plenty of new replacement inmates to take their beds and initiate a new round of MediCare billing // asset confiscation.

A sad tale of filth and horror -- from the article:

"Residents were crowded three to a room, and as the outbreak worsened, so did sanitary conditions. Spilled food littered the floors. ...Workers said they hurriedly made their rounds, dispensing medicine, changing bedsheets, feeding those who could not feed themselves and doing other tasks that brought them into close contact with residents.

After receiving an anonymous tip last Monday, the police found 17 bodies in bags in a small holding room at the Andover facility. The startling discovery illustrated the toll that the coronavirus outbreak has taken on the nation’s nursing homes and other congregate facilities that house society’s most vulnerable, including older people and those with mental and physical disabilities."

We hadn't thought about the mentally disabled. Evidently, they are being put down and tagged "Covid" too.




1. Brian Roberts, left, with his uncle Albert Roberts, 76, who died April 1 at the Andover nursing home. // 2. The House of Horrors at Andover // 3. Sedate -- Neglect & Abuse -- Kill -- Tag as "Covid"

With few on the inside caring, and no one from the outside allowed in to visit or monitor; one can only imagine the sort of undignified abuse and spirit-crushing neglect these poor isolated souls were subjected to at the hands of their now unchecked tormentors. This is especially so for the poorer Whites under the "care" of certain "people of color" who might actually enjoy "getting even" with some helpless, old, diaper-wearing, Trump-supporting "racist ." The final "squirt" would have come as a blessing to these pitiful abandoned wretches whose lives count for even less than unborn babies in this land that was once referred to as "God's country."

A nursing home "holocaust" is taking place right under our noses. Oh, incidentally -- speaking of the Holohoax -- ya just knew that stories like these were comin' --

  • New York Post (April 16): New Jersey Holocaust Survivor Dies Due to Complications From Coronavirus
  • New York Times (April 17): Lives Lost: Holocaust Survivor was Israel's First Virus Victim
  • Daily Mail (UK) (April 18): Holocaust Survivor, 90, Dies From Covid 19
  • ABC News (April 19): For Holocaust Survivors, Coronavirus Pandemic Reopens Old Wounds
(((They))) never miss an opportunity to to add new stanzas to the song that never ends about the event that never happened, do they? But I digress.




1. February, 2020: Long Island health care worker Andrea Richards was arrested for punching a 92-year-old White woman in the face. // 2. October, 2019: North Carolina: Tonacia Yvonne Tyson, Taneshia Deshawn Jordan and Marilyn Latish McKey were arrested for making white dementia patients fight each other while being filmed. // 2014: Winter Haven, Florida, Yashika Jones and Rose Blaise were caught by a hidden camera beating an elderly White man with dementia.

This is all so depressing -- and its wearing on all of us, I'm sure. The murders -- the lies -- the hardships -- the press conferences -- the Orwellian "public health" announcements -- the ruined businesses -- the mandatory masks & idiotic "social distancing" and -- most of all -- the obedient, fearful, dumb-as-dirt "normies" all around us who make Orwell's fictional character "Parsons" seem like frickin' Plato by comparison.

And yet, "The Editorial Board" here at The Anti-New York Times still isn't ready to "throw-in-the-towel" of surrender just yet. Nonetheless, one can't help but notice, that after hearing chants of "lock her up" (meaning Killary) emanating from Trump rallies for the past four years -- the only people we see being locked up and executed are these poor Seniors -- my recently departed and dear Uncle Joe being among them.

Something has got to happen -- and soon.





1. My Uncle Joe went to rehab (not the one in Andover) for his legs, and was then diagnosed with Covid. Warnings to normie cousins went unheeded as he was essentially kidnapped, isolated and sedated for 4 weeks -- followed by sudden death after supposedly being in recovery. // 2 &3. CoronaHoaxer MURDERERS Bill &Manly Melinda Gates, and Dr. Anthony Fauci are all recipients of "The Presidential Medal of Freedom." These filthy stinking pieces-of-**** should all be slowly strangled with those undeserved ribbons!



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times about a New Jersey nursing home in which 70 people died from Covid.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's scary. There's no way we can open up the economy with that type of mortality going on.


St. Sugar: People who work aren't the ones dying, Boobuss! Although the numberss are fake, the alleged victimss are all very old or in poor health to begin with!

