Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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does any member here on this board personally know anyone who has contracted this wuhan virus?
I might take home the prize for knowing the most infected people.

My cousin and his wife tested positive this week. They live in Florida and both work at a hospital. They have been quarantined even before the test result came back. Both recovering well.

I have a good friend who lives on Long Island who also tested positive this week along with an older family member. His in-laws are assumed to have it as well but the doctor ran out of tests. My buddy told me he’s already almost 100% healthy again. He compared the symptoms to having a mild flu.

My wife also knows someone she went to HS with who tested positive with his wife and young child. All are already recovered and they are also LI residents. So in total in know 7 people for sure and 2 more who are assumed likely.

Overall I feel like the virus is highly contagious but overall not as deadly as it’s being portrayed. Even with that said, my family and I are not taking chances and are hunkered down pretty good. Better safe than sorry IMO.
A second co-worker came down with it. He has had it for 2 weeks. He is getting better. A fever comes and goes. He is 54 years old and a smoker. Hopefully is full recovery is near.

NYC reports over 500 deaths this morning!
There is something peculiar about the incidence occurring in the USA. The epicenter both for occurrence and death appears to be NY state. NY has about 6 percent of the US population has 52 percent of the covid-19 cases and 26 percent of the fatal cases and both numbers appear to be rising. I do not know who Covid-19 is infecting and killing but a lot of them live in NY.
I got my answer as to who is dieing in NY this morning. One of the Hasidic communities produced a 64% positive rate when mass testing was launched. Apparently covid-19 is not an equal opportunity infector
I got my answer as to who is dieing in NY this morning. One of the Hasidic communities produced a 64% positive rate when mass testing was launched. Apparently covid-19 is not an equal opportunity infector
By chance is it in Kiryas Joel?

My friend who lives in Orange County NY, where this jewish settlement is located, has told me they have tons of cases there. For those not red pilled on Kiryas Joel, it’s a “village” that sprung out of the town of Monroe in the 1970s due to a migration of 500 Jews of a particular sect. They’ve been breeding like rabbits to the point that the village has a higher density than The Bronx. They fleece the welfare system to the tune of 2/3rds of the residents claiming benefits. They also vote as a bloc to control the local politicians to get exactly what they want. Usually it’s more land to expand their ever growing ghetto. They literally use the same tactic they do against the Palestinians to keep taking more and more of their land.
Article discussing suicides outnumbering coronavirus deaths in Tennessee and suicide hotlines blowing up all over the country. But that’s okay, since these are usually white people and we need to get rid of them anyway. Let’s keep the economy shut down for another six months! After all, this is the deadliest pandemic ever, one cough *cough* and you’re dead!
By chance is it in Kiryas Joel?

My friend who lives in Orange County NY, where this jewish settlement is located, has told me they have tons of cases there. For those not red pilled on Kiryas Joel, it’s a “village” that sprung out of the town of Monroe in the 1970s due to a migration of 500 Jews of a particular sect. They’ve been breeding like rabbits to the point that the village has a higher density than The Bronx. They fleece the welfare system to the tune of 2/3rds of the residents claiming benefits. They also vote as a bloc to control the local politicians to get exactly what they want. Usually it’s more land to expand their ever growing ghetto. They literally use the same tactic they do against the Palestinians to keep taking more and more of their land.
Yes it was Kira’s Joel
Dr Fauci expects 100K-200K deaths from COVID 19.
Dr Fauci expects 100K-200K deaths from COVID 19.

Yes, and let's keep the country shut down for months maybe until June like I am hearing. We will see riots and suicides from this. I suspect millions already had this virus and didn't know or didn't show symptoms. The tests are garbage.
9 deaths. 129 people killed themselves each day last year in America. You want to save people with mental health issues that want to die but don't care about those who want to live. You don't understand statistics and the difference between .001 and .08 and also don't understand what effect .08 dying all at once would have on the economy and the healthcare system.

I understand the situation we are in is new and it must be scary especially when you can't comprehend the big picture. You just want things to go "back to the way they were" but that's not possible right now.

The economy isn't shut down so nobody dies, it's shut down so not everyone gets sick at once and overloads the system. We're doing fairly well compared to most of Europe.

Still with the quarantine the deaths have quadrupled in the last week. Without the quarantine we wind up in the same place, except there's not enough people to work and things shut down anyway and it takes years to recover. This is what happened during the Spanish flu, which statistically killed around 2 percent of those it infected.

I understand things are bad right now and I wish you the best.
- British boxer Anthony Yarde has announced that his father has passed away after contracting coronavirus.

The 28-year-old said his father was healthy and suffering from no underlying health issues and urged people to stay at home and stop ignoring lockdown measures. “I’m a very private person and TBH I’m still in shock but maybe this can help people stay home,” Yarde wrote on Instagram.

