Commercials we HATE!!!!

This could just have easily have been chronicled in the “Ubiquitous Man Hating Thread,†but since it’s TV a commercial, it’s better suited here. As if any sane white person needed another reason to never shop at “Warlmart†again, this dogmatic, female supremacist agitprop, read from a script by a preschool age white girl, should certainly deter you…


I had to listen to the garbled dialog carefully to fully understand what was being uttered…

MOM: “And why doesn’t Princess Leia just let the boys rescue her?â€

DAUGHTER: “Because she’s a modern, empowered woman, unfettered by the antiquated gender roles of a bygone era.â€

MOM: “Um, yeah!â€

The Five Pillars of Cultural Marxism:

1) “Gender†only exists when the subject is anti-male.
2) “Race†only exists when the topic is anti-white.
3) “Sexual orientation†only exists when the matter is anti-heterosexual.
4) “Equality†is only relevant when white, heterosexual males are present and must be supplanted.
5) “Diversity†is only relevant in areas where whites are present and must be supplanted.
Notice also that the "princess" is a "woman" who doesn't need "boys" to rescue her. Under cultural communism, girls are almost always called "women" while men are now more often referred to as "boys" (and of course "guys," but rarely called men unless they're black).
And ninety-nine percent of them can't change a flat tire.

Haha, let alone remove tires from the rims (with bead breaker and tire iron), mount them, balance them, change valve stems, plug holes, install patches, inflate to spec, torque lugs properly, etc.

As I’ve mentioned, I do automotive work for people on the side. My wife will come into the garage to greet me and ask what I’m doing. When I elaborate, she hasn’t the faintest clue about shocks, brakes, exhaust systems, belts, hoses, pump, or electronics. It’s the same confusion and indifference I experience when she’s explaining cooking recipes, cleaning techniques, home décor, flowers, baby showers, bridal showers, clothing, and other stuff that she enjoys.

I watch a cable channel called “Velocity,†which is a car-themed network. Sometimes, I catch an idiotic show called “All Girls Garage†(replace “Girls†with “Guys†and the title would be considered sexist) in which one hot chick, and several average chicks make easy customizations to cars. I’ve seen them make countless elementary mistakes and there are times when, even with three or four “empowered†gals straining with all their might, they need to have a man help them lift certain parts into place. It's sad, yet fascinating to watch a woman acting in an unnatural way...


For thousands of years, the men and women of Europe had the ultimate symbiotic relationship and it was very beautiful. Today, in the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] wave of feminism, we’re left with “women†who are a very poor imitation of the men they so despise. Of course, there are many exceptions and I know countless couples who’s relationship possesses proper “gender roles†(that term is essentially the N-word of the feminist movement, so I employ it frequently).
Awesome post, Thrashen!
Saw Two NEW Kia commercials yesterday. OF COURSE the 1st shown was the black dad & son; who after the game is the rightful champ winng every game & participation trophy is not acceptable...

2nd commercial white mom murmurs(disagreeing with proud dad) under her fake smile about her white son "he's just not good which is a shame"

See for yourself...what if the commercials has been in reverse?
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Dude looks very tanned compared to his wife.
Nearly every single commercial that Subway comes out with is anti-White. Their latest, "No Life Coach Required", might be there most dastardly yet. They are literally portraying White men as retards in helmets now.


Yes, White males are so stupid they need a life coach to make simple choices in life that any non-retard could handle. Including passing up on greasy, fried foods for the "superior" choice in a corporate sub. Yes, you know the healthy option which includes lettuce from plastic bags, mystery deli meats and microwavable chicken breast that resemble hockey pucks.

Now which race of people really need a "life coach" because their low IQs and impulse control cause them to make poor choices, including eating tons of fried food making them have higher rates of obesity? Somehow I doubt Subway will be producing the more accurate negro version anytime soon.

I haven't eaten Subway in years and I never will again. That jewish pedophile Jared is the perfect spokesman for this vile corporation. Sick and rotten to the core. F them!
Nearly every single commercial that Subway comes out with is anti-White. Their latest, "No Life Coach Required", might be there most dastardly yet. They are literally portraying White men as retards in helmets now.