Editor: I read the other day that average age of deceased Covid patients is 80 years old -- and probably most of those people were deliberately "whacked" in their beds too.
Thanks for the post and report. It saddens me but angers me more that these scum do this to old people in nursing homes. They should face prison or worse immediately.
No doubt the nursing home incidents are the in large part the consequences of having the media play up tensions and animosities against whites every chance they get, and the school system. Many more crazy "hotep/woke" types literally see whites as demons for example. So they unleash their envy and hatred on whites not much able to defend themselves.
No doubt the nursing home incidents are the in large part the consequences of having the media play up tensions and animosities against whites every chance they get, and the school system. Many more crazy "hotep/woke" types literally see whites as demons for example. So they unleash their envy and hatred on whites not much able to defend themselves.

This is spot on! The media and the schools have been promoting hatred toward white people for decades. And innocent white people are being murdered because of it!
No doubt the nursing home incidents are the in large part the consequences of having the media play up tensions and animosities against whites every chance they get, and the school system. Many more crazy "hotep/woke" types literally see whites as demons for example. So they unleash their envy and hatred on whites not much able to defend themselves.

What does hotep mean or refer to?
What does hotep mean or refer to?

I used it more as a general term for the woke crowd (who are usually just twitter leftists) but outside of it's literal meaning it usually refers to a sect of "enlightened" blacks who believe ancient Egypt, the Moors and many important figures in history were actually black (I'm sure most people who have been on the internet long enough have heard these theories). Many have their own mythology which casts white people's origins as aliens/demons/experiments which is why I mentioned them as well, though they probably wouldn't have nearly as insane views on whites without external agitation from school and media as well.
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The White Man as devil incarnate goes back a long way in the teachings of the Black Muslims, some really crazy stuff, but for sure more widespread now thanks to the endless hate coming from the "mainstream" media, the internet and educational institutions towards Whites.
The White Man as devil incarnate goes back a long way in the teachings of the Black Muslims, some really crazy stuff, but for sure more widespread now thanks to the endless hate coming from the "mainstream" media, the internet and educational institutions towards Whites.
The Hoteps are basically very larpy black nationalists but they are not nearly as wacky as the Black Hebrew Israelites. In fact, many of the Hoteps are woke on the JQ and willing to find common ground (living separately) with White Nationalists. Uncle Hotep and Hotep Jesus would be the “intellectuals” of their movement.
Tucker going all out in this monologue and I wonder how many elitists would like to take him out. I don't watch or listen to him as I don't have cable, but he is an outlier for sure in a msm world of lies and evil. This is from tonight. Really spot on:

Tucker is very good, a genuine populist voice in the "mainstream" media wilderness. I've been watching him a lot of late, especially since this "pandemic" started with the resulting policy of instantly putting tens of millions of Americans out of work. Laura Ingraham has also been good, while blowhard Sean Hannity remains an unregistered agent of Israel, replete with a CIA lapel pin, one of three he sports each night on his show. His allegiances are anything but hidden for those who have any ability to think for themselves.
Tucker going all out in this monologue and I wonder how many elitists would like to take him out. I don't watch or listen to him as I don't have cable, but he is an outlier for sure in a msm world of lies and evil. This is from tonight. Really spot on:

Very good.

Still the treasonous little satanic rat Fauci is there and Prez is still what, "investigating"?
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Confirmed Coronavirus cases in my county stuck at 16 the last two weeks

That's with 900 or so tested.
I'm hoping even the most brain-dead normies are starting to see the whole doomsday crap is all bullshite. The powergrab from the untouchables is undeniable now even to the sloths if they just look.
One of the biggest dangers starting worldwide now is how they have broken the supply of the food chains. Most of the meat factories have been shut down, many farms with no workers and crops dieing everywhere. Expect massive
hyper inflation everywhere and worldwide food shortages. Please do your best to prepare gentlemen. I don't know if we will ever see normal with how things used to be. Just feel bad for the whole world as billions could die in
the coming years. Not trying to scare people. Just trying to help us to be ready for what is coming. Please take care guys. I miss sports but we are in for a struggle of epic proportions. Would love to be wrong on this but everything you
see and read is talking about it. The stores get worse and worse. May God help us as it's not looking good.
Yeah I see the story shifting from the virus to the unnecessary damage caused by this over reaction. I'm not an immunologist or any related profession. I do hold a B- in Biology 101 from my time at a community college many years ago. Still, I don't know much about no damn virus. Not even sure what a virus is. So I'm just watching the people.

One thing I've noticed is the reaction of the gentler sex. Almost to a man, er, person, they're totally on board with this "social distancing" and "shelter in place" stuff. Even the ones who seem to lean right politically. It seems there is some natural wiring coming into play. The protective and submissive side to female nature that no amount of social programming can completely eradicate. Along with a willingness to attack the con compliant.

