Commercials we HATE!!!!

White woman showcasing her "rapping" "skills" at a Ruby Tuesday's "Endless Garden Bar". Dorky White husband finally joins in at the end with the head moves. Note the other (blond) White woman sitting at the table with a negro male, just off to the right side, but, of course, just within the viewer's eye as well:

Makes ya hungry for some salad, eh?
White woman showcasing her "rapping" "skills" at a Ruby Tuesday's "Endless Garden Bar". Dorky White husband finally joins in at the end with the head moves. Note the other (blond) White woman sitting at the table with a negro male, just off to the right side, but, of course, just within the viewer's eye as well:

Makes ya hungry for some salad, eh?

Do you have a link to where this video comes from.......or the sounds like a black commentator. A great breakdown of a horrible commercial that does not sell TVs

When it's playing, click on YouTube in the lower right of it and you can see it on YouTube, which gives you the url if that's what you're inquiring about. . .
Do you have a link to where this video comes from.......or the sounds like a black commentator. A great breakdown of a horrible commercial that does not sell TVs
The video was made by a White Alt-right YouTuber named Pale Hominid. He used to guest feature with Millenial Woes quite often which is how I became aware of him. He hasn't been doing any videos lately, which is a shame, but he's very active on twitter. Any CFers on twitter should be following him.
This commercial for "7-Up" is vile on a litany of levels.

The ubiquitous flabby cuckhold of a white husband with standard light hair and eyes.

The scantily-clad blonde wife sitting on the lap of a monsterously-ugly and likely illiterate black rapper, "2-Chainz," lusting after him and saying how much she "loves his rap music."

The white eunuch husband (who does nothing to reclaim his slut wife from the negro) sitting on the lap of another white man (also with blonde hair) on a decadent yacht, implying that both are potentially homosexuals.

I'll die of thirst before I drink another 7-Up...

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This commercial for "7-Up" is vile on a litany of levels.

The ubiquitous flabby cuckhold of a white husband with standard light hair and eyes.

The scantily-clad blonde wife sitting on the lap of a monsterously-ugly and likely illiterate black rapper, "2-Chainz," lusting after him and saying how much she "loves his rap music."

The white eunuch husband (who does nothing to reclaim his slut wife from the negro) sitting on the lap of another white man (also with blonde hair) on a decadent yacht, implying that both are potentially homosexuals.

I'll die of thirst before I drink another 7-Up...

Thrash-master, I was going to post about this vile ad and crap on 7Up but you beat me to the punch. This nauseating ad is being played a lot on the Talmud-vision and is honestly one of the worst I've seen in a long time.

I went on both the long and short versions of the ad on YouTube to check the comments and they are disabled. That's encouraging as I'm sure they were getting savaged in the comments and like jew$ are prone to do they shut it down.
This commercial for "7-Up" is vile on a litany of levels.

The ubiquitous flabby cuckhold of a white husband with standard light hair and eyes.

The scantily-clad blonde wife sitting on the lap of a monsterously-ugly and likely illiterate black rapper, "2-Chainz," lusting after him and saying how much she "loves his rap music."

The white eunuch husband (who does nothing to reclaim his slut wife from the negro) sitting on the lap of another white man (also with blonde hair) on a decadent yacht, implying that both are potentially homosexuals.

I'll die of thirst before I drink another 7-Up...

That 7-Up commercial was despicable. Notice the pose of the 2 giraffe statues in the foreground.

I shan't be drinking 7-Up anymore.
This commercial for "Armani" cologne portrays one of the most disgustingly common interracial couplings in the West...a white man (actor Chris Pine) and an Asian woman. Our Jewish-owned, hyper-Marxist, big city-dwelling "friends" in Big Advertising bombard us with agitation propaganda from every angle, every single day, for decades on end. Yes, Chris Pine does also have Jewish ancestry, but with light hair, light eyes, and a European facial structure, no viewer would perceive him as anything but white...

CAPTION: White Man: Do You Want Half-Asian Kids With Jet-Black Bug Eyes?

For whatever reason, most racially-conscious folks always seem to find it far more "palatable" to see advertisements depicting a white man race-mixing than the all-too familiar alternative. However, it's every bit as damaging. Can you imagine what Asian men (far and away the most disrespected men on earth) feel when this see this filth? Then, those same rotten little Yarmulke-heads who mocked and sexually belittled Asian men their entire lives profit from the ratings boost their corporate news agencies invariably receive whenever one "goes postal," like the Isla Vista Killer or the Virginia Tech shooter did a few years back (it happens far more often in Canada than the U.S.)...