“My dad passed away from this virus yesterday and he was fit with no health issues. The more people go out and mingle the longer this isolation will last and the more it will spread. “I’m not a doctor but I do know if you stay home you are less likely to catch it or pass it on. It’s seriously not worth the risk.”

A statement released by Yarde’s promoter, Frank Warren, read: “Frank Warren and everyone at Queensberry Promotions would like to express sincere condolences to Anthony Yarde and his family after the untimely passing of his father. “Coronavirus is an issue affecting all of us, but that doesn’t make the individual casualties any less tragic.

- Alan Merrill has died of COVID-19. Older members here will remember this hit song he wrote:

By chance is it in Kiryas Joel?

My friend who lives in Orange County NY, where this jewish settlement is located, has told me they have tons of cases there. For those not red pilled on Kiryas Joel, it’s a “village” that sprung out of the town of Monroe in the 1970s due to a migration of 500 Jews of a particular sect. They’ve been breeding like rabbits to the point that the village has a higher density than The Bronx. They fleece the welfare system to the tune of 2/3rds of the residents claiming benefits. They also vote as a bloc to control the local politicians to get exactly what they want. Usually it’s more land to expand their ever growing ghetto. They literally use the same tactic they do against the Palestinians to keep taking more and more of their land.

That's all the truth. I know that area pretty well.

Meanwhile the long corrupt FBI, which now seems to be behaving like a branch of the SPLC-Antifa-Mossad-Jewish Defense League, is putting out totally made up reports with zero evidence about a "white nationalist plot" to infect Jews, police, and "people of color", widely repeated by the controlled mainstream media, like here:

"NEW YORK -- Extremist groups, including neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, have encouraged members to spread COVID-19 to police officers and Jews, according to an FBI report obtained by ABC News."

Russia Insider has a good article on it:
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I believe death rates in overpopulated third world countries are much higher than being reported.

You need to understand that many people in those places are relatively simple and uncommunicative, the governments don't have a clue what's going on. And many dictators in African countries don't care about the people or even really keep statistics.
CFers take this with a grain of salt. I just finished speaking to my brother who is an MD. He advised that this COVID19 will drag out till the summer of 2021, or until a vaccine is developed. There will be a slow down during the summer months. He said at least 1 million people will die at that time! Not the 100k-200K that Dr. Fauci stated!
I believe death rates in overpopulated third world countries are much higher than being reported.

You need to understand that many people in those places are relatively simple and uncommunicative, the governments don't have a clue what's going on. And many dictators in African countries don't care about the people or even really keep statistics.


However, keep in mind that 3rd World, say, African nations have some key advantages over "1st World" European nations: 1) Less Migration through international flights, tourism, and border crossings so much more difficult for the virus to get in to begin with and spread as we have seen in Europe due to open borders. I believe many African nations also attempted to restrict travel before many Western European nations did. 2) It's a lot warmer in Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Although with COVID19 they are still studying it, generally, flus and coronaviruses with similar properties tend to proliferate in colder, wintery climates.
9 deaths. 129 people killed themselves each day last year in America. You want to save people with mental health issues that want to die but don't care about those who want to live. You don't understand statistics and the difference between .001 and .08 and also don't understand what effect .08 dying all at once would have on the economy and the healthcare system.

I understand the situation we are in is new and it must be scary especially when you can't comprehend the big picture. You just want things to go "back to the way they were" but that's not possible right now.

The economy isn't shut down so nobody dies, it's shut down so not everyone gets sick at once and overloads the system. We're doing fairly well compared to most of Europe.

Still with the quarantine the deaths have quadrupled in the last week. Without the quarantine we wind up in the same place, except there's not enough people to work and things shut down anyway and it takes years to recover. This is what happened during the Spanish flu, which statistically killed around 2 percent of those it infected.

I understand things are bad right now and I wish you the best.
That's all well and good but I don't believe the statistics that we have. The rate of infection is probably far more than is being reported, with most, especially those under 50 experiencing very minor symptoms. Throws those in and the 99% death rate goes way down. Plus I don't trust the WHO at all. What is going to be worse, the Wuhan virus or the massive global depression that may end up killing and impoverishing millions due to suicide, starvation and other disease that results? That's the big picture.

By Jesse Morrell

You have to have foresight and think this through rationally and logically, not hysterically with panic.

Look at the actual data of the virus - the death toll and the mortality rate, and see if that merits a global economic collapse and global depression. It doesn’t.

Think through the logical chain reaction of an economic shutdown.

First everyone stays home so people don’t go to work. Businesses get a month of no revenue and go bankrupt. After just a few days of loss of revenue big companies already had to do mass layoffs.

