Commercials we HATE!!!!

Nice find, FB75. Such militant obscenity is rivaled only by a few other ads in this thread. I’ve heard of Halifax Banking (apparently a sister company of Lloyd’s Banking Group), which is one of the largest bankster cartels in the UK. A few moments of searching revealed that the company is riddled with Jews (Alan Capper, Victor Blank, David Nicholson, etc) and donates to Jewish causes. Also, the interracial couple featured in the ad you posted doesn’t appear to be their first offense. From their website…


CAPTION: Halifax, Inc. - Evil Incarnate

The other night, I saw this commercial for “Sears Kenmore Dishwashers.” The premise involves a frog-faced Asian female prattling on about some dishwasher with an adjustable rack while a white man plays basketball against a Negro in a tiny room. When the room size is expanded, the Negro immediately drives to the basket and dunks whilst the white man is helpless to defend him. Subtle, yes, but it’s yet another Marxism-hoisted stone buttressing the totalitarian wall of anti-white (male) agitprop…


For any of you guys interested in buying tools, I wouldn’t recommend Sears. They suck, particularly their “Craftsman” brand. After 85 years of being “American Made,” almost 100% of Craftsman tools are now made by the same animal-torturing, jaundice-skinned, buck-toothed, slanty-eyed, diminutive, ant farm-dwelling bacteria that seem to manufacture everything else (Chinese).


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I saw this during the Packers/Seahawks game. Watch the eyes on the woman throughout the commercial. Of course her fat boring husband is playing video games on the coach.

'Mercedes: Detects dangers before they happen': German film students spark fury with spoof advert showing Hitler getting run over as a boy in Austria

Students Tobias Haase, Jan Mettler and Lydia Lohse's video has gone viral

Controversial advert shows scenes set in Hitler's hometown

Sleek car purposefully doesn't brake or swerve to avoid hitting the young Hitler

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I have a great idea:

How about we start documenting anti-White caste language. Upload them on video hosting sites and make back ups incase NFL takes them down for copy right. Look for the parts where the announcers belittle White athletes and use caste speak such as "deceptively fast."
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Some incredibly vile "advertising". >:-(

That FedEx ad pushes not only unnatural miscegenation, but adultery as well. Those writers need to be publicly flogged!

As for that disturbing Mercedes ad, the creators need to be drawn & quartered!! Advocating the cold blooded murder of a child (in a supposed 'Humorous' manner) is totally sickening. I'm sure the rootless cosmopolitans just loooove that ad.
I’ve been noticing this ad for “Wendy’s†recently and I thought it was worthy of this thread. The misandry-seasoned “plot†embroils a white man (who, shockingly, doesn’t sport light hair and eyes) who’s purchased a dilapidated chicken sandwich for one dollar. He’s eating lunch with two women, one the red-haired Wendy’s spokeswoman, the other a Negress…


CAPTION: High Calorie Girl Power!

The two women mock and belittle his choice, for you see, they’ve made the sagely decision to instead purchase a similarly-priced chicken sandwich at Wendy’s. As the Negress utters “Winner!†and points to the white female, our frumpy friend frowns like a freshly-chastised child...


CAPTION: White Man Loses on Kosher-Vision, What Else is New?

A little searching revealed that the male actor is actually a light-skinned Hispanic named “Lou Gonzalez.†Although his facial attributes include brown eyes and dark brown hair, the run-of-the-mill throng member of the “Mass Existence Anglosphere†would certainly see this man as “white.â€



For many years, Wendy’s struck me as one of the precious few “good corporations.†Their commercials, particularly those featuring Dave Thomas, were generally wholesome and didn’t “attack†or “belittle†a certain character simply to make their point. Thomas has been dead for a decade, and I’m certain he wouldn’t be happy with the direction of their new advertising.


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New Audi commercial shows black boxer beating white boxer. I think Audi has forgotten who buys most of their cars.