Yes, White males are so stupid they need a life coach to make simple choices in life that any non-retard could handle. Including passing up on greasy, fried foods for the "superior" choice in a corporate sub. Yes, you know the healthy option which includes lettuce from plastic bags, mystery deli meats and microwavable chicken breast that resemble hockey pucks.

Now which race of people really need a "life coach" because their low IQs and impulse control cause them to make poor choices, including eating tons of fried food making them have higher rates of obesity? Somehow I doubt Subway will be producing the more accurate negro version anytime soon.

I haven't eaten Subway in years and I never will again. That jewish pedophile Jared is the perfect spokesman for this vile corporation. Sick and rotten to the core. F them!

I hate those Subway commercials too, they are the worst of worst, which is saying a lot. However I have noticed something weird about Subway advertising. They also have a set of commercials which feature star white athletes in a complimentary manner. The Mike Trout commercials for Subway are classic star athlete ads, reminds me of the ones from my childhood. Trout is shown in uniform, taking some swings, eating a sub, no flash or goofiness and nothing demeaning about it. Just a typical, here's a great player and here's our product next to him. Sports advertising 101, it could just as easily be Mickey Mantle with his Malt-o meal.

There are some other ones, the ones with Micheal Phelps was okay. I'm thinking a megacorp like Subway hires different advertising companies to appeal to different demographics and the anti-white ones appeal to the white sheeple couch potatoes, while they shoot for more active people with the sports themed ones. Subway might not be the healthiest food in the world but you can get fresh vegetables, fresh baked bread, and some lighter meats. It's better then Burger King for example.
I eat at Subways once I get the coupons in the mail. Out here in CA you can get a footlong for 6.00. I eat one half and save the other half for the next day. Cant beat it.
I eat at Subways once I get the coupons in the mail. Out here in CA you can get a footlong for 6.00. I eat one half and save the other half for the next day. Cant beat it.
If you're smart about your choices, you can get a very good and healthy sandwich for little money. I probably get Subway once a month when I'm out on the road. Keep in mind that all but a small portion of what you spend goes to the franchisee who is trying to make a living, too. Too bad Subway corporate sees flyover country as being filled with stupid white people who are not nearly as smart as they are. Typical of Cultural Marxist leftists in Connecticut.
For the past month or so, I’ve been seeing daily commercials for a mock-worthy new CBS TV show called “Supergirl.” The initial previews were laden with annoying puns, unfunny jokes, silly dialog that fell flat, surreal levels of militant feminism, and the main character vanquishing white lawbreakers and supervillains in some of the most banal “action sequences” ever concocted. Recently, a new commercial was released for the show in which a Negro male (playing the traditionally-white character, Jimmy Olsen) was seen slow-dancing with “Supergirl” and a love interest between the two was mentioned. Here is the lovely couple…


CAPTION: Soon-to-Sink Show, “SuperMudshark”


Isn’t the show’s title a bit dated and sexist? I suppose the name could be changed to “Superperson,” but that might be considered offensive towards average people. As logic would dictate, the producers of this future-cancellation are entirely Jewish and homosexual: Allison Adler (Lesbian Jewess), Greg Berlanti (Homosexual), and Andrew Kreisberg (Jew)...


CAPTION: Vile Lesbian Jewess, Ali Adler

Naturally, Hypocrite Hollywood is the least-diverse industry in the world and should institute black quarterbacks to permit more non-Jews to succeed in the business. Adler, by the way, was the producer of the bizarre, homosexual-supremacist, hetrophobic show entitled “The New Normal,” a show that featured a white prostitute that acted as a surrogate birth mother for two ******* in LA...


CAPTION: Jewish Fantasy World Cancelled After One Season

Does anyone actually watch these putrid shows that air on dinosaur-network TV channels anymore? Aside from the NFL, I watch/follow absolutely zero shows on ABC, NBC, CBS, or Fox. While the previews I see for most shows aren’t as vexing as “Supergirl,” none seem the least bit funny, entertaining, or interesting to me. My wife and I watch a small handful of cable shows: Vikings, Lockup, The First 48, Intervention, Cops, Wheeler Dealers, some stuff on DIY Network, and a ever-hilarious Mountain Monsters.