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These Capital One credit card commercials featuring Charles Barkley, Spike Lee, and Samuel L. Jackson: unfunny, uninspired, and unwatchable.

I watched the NCAA tournament a bit the past few days, and saw that the unfunny original ones have been updated with even unfunnier ones. But they fit in with the general black-mania of the event.

In fact, maybe my luck was bad as far as the times I tuned in, but I've never seen so many commercials, period. At halftime of games, there's a block of four or five minutes of them, then they return to the studio for a 15 second teaser, then back to the commercials again.
Thrashen, while I enjoy your hilarious deconstruction of modern globalist commercials, I must respectfully disagree with the statement that Asian men are "far and away the most disrespected men on earth." White men are the most disrespected men on earth. For every Asian man "cucked" by a White male/Asian female pair, there are a dozen White men shoved into the same role by a black male/White female pair. For every nerdy Asian loser pushed by the TeeVee, there are a hundred White men shoved at us in that role.

Let's also remember who else is left out by those interracial pairings. The White male/Asian female pair excludes the White woman just as much as the Asian male. (On a related note, black women hate the hackneyed, overused black male/White female pairing because it leaves them out too). This isn't to complain that "Asian women be taking our men" (only 2% of White men marry Asian women, and in these times any White woman without the Feminist Chip on her shoulder can have her pick of a large selection of White men), but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Whites have it far worse than Asians when it comes to abuse from the media.

One point that I'd agree with you on is that the mixed-race male offspring of White-Asian couples tend to have a lot of mental problems. Elliot Rodger was just the tip of the iceberg. When I see those couples in real life, I hope that they either don't have children or only have daughters.
Thrashen, while I enjoy your hilarious deconstruction of modern globalist commercials, I must respectfully disagree with the statement that Asian men are "far and away the most disrespected men on earth." White men are the most disrespected men on earth. For every Asian man "cucked" by a White male/Asian female pair, there are a dozen White men shoved into the same role by a black male/White female pair. For every nerdy Asian loser pushed by the TeeVee, there are a hundred White men shoved at us in that role.

Let's also remember who else is left out by those interracial pairings. The White male/Asian female pair excludes the White woman just as much as the Asian male. (On a related note, black women hate the hackneyed, overused black male/White female pairing because it leaves them out too). This isn't to complain that "Asian women be taking our men" (only 2% of White men marry Asian women, and in these times any White woman without the Feminist Chip on her shoulder can have her pick of a large selection of White men), but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Whites have it far worse than Asians when it comes to abuse from the media.

One point that I'd agree with you on is that the mixed-race male offspring of White-Asian couples tend to have a lot of mental problems. Elliot Rodger was just the tip of the iceberg. When I see those couples in real life, I hope that they either don't have children or only have daughters.

All very true and astute statements, however, being an Asian man in the West generally comes with boundless abuse as well...that is, being ignored completely in all forms of media and entertainment.

How many Asian men are "leading role" actors in Hollywood films? How many are actors in prominent TV shows of any genre? How many are famous sports stars? How many are comedians? How many are male models for products in magazines or advertisements? How many are portrayed as handsome, attractive, or sexually desirous in any conceivable way? How many are news anchors or political commentators? How many are sports anchors or sports commentators? How many are politicians? How many are given any role whatsoever in Western societies aside from scientist, engineer, computer programmer, IT, or restaurateur?

When their existence is actually acknowledged by the Judeo-Marxists who run all aspects of media/entertainment, it's usually for the sole purpose of know, the standard "small penis" joke, the "short guy" joke, the "nerdy guy" joke, or to show Asian women race-mixing with white men.

