Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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DailyMail.UK is reporting that on average a person is dying every 17 minutes in NYC. Take it with a grain of salt. People are dying but the old and seriously doubt that many are dying due to the China virus.
I don't know anyone, and even though I live in a major metropolitan area, the number of people who have it is miniscule compared to the overall population. Yet the entire state (Pennsylvania) is indefinitely shut down, including many rural counties that don't have a single case.

I read a lot about this or that celebrity or athlete or prominent person getting it, and various people in law enforcement and the medical professions -- but so what? Millions and millions of people get the flu every year. I've yet to read of a well known person getting it who is in serious condition.

The current worldwide death toll is currently less than 28,000 -- or roughly 52,000 less than the number of people the average flu season kills just in the U.S. each year.

Here in North Carolina it seems similar to Pennsylvania. Charlotte and Raleigh have cases of people diagnosed, but nothing overwhelming just yet.
I don't live in either of those cities, but we're not far from Charlotte, however our county has only had 4-5 cases so far and some of the rural counties like in Pennsylvania, still don't have any cases.
The governor of NC has shut down the entire state as of 5PM Monday.
As I said in my earlier post, I don't know of anyone who has contracted the virus.
does any member here on this board personally know anyone who has contracted this wuhan virus?

Westside has a coworker who had it and tested positive.

I believe I also may have had Covid 19. I am strong and healthy and relatively young but I came down with a wicked flu like illness about 3 weeks ago right about the time Covid 19 was announced as spreading in my geographic region (I got sick a few days after the virus appeared in my city, now my city has a few hundred cases). Headache, fever, chest cold (unable to draw a full breath), chills, cough, fatigue and normally I am very healthy and that is easily the sickest I've been in 10 years. Took me about 2 weeks to get over with plenty of rest. I am young and as far as I know have no health issues, yet that illness was quite hard on me. I could see that an older person might die from whatever I had.

I would like to get tested for Covid 19, but where I live they are prioritizing tests for elderly, at risk, or people with severe symptoms so I cannot get tested. If you are not very old, underlying issues, or showing severe symptoms rather than test you the health authority where I live is simply asking you to go and stay home. Should your conditions worsen (as in having trouble breathing) you go to Hospital Emergency where they treat & test you. I am better now and never had severe symptoms. When you call the hospital where I live, they literally are not even able to pickup the phone and are overwhelmed. I called the healthcare authority where I live to get tested and they are totally unable to even answer the phone. I literally called the Phone # the Government has setup to schedule a test two or three times and when you call it, there is a recording that they cannot answer the call right now and you should call back.

So I guess if you want to get tested you either need to show up at an Emergency Room in the Hospital (by the way, worst place to be right now unless you're deathly sick you'll catch the disease in the hospital!) Or you need to stay on hold and call the phone # continuously for 24 hours.

I do believe healthcare service would be better in the 3rd World in some cases.

If I was a betting man, I believe I had COVID 19. Sickest I've been in 10 years and I am young & healthy. Either I had the Wuhan Covid 19 Virus or its the worst flu I've ever caught in my life .

I have gotten better and all good now though :)
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Friday has been the worst day so far for Italy, USA, Spain, and many other countries.

USA: 398 dead (so far)
Italy: 919 dead in one day!
Spain: 773 dead
Don't worry it's just like the flu, which infects over 30 million in the US alone, yet never overwhelms hospitals. Yet this is doing just that WITH a quarantine but yea it's just the flu. Also it's just killing old people and those with health issues. Oh the younger people with no health issues that it's also putting in critical condition/killing? Must have had undiagnosed issues. It's not like 6 in 10 Americans have underlying health problems. It's not like we have a record number of people over 50 still in the workforce. Losing them permanently surely won't have a negative economic impact.

I think we're seeing a better representation of the death rate with a ton of testing here. Still killing at a rate of 1.7 % , which is 17x higher than the flu. That's while we have the means to treat those in critical condition. The global death rate on closed cases has risen to 17 percent. So even if it's infecting 10x as many that's not tested that's still similar to our death rate. So if the flu is half as contagious, that means this could infect up to 60 million and at our death rate it's over a million dead. Except more would be in critical condition that we wouldn't be able to treat so that number would surely rise. If we quarantine then the number of infections rises slower, and we keep the deaths lower. It's almost as if they thought about all of this before shutting things down.