After my last tube TV finally stopped working a few months ago, I broke down and bought a 50" smart TV and now watch many different YouTube channels (pro-white, nature documentaries, auto repairs, etc), which is pretty cool since there's usually nothing on TV.
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Kia has a new commercial. First one I saw a black man with his black son( I know already unrealistic) are shown leaving a youth football game. Of course the magical negroes son won the championship but on the trophy he received it says "participation trophy." The Negro dad is frustrated cuz his boys team won every game. so he writes champs on trophy.

Second commercial from KIA shows a white family. A mother,dad,and their son . Only this time the mother is thinking to herself how unathletic and white her son is and how he stinks at football. The goof dad of course has no idea his son is white and therefore can't be an athlete believes his son can be a star .

Saw these commercials back to back. I couldn't help but notice the agenda being pushed.
Kia has a new commercial. First one I saw a black man with his black son( I know already unrealistic) are shown leaving a youth football game. Of course the magical negroes son won the championship but on the trophy he received it says "participation trophy." The Negro dad is frustrated cuz his boys team won every game. so he writes champs on trophy.

Second commercial from KIA shows a white family. A mother,dad,and their son . Only this time the mother is thinking to herself how unathletic and white her son is and how he stinks at football. The goof dad of course has no idea his son is white and therefore can't be an athlete believes his son can be a star .

Saw these commercials back to back. I couldn't help but notice the agenda being pushed.

I hate those commercials as well. They are blatantly anti-white in their agenda. Screw Kia.
This commercial for “Campbell’s Soup†depicts two white homosexual males feeding preservative-laden soup to a presumably-adopted, Hispanic-looking child, with both saying “I am your father†(Dark Vader-style, you know, to cash in on the new Star Wars movie) and then giggling like, well, a bunch of *******. Be sure to notice how the first HIV-positive fellow is wearing a silver wedding band that is intentionally shown…


I especially enjoyed the line: “Campbell’s soup…made for real, real life.†Real life? If Marxists desire to provide an accurate depiction of “real life,†perhaps they could show a single, obese, unmarried white woman raising a bastard mulatto child in Section 8 housing, cigarette in one hand, cell phone in another, needle marks up her arms, crack pipe smouldering in an ash tray, and an EBT card lying on the table.

Real life? What percentage of the American population are married homosexual males with adopted children? Perhaps 1/100th of 1%? Probably much less. And why the pitch for gay marriage at this juncture? That issue was “resolved†many months ago without a single vote being cast…because it would have been voted down again.

I’ll never forget this and I’ll be boycotting/badmouthing Campbell’s for life.
The media is pretty much run by ivory-tower "activists" who take no real risks because regardless of what happens, they stay rich, and their neighborhood stays gated.

It's sad that America has declined to the point that *******, lesbians, ironically-stupid intellectuals, and complete and utter failures are trying to set the moral standard of behavior. They run around with their self-righteous messages to the masses, then retreat to their organic food, "$10 for a cup of salt-laden, heart-attack-inducing soup, $15 for a salad that's full of fat and cheese, but HEY! It's non GMO" paradise.

It's no wonder that American schoolkids get their asses handed to them time after time in international competition, and that kids grow up to be complete douchebags with no respect for anyone, yet with an entitled, "give me my benefits card" mentality.

There is no such thing as "bad" anymore, no such thing as "inappropriate," no such thing as second place or failure.

Kids might as well be born in America with helmets on their heads, wearing pads because they're so sheltered.
These from Tylenol are particularly insidious and have nothing to do with curing a headache. Maybe causing one, but not curing one.

The first one shows a moving collage of different types of "families" (now left open to interpretation by any seemingly imaginal conception). Note how throughout every single moving frame, there is not one instance of where you will see a White heterosexual couple with normal, healthy White children. There's a single White mother with two normal, healthy White children, there's a "gay" White male "couple" with a healthy White baby. That's it. All of the lesbian and "gay" couples depicted are White.

The only White heterosexual couples depicted either have no children or they are obviously adopted, the instance here depicting a black child and an Asian child that appears to have Downs Syndrome or something.


