Commercials we HATE!!!!

Love this thread. Gives exact examples of anti white advertising aimed at whites. I have routinely pointed out commercials posted in this thread to family and friends. Now they often point out them out to me! It's very noticeable once someone has the guts to say something and state the obvious. Dieversity .
This commercial for the “Kia Sorento” hits several Female Chauvinist high points...

1) The wife is driving, because she’s so strong and obviously “in charge” of the family. The man is merely a whiny little eunuch that’s seated in the passenger seat suggesting potential parking spots that his “master” might utilize.

2) The wife makes ill-mannered comments about the husband in her head.

3) The wife doesn’t listen to the husband’s suggestions and “forges her own trail” (Girl Power!) with her SUV, parking her rice-burner on a grassy hill that isn’t actually a parking spot.

4) As she exits the car, she utters: “somebody has the wear the pants in this family.” The doofus husband is left dumbfounded next to the parked car while the wife and son walk away, leaving him to ponder his pathetic lot in life. Naturally, if a man said “somebody has to wear the DRESS in this family,” he’d immediately and forever be thought of as an effete homosexual cuckhold. That’s how “gender equality” works in Marxosphere.


Meanwhile, in real life, I see men driving their wives and girlfriends everywhere. My wife can’t even drive two of our cars because they have a manual transmission. Regardless, I drive everywhere because we go together and it feels natural and the alternative could be something like this…

“H & R Block” proves that even a commercial for a subject as mundane as tax returns can be made “cool” if a sufficient quantity of Ghetto Negroes doing what they do best (blaring rap “music,” jiving/gyrating like strippers whilst scantily-clad, “makin it rain,” possessing laughably-imbecilic automobiles festooned with “big rims,” and walking stoically in sunglasses as money falls from the heavens above) and are injected.

Oh, and the requisite “out-of-touch-white-guy” is played by the same elderly wigger/geezer who stars in all of their lame ads over the past few years. In a customary advertising “twist,” this wigger grampa (likely in his late 60's) gleefully partakes in the same activities as the Unarmed Black Youff...whose profound innermost thoughts likely include: “Yo, dat ole white nigga iz a reale playa!”

There are several other vile installments/versions of this ad that are shown on every channel during every commercial break. In this episode, Grampa Wigger engages in some equally-obnoxious behavior and meets up with an unsavory crew of street Negroes (possibly rap “artists”) who I suppose H&R Block is helping to itemize their drug sales from their pimping incomes. Ahh, and every single item in the ad is swathed in dollar signs (cars, clothes, glasses, jewelry, helicopters). The Jews and liberal whites who produced this unfunny series of commercials must truly believe that blacks are fundamentally obsessed with money, material things, and shiny objects (they are). As usual, “anti-racists” prove how racist they really are...

Does the welfare class actually file federal taxes? How does one get taxed on income they didn’t earn? Are the filing of “social sponge taxes” so convoluted that that they requires the aid of companies such as H&R Block?
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This one from "Best Buy" is on all the time and is in no way intended to advertise any product whatsoever. Nothing is even said. It's just purely anti-White; promoting the lie that Blacks are the desire of every White woman and typical jewish-produced filth:
“H & R Block” proves that even a commercial for a subject as mundane as tax returns can be made “cool” if a sufficient quantity of Ghetto Negroes doing what they do best (blaring rap “music,” jiving/gyrating like strippers whilst scantily-clad, “makin it rain,” possessing laughably-imbecilic automobiles festooned with “big rims,” and walking stoically in sunglasses as money falls from the heavens above) and are injected.

Oh, and the requisite “out-of-touch-white-guy” is played by the same elderly wigger/geezer who stars in all of their lame ads over the past few years. In a customary advertising “twist,” this wigger grampa (likely in his late 60's) gleefully partakes in the same activities as the Unarmed Black Youff...whose profound innermost thoughts likely include: “Yo, dat ole white nigga iz a reale playa!”

There are several other vile installments/versions of this ad that are shown on every channel during every commercial break. In this episode, Grampa Wigger engages in some equally-obnoxious behavior and meets up with an unsavory crew of street Negroes (possibly rap “artists”) who I suppose H&R Block is helping to itemize their drug sales from their pimping incomes. Ahh, and every single item in the ad is swathed in dollar signs (cars, clothes, glasses, jewelry, helicopters). The Jews and liberal whites who produced this unfunny series of commercials must truly believe that blacks are fundamentally obsessed with money, material things, and shiny objects (they are). As usual, “anti-racists” prove how racist they really are...