Also there's no proof herd immunity would work. The virus could mutate and appear like a completely new one.
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does any member here on this board personally know anyone who has contracted this wuhan virus?

Not only do I not know of anyone who has contracted the virus, but everyone I have asked doesn't know anyone who has contracted the virus.
Westside has a coworker who had it and tested positive.

I believe I also may have had Covid 19. I am strong and healthy and relatively young but I came down with a wicked flu like illness about 3 weeks ago right about the time Covid 19 was announced as spreading in my geographic region (I got sick a few days after the virus appeared in my city, now my city has a few hundred cases). Headache, fever, chest cold (unable to draw a full breath), chills, cough, fatigue and normally I am very healthy and that is easily the sickest I've been in 10 years. Took me about 2 weeks to get over with plenty of rest. I am young and as far as I know have no health issues, yet that illness was quite hard on me. I could see that an older person might die from whatever I had.

I would like to get tested for Covid 19, but where I live they are prioritizing tests for elderly, at risk, or people with severe symptoms so I cannot get tested. If you are not very old, underlying issues, or showing severe symptoms rather than test you the health authority where I live is simply asking you to go and stay home. Should your conditions worsen (as in having trouble breathing) you go to Hospital Emergency where they treat & test you. I am better now and never had severe symptoms. When you call the hospital where I live, they literally are not even able to pickup the phone and are overwhelmed. I called the healthcare authority where I live to get tested and they are totally unable to even answer the phone.

If I was a betting man, I believe I had COVID 19. Sickest I've been in 10 years and I am young & healthy. Either I had the Wuhan Covid 19 Virus or its the worst flu I've ever caught in my life .

I have gotten better and all good now though :)

I'm glad you are all better now!

I had a terrible flu in January 2013, all the symptoms you mentioned except breathing difficulty. It took me a few months to totally get over the chest congestion and cough.

They - like the communist mayor of NYC - are opening up the jails now. Of course honest people in NYC are forbidden to have the means to defend themselves. Note the comments by the correction officers:
And the communist governor of NY:

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Everybody in China had a mask. In fact they made it illegal to go outside without one. Many had eye protection as well. Here nothing, not even hand cleaner, not even for people in high risk jobs like those correction officers.
All of you in more rural settings are very fortunate and I hope will not have to deal with the virus on the scale of the large cities such as NYC, New Orleans, Detroit, Seattle are experiencing. The obvious culprit for the disease spread is overpopulation, unrestricted travel and population density which allows for the virus to spread rapidly since it is very contagious by design. Self-isolate and just be more cognizant and aware of your well being. There really is no way of knowing how many people were exposed to it, how many suffered no symptoms, how many mild cases were shrugged off as the flu over the past few months compared to what the numbers say since testing has been rolled out over the past few weeks.

In a perfect common sense world this would break our reliance on the Chicoms and bring companies and a manufacturing base back to America. I doubt that will happen though after seeing all of the bailouts being afforded to big corporations in the bail out bill. I am very interested to see if this event breaks any of the stranglehold the leftists have on this country - I doubt it. After 9-11 as a teenager I thought the Govt would get their act together in terms of immigration enforcement and limiting the number of immigrants per year but I was naive and totally wrong. I don't have youthful naivety as a flaw anymore.
Everybody in China had a mask. In fact they made it illegal to go outside without one. Many had eye protection as well. Here nothing, not even hand cleaner, not even for people in high risk jobs like those correction officers.

Depending on how this plays out - our reliance on China for everything has become magnified so much due to this crisis which plays well for Trump who has highlighted this as a major issue. I have to wonder how many corrupt corporate stooge politicians will decide to keep being so business friendly to China once this is over.
I'm glad you are all better now!

I had a terrible flu in January 2013, all the symptoms you mentioned except breathing difficulty. It took me a few months to totally get over the chest congestion and cough.

They - like the communist mayor of NYC - are opening up the jails now. Of course honest people in NYC are forbidden to have the means to defend themselves. Note the comments by the correction officers:

Thank you! May we all stay healthy in this crisis.
All of you in more rural settings are very fortunate and I hope will not have to deal with the virus on the scale of the large cities such as NYC, New Orleans, Detroit, Seattle are experiencing. The obvious culprit for the disease spread is overpopulation, unrestricted travel and population density which allows for the virus to spread rapidly since it is very contagious by design. Self-isolate and just be more cognizant and aware of your well being. There really is no way of knowing how many people were exposed to it, how many suffered no symptoms, how many mild cases were shrugged off as the flu over the past few months compared to what the numbers say since testing has been rolled out over the past few weeks.