The next one from Tylenol comes courtesy of "The Manning Report". Their analysis is excellent until they say that this type of "deviancy" is always being promoted by Whites.

Anyway, Norman Rockwell's granddaughter (of all people) narrates what the "definition of family" is and "how it's changed".

The first scene depicts a nuclear Asian family, the second scene depicts a nuclear black family, and the third and final scene depicts a White (although it could be Jewish, not sure, but in any case the casual user will interpret it as White) "family" where the couple was once heterosexual and married, but now divorced and each now married to a member of the same sex! Ha! So over-the-top ridiculous.

Also note the subtle camera work showing Rockwell's left hand without a wedding ring on it. Obviously, she's an empowered feminist that "doesn't need a man".
(Software wouldn't let me embed two videos in one post, so just including the link here)

What the hell do these commercials have to do with curing a headache or what Tylenol can do for you? Obviously, nothing. Just pure Cultural Marxist propaganda with their sites set on Whites.
I like to play Cultural Marxist commercial bingo. I track the commercials on whether they have any of the following:

1) goofy white guy or insulting portrayal of same
2) magical or knowledgeable negro
3) powerful and smart woman
4) interracial couple
5) gay person or couple
6) unneeded minority placement asian/hispanic/mystery
7) smart ass kid who lectures Dad
8) happy, rich, black nuclear family
9) unrealistic stereotype busting, examples: black woman pilot or oriental cowboys
10) wrong demographic portrayal, like blacks being used to sell stock, or white guys in Malt liquor commercials.

I then score the commercial. Most of the bad ones mentioned in this thread have 4 or more bingos.
I like to play Cultural Marxist commercial bingo. I track the commercials on whether they have any of the following:

1) goofy white guy or insulting portrayal of same
2) magical or knowledgeable negro
3) powerful and smart woman
4) interracial couple
5) gay person or couple
6) unneeded minority placement asian/hispanic/mystery
7) smart ass kid who lectures Dad
8) happy, rich, black nuclear family
9) unrealistic stereotype busting, examples: black woman pilot or oriental cowboys
10) wrong demographic portrayal, like blacks being used to sell stock, or white guys in Malt liquor commercials.

I then score the commercial. Most of the bad ones mentioned in this thread have 4 or more bingos.

Great post. This recent commercial for "Domino's" meets #4...

The two main trends I've noticed in commercials:

1. White men aren't as blatantly shown as idiots quite as often now, in particular there aren't as many ads featuring moronic helpless husbands and brilliant flawless wives. Maybe a slight recognition of more people being offended, the old one step back, two steps forward method of rule.

2. The number of White men in commercials has dropped significantly. Many commercials, such as those that show various employees of a corporation or an array of "consumers," more and more on average show just a single White man with the rest being an array of females and non-Whites. In essence the White man is becoming the "token" that blacks used to be in commercials. The difference of course is that Whites are still the majority population (for a little while longer), while blacks remain barely over 10%.

There is also a huge increase in the number of Asians shown, and somewhat of an increase in hispanics. The problem with "hispanics" is that they aren't a race or even an ethnic group.

The main objective is to condition Whites to accept their new role as a minority, with White men playing a secondary role or no role at all whenever possible.

This is happening not only with commercials but with television and media in general. It's the expansion of the Caste System from sports into every possible nook and cranny of society, or more accurately the fantasy view of society as presented by the government/media cartel. Which is why the NFL's Caste System isn't going anywhere as it's a communist virus that will spread and spread until there is organized opposition to it.
The two main trends I've noticed in commercials:

1. White men aren't as blatantly shown as idiots quite as often now, in particular there aren't as many ads featuring moronic helpless husbands and brilliant flawless wives. Maybe a slight recognition of more people being offended, the old one step back, two steps forward method of rule.

2. The number of White men in commercials has dropped significantly. Many commercials, such as those that show various employees of a corporation or an array of "consumers," more and more on average show just a single White man with the rest being an array of females and non-Whites. In essence the White man is becoming the "token" that blacks used to be in commercials. The difference of course is that Whites are still the majority population (for a little while longer), while blacks remain barely over 10%.