Truthfully, I don't care about Asians or their feelings. I care about Europeans. However, as a member of perhaps the most detested, belittled, and lied-about European sub-group (Germans), I have some empathy for Asian men concerning the way they're treated by the media/entertainment complex. In the case of German men, we're permanently portrayed as ultra-racist, fascist, genocidal hate-mongers who are the perfect "villain." White Anglo-Saxons hailing from any of the former Confederate states in the southern U.S. are portrayed in a similar manner in all of (((their))) propaganda pieces, too. In the case of Asian men, they're possibly the only "minority" group who are completely omitted from the infinite racial tokenism administered by our Marxist Occupied media/entertainment complex 24/7/365.
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"Diversity" means overwhelmingly black -- in this commercial all the sports teams are as well as the band and the cheerleaders. Only a few token Whites appear in background roles. Brutus makes a quick appearance and the narrator at the end is a black male. 50 years ago token blacks began to appear in commercials; now Whites are often tokens or non-existent, especially White men. Corporate Amerika works hand in glove with the cultural communists.

Can you imagine what Asian men (far and away the most disrespected men on earth) feel when this see this filth? Then, those same rotten little Yarmulke-heads who mocked and sexually belittled Asian men their entire lives profit from the ratings boost their corporate news agencies invariably receive whenever one "goes postal," like the Isla Vista Killer or the Virginia Tech shooter did a few years back (it happens far more often in Canada than the U.S.)...

Thrashen -

The American (well, you know what I mean…) media does occasionally stereotype Asian males as puny, bespectacled maths nerds and sexual wimps with negligible genitalia.

But are Asians “far and away the most disrespected men on earth”? I think not. Why? Because the image of the pin-dicked, short-arsed Asian weed genetically condemned to the lowest masturbatory rung on the sexual ladder is strictly confined to sections of the Western media. Even then, that is not the sole or most prevalent representation of Asian males in the Occident. Far from it, because the majority of American and European films, television series, comic books, video games, and tabletop role-playing games in which Asians appear invariably portray them as intelligent, highly dangerous, sublimely lethal martial artists and assassins who effortlessly kick the bollocks off crowds of hapless, unskilled Whites.

Unlike Whites, Asians have control over their native film and entertainment industries. Consequently, the actors / performers, directors, writers, producers, and crews are racially - and almost always ethnically - homogenous. Asian audiences are therefore accustomed to seeing their own people playing the roles of heroes and “sex symbols” and aren’t subjected to the endless supply of carefully calculated racial ridicule, miscegenation, demoralisation, and insulting pro-Negro “revisionism” (read: lies) which the “Western” propaganda machines tirelessly impose upon Whites.

For example, the “Western” media tries to convince Whites that everything our race invented was somehow first conceived in the East and subsequently stolen and adapted by Europeans. The Chinese media, on the other hand, tells the chinks that they invented virtually everything on the planet from the beginning of time…and that Western civilisation is an inferior, counterfeit construction which wouldn’t even exist if not for the “barbarians’” appropriation of the fruits of purely Chinese genius.

Now, I suspect that the vast majority of Asians in North America exhibit the same insular behaviour as the vast majority (probably somewhere around 95 %) of their Australian-based counterparts who - regardless of place of birth - live their entire personal / non-professional lives within strictly ethnocentric peer groups deliberately self-segregated from the rest of society. If that is indeed the case, they pay far more attention to - and are influenced by - Asian-language films, television shows, print and internet media, comics, games, et cetera than the English-language equivalents of their “host nations”.

Most young Asian blokes in Australia seem to be paired off with an Asian girlfriend. The incidence of the “popular” image of the lonely, sexually-deprived Asian male eternally bereft of female company appears to be comparatively rare. Mind you, “intimate relations” (shudder…) with 99% of these underdeveloped and strangely proportioned Asian “women” would be classed as draconian punishment rather than pleasure but the yellow fellows obviously view things differently so good luck to them.

Far too many White men marry and consort with Asian women but that contentious topic is ample fodder for an entirely separate thread. In the context of the current discussion, it is important to note that a substantial proportion of the east Asian females who choose White husbands are definitely on the higher end of their race’s relative aesthetic spectrum and I’m sure this fact galls ethnic Chinese, Korean, and Japanese guys to no end. I'm also sure that such women's preference for White men has nothing to do with media stereotyping of Asian males...

Ironically, the Asian males who tend to find it difficult to meet women are those who try hard “do the right thing” and integrate with the Western society into which they were born or to which they migrated at an early age. Such chaps lead “normal” Australian / American / Canadian, et cetera lives, have White friends, fully participate in White culture and wish to live their lives just like everyone else - and that naturally includes a desire for sex with White women from within their social circles. The problem is that whether these fellows like it or not, they are still Asians and - although some here may wish to vehemently argue to the contrary - most White women won’t even consider “dating” (begad, I despise that term…) a non-White.
Rebajlo said:
Thrashen -

The American (well, you know what I mean…) media does occasionally stereotype Asian males as puny, bespectacled maths nerds and sexual wimps with negligible genitalia.