In a perfect common sense world this would break our reliance on the Chicoms and bring companies and a manufacturing base back to America. I doubt that will happen though after seeing all of the bailouts being afforded to big corporations in the bail out bill. I am very interested to see if this event breaks any of the stranglehold the leftists have on this country - I doubt it. After 9-11 as a teenager I thought the Govt would get their act together in terms of immigration enforcement and limiting the number of immigrants per year but I was naive and totally wrong. I don't have youthful naivety as a flaw anymore.

Great comments. In a rational world, this crisis would result in closed borders, more travel restrictions, less international trade, more national sovereignty and less migration but that doesnt mean that is actually what will happen.

US Government has announced a bill to reduce trade with China, but I'm sure in a year or 2, it'll be as though nothing happened and trade will go back to what it was before the Wuhan Virus.

The Western Civilized World is hellbent on killing itself and eventually that's exactly what's going to happen. You can also see in this crisis that many previously thought of wealthy and 1st world countries, are actually not as advanced as they'd like to believe and many poorer countries have done a far better job curtailing the virus. Based on deathrates from data, for example you can conclude China has done a better job in treating patients than many supposed 1st world countries (UK, France , Italy, Spain) in Europe have.
Great comments. In a rational world, this crisis would result in closed borders, more travel restrictions, less international trade, more national sovereignty and less migration but that doesnt mean that is actually what will happen.

US Government has announced a bill to reduce trade with China, but I'm sure in a year or 2, it'll be as though nothing happened and trade will go back to what it was before the Wuhan Virus.

The Western Civilized World is hellbent on killing itself and eventually that's exactly what's going to happen. You can also see in this crisis that many previously thought of wealthy and 1st world countries, are actually not as advanced as they'd like to believe and many poorer countries have done a far better job curtailing the virus. Based on deathrates from data, for example you can conclude China has done a better job in treating patients than many supposed 1st world countries (UK, France , Italy, Spain) in Europe have.

Plagues Over the Centuries Have Caused Radical Political Shifts - Examples From the Last 2500 Years

"Those who had been telling (us) that (our) attachments should be global, and that (our) lands and neighborhoods belong to the whole world, are now consigned to the dustbin of history."
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does any member here on this board personally know anyone who has contracted this wuhan virus?
The elderly father of a man I work with died of the coronavirus a week ago.

More people are dying in the cities. The extreme measures taken to contain COVID-19 are helping to prevent the spread, otherwise it would be killing as many or more people than the 1918-1920 Spanish flu.

As of Saturday afternoon, March 28:

- Italy is losing approximately 1,000 citizens per day to this virus, and out of 92,472 cases has over 10,023 deaths a deathrate of 11%.
- Spain is losing 7 or 8 hundred citizens per day and out of 72,248 cases has over 5,812 deaths a deathrate of 8%.
- France is losing 5 hundred citizens per day and out of 32,964 cases has over 1,992 deaths a deathrate of 6%.
- UK has 17,089 cases and has over 1,019 deaths a deathrate of 6%.
- Netherlands has 9,762 cases and has over 639 deaths a deathrate of 7%.
- Belgium has 9,134 cases and has over 353 deaths a deathrate of 4%.

These nations are all thought of as being "wealthy" "privileged" "1st world" "progressive" and "advanced", but due to open borders the virus spread efficiently into these nations, in fact more so than in China and Asia itself. It is quite shocking to consider that the virus spread more efficiently into Europe than neighbouring Asia and China itself which really shows the difference between a Chinese Rational Response VS a Liberal 1st World European Response. Moreover, what is happening in supposed 1st World countries like Italy, Spain, and France is that they have ran out of beds, ventilators, medical equipment, and there was an interview with a Spanish Doctor on CNN where she even admitted to having ran out of routine medicines in Hospitals. The problem is that due to international trade, these nations no longer have the capacity to manufacture this medical equipment or medicines, so they have run out, and don't have a means to get more other than to ask for some from Asia, or the EU (who also gets it from Asia).