There is also a huge increase in the number of Asians shown, and somewhat of an increase in hispanics. The problem with "hispanics" is that they aren't a race or even an ethnic group.

The main objective is to condition Whites to accept their new role as a minority, with White men playing a secondary role or no role at all whenever possible.

This is happening not only with commercials but with television and media in general. It's the expansion of the Caste System from sports into every possible nook and cranny of society, or more accurately the fantasy view of society as presented by the government/media cartel. Which is why the NFL's Caste System isn't going anywhere as it's a communist virus that will spread and spread until there is organized opposition to it.

So true. And I saw an SC Johnson ad yesterday about "Thanksgiving through the generations" or something. It portrayed a white couple in the 1940s and then followed them and their family up until the modern day. You won't believe the twist here (pause at :45, then continue to watch):[video=youtube;qRZaEBRbMvI][/video]
Yeah, I saw that one too. Made me feel sad. If SC Johnson was hoping to create a positive image for their product they failed with me and I'm sure many others. But the sad truth is there will be many Thanksgivings with that mix at the table.
The main objective is to condition Whites to accept their new role as a minority, with White men playing a secondary role or no role at all whenever possible.

This is happening not only with commercials but with television and media in general. It's the expansion of the Caste System from sports into every possible nook and cranny of society, or more accurately the fantasy view of society as presented by the government/media cartel. Which is why the NFL's Caste System isn't going anywhere as it's a communist virus that will spread and spread until there is organized opposition to it.
I've thought the same thing over the past couple of years. I think they were starting to receive some complaints about it (they sure did from me) and people started becoming more aware of it and commenting on it, so they just decided not include White men at all in much of the media now. If they can't be demeaned or marginalized, then they won't be included at all.

I first started noticing this pattern a couple of years ago when I was in a Burger King. There was a 3-panel mural in the back of the store. It depicted five people enjoying their meal, three White women (one being a White Hispanic on the far-right panel), one black guy, and a jewish male (no mistaking him for 'White' in this case). The two non-White men were sitting between the White women, with one woman on each side of them. At this time, the manager of the Burger King was a White male. I went back there a couple of months later and I noticed that the panel on the far-right, depicting the White Hispanic woman sitting next to the jewish man, was removed. I also noticed that the restaurant was now run 100% by Mexicans or Central Americans, including the manager. Ha!

When I went back a month later, the middle panel was now gone. All that was left was the far-left panel that depicted a pretty White woman with long red hair staring down where her meal used to be. Ha! I wonder what any new customers think about that.

About the same time as this, I went through the drive-thru a couple of times and noticed a small poster next to the pickup window with an advertisement on how to apply for a college scholarship that was being promoted by Burger King. There were seven high-school aged kids in the picture, a male Asian, a female Asian, a male Latino, a female Latino, a black female, and two White females. Ha! No White male (of course) and no black male (probably because they figured he was already given an athletic scholarship).

Since then, like Don, I started noticing this trend on pretty much everything...Tv ads, movies, print ads, Tv shows, etc. "If we can't insult him, then we just won't include him." seems to be their current motto.
The most disgusting thing of all in this incessant flow of anti-White NWO satanic filth is the "mood" in which it is all conveyed. The "positive" images and messages and especially the music underneath and the faces of the actors that SC Johnson commercial just oozes "cozy feelings" of warmth and solidarity of the said "family".

The Campbell's soup commercial with two ******* and a child was especially revolting as it too tried to bring "humor" and a "bright and happy" feeling to all who would buy into such perverted, barf-inducing, anti-human garbage. The music and mood therein (just as all these sewer pipes direct flow to Amerika's living rooms and minds) is for a purpose: It is to condition the sheeple masses to continue to buy into what is against nature itself. They are slick and clever. There has never been in all of human history as powerful a machine as the Jewish mass media in all its' forms, including academia (Yes, it's there too).

Only an awakening PLUS action can slow it down.
I was wondering if this disappearing was mainly here in Kalifornia.

So what?

Jaxvid's list is brilliant.

This all makes watching commercials much more interesting.

It's fun.