New Nike commercial is full of anti-White messages

Wigger at 0:15
White bully at 0:36
Narrator says everyone in the world can be beaten except Lebron - "Good luck with that" at 1:24

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New Nike commercial is full of anti-White messages

Wigger at 0:15
White bully at 0:36
Narrator says everyone in the world can be beaten except Lebron - "Good luck with that" at 1:24


Nike likes to sponsor steroid taking athletes. Should change their saying to "Just take steroids".

Did you see it, friends? It appears as though the great, big, gigantic, mega-savings Labor Day Sale at “HH Gregg” (an appliance store) has managed to lure an intteracial couple into the store. Gee, how politically convenient for the CultMarx Scourge that cast the advertisment…



Is she a white woman with artificially-curly hair? An supernaturally light-skinned mulatto? A quadroon? An octaroon? She has dark brown hair, pearl skin, a slender nose, and doesn’t appear to have any “black” facial features…so what on earth is she? It matters not, as I noticd this commerical on The Digital Synagogue a few days ago and she would most certianly be labeled as “white” to the insouciant goyish spectator.

With so little thrust in the opposite direction, what reason do corporations have to discontinue the vulgar, offensive, and entirely unneccessary practice of brandishing their white prostitutes with a fetish for beatiality? This is their world now and every last pixel of media screen shall be utterly infused with their sleepless execrations against all that is white and good.


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Did you see it, friends? It appears as though the great, big, gigantic, mega-savings Labor Day Sale at “HH Greggâ€￾ (an appliance store) has managed to lure an intteracial couple into the store. Gee, how politically convenient for the CultMarx Scourge that cast the advertisment…



Is she a white woman with artificially-curly hair? An supernaturally light-skinned mulatto? A quadroon? An octaroon? She has dark brown hair, pearl skin, a slender nose, and doesn’t appear to have any “blackâ€￾ facial features…so what on earth is she? It matters not, as I noticd this commerical on The Digital Synagogue a few days ago and she would most certianly be labeled as “whiteâ€￾ to the insouciant goyish spectator.

With so little thrust in the opposite direction, what reason do corporations have to discontinue the vulgar, offensive, and entirely unneccessary practice of brandishing their white prostitutes with a fetish for beatiality? This is their world now and every last pixel of media screen shall be utterly infused with their sleepless execrations against all that is white and good.

Great eye on catching that, Thrashen. Yet another example of the endless 24/7/365 ram-rod aimed at totally destroying everything in its' path, and as you say, "all that is white and good".

I guess most people have become absolutely duped, as the plan was/is. Since most people (especially Whites) are trusting and not so suspicious they have an extremely hard time believing that those who are in total control of almost EVERYTHING WE SEE, HEAR, AND READ EVERYDAY (via mass media in all its' forms) actually want to literally destroy us and would not have a whit of regret about doing it. People have a hard time believing that anybody or any group of people could be that evil. Everyone needs to do themselves a favor...believe it!!! They are that evil. Period.
More Jew Race-Mixing Filth

Welcome to the Family (2013 )

TV Series - Comedy

Chronicles how cultures collide when a white family and a Latino family are bonded together by their children who fall in love followed quickly by an unplanned pregnancy.

Mike Sikowitz

Ricardo Chavira, Fabrizio Zacharee Guido, Joseph Haro

I’ve been noticing a commercial for “Xfinity” (a sister company of the abominable corporation, “Communismcast”) of late. The premise involves an interracial couple perusing a department store whilst shopping for Tel-Aviv-A-Vision services. The Negro is rotund and physically unsightly, yet “civilized” in the sense that he is garbed in the attire of a “JoeSixPack” white know, as opposed to the time-honored “imbecillic black street thug” character. The blubberly black and his white prostitute are considering purchasing their Judeo-Marxist Entertainment Package from Xfinity’s satellite-based competitor, “DirecTV”…


CAPTION: Xenophilic Xfinity Xanthippe

The contractually-obligated “host” of the commercial, Brian Urlacher (the inarticulate, dim-witted, Ebonics-tongued, wigger-flavored cretin), is no stranger to the fraternization of “ebony and ivory,” as he once impregnated a black woman and left her to raise his mulatto son…


CAPTION: Urlacher’s Negress Concubine


In the coming years, the depiction of interracial couples in TV commercials (and all forms of media) shall become as commonplace as the ubiquitous inclusion of non-whites beginning in the early 1990’s and reaching “Marxist Terminal Velocity” in the past 5 years. Nearly every western white person (be they rural, suburban, or urban) has become so accustomed to seeing non-whites on TV that most fail to differentiate friend from foe.


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I don't think its the companies that are the main problem. Its the advertising agencies they hire to do the commercials. For example Saatchi & Saatchi was started by 2 jewish brothers Maurice and Charles. Look at how many companies they have acquired:

1972Brogan DevelopersU.KProperty Development
1972E.G DawesManchesterAd Agency
1972Notley AdvertisingLondonAd Agency
1974George J SmithLondonAd Agency£90K
1976Garland-ComptonU.KAd Agency(Merger)
1978Hall AdvertisingEdinburgh, ScotlandAd Agency£1M
1979O'Kennedy-Brindley,Dublin, IrelandAd Agency£300K
1981DorlandU.KAd Agency£7M
1982Garland-ComptonU.S.AAd Agency£56.8M
1983McCaffrey & McCallU.S.AAd Agency£20M
1983Hunter AdvertisingDublin, Ireland
1983Gough WaterhouseSydney & MelbourneAd Agency
1984Cochrane, Chase, LivingstoneCalifornia
1984Michael Bungey DFS
1984R.J.AThe Netherlands
1984Harrison CrowleyU.K
1984Yankelovich Skelly & WhiteU.S.AMarket Research
1984McBer & CoU.S.AMarket Research
1984The Hay GroupGlobalManagement Consultancy$125M
1984Hedger Mitchell StarkLondonAd Agency£3M
1985Siegel & GaleNew YorkCorporate Branding
1985Marlboro MarketingNew YorkSales Promotion
1985The Kleid CompanyNew YorkMailing List Broker
1985Wong LamHong Kong
1985CampaignNew Zealand
1985Granfield Rork CollinsLondon£10M
1985Humphreys Bull & BarkerLondonAd Agency
1985The Rowland Company,New YorkPublic Relations$10M + earnout
1985Infocom GroupI.T ConsultingUS$31M
1985Clancy Shulman AssociatesU.S.A
1985Kingsway Public RelationsU.K
1986Dancer Fitzgerald SampleWorldwideAd Agency networkUS$75M
1986Backer & SpielvogelU.S.AAd Agency networkUS$101M
1986Ted BatesU.S & AsiaAd Agency networkUS$500M
1986Peterson & CoU.S.ATrial litigation advisersUS$123M
1986Campbell MithunMinnesota, U.SAd Agency
1987Cleveland Consulting AssocU.S.AManagement Consultants
1988Gartner GroupConnecticut, U.SI.T Market ResearchUS$77.4

Someone obviously financed their business to grow this rapidly for a reason.
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My gay teal hatchback

Not sure why Nissan would target the gay, SWPL, and non-white demographics during College Football Saturday, but this little number popped up way too often for my liking despite having spent much of the day outside.


This ad "breaks tradition" by going with the effeminate male/mongrel woman romantic pairing. The lovebirds drive through a pastel-shaded cityscape of vibrancy, cut through an alleyway (for edginess), and stop to load up their hatchback with such accoutrements as: an acoustic guitar, a potted plant, a yoga mat, and a couple of colorful plastic storage crates. They soon arrive to find their two friends (black and white males) painting a large wall mural. Leaving the work of art unfinished for the time being, society's default quartet enter the hatchback simultaneously and drive off toward their next adventure (perhaps a pot luck drum circle).


"When it comes to doing what you love..."


If that innuendo was not clear enough for you, THIS IS WHAT THEY MEANT


Note the body positioning of these two artistic faux-hemians


One big happy family

Apparently having bested the US auto industry on performance and business model alone was not enough - Japan is hellbent on out-gaying us as well.

(**btw, excellent find above, Parrot**)
I’ve been noticing this anti-white commercial that has recently been projectile-vomited into regular TV circulation from an all-too familiar Marxist foe, “Subway.” The ludicrous, opposite-of-funny premise involves a garden variety, “for white males only” character named “Carl.” Much to the delight of the fine Jewish-American folks who doubtlessly directed/cast/funded/produced this infantile drivel, an actor that exudes all of their heavily-mandated criterion for a white male on television (frail, weak, ugly, bald, glasses, frightened, old-looking, nerdy, gay, etc.) separated himself from the other applicants…


CAPTION: Castration’s Casualty

You see, for whatever reason, Carl’s unlawfully-ugly female co-worker has employed the services of a white Bengal Tiger, presumably to “protect” her overpriced corporate nahrungsmittel from potential thieves...


CAPTION: Subway Succubus Emasculate White “Man”

This “sexy” gal radiates a Cod-scented confidence in the midst of the large cat, while the so-called “white,” so-called “male” can only muster a terror-induced gulp to accompany a pair of bulging eyes and a mouth ceaselessly agape.

In a “shocking” twist, the woman gets the better of the white man. As he scurries away in a mouse-like fashion, anxious and nearly in tears, a devilish, manipulative grin (teeth pitted with the cavities of Marxism) envelops her portly, homely-looking face.


The reality, which certainly has no place in the Western Jewish Universe, is that modern women are terrified of almost everything. Insects, animals of all varieties, heights, darkness, thunderstorms, horror movies, loud noises, heavy machinery, being at home alone, driving in snow, a man in an dark alley…and no amount of Bolshevik-shepherded training to make them “masculine” can change that.


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The other day, the poster “Scroat” sent me a PM featuring a link to a particularly egregious commercial for “Taco Bell.” At the time, I hadn’t yet seen the commercial on TV…until last night. This despicable, Negro-flavored, Marxist-to-the-core ad is simple enough to follow: a white man sitting at the park bench, enthusiastically imbibing one of Taco Bell’s latest imitation meat products whilst watching a sweat-enveloped group of big, tall, young, muscular, athletic, shirtless Negroes dunking basketballs and emitting primal roars of masculinity.

The “star” of this ultra-anti-white advertisement is a white eunuch named “Doug.” Unsurprisingly, Doug’s appearance and demeanor have been proficiently molded to meet the “White Man Humiliated in Corporate TV Commercial" prototype. At this juncture, I propose that we pause momentarily to dissect this Yid-contrived specimen…


CAPTION: Douchebag Doug Doting Over Dunking Deviants


1) He must always be short in stature and small-bodied such that he may appear physically and sexually inadequate when contrasted against all non-white males, women, animals, and sometimes even children.

2) He must always feature light hair and colored eyes, so that he is unambiguously “white” and is never accidentally mistaken for a light-skinned Hispanic.

3) His physique must be pudgy, unathletic, and his amorphous muscles must be in a state of life-threatening atrophy…but he must never be morbidly obese, as this might offend some in the Fat Community.

4) Facially, he must meet one of two criteria…A) Be clean shaven, but only average-looking and not handsome in any way. The kind of face that nobody remembers 10 seconds subsequent to the terminus of the commercial. B) An ugly, portly face with a disheveled, unattractive beard (preferable blond, red, or auburn in color). “Dougie Boy” appears to meet “Facial Prototype #1.”

5) If he is permitted to speak, he must be as wildly immature, daft, materialistic, homosexualized, buffoonish, clueless, annoying, rude, effete, and inarticulate as humanly possible. Other non-white, female, animal, and child characters should exploit any/all of these weaknesses in order to humiliate, emasculate, swindle, fool, or physically abuse him.

6) He should always be confronted with physical violence or feelings of physical, psychological, or sexual inferiority. If not, he must be humiliated in another suitable manner.

Alright, now that the always-white “ass end of the joke” has been properly appraised, let’s move on to the “heroes” of this Saxon-Slandering digital feces…the virile Negros playing basketball. Make sure to “compare and contrast” the following images (which include Negroes blocking shots and dunking over the two white players) against those of “Doug” featured above…


CAPTION: Collage of Cultural Communism

“You can run with these guys, Doug. Sure, they might be three times your size.”

Eventually, after the “characters” have been properly introduced, the plot thickens as Doug (the archetypal DWF), noticeably inspired by observing his chocolate protagonists performing feats of superhuman athleticism, grows more confident with each bite of Taco Bell goodness. The “big laugh” from the unwashed, aptitude-deficient masses comes when Doug stands and walks towards to court, erroneously believing that he can play with blacks that are “three times the man” he is. Quite naturally, the Negroes are perplexed at his impudence…


CAPTION: “Yo, Iz Dis Lil Whyte Muvafuka Crayzee, Ma Niggaz?”

The strong insinuation is that black males are not only infinitely more athletic, but are also “real men,” something guys like Doug could never hope to be. Despite the myriad of oh-so obvious slights against white men, I predict that this commercial will solicit high-pitched, glass-shattering laughter from the DWF subculture, as several of their favorite self-loathing topics of discussion (fast food, the laughable notion of black athletic superiority, white men being weak and getting humiliated, etc) are addressed in a mere 30 seconds of video.

[video=youtube;A4zmG0hhl0Q] [/video]

I could dunk a basketball in a similar manner to these feloniously-ugly street vermin when I was in 8[SUP]th[/SUP] grade, as could many in my all-white school. Also, I’ve only eaten at Taco Bell a handful of times in my life, and every time I was shocked at how little the portions are. Any man with a real appetite would need to spend $15-$20 (one could spend half that at a real restaurant) to become adequately filled with their infamous “Grade F” meat-laden products. Thankfully, Taco Bell has added their name to my lengthy rolodex of corporations that I shall boycott (and speak ill of) for the remainder of my life.

FYI – This commercial was directed by a Yid named Hank Perlman from a firm called "Hungry Man." Of course, “Perlman” is a notorious Ashkenazic Jewish surname. 30 seconds of research revealed that he's from Chicago and currently lives in Jew York Sh-tty...


CAPTION: Shylock Bastard, Hank Perlman


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That was great Thrashen. As soon as I saw that commercial I knew you'd get around dissecting it. Well done as usual!
Only a Jew could dream up such a commercial. As if I needed a reason to never eat Taco Bell again.
Lebron James sprite commercial

It's amazing how advertisers don't think their racism gets noticed. Take for example the new lebron James sprite commercial i saw the other day. It starts off with him rejecting a white guy driving to the hoop. The nba is somewhere around 90 percent black the commercial to be realistic should have shown him stuffing another black athlete. This is just another example of how feminine liberal white men in the media emasculate white men. They seem to find no shortage of black men in other commercials, but when it comes to making someone look incompetent, weak, like a idiot, or a criminal they always go with a white male. We need to start standing up for ourselves call it the racism that it is and stop buying the products from the advertisers that do this sort of stuff.
Now they re promoting Wiggers.

Did further research and it turns out this wigger is an actual rapper

Jacob Harris "Jake" Miller is an American hip-hop/pop solo artist, singer, musician and songwriter. On November 5, 2013, Miller released his debut album Us Against Them. Wikipedia
Did further research and it turns out this wigger is an actual rapper

Jacob Harris "Jake" Miller is an American hip-hop/pop solo artist, singer, musician and songwriter. On November 5, 2013, Miller released his debut album Us Against Them. Wikipedia

Yeah white kids rapping has been all the rage lately(Chris Webby,Rittz,Macklemore,Mike Stud,MGK) Guys tapping into the market. It is well known white kids are the reason rappers get rich. They're the ones who buy the t-shirts,cds, and concert tickets. So I guess it was only a matter of time until more and more tried their hand at it. It's not really surprising. A lot of people on this site like to take shots at the younger crowd as being "wiggerish" when in reality it's not their fault. Years of diversity and this is the result, the men before us let this happen.
American Freedom News