When you compare the deathrates of supposed advanced, 1st World, progressive European countries to Asian countries for the most part you'll notice that these 3rd and 2nd World countries have actually fared much better! For example:

-S Korea has 9,478 cases and has over 144 deaths a deathrate of 1.5%. Keep in mind S Korea has had a COVID outbreak for a longer period of time than any of the above European countries. That is quite impressive on South Korea's part that they have mitigated the virus much more successfully, contained its spread, and lowered the deathrate. Its a much better response than what we have seen in Progressive Supposed 1st World European countries.
- Pakistan has 1,420 cases and 12 deaths a deathrate of less than 1%. Pakistan is in an earlier stage of the outbreak than Europe, but its still quite shocking that an absolutely 3rd World country seems to be treating the virus more efficiently than wealthy nations of Europe.
- Russia has only 1,264 cases and 4 deaths a deathrate of less than 1%. Russia shares a border with China, but acted proactively by closing the borders and restricting travel weeks and in some cases more than 1 month before other Western European or North American nations did, No surprise then that the virus has not spread as efficiently into Russia as it has into the Western world.
- Hong Kong has only 560 cases and 4 deaths a deathrate of less than 1%. Hong Kong is right next to China, but imposed travel restrictions early on to limit the spread. So, although it is geographically much closer to the origin of the virus, it has escaped the majority of the virus which spread into open borders Europe much easier.
- China has 81,394 cases and has 3,295 deaths a deathrate of 4%. Quite impressive when you consider that China is thought of as being a 2nd World country, it has managed to significantly hinder the rate of new cases and new deaths to the point they have the virus under control. It is quite shocking that these numbers would seem to suggest that patients receive a higher standard of medical care in China than they do in supposed progressive, 1st world Europe.

- USA has 116,326 cases and has 1,943 deaths a deathrate of 1.5%, but keep in mind the virus has not peaked in USA yet, and as hospitals become overwhelmed as in the case of Europe, that deathrate is certainly going to increase. USA has not yet peaked, so it is early to say what the numbers will be.

Overall, this data would suggest that 1st World, Liberal, Progressive European nations are nowhere near as wealthy, advanced, or efficient as they'd like to believe and it seems Asia and the 2nd and 3rd world has been able to respond to the crisis more effectively. Take that for what its worth.
Again, the death rates are not accurate as they reflect the death rate for mostly serious cases. The vast majority of people with the virus never even know they have it because it doesn't make them sick, or they are mildly sick but not sick enough to be tested. The real death rate is likely closer to one-tenth of what the fearmongering stats are.

As far as Italy, the article I linked to above is quite logical, in particular this section:

You do not need to be an expert to calculate the mortality rate. It is one number divided by another — the number of people who have died from the virus divided by the total number of confirmed cases. In the case of Italy, 7,503 dead divided by 74,386 infected gives a mortality rate of roughly 10 percent. But that does not mean that one in ten people who contract the virus will die, despite what the scaremongering media would have you believe.

The first reason why is that the first, smaller number — the number of deaths from Covid-19 — is impossible to underestimate. People are either alive or dead, and usually as soon as a person dies they will quickly find their way into the national statistics.

But the larger number, the confirmed cases, must by definition be an underestimate. It would be impossible for every person in a country positive for the coronavirus to have been already tested and added to the confirmed cases. The virus can be dormant in people for up to two weeks, and young people can experience very mild or even no symptoms at all, and still be positive for the virus. Since that figure is by definition too low, the mortality rates being reported are by definition too high.

Failing to test
Another factor is that governments are being pushed well beyond their capabilities for mass testing and contact tracing, some more than others. With typical efficiency, Germany is on top of their testing situation, and as such have picked up many milder cases. Therefore they have a high number of confirmed cases relative to the true number of infected people in Germany.

This is keeping the mortality rate in Germany down at 0.5 percent, baffling experts who are expecting apocalyptic scenes at the hospitals, the likes of which have so far only materialized in Italy. Perhaps the cases will soon mount up in Germany, and their mortality rate will climb toward the four or five percent that seems to be the European average. But due to the asymptomatic people (a majority according to the best research) even that is an exaggeratedly high rate.

Apply this principle to Italy, whose civil protection chief Angelo Borrelli told La Repubblica newspaper on Monday that “It is credible to estimate that there are 10 positive cases for every one officially reported.” If this were true, and as many as 640,000 people are infected in Italy, their actual mortality rate would in a stroke become one percent instead of ten percent. The scale of the problem begins to look quite different in that context.

Yet another reason for Italy’s inflated mortality rate is how deaths are being recorded there. Professor Walter Ricciardi, an adviser to the Italian minister of health, told the Telegraph on Monday that “the way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.’’

