Commercials we HATE!!!!

If you watch football, you are bombarded with commercials for beer, soda, chips, diamonds, pharmaceuticals, and insurance. These are all products which are either harmful or ripoffs. Things of real value do not need to be pushed on the consumer.
Yep. They are selling an agenda not the product.

Diamond jewelry is another Jewish racket (is the very word named for them?). It's a Jewish monopoly. Diamonds are actually a common mineral. I once saw an educational tv show about the diamond trade in South Africa. They showed bulldozers moving around big hills of diamonds. The South African Anglo American De Beers diamond conglomerate is run by the Openheimer family. They were instrumental in destroying civilization in South Africa, and so were other Jews, like the GB Colonel "Uncle" Joe Slovo, hero of the ANC. The whole "diamonds are forever" advertising schtick has been super successful in making people think that a diamond ring is required to show your love - even for sex perverts it seems. Diamond jewelry is a Jewish racket all over the world and they smuggle diamonds between countries. Diamonds are easy to smuggle. The world diamond headquarters are Johanesburg (what's left of it) in SA and Amsterdam in Holland and NYC. Once I had occasion to visit the interior of a diamond polishing factory in the NY diamond district on W. 47th Street in NYC. You have to walk through multiple security doors to get in. I saw the boxer Roberto Duran out on the street, shopping for diamonds while he was in NY I guess.

Good insight Wolf.
Yep. They are selling an agenda not the product.

Diamond jewelry is another Jewish racket (is the very word named for them?). It's a Jewish monopoly. Diamonds are actually a common mineral. I once saw an educational tv show about the diamond trade in South Africa. They showed bulldozers moving around big hills of diamonds. The South African Anglo American De Beers diamond conglomerate is run by the Openheimer family. They were instrumental in destroying civilization in South Africa, and so were other Jews, like the KGB Colonel "Uncle" Joe Slovo, hero of the ANC. The whole "diamonds are forever" advertising schtick has been super successful in making people think that a diamond ring is required to show your love - even for sex perverts it seems. Diamond jewelry is a Jewish racket all over the world and they smuggle diamonds between countries. Diamonds are easy to smuggle. The world diamond headquarters are Johanesburg (what's left of it) in SA and Amsterdam in Holland and NYC and Tel Aviv. Once I had occasion to visit the interior of a diamond polishing factory in the NY diamond district on W. 47th Street in NYC. You have to walk through multiple security doors to get in. I saw the boxer Roberto Duran out on the street, shopping for diamonds while he was in NY I guess.

If diamonds are so common why don't you go dig some up in your yard and get rich like a jew!!

I agree with what you said about jew control and diamonds not being all that scarce. However it's like any other stupid fad, if people want it and can be convinced it's something worth having then that is what the market price becomes. I don't know that jewish diamond interests are controlling governments and forcing them to make engaged people buy them. If the diamonds were really common wouldn't the chinese enter the market and take it over?
As we now endure a second decade of "Flo" and her posse of pasty-faced, emasculated White male sidekicks, Sprint has brought this limpwrist out of mothballs after a lengthy run with Verizon.

From Wikipedia about Paul "Can You Hear Me Now" Marcarelli: Marcarelli now lives in his home town with his two cats, Piper and Dusty. His husband's name is Ryan, who also appeared with Paul in a Sprint ad.

This commercial for "Cheetos" portrays a white "father" and his three kids in a car. The vehicles comes to a sudden halt, he instructs the kids to "quiet down!" He bites down on a Cheeto [loud crunch] and then utters the Ebonics-flavored phrase "dis is my jam!" He then turns up the radio and begins to squeal along with the song "Tell it to My Heart," the 1987 hit pop song by Jewish singer, Taylor Dayne...

Not only did dad's high-pitched antics humiliate him in front of his own children, but he also loses out on any possible breeding privileges with the occupants of a neighboring car, which is, quite naturally, being driven by two "hot chicks" who find his effeminate frolicking to be quite unbecoming.

As always, advertisers are far more concerned with writing unfunny bits that emasculate white men (but only ones with light features!) than selling their high-carb, orange-dyed mystery snacks. When I was a kid, the "Chester Cheetah" was annoying, but tolerable. Today's version walks, talks, and acts like ghetto Negro.

Notice how "daddy" has light features...boy, that's 7,000 Aryans in a row set up to look like a buffoon, probably just a coincidence, though!
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Remember last year when Campbell's soup, the rabidly pro-LGBT corporation, tortured us all with their "Gay Dad's Eating Soup With Their Adopted Son" commercial?