I was talking to a lady friend (from six feet away) the other day and I brought up the lack of cases vs the numbers tested. Nine hundred tested, sixteen cases. She's very right wing. But she saw no reason to question any of what's going on.
Yeah I see the story shifting from the virus to the unnecessary damage caused by this over reaction. I'm not an immunologist or any related profession. I do hold a B- in Biology 101 from my time at a community college many years ago. Still, I don't know much about no damn virus. Not even sure what a virus is. So I'm just watching the people.

One thing I've noticed is the reaction of the gentler sex. Almost to a man, er, person, they're totally on board with this "social distancing" and "shelter in place" stuff. Even the ones who seem to lean right politically. It seems there is some natural wiring coming into play. The protective and submissive side to female nature that no amount of social programming can completely eradicate. Along with a willingness to attack the con compliant.

I was talking to a lady friend (from six feet away) the other day and I brought up the lack of cases vs the numbers tested. Nine hundred tested, sixteen cases. She's very right wing. But she saw no reason to question any of what's going on.
Hock, I have to agree with you. I live in a conservative city in Texas, almost old school. But every time I go to the store the masks on women outnumber the men 5 to 1, at the very least. And God knows they are still watching the Lie Box day in and day out hearing the same fear-mongering lies over and over and the same narrative, all day, every day sitting at home, "sheltering in place" and learning all that absolutely disgusting, puke-inducing Leftist-speak and all this new terminology. I hate the term "social-distancing" with every fiber of my being now. My attitude has turned a corner I never knew could even exist. You guys can pray for me.
Honestly I wish this damn lock down would never have happened. Not just because of the expansion of government power and the collapse of the economy but for the way it will have changed life for a long time.

No matter how much of a phony pandemic this may be there is still a part of me that is concerned about exposure to a disease that is killing off a lot of people in a pretty nasty manner. And it's changed the way I view people. A month or so ago I went about my business without a worry about germs. Sure I washed my hands when needed but if the guy in the next cubicle was sick or coughing I didn't really care. Once in a while I caught something and was sick for a few days but I didn't concern myself where it had come from or how I had gotten it. That was just life.

Now you have got to worry about everything even shaking hands?!? I'm a hand shaker. I frequently greet colleagues with a hand shake. Just to start the day off or open a conversation. I guess that's off the table.

I'm a member of a big gregarious family, when we get together we hug, laugh, and spend time together in conversation. I haven't seen them in weeks. My kids won't come by because they think they may possibly infect me or my wife and who wants that on your conscience?

A lot of people are loners or homebodies. I'm not, I don't even watch much TV, I have at least three weekly activities that gets me together in large groups in public places for fun and hi-jinks. That's all done with and really I can't see a lot of it coming back. Are the 70 plus oldsters in my card club going to get together any time soon at the bar? I doubt it. I know a lot of people here are religious and while my adherence to the Word is probably a lot less then many here, I still went nearly every week if only to pal around with my brother Knights. I haven't seen the inside of a church in a while. And I don't expect to for a while.

And sports. I can't see myself getting together with 30-50 thousand strangers in the Detroit area anytime soon. Not even going to watch at a crowded bar. We're expected to put on masks? What an unpleasant, inconvenient, ridiculous thing to have to do. We can't even move through life like normal humans anymore, were going to have to block off our face because our very environment is so dangerous that just breathing the air can kill us.

It's crazy, it's a real life nightmare. It doesn't seem like it will be over any time soon. I can rail about how phony it is and how it's exaggerated but the mentality is here and it's here to stay. It probably doesn't go away when it gets warm, everyone is not going to get "bored" of it and suddenly go back to the way it was.

It would have been much better to just let the disease run it's course. Comfort the afflicted, and let life go on. No, we had to restructure life and the way it's lived. Now we're stuck with it. Lots of people are going to get sick, a good number are going to die, and that would have happened with or without the lock down. So what was the f-ing point?
At the end of the Spring if statistics were legitimately kept (which they are not at all now) the flu is probably going to kill more people. We'll never know though because all the numbers are padded.

If one of us were riding our bicycles and got hit by a semi-truck, and it took us a couple of days to die at the hospital then they would still probably list us as covid-19 deaths because we had "difficulty breathing" towards the end. Not to mention the 39 thousand bucks that they get reimbursed for all covid-19 deaths!

Social Engineering 101 is firmly in place.
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Has there been a well-known person under the age of 70 who's died from Covid-1984, or was even seriously ill?
Has there been a well-known person under the age of 70 who's died from Covid-1984, or was even seriously ill?
I like what you did there ( And, "No", except for that singer someone listed the other day that I can't recall but wasn't he in his upper 60s probably with a life of drug and alcohol use?
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