A thought experiment may elucidate this. Imagine that one thousand people, all over the age of 75, died in hospitals in northern Italy last week. All of them had tested positive for the coronavirus at some point during the past few weeks.

The vast majority of Covid-19 fatalities, 99 percent according to Italian research, have had a pre-morbidity, if not two or three. These are underlying health issues,like heart disease, cancer or various infections. Some might have been comatose, with life support machines and artificial breathing the only thing keeping them alive anyway.

Eventually, their bodies gave out, and they simply could not fight on any longer. But does that mean that in the absence of the coronavirus, those one thousand people would still be alive? In other words, is it really true to say that all of these people died of Covid-19? But amidst this crisis, when health systems and governments have tunnel vision for this one ailment, all one thousand are chalked off as victims of the plague.

I'm not saying there's no threat, but it appears to mainly be to the same people it always is when it comes to flu, and there's yet to be conclusive evidence that the death rate from coronavirus is of a magnitude many times higher than the average flu.
Again, the death rates are not accurate as they reflect the death rate for mostly serious cases. The vast majority of people with the virus never even know they have it because it doesn't make them sick, or they are mildly sick but not sick enough to be tested. The real death rate is likely closer to one-tenth of what the fearmongering stats are.

As far as Italy, the article I linked to above is quite logical, in particular this section:

You do not need to be an expert to calculate the mortality rate. It is one number divided by another — the number of people who have died from the virus divided by the total number of confirmed cases. In the case of Italy, 7,503 dead divided by 74,386 infected gives a mortality rate of roughly 10 percent. But that does not mean that one in ten people who contract the virus will die, despite what the scaremongering media would have you believe.

The first reason why is that the first, smaller number — the number of deaths from Covid-19 — is impossible to underestimate. People are either alive or dead, and usually as soon as a person dies they will quickly find their way into the national statistics.

But the larger number, the confirmed cases, must by definition be an underestimate. It would be impossible for every person in a country positive for the coronavirus to have been already tested and added to the confirmed cases. The virus can be dormant in people for up to two weeks, and young people can experience very mild or even no symptoms at all, and still be positive for the virus. Since that figure is by definition too low, the mortality rates being reported are by definition too high.

Failing to test
Another factor is that governments are being pushed well beyond their capabilities for mass testing and contact tracing, some more than others. With typical efficiency, Germany is on top of their testing situation, and as such have picked up many milder cases. Therefore they have a high number of confirmed cases relative to the true number of infected people in Germany.

This is keeping the mortality rate in Germany down at 0.5 percent, baffling experts who are expecting apocalyptic scenes at the hospitals, the likes of which have so far only materialized in Italy. Perhaps the cases will soon mount up in Germany, and their mortality rate will climb toward the four or five percent that seems to be the European average. But due to the asymptomatic people (a majority according to the best research) even that is an exaggeratedly high rate.

Apply this principle to Italy, whose civil protection chief Angelo Borrelli told La Repubblica newspaper on Monday that “It is credible to estimate that there are 10 positive cases for every one officially reported.” If this were true, and as many as 640,000 people are infected in Italy, their actual mortality rate would in a stroke become one percent instead of ten percent. The scale of the problem begins to look quite different in that context.

Yet another reason for Italy’s inflated mortality rate is how deaths are being recorded there. Professor Walter Ricciardi, an adviser to the Italian minister of health, told the Telegraph on Monday that “the way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.’’

A thought experiment may elucidate this. Imagine that one thousand people, all over the age of 75, died in hospitals in northern Italy last week. All of them had tested positive for the coronavirus at some point during the past few weeks.

The vast majority of Covid-19 fatalities, 99 percent according to Italian research, have had a pre-morbidity, if not two or three. These are underlying health issues,like heart disease, cancer or various infections. Some might have been comatose, with life support machines and artificial breathing the only thing keeping them alive anyway.

Eventually, their bodies gave out, and they simply could not fight on any longer. But does that mean that in the absence of the coronavirus, those one thousand people would still be alive? In other words, is it really true to say that all of these people died of Covid-19? But amidst this crisis, when health systems and governments have tunnel vision for this one ailment, all one thousand are chalked off as victims of the plague.

I'm not saying there's no threat, but it appears to mainly be to the same people it always is when it comes to flu, and there's yet to be conclusive evidence that the death rate from coronavirus is of a magnitude many times higher than the average flu.