But are Asians “far and away the most disrespected men on earth”? I think not. Why? Because the image of the pin-dicked, short-arsed Asian weed genetically condemned to the lowest masturbatory rung on the sexual ladder is strictly confined to sections of the Western media. Even then, that is not the sole or most prevalent representation of Asian males in the Occident. Far from it, because the majority of American and European films, television series, comic books, video games, and tabletop role-playing games in which Asians appear invariably portray them as intelligent, highly dangerous, sublimely lethal martial artists and assassins who effortlessly kick the bollocks off crowds of hapless, unskilled Whites.

Unlike Whites, Asians have control over their native film and entertainment industries. Consequently, the actors / performers, directors, writers, producers, and crews are racially - and almost always ethnically - homogenous. Asian audiences are therefore accustomed to seeing their own people playing the roles of heroes and “sex symbols” and aren’t subjected to the endless supply of carefully calculated racial ridicule, miscegenation, demoralisation, and insulting pro-Negro “revisionism” (read: lies) which the “Western” propaganda machines tirelessly impose upon Whites.

For example, the “Western” media tries to convince Whites that everything our race invented was somehow first conceived in the East and subsequently stolen and adapted by Europeans. The Chinese media, on the other hand, tells the chinks that they invented virtually everything on the planet from the beginning of time…and that Western civilisation is an inferior, counterfeit construction which wouldn’t even exist if not for the “barbarians’” appropriation of the fruits of purely Chinese genius.

Now, I suspect that the vast majority of Asians in North America exhibit the same insular behaviour as the vast majority (probably somewhere around 95 %) of their Australian-based counterparts who - regardless of place of birth - live their entire personal / non-professional lives within strictly ethnocentric peer groups deliberately self-segregated from the rest of society. If that is indeed the case, they pay far more attention to - and are influenced by - Asian-language films, television shows, print and internet media, comics, games, et cetera than the English-language equivalents of their “host nations”.

Excellent points. I despise "martial arts" films and haven't seen very many...but you're correct, the carefully-cobbled image of masked Asians stealthily hacking white henchmen to bits is well-ingrained into Western “entertainment.” Even the frailest of Asian waifs are suspected to secretly possess the much-eulogized prowess of a “Ninja” [rolls eyes] even if they’re clearly not of Japanese derivation. Whites have been taught to mechanically employ the term “Ninja” as the prevailing synonym for supreme stealth, polished skill, acute deadliness, and gravity-defying athletic deftness. Forget about Medieval Knights, Norse Berserkers, Spartan Warriors, the Roman Legions, the Germanic Barbarians, etc.

Also, it’s true that Asians irrefutably do live the majority of their lives in the West within “ethnic enclaves.” This spectacle is quite noticeable to anyone who’s attended any college/university, anywhere. Given that such a quality would tend to lessen their social influence upon whites and degrade the foul concept of “multiculturalism” to an even greater extent, I certainly won’t complain that a high percentage of Asians refrain from fraternizing with, well, anyone else. “They why the hell are even here?” is a pertinent inquiry from any logical citizen.

However, any astute observer must concede the fact that Asian men are certainly the least “pandered to” race/gender in a Western society that is fervently obsessed with catering to every conceivable minority that isn't an able-bodied, white, heterosexual male. As anyone could observe in reading through this thread, I study American TV commercials and can safely say that Asian men simply aren’t included. I’m not complaining about a lack of Asians (because I’d prefer to see zero non-whites on TV and in real life), I’m just making an observation. Perhaps these Marxist parasites don’t bother pandering to Asian men because they feel as though their race/gender group rests safely upon the second-tier of the “white privilege” pyramid? Perhaps they understand your points about Asian ignoring Western media/entertainment altogether?