Does the welfare class actually file federal taxes? How does one get taxed on income they didn’t earn? Are the filing of “social sponge taxes” so convoluted that that they requires the aid of companies such as H&R Block?

You're out of touch with the modern meaning of "taxes". For families earning $30,000 or less, they pay $0 taxes, receive Earned Income Credit plus Child Tax Credits, resulting in "refunds" of $5000 to $10,000 per family each year. That is the market all these companies are trying to reach.
Commercial for "Cheetos" depicts an interracial family (black male/white female, quite naturally) camping at night while a creepy, all-white group of "boyscout leaders" (or are they park rangers?) are caught stealing their deep-fried snacks...

I suppose the "mother" could be seen as a light-skinned Hispanic, but at a quick glace, the average person sees a white woman.

The ad was created by a Chicago-based advertising firm called "Doug Stephens and Partners," led by this chubby, middle-aged hipster...

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Experian has been running an obnoxious ad sub-titled Credit Swagger.
It features a wife & her emasculated, hipster husband..
Cut to a loan officer's desk, where the wife rudely has her feet propped up on the bank employee's desk, dictating the terms of her impending loan. Her eunuch sits there quietly while his credit-worthy wife closes the deal, and then proceeds to scamper after her when she struts out of the bank.

I love a strong woman, but couldn't these creeps create a male co-star with at least half a sac.. ?
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Latest race-mixing tv advert is for Bertolli pasta. Black guy & white woman having a grand ole time, prepping ingredients together in their nice middleclass kitchen, sharing glaces and affectionate touches, cooking dinner together... Then, finally we see the couple enjoying the intimate pasta dinner for two at a small table.

I typically purchase Bertolli light tasting olive oil. Never will again, though. Never.

Methinks Bertolli's ad folks made this commercial to get some sort of recognition by whomever it is that hands out awards for promotion of diversity in advertising.
Latest race-mixing tv advert is for Bertolli pasta. Black guy & white woman having a grand ole time, prepping ingredients together in their nice middleclass kitchen, sharing glaces and affectionate touches, cooking dinner together... Then, finally we see the couple enjoying the intimate pasta dinner for two at a small table.

I typically purchase Bertolli light tasting olive oil. Never will again, though. Never.

Methinks Bertolli's ad folks made this commercial to get some sort of recognition by whomever it is that hands out awards for promotion of diversity in advertising.



Here's some information about who produced this digital refuse...

The ad was created by a San Fransisco firm called "DDB" (they the offices in every major city), the same Marxist corporation who provided us with another infamous "interracial couple moment" in a commercial for a cell phone a few years back...

Looks like Brawny Paper Towels is getting into the action as well. The list is getting long...

Looks like Brawny Paper Towels is getting into the action as well. The list is getting long...


So the good folks at Brawny are "against" sexism and "in favor" of gender equality, yet they create an ad that only features one gender (women). Along with all the missing men, they also forgot to include any hermaphrodites, transvestites, cisgender, etc. If gender doesn't exist, why do they constantly mention it? Why do they continue to use sexist terms like "man" and "woman" at all? Why are there thousands of laws that protect women and not men? Why aren't there any programs to protect men against sexism, rape, domestic violence, child custody, etc? Why do the genders still have different public bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms? Datz sexxisz!

Like the white race, the concept of (white) "men" only exists in negative ways.

Another humorous facet of this pretense-laden ad is disgorging the fallacious notion that "Strength Has No Gender" they show a bunch of women accomplishing very lame "feats" of strength that millions of of men could easily perform, and have performed, since the beginning of time. Are we to believe that the girl in the commercial who weakly tapped a metal chisel with a tiny 5-lb sledge hammer is the first woman to ever do so? Talk about setting women back! This militant level of gender pandering should actually be considered offensive to women.

Another hypocritical aspect of the ad is the fact that this is the very same company whose been using the very popular and iconic "Brawny Man" logo for decades. Perhaps this is "reparations" for their many years of employing a "sexist" logo that has made them millions of dollars?

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This very grating commercial was on a lot a couple of years ago and is again in heavy circulation. The whipped, submissive husband combined with the deep-throated voiceover of the Magical Negro, who like "Flo" has become a permanent fixture on insurance ads, makes it easy to hate:

This commercial for the "Samsung Galaxy S7" (now waterproof!) doesn't have any omniscient, all-powerful females crushing testicles and taking names. Nor is there an ultra-contrived, racially-mixed cast. There's no pathetic attempts to present non-whites/homosexuals as being normal, either. There aren't any effete white males being outsmarted, outwitted, emasculated, made the ass of a joke, or beaten to a bloodstained, weeping pulp of faggotry at the hands of non-whites, women, children, animals, robots, etc. No, this imbecilic, excruciating-to-watch-without-muting lump of digital excrement is just a case study of “Negroes being Negroes”...and it's both disgusting and fascinating to behold.

