Hi guys,I am new here and thought I should post my 2 cents. I am from South Florida (Miami) where I think a lot of the fastest and best athletes are from. I can tell you from my experience (having ran track and played basketball, baseball, volleyball and football) that skin color really isn't an issue. I am of Arab decent (a lil armenian in there too) , I have dark eyes and thick dark hair but I am as white as they come and I ran a similar first 100m with no training when I was about 15 (late 11-12 seconds). The thing is, my parents didn't give a sh*t about pushing me to play sports, especially track. Regardless, I loved sports and I could dunk a basketball when I was 15 as well, I was barely 6' and later grew to a true 6'1" (I say true because most assume I am 6'3"). My parents taught me that I could be better at anyone if I put my mind to it, but again they didn't support sports like they should have in order for me to make it in the big time. I don't think Blacks or any race is better than another at anything. White people in the US and around the world have mentally f**ked themselves into thinking they are physically inferior or nonathletic. You can't succeed in sports with that mentality. In my high school I was one of 3 non blacks on the basketball team and I had the most top-end speed (not quickness, but speed) and the highest vertical leap without lifting weights. One black dude was very close to me as far as athleticism, the other was a white kid who was about 6'4" and he was a year younger than us and the best player on the team. Bottom line, it's in your head. you have to have a certain attitude in life, not just to be successful at sports, but to be successful at anything. Talent translates, and now I am an attorney, that said, I believe there are some CEO's out there who could have run a 9.5 100m.... I am just sayin.ÂÂÂ