Well, these homosexual supremacists have now released an ad with two white lesbians eating soup, with one calling the other "babe." It's part of their ultra-Marxist "Made for Real, Real Life" ad campaign. For some reason, the video doesn't appear to be available on the internet as of yet. I've seen it on TV many times over the past few days. I'll check again in a few days and post.
Last year I abruptly stopped buying Campbell's products after seeing their Sodomite Mafia trash. I did the same thing two years before with Coke products and have never looked back.

I wish people here would wake up. Russia (collectively) seems to have a lot more sense than Americans flying by the seat of their pants and fluttering and being strewn about by whatever wind of Leftist doctrine comes along. There is truly a spiritual issue in all this. It's simply good versus evil, whether anyone wants to believe it or not.
Remember last year when Campbell's soup, the rabidly pro-LGBT corporation, tortured us all with their "Gay Dad's Eating Soup With Their Adopted Son" commercial?


Well, these homosexual supremacists have now released an ad with two white lesbians eating soup, with one calling the other "babe." It's part of their ultra-Marxist "Made for Real, Real Life" ad campaign. For some reason, the video doesn't appear to be available on the internet as of yet. I've seen it on TV many times over the past few days. I'll check again in a few days and post.

Here's the new Campbell's Soup commercial I mentioned in the post above featuring lesbians...

Of all the pro-LGBT vermin in the corporate world, Campbell's may be the very worst.
Here's the new Campbell's Soup commercial I mentioned in the post above featuring lesbians...

Of all the pro-LGBT vermin in the corporate world, Campbell's may be the very worst.

Campbell has sh*t ingredients and are loaded with sodium. They are now (and have been for a while) being pressed by other competitors that offer non-GMO and organic soups as well as the trend of more people making their own food, including soups. No longer are they the only game in town as they were 20-30-40 years ago. So, instead of improving the ingredients in their products, they are trying to expand their market base instead, but they probably lose as much from the market as they gain from it with these ads.
I’ve been seeing this highly revolting commercial for “Consumer Cellular” (a cell phone provider geared towards old, retired white people) which depicts a white husband and wife and their half-black granddaughter. Notice how the white grandmother says “our generation really has gotten used to a whole new world” as she stares glowingly at her mulatto grandchild. [gagging noises]...

Notice how the title of the commercial is "Change for the Better."


CAPTION: Even the Family Dog Knows You're a Negro-Loving Cuck
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Australia Day (January 26th) is just around the corner therefore - as usual - the anti-White, "multicultural" propaganda is everywhere:

What. The. Hell.

That is one of the most awful things I've ever watched. Not only was it extremely cucked, it was terribly corny and unfunny. What talentless chosenite produced such rubbish?
I’ve been seeing this highly revolting commercial for “Consumer Cellular” (a cell phone provider geared towards old, retired white people) which depicts a white husband and wife and their half-black granddaughter. Notice how the white grandmother says “our generation really has gotten used to a whole new world” as she stares glowingly at her mulatto grandchild. [gagging noises]...

Notice how the title of the commercial is "Change for the Better."


CAPTION: Even the Family Dog Knows You're a Negro-Loving Cuck

I've warned my kids against racial treason many times over. I told them (in no uncertain terms) that such a disgracful act isn't just "disrespectful" to oneself, but a betrayal to their entire lineage & ancestors.
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What. The. Hell.

That is one of the most awful things I've ever watched. Not only was it extremely cucked, it was terribly corny and unfunny. What talentless chosenite produced such rubbish?

Freethinker -

Welcome to the ignominious, hopelessly parochial psych ward of Australian television, which elevates cringing embarrassment to unimagined heights.

The often painfully buffoonish approach to advertising, journalism, and television production is largely a consequence of generations of Australians being indoctrinated with the absurd idea that “not taking ourselves seriously” is a defining national trait that must be cherished and preserved at all cost. Well, that and the fact that the Australian “entertainment” sector is principally populated by so-called “professionals” whose “talents” are either pitifully mediocre (a highly generous assessment…) or entirely non-existent. Throw in an ever-persistent encouragement of “ockerism” - that other venerated “national characteristic” with its pestilent disdain for anything which even hints at high culture - then drench everything with ubiquitous far-left doctrinal poisons and the resultant “fruits of creativity” are such as you’ve had the displeasure of experiencing above.