The ad features the drug-addled, unsightly, tattooed, shrill, pipsqueak rapper, “Lil Wayne,” along with two tar-toned and equally-obtuse members of his ignoble posse dunking their waterproof cell phones into fish tanks and dousing them with champaign to prove the phone’s durability. The “dialog” is solely comprised of Ebonics-sodden, grammatically-incorrect sentence fragments coupled with all three brainiacs uttering “WHUUUUT!” in the most annoying manner possible. This originally aired during Superbowl 50…

It may sound strange, but I’d personally prefer this type of ad to ones that create a phony presentation of the black race…because, after all, they are overwhelmingly superficial, destructive, irritating, loud, uneducated, childish, rash, simple-minded, languid, linguistically inarticulate, [open dictionary and insert any other conceivable negative human trait in the English language here], etc.

Their chosen "spokesman" has been arrested numerous times (all related to drug/gun possession) and spent several years in prison. I have a feeling that he's a good kid that Dindu Nuffin...


CAPTION: Lil Weenie
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In the ads that most of you post here, the product is just the vehicle, these are not your normal advertisements intended to increase sales of a product or service, rather they are promoting messages and the aim is to sell the message not the product.

There is a belief by many who make ads that simply being different or unusual is necessary to differentiate the subject product or service from its competitors. It is a false belief. Simply being different but not being appealing in a positive way to an attracted audience most frequently results in no gains of market share. In other words, getting attention by gaining a listeners or viewers curiosity is not enough to make more sales. The appeal has to be good somehow.

Using mixed race combinations does not improve sales most of the time. Most people are not mixed (in the common sense of the word). To most people, a mixed race presentation is not going to be viewed as a positive appeal. The same is true of ads that denigrate or demean a group of people in some suggestive way; for example, presenting white men as weak will not gain much of the market share of 192 million whites that live in United States. That last point should be obvious to advertising agencies, and is, but it is not always understood by the advertisers who pay the agencies to make ads for them. Of course when big business buys ads they do not have as much control over the content of the ad as many tend to think; the advertising agencies are in large part pre-paid before the final sale is done and the buyer, the big business, essentially selects what the agency has made for them by choosing what they deem the best of a bad lot.

So, when we write the aim is to sell the message not the product, we mean there are groups of people who are constructing advertising with a particular set of promises and presumptions and they are, and will, continue to produce advertising that complies with their premises and presumptions regardless of whether the message sells payer's product or not. At once you are aware of an attempt to foul your knowledge of right and wrong or good and bad, make it your duty to consciously avoid products and services that are repugnant to these. Not buying is the best censorship.
Of all the innumerable categories of Marxism-seasoned TV commercials, this recent ad for "Bush's Baked Beans" might be my most detested strain. That is, “normal” white people (the omnipresent effete, Aryan husband, his frumpy wife, and their two red-haired kids) talking/acting like ghetto degenerates...

"Boo-ya!" More like "Boy-cott!"

The longer version has the kids doing the “Negro Fish Bump,” too. Gross...

No normal white man or woman should be able to watch something as pitiful as this and not be squirming with anger/disgust. I’d love to conduct massive survey of white people, sit them down and play various anti-white commercials and interview them afterwards. My guess is that probably 5-10 white people out of every 100 interviewed would say anything remotely negative. Most are so heartbreakingly simple-minded that they would actually find these ads [rolls eyes in disgust] to be “humorous.”

After seeing this commercial the other day, my wife started buying a different brand of beans. Bush's has been boycotted for life.
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That Bush bean ad is just another example of what I wrote above. An ad like that will do the opposite of what an ad is properly intended to do, that is, the ad will make the product repugnant to its target audience and likely repugnant to all audiences instead of making the product appealing to its intended audience. Blacks and Latinos will be repulsed because they won't associate with that nerdy group, and most whites will be repulsed because the nerdy group is not a positive, attractive, appeal.

If the intention is to be anti-white and pro-black, the ad is a success. If, in so doing, that is deemed a successful ad by the Bush Bean Co., then it is achieved. But, how will that encourage more sales when neither Blacks, Latinos, or Whites find it appealing? Who wants to buy products that the weak, stupid, gullible, and lazy use?