I know that you’ve lived in Poland, England, and Australia, so perhaps your experience is different and Asians are portrayed differently in those areas.
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“Progressive” insurance really crossed the line in this repulsive new ad that depicts a married white couple who, as usual, are both Anglo-Saxons with light hair, eyes, and skin. The “man” of the relationship begins to “transform” into his mother, which includes incessantly vacuuming, serving horderves on a platter, buying food in bulk, and even cross-dressing like an elderly woman. I’ve been carefully dissecting TV commercials daily since I was a child and even I can’t remember anything like this. Disgusting, bizarre, perverted, and creepy all crammed into one foul, Cultural Marxist amalgam. Now we can add “cross-dressing transvestite” to the list of ignoble characters that white men have been portrayed as by (fiendishly-liberal, Jewish-owned, city-based) advertising firms in modern America…

Seriously, is this guy the most disgraceful cuck in the entire history of all TV commercials or what?


It reminded me of Mrs. Doubtfire...only not funny, interesting, or entertaining whatsoever...


Buffalo Bill of "Silence of the Lambs" is more like it...


Another pertinent inquiry...what the hell does this inane garbage have to do with selling more insurance to more people? How does this help their primary customer base (white people who own cars, homes, boats, etc) to utilize their service? Rhetorical, of course. These bottom-feeding Judeo-Marxists know they own 100% of the "advertising" industry and there's nothing that normal people can do about it. So they push their agenda because, well, why not? It's not as if there are thousands of white people who would stand united and boycott them until we're treated better.
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Have to admit I don't understand this commercial and by the time it was over didn't notice or care what they were pitching if they even were trying to do even that. I kind of thought of the theme behind the movie "Psycho" mixed in with some cheap low budget horror movie without any semblance of meaning. Only thing I can think of it was made by a company that makes an anti nausea liquid because after watching it that's what you're gonna need. Right Progressive Insurance. And I thought nothing could get worse than those Geico ads.
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New Pepsi agitprop, currently trending on YouTube. At least most of the users are aware of the agenda if you look at the rating and read some of the comments:

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“Progressive” insurance really crossed the line in this repulsive new ad that depicts a married white couple who, as usual, are both Anglo-Saxons with light hair, eyes, and skin. The “man” of the relationship begins to “transform” into his mother, which includes incessantly vacuuming, serving horderves on a platter, buying food in bulk, and even cross-dressing like an elderly woman. I’ve been carefully dissecting TV commercials daily since I was a child and even I can’t remember anything like this. Disgusting, bizarre, perverted, and creepy all crammed into one foul, Cultural Marxist amalgam. Now we can add “cross-dressing transvestite” to the list of ignoble characters that white men have been portrayed as by (fiendishly-liberal, Jewish-owned, city-based) advertising firms in modern America…

Seriously, is this guy the most disgraceful cuck in the entire history of all TV commercials or what?

View attachment 1626

It reminded me of Mrs. Doubtfire...only not funny, interesting, or entertaining whatsoever...


Buffalo Bill of "Silence of the Lambs" is more like it...


Another pertinent inquiry...what the hell does this inane garbage have to do with selling more insurance to more people? How does this help their primary customer base (white people who own cars, homes, boats, etc) to utilize their service? Rhetorical, of course. These bottom-feeding Judeo-Marxists know they own 100% of the "advertising" industry and there's nothing that normal people can do about it. So they push their agenda because, well, why not? It's not as if there are thousands of white people who would stand united and boycott them until we're treated better.
I hate this piece of crap commercial. It makes me ashamed to be a man. It makes me sick, how much lower is the white man willing to be made a fool of? BOYCOTT PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE.
Also, it’s true that Asians irrefutably do live the majority of their lives in the West within “ethnic enclaves.” This spectacle is quite noticeable to anyone who’s attended any college/university, anywhere. Given that such a quality would tend to lessen their social influence upon whites and degrade the foul concept of “multiculturalism” to an even greater extent, I certainly won’t complain that a high percentage of Asians refrain from fraternizing with, well, anyone else. “They why the hell are even here?” is a pertinent inquiry from any logical citizen.

However, any astute observer must concede the fact that Asian men are certainly the least “pandered to” race/gender in a Western society that is fervently obsessed with catering to every conceivable minority that isn't an able-bodied, white, heterosexual male. As anyone could observe in reading through this thread, I study American TV commercials and can safely say that Asian men simply aren’t included. I’m not complaining about a lack of Asians (because I’d prefer to see zero non-whites on TV and in real life), I’m just making an observation. Perhaps these Marxist parasites don’t bother pandering to Asian men because they feel as though their race/gender group rests safely upon the second-tier of the “white privilege” pyramid? Perhaps they understand your points about Asian ignoring Western media/entertainment altogether?