There won’t be jobs for people to return to if all the industries crash. Our government cannot bail out every industry in the country. Not to mention the loss of revenue counties, states, and the federal government will suffer from this.

50% of the country is employed by small businesses and even large companies are already doing mass layoffs. Norwegian Air laid off 90% of their staff. Businesses, small and large, go bankrupt. People don’t have jobs and can’t pay their mortgages.

Do you know what fractional reserve banking is? It means the money you think is in the bank isn’t there. They loaned it out and pay the withdrawals from the interest payments coming in.

What happens when banks don’t get their interest payments, they cannot pay their depositors and the banks fail.

Last month when the economy was great a bank failed. How many will fail when there is mass unemployment? If the whole nation isn’t working, ALL the banks will fail. That means everyone loses whatever they had in the bank.

That is why it’s called bank-rupt. It’s what happened in the Great Depression after the stock market crash.

That means you can’t feed your family. You can’t buy anything. All your cash is gone. Your bank card won’t work. It’s just whatever change you have in your pocket or cash tucked away.

But wait. The FDIC insured the nations depositors up to $250,000 an account. Yes, but just like the bank does fractional reserve banking, insurance does fractional reserve insurance.

The FDIC doesn’t have enough money to cover all the banks they insure. If everyone makes a claim, insurance companies go bankrupt.

Already, the reserve amount required by the Federal Reserve has dropped from 10% reserves down to 0%, meaning banks are not required right now to have any reserve to cover their depositors.

“the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions”

When a banks reserves hit only 9% in the past, the FDIC deemed it insolvent and shut it down. Now they can go down to 0%. This means the banks are either already collapsing or they see the collapse around the corner.

When the banks don't have enough money to cover their depositors, the FDIC will turn to the federal reserve to print more money. Can the tax payer bail out every depositor in the country???? Can you say hyperinflation and currency collapse? Look at what happened in Venezuela!

Currencies have collapsed under less severe circumstances than a nationwide economic shutdown!

And an economic collapse is the perfect conditions for a socialist revolution - the government rebuilding the economy. They already have made the masses dependent on the government for their monthly income. If the country collapses, they will look to the government to fix it. They already talked about bailing out big industries in exchange for equity. And government ownership of the economy is communism.

But a global economic collapse is too big to even be bailed out by the tax payer. You think the economy will just bounce back?? It took them ten years to get out of the Great Depression. And they only had 24.9% unemployment! They are already talking 35% unemployment for America right now and it’s just the beginning if it doesn’t end soon.

Think worse than the Great Depression. Think greatest economic catastrophe in our nations history. Even the Great Depression didn’t shut down the economy of the entire nation.

We already saw a run on Wall Street. We saw a run on Walmart. And it’s just a matter of time before we see a run on the banks. That’s the real reason they are closing branches, limiting their hours, and limiting your withdrawal amount.

We already saw what happens to Walmart when people panic. Empty shelves. Hoarding causes scarcity and scarcity causes more hoarding. But that is just the beginning of the shortages. If you shut down 50% of our countries production, there will be massive shortages. Think massive starvation.

If you shut down 50% production, you also are shutting down 50% distribution, which means shortages of 50% consumption.

And the economy is so interconnected that one thing affects another until it’s not a ripple affect but a tsunami.

So the food industry stays open. But what about the plastic factories that service them? Or the cardboard factories? The economy is all interconnected.

Doctors can’t get to the hospital to save lives if their car breaks down, Uber was shut down, dealerships shut down, and mechanics shut down. Say the mechanics stay open but with everyone staying home, they go bankrupt anyways.

More people would die from the coming global economic collapse than the people who would die from the virus itself.

The cure is worse than the disease.

And the CDC wanted to shut down the economy of the entire nation until July August the earliest??? Are you insane? There won’t be a nation at that point.

You think small towns and small businesses can go 4-5 months without revenue. Businesses collapse after weeks of no revenue. 4-5 months and every business is bankrupt and every American unemployed. And that’s just America.

Following our bad example, now UK and India shutdown their economies. We are taking billions of people unemployed for a virus that right now has only claimed 20,000 lives worldwide. The flu alone claims 250,000 lives every single year but we don’t collapse the economy and plunge the world into global depression.

The economy is like a bicycle. Lots of moving parts. You need to keep it moving or it falls down. Go to slow and the ride is over. You can’t just pause the economy of a nation. This is reality. An economy is essential to a nation. An economy is not optional. You can’t just pause or stop an economy.

Fauci is an expert on viruses not the economy. He even said he is not thinking of the economy and that overreacting to this virus is the right thing to do. Wrong.

If you underreact you make the death toll higher than it needs to be. But if you overreact you cause global economic collapse and kill way more people.