I believe the producers of the ad know this and actually want everyone of the general society to perceive White people as weak, stupid, gullible, and lazy; and that message is what they are attempting to sell -not the beans.
The travel website "" has really pulled out all the stops, this time casting a real life interracial couple. Their most recent ad stars the unfunny, chubby black "comedian," Jordan Peele (co-star of the terrible Comedy Central show, "Key & Peele") and his Italian/Jewish wife, Chelsea Peretti, who is also a so-called "comedian"...

On second thought, perhaps this criminally-hideous duo deserve one another...



Blah...they make Seal and Heidi Klum look good by comparison!
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I noticed multiple anti-white commercials from Corporate Food Warming Chain, "Applebee's," of late. First, an ad laden with interracial couples (Spics and Negroes seated with white prostitutes), white people dancing like apes, blue collar white males seated with black friends, white people worshiping dancing Negros, and general idiocy...


In another noxious commercial, a wigger father is caught "rapping" to his young daughter (who has a Hispanic look to her) in his car...


After years and years of observing such brow-furling, eyebrow-raising, retch-prompting buffoonery, I've come to the guileless conclusion that mind of the average advertising executive must be little more than a simmering cauldron of venomous, perverted, hateful, violent, anti-white, anti-male, anti-family thoughts, feelings, and sentiments...utterly devoid of all honor, decency, or love. I don't know weather to fundamentally detest them, or feel sorry for them.
No doubt that the advertising executives are either anti-White jews or those completely duped and brainwashed by them. Nobody...nobody comes to such a "mindset" naturally. This is all planned and carried out by the aforementioned usual suspects. Everyone else involved are just their mindless pawns.
Speaking of media and the not-so-subtle agendas, has anyone gone to the google home page today (5/19)? The picture is is one meant to portray that of Yuri Kochiyama, a feminist/separatist/Moaist/Malcom Xist of Asian descent with the word "e q u a l i t y" laid out in blocked separated letters.
No agenda here. Nothing to see. Move along now...
Speaking of media and the not-so-subtle agendas, has anyone gone to the google home page today (5/19)? The picture is is one meant to portray that of Yuri Kochiyama, a feminist/separatist/Moaist/Malcom Xist of Asian descent with the word "e q u a l i t y" laid out in blocked separated letters.
No agenda here. Nothing to see. Move along now...
I saw that this morning while at work. Absolutely disgusting. Seeing that Google reps have met many times with the Obama administration, this is no wonder.

Here's the scoop on that hardcore Cultural Marxist:

Activist work
Kochiyama met the African-American activist Malcolm X, at the time a prominent member of the Nation of Islam, in October 1963 during a protest against the arrest of about 600 minority construction workers in Brooklyn, who had been protesting for jobs. Kochiyama joined his Pan-Africanist Organization Pan-Africanist Organization of Afro-American Unity. She was present at his assassination on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights and held him in her arms as he lay dying. A famous photo appeared in Life magazine capturing that moment. Kochiyama in the mid-1960s joined the Revolutionary Action Movement, a clandestine revolutionary nationalist organization which was one of the first organizations in the black liberation movement to attempt to construct a revolutionary nationalism based on a synthesis of the thought of Malcolm X, Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong. She was one of the few non-blacks invited to join the Republic of New Africa (RNA), established in 1968 and which advocated the establishment of a separate black nation in the U.S South. Kochiyama joined, and subsequently sided with an RNA faction that felt that the need to build a separate black nation was even more important than the struggle for civil rights in Northern cities.

In 1977, Kochiyama joined the group of Puerto Ricans who took over the Statue of Liberty to draw attention to the struggle for Puerto Rican independence. Kochiyama and other activists demanded the release of four Puerto Rican nationalists convicted of attempted murder—Lolita Lebrón, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero, and Irving Flores Rodríguez—who in 1954 had opened fire in the House of Representatives, injuring five congressmen. According to Kochiyama, despite a strong movement enabling them to occupy the statue for nine hours, they intended to "give up peacefully when the police came." The five Puerto Ricans were eventually released. Yuri also had close relationships with many other revolutionary nationalist leaders including Robert F. Williams (who gave Yuri her first Red Book of quotations by Mao Zedong).
From everything I've read about another prominent Asian female, Yoko Ono, she like Kochiyama is a hard-core communist (as was John Lennon). Orientals may fit the criteria for a "model minority," but their native cultures have always been organized on conformity, obedience to authority and ruthless top-down control rather than individualism and freedom. As with so-called hispanics, Asians will never be attracted to the Republican Party in significant numbers despite the GOP perpetually wooing them, hispanics, and every other non-White group in the U.S. dystopia.