Yes, there is some truth to what you are saying now and said earlier I believe yesterday, which is essentially that deathrate %'s are overestimated because actual cases of infection of the virus are higher than being reported and many people who have COVID-19 are not tested (so a nation's actual cases are higher than what is used in those calculations to determine deathrate). You are correct about that. The other side of the coin, however, is that there are also deaths that are not being counted. For example, there are claims by healthcare professionals on the front line in Italy and Spain which have been reiterated in the mainstream media which claim that authorities in those countries have actually stopped counting dead bodies, so it is also possible that the # of deaths is higher than what is being stated. In Italy there was a nurse who said they have actually stopped counting dead bodies in the Hospital as it is no longer feasible because it is a bloodbath.

Also, the lack of testing and resulting underestimate of total cases, while true and a good point you raise, is 100% uniform across all nations. So although the deathrate may be overestimated, that is true of all nations, what is not overstated however is the relative deathrates or difference in deathrate between 2 nations and the fact that Asia and the 2nd and 3rd World have lower deathrates from the virus than Eurpean nations once thought of as being wealthier, privileged, and having better medical care. The numbers would absolutely confirm that a patient in China will receive a higher standard of medical care than a patient in supposed 1st World Europe, as the same testing bias is likely observed in both datasets.
None of us know the truth beyond what is within our own immediate knowledge. I, for one, will not accept statistics or health recommendations from the United Nations’ World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control. The rest of you can live in fear of their ghost stories, take their vaccines and anti-viral drugs, walk around with latex gloves and surgical masks, afraid of your own shadow over an imaginary enemy. Especially you “CovidCrisis”, wait for your masters to let you know when it’s safe to play on the monkey bars.
I don't know one way or the other, but here is one for the "much ado about" nothing side:

America’s Corona Tsar, Andrew Fauci, Concedes Covid-19 May Be Just a Bad Flu With a Fatality Rate of 0.1%

Diversities rioting already - this in Newburgh, NY, a place I know, voted by Life magazine the nicest small town in the US in 1950.

In France and England the police don't even try to control their diversities who ignore all the quarantines and everything else.
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This whole thing is so confusing, we are dealing with absolute liars. These leaders are either liars or idiots. We have no idea how big the population of infected is, nor the reinfection rate. We apparently cant make masks, gloves or testing despite all resources of the greatest economy ever.

There is so much BS right now. Trump saying “ we might lock down NY, NJ and parts of Conn is batshit crazy. Even crazier to admit this before hand. The amount of purposeful mass hysteria there must be incredible. Stay strong brothers if we get through this I”ll make sure to make a better effort to meet people in real life that share the beliefs held here.
I don't know one way or the other, but here is one for the "much ado about" nothing side:

America’s Corona Tsar, Andrew Fauci, Concedes Covid-19 May Be Just a Bad Flu With a Fatality Rate of 0.1%

Diversities rioting already - this in Newburgh, NY, a place I know, voted by Life magazine the nicest small town in the US in 1950.

In France and England the police don't even try to control their diversities who ignore all the quarantines and everything else.

The original study cited was in February, before this really spread. In order for it to have a death rate of .1% that means it would have had to infect 30 million people since we are at 30,000 deaths right now. Possible that 30 million have gotten it without getting tested? Highly doubtful. I think the true death rate is somewhere between 2% and 3%, but that goes up if we can't take care of those in critical care.
There's an interesting article in Breitbart about a Michigan man who was cured of Covid-19 infection by the medicine their nitwit Democratic Governor Whitmer is trying to prevent from being used on victims. Early in the comments section a commenter has listed the actions President Trump has taken to combat this plague. Judge for yourself his responses. (For some reason I can't link the article.)
I've heard that the virus was developed in a Chinese bio-lab which we know to be true and is configured to be the most deadly against males (troops) and white men (Europeans). It's supposed to increase with virulence at each transfer as it "learns" to defeat the immune responses until it is so lethal the fatality rate approaches 100%.
Death rate of .1% or 8%, doesn't matter. Every life counts so we should shut down the worlds economy until 2021. Then we can start counting the suicide deaths and deaths from starvation and other poverty reasons, along with a sky-high crime rate due to people not even having basic necessities. I'm for it! Lest I be lectured for not caring about the 80-somethings in Italy.
American Freedom News