Thrashen -

The Asians (i.e. Chinese) are “fifth column” colonisers who - after the Jews, of course - constitute the most dangerous strategic enemy of the White race. Dopey Negroes; even dopier coconuts; greasy mestizos; and Muslim nut bags of every shade may monopolise the headlines via endless murders, rapes, robberies, assaults plus street-level drug dealing and assorted terrorist activities but the Chinese are a far more insidious threat. These ultra-arrogant yellow schemers pursue gradual but relentless economic domination through the seemingly “normal” acquisition of property and commercial assets, which in turn initially provides low to mid-level political influence and leverage (thereby facilitating and hastening further acquisitions…) and eventually yields high-level political power.

I find it disturbingly remarkable that even people who purport to be “White Nationalists” often naively describe the Chinese as a “model minority” who constitute a “civilised” alternative to Negroes and Arabs. Meanwhile, the Chinese merely bide their time and quietly sharpen their knives as their numbers and corporate / property portfolios increase by the hour…

There are a number of presumable explanatory factors for the lack of Asian males in television commercials. I’m sure the Kosher “creative departments” are more than aware of the following...

Asian males (be they east Asians, Pakis, or whatever) are highly unlikely to marry or “date” outside their own ethnic - let alone racial - groups. Sure, every single one of them fantasises about shagging White women (apart from the poofters, that is - and odds on those mincing perverts fancy White blokes…). But Asian nations and “expatriate” communities strongly emphasise ethnic and religious homogeneity, which is imposed and enforced by the threats of social and familial ostracism.

I suspect that the Chinese, for instance, probably view White women with an infuriating mixture of jealous lust for an unattainable, purely physical sexuality Asian females obviously cannot compete with and venomous hatred born of profound guilt and self-revulsion at their internalised “racial sin” of desiring the infinitely more attractive “barbarian” females.

Therefore, over 99% of Asian males will never even casually consider the possibility an inter-racial “relationship”. That’s just as well for them, because they stand no chance of success. Now, if Asians are on one figurative side of the hoards of coins which fund marketing campaigns with underlying themes of miscegenation, who do we have on the other? That would be the Negroes. And it’s no secret that the majority of Negro males will literally stop at nothing to try to copulate with any White woman…

For various reasons, increasing numbers of White males are “dating” or marrying Asian women. Unpalatable as that my be, it is nevertheless an indisputable fact. And we’re not just talking about the Filipino and Thai “mail order bride” industries either. The White male-Asian female relationship dynamic has steadily been on the rise since the 1970s. But this is not the result of any carefully targeted advertising campaigns or intensive, long-term brainwashing. In most instances, it is simply a consequence of “liberal” - and often not-so-liberal - White males being exposed to a small percentage of amenable, comparatively (cough…) “attractive”, and partially “Westernised” Asian females at universities and in the business world. Of course, the very presence of Asian women within Western universities has itself always been a carefully calculated strategy, whose success has proven far greater than anything even the most “effective” advertising campaign could ever achieve. Taking all of the above into account, it is boundlessly more “profitable” for commercials to feature Asian women rather than men. After all, encouraging existing proclivities is always far easier than creating new behaviours in resistant subjects.

Here’s another important consideration: Asian males are exceedingly difficult to market as - for want of a better phrase - attractive pop-culture heroes. Apart from a small handful of baseball players and fifth-rate soccer players, Asian men are virtually nowhere to be seen in the major professional sports. That’s despite the existence of both official and unofficial programs and initiatives specifically tailored to introduce an Asian presence at elite levels of the most popular disciplines. For example, over the past twenty five years or so the English FA - in conjunction with Premier League and Championship level clubs - has spent a small fortune on multitudes of “development” programs in a desperate effort to unearth at least one UK-born Indian or Paki “star”. Now, given that swarms of “Asians” (in the colloquial British interpretation of the word) play football at a strictly amateur level all over England, one would assume such a mission should eventually bear even a limited crop of fruit, no matter how misshapen and undersized. Yet it never has. The “problem” is both simple and insurmountable: the genetically cursed “subcontinental” wimps are - to a “man” - embarrassingly shite players. Everyone - including the Pakis themselves - knows this but football administrators and their whining spin doctors stoically persist in proffering transparently irrational theories about “exclusion”, “lack of opportunity”, “the reluctance of parents to involve their children in sports at the expense of education”, et cetera.