You want to properly react to this virus. And since 99.3% of those infected would recover, 99% of those dying have preexisting conditions, and the death rate is very low for people under 50, and that is just the date from the confirmed cases with our limited testing, it means that those most at risk should practice social distancing to avoid exposure and the young and healthy with the least risk should get back to work and keep the economy from collapsing.

You can solve both the hospital crisis and the economic crisis at the same time. You don’t have to sacrifice the 1% for the 99% and you don’t have to sacrifice the 99% for the 1%. Trump is seeing both crisis and making plans accordingly.

By letting certain regions at low risk and certain ages at low risk back to work, President Trump would be saving countless lives by avoiding a global economic collapse and global depression that would result if this went on for months like shortsighted overkill germaphobe Fauci wants.

And when all the data finally comes in, and we confirm all the actual cases that include the majority that only had mild symptoms and nothing life threatening, it will show the mortality rate was actually really low, lower than we see now and lower than we first thought. I calculated it will be .1% given the 20,000 deaths right now, if the actual number of infected was 2,000,000. And .1% is the death rate of the flu.

Imagine that. Causing a global economic collapse and global depression over a virus that in the final analysis has a very low mortality rate, similar to the flu.

The CDC evidently did not think through the economic affects of their plan. They did not calculate the death toll a global depression would cause.

We are in a recession right now and if the government keep the economy down, that’s a depression. But we can shift gears and avoid the catastrophe by President Trump changing course.

To comfort and convince the public to go back to work, the CDC and White House needs to emphasis the actual known mortality rate, instead of the death toll. You can’t stop all deaths but the mortality rate will show that while this virus is highly contagious it is not highly deadly. Very few of those infected actually die. Collapsing the economy at this point makes no logical sense. It’s a bad plan and I’m glad Trump broke from Fauci on his stupid shortsighted 4-5 month shutdown. This isn’t a Hollywood movie. It’s real life with real consequences.

They should have a business death toll and job death toll on the news like they do for the virus.

Listening to Fauci and shutting down the economy will go down in history as President Donald Trumps biggest mistake.

Again, The Federal Reserve estimated unemployment to hit 30%. The Secretary of the Treasury said unemployment will rise to 35%.

Do you know the unemployment during the Great Depression? 24.9%

But hey, that means that 75.1% had jobs, so the Great Depression wasn’t that bad, right? The economy is just money after all, right?

So with a population of 331 million people in America, what’s the number of unemployed at 35%? Do the math. It’s 116 million people unemployed. This is astronomical.

You know it took them ten years to finally come out of the Great Depression?

And do you know what caused the Great Depression? A stock market crash and then a banking collapse.

Businesses cannot handle months without revenue. They cannot even go weeks without revenue without bankruptcy. This shutdown needs to end in days. Days. Or else the economic problems will be too big for government to fix.

But we can just pretend that people don’t need jobs, businesses don’t need customers, and banks don’t need interest payments, if that makes you feel better.

Hey you wanna go play some video games? Let’s see what’s new on Netflix.

Wake up America!
Plus only "confirmed cases" are listed to compare to the death toll which skews the statistics. For instance, when I get the flu and feel bad enough to go to my doctor, he checks my symptoms and declares that I have the flu. No "flu test kit" gets pulled out to positively verify, it just gets into the database. So the actual rate of infection is absolutely unknown. And the death rate is for any death in which the virus is considered a factor, whether or not that person would have died anyway due to their condition. So the statistics are questionable at best.

It this Wuhan virus worse than the seasonal flu? Probably. But only to a certain advanced age group. The seasonal flu is particularly deadly to very young children who are wholly unaffected by the COVID-19.
County music singer Joe Diffie passed away from the virus today. John Deere Green and Prop Me Up Next To The Juke Box was probably his two biggest hits. Just play both of them Friday night for couple of my tractor loving neighbors. We'll miss you.
County music singer Joe Diffie passed away from the virus today. John Deere Green and Prop Me Up Next To The Juke Box was probably his two biggest hits. Just play both of them Friday night for couple of my tractor loving neighbors. We'll miss you.
How old was he?
That's awful that Joe Diffie died. He made alot of really good songs and had a great sound. Keep in mind he was probably more than a little bit overweight, and may have been a smoker, though I'm not sure.

As someone mentioned, one wonders how many people whose deaths are attributed to this virus actually died from pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, or something else. TPTB have been hyping this thing up for months and inciting mass panic and fear that seems far beyond the actual medical threat of this virus. The number of cases has spiked so much in the past week or so because so many more people have been tested. The economic damage and empowerment of government to restrict our civil liberties is a far greater danger than the medical threat of the virus. What really is a threat I think is if local governments make every child get a vaccine to re-enter schools, or if companies make taking a vaccine mandatory for you to continue to work for them.
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