That being said, it's important to keep in mind that not all Australian television and film is shamefully abysmal. Far from it. There have been many truly excellent films and TV series down the years. For instance, if you enjoy well-written, well-acted crime comedies that are genuinely funny, get hold of films such as Two Hands, Gettin’ Square, and Dirty Deeds.

The anti-White “multicultural Australia” campaigns exemplified by that ad are now 100% undisguised and 100% unambiguous. The following aired last year and is about as openly anti-White - especially anti-White male - as anything can get and makes the one I posted earlier appear subtle by comparison:

I’d gladly pay big money for a “legal immunity” chance to personally butcher all of the “actors” who appeared in those ads - particularly that closet homo Luke Jacobz - in addition to everyone involved in their conception, authorisation and production.

As I’ve said on countless previous occasions, Australia is sinking faster than any other nation in the “Anglosphere”. You’ve just witnessed part of the evidence…

Both propaganda pieces were directed by a creep named Paul Middleditch:

Like many of the worst elements in Australia, Middleditch was born in New Zealand.
Both propaganda pieces were directed by a creep named Paul Middleditch:

Like many of the worst elements in Australia, Middleditch was born in New Zealand.

Having lived in NZ briefly as a child - I haven't been back in over 30 years - I think Kiwis have a similar relationship to Aussies as Canadians do with Americans. That is, they are very much influenced by their bigger neighbour but also have a kind of inferiority complex which is often expressed through smug know-it-all liberalism.
(Didn't feel like linking it but..) Liberty Mutual insurance has a whole series of lame commercials.. different sets with astro turf park settings & the Statue of Liberty lurking on a background blue screen.

There's one I'm seeing everyday now.. where an effeminate tool is sitting in the fake waterside park, nursing a latte'.. complaining about his former insurance agent..
I'm paraphrasing, the actor says his agent told him he was carrying the wrong policy, so the simulated customer responds.. noooooooo, I had the wrong insurance company.

This commercial for "Duracell" batteries depicts a light-haired, fair-skinned white man (you know, the standard prototype for mocking, derision, and humiliation in all advertisement, always and forever) and he has an "ear hair" problem. He meets two non-white "friends" for dinner, where he's made fun of for this problem. His two ill-selected chums consists of an effete, balding Asian dork and an equally-puny, pencil-necked Negro. These smug little city-dwelling worms have coined an ultra-creative nickname for the white guy - "ear hair man." Hardy har, what a knee-slapper! I bet I could come up with a good nickname for them. Next, his overflowing ear tufts draw the ire of a wrinkled, beady-eyed, gray-haired, corporate wage slave female and a super-morbidly-obese, monstrously-primitive Negress (at least I think that's a woman) at some work presentation...

CAPTION: Minority Ear-Hair Shamers

Oh, right, silly me...and the whole "purpose" of the commercial is to sell batteries to this tormented white man so he can install them in his cordless ear hair trimmer. Perhaps after sheering his inner-ear locks, this collection of minorities (who aren't exactly shining examples of physical perfection themselves) will accept him.

Imagine if there was a commercial where white men ganged-up on and belittled the Asian man for not being able to satisfy a woman and he needed penis pills? Or if they laughed at the old white woman for her incontinence problem and she needed adult diapers? Or if they derided the fat/hideous black woman for being too stupid to pass a standardized test and she needed "Hooked on Phonics."
Propaganda machine is turbocharged and will be burning aviation fuel for this weekend. You all know why. This Budweiser piece is aimed at Trump, his goals, and all of us WHITES who support him. Be smart. Be alert. Don't drink their swill. If you drink beer, why not buy from the micro breweries?

What did I miss? I don't see what the agenda is in that particular commercial.
Propaganda machine is turbocharged and will be burning aviation fuel for this weekend. You all know why. This Budweiser piece is aimed at Trump, his goals, and all of us WHITES who support him. Be smart. Be alert. Don't drink their swill. If you drink beer, why not buy from the micro breweries?

Yep, Bud is crap and they also sold out to that Belgian beer conglomerate. Buy Yuengling instead. Better beer and the owners support Trump. Also touted as America's oldest brewery.
What did I miss? I don't see what the agenda is in that particular commercial.

Why a commercial about newcomers? AGENDA.

Who are the old media targeting as hateful to newcomers? WHITE.

Who are the old media targeting leader behind it all? TRUMP.

Why are the old media doing this now? NOT TO SELL THEIR SLOP BUT TO SELL MIND SLIP.