When it comes to the non-sporting dimensions of “pop culture”…well, Asian males crap out once again. Those ******** fantasy “martial arts” appearances in films, comics, and RPGs are highly significant exceptions and a few east Asian comic book artists are genuine stars within certain “nerd” subcultures (which, of course, don’t count in this discussion). But “Oriental” males are almost completely absent from the mainstream cinema and pop music arenas. Once again, I’d say the Kosher “creative departments” understand a couple of key factors…

Firstly, that the ultra-insular (i.e. naturally racist) Asians are far more interested in their own films and music than those of their Western “hosts”.

Secondly, that the rice gobblers’ innate “musical sensibilities” and aesthetic tastes are unsettlingly strange and practically unmarketable to non-Asians. If you’ve ever suffered even a few moments of the jarring displeasure of listening to Asian pop music or - what’s even worse - viewing the accompanying videos you’ll know exactly what I mean. Just look at that fat Korean knob who, er, sings “Gangnam Style”. The song’s “popularity” in the West was a purely accidental consequence of people watching the viral Youtube video for a laugh. But Asians naturally prefer such cringeworthy, childish garbage. The truly sad thing is this: that slant eyed pork chop is an ultra-manly dockside brawler compared to other Asian pop idols and “heartthrobs” whose frail physiques, garishly botched blonde or orange dyed haircuts, girlish wardrobes, and feminine mannerisms make them look like full-on homos (which they probably are…). Yet most squealing, permanently pre-pubescent-figured Asian females still go weak at their bony knees for such nutless pansy boys, even if they live in the West. And don’t get me started about the Indians and their Bollywood faggotry…

Thrashen said:
I know that you’ve lived in Poland, England, and Australia, so perhaps your experience is different and Asians are portrayed differently in those areas.

I can’t really offer any authoritative comments about the content of television commercials because, well, I hardly ever see any. Modern television is most assuredly not for me so my viewing almost entirely consists of old / older films and TV series from my colossal and ever-expanding DVD collection, the storage of which is rapidly becoming a significant problem. On the rare instances I actually wish to watch a TV program, I will always record it to enable convenient fast forwarding through the dead time of commercials. The only occasions on which I am exposed to ads are during the news; live AFL (that’s Australian Rules football…) games; or when my lady or Mum are watching a program (often together) and I happen to sit down for a while.

Despite Australia’s frighteningly high Asian population, the said demographic was definitely underrepresented on television until the early 2000s. Then things abruptly changed and now - from my admittedly limited perspective - almost every ad and so-called “reality” TV show seems to feature at least one Asian. Woolworths and Coles ads are loaded with grinning Chinese and Indian faces while the irksomely ubiquitous cooking programs relentlessly promote Asian “cuisine” almost to the exclusion of everything else. “Coincidentally”, a large majority of the non-Whites on television just happen to be female. In another uncanny example of “happenstance”…Negroes appear to be overrepresented in TV ads, particularly mulatto children. A couple of months ago I briefly glimpsed a car ad that paired a White man with a frizzy haired mulatta girlfriend or wife…

I haven’t watched any live Polish television since the late 1990s so wouldn’t have a clue about what the currents ads are like. If nothing much has changed (which wouldn’t surprise me one bit…) it’s embarrassingly cheesy rubbish all round.

Non-White faces abound in the UK wherever one looks but this doesn’t prevent the usual pressure groups from bemoaning a lack of “diversity” in British television. Once again, most of those non-Whites are Negroes and mulattoes of both sexes. Here are a couple of British ads which qualify for inclusion in this thread…

This horse **** from the “proudly progressive” Lloyds Bank features all kinds of non-Whites, most of whom are various shades of Negro but its most notable element begins at 0:16, when the viewer is subjected to the disgusting sight of a white poof down on one knee in the midst “proposing” to his black “partner”:

Now, the following slop courtesy of Sainsbury’s is so shamefully appalling that it will make you wince from the outset. Forcing myself to watch the entire three and a half minutes required a truly prodigious exertion of willpower:
