Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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According to Bolts Web Site, he is 6'5. That is 1.95 meters and he weights 207lbs.

The had him at 1.93 meters so they need to update that. I'm curious if Lemaitre is 1.89 or as The Master says probably a little taller.
Sometimes I think people are TOO careful about their food, and end up running themselves down because they stay away from fats and salts. I have no inside information, but it wouldn't surprise me if Pickering's problems were partly because of his bad back and perfective eating habits.
Regarding the race on Friday, all I'm looking for is the time. If Lemaitre can run another sub 10s time, I couldn't care less if he finishes last (which he won't, anyway). If he can get a few more sub 10s under his belt and becomes a regular 9.9 guy, that should help him even more mentally as he continues his natural progression towards the 9.8s.

My prediction is that Bolt will win with a 9.7x time, Powell will probably run something in the 9.8s, and our man will probably finish somewhere between 3rd and 5th, with hopefully a new PB of 9.97.
First sorry for my English is not terrible because I'm french.
I wanted to give some precision on Christopher, it measures 1.92 meters.
Then he does not eat as badly as his coach says, because it is his mother who prepared 80% of his meals, and she compensates by vegetables juices. One thing that is very good for Christophe, he is huge consumption of grain, which is scientifically proven to be very good for the muscle fibers.
Otherwise, I can tell you that as you have noticed christophe do not discriminate on skin color .... he has no idol for him everybody has a chance at starting a race. He always had a culture of win, it does not support the defeat and it is very bad loser.
hi Homer, and thanks for that information.
The photo showed Chris slouching a little to Idohu who was quiet upright. From that perspective there wouldn't be much difference.

I love that Christophe doesn't take too easily to defeat. That's good if it is channelled positively into the next performance.
He has a fire in his belly... and no-one can convince him he "can't run" because he just knows he can.

By the way, French speaking friends, his interviews are not only a record of his fantastic attitudes but also seem to show him as very articulate and intelligent.

Does he come across this way to French speakers or am I hearing a sanitised version of his answers? Thanks
Yes Mastermulti, he is a smart guy, he seems to be very mature. The main fact when he speaks, is he seems obsessed by the victory and the future. He just wants to win. He always target something. I like that spirit.

Here are the guys :

1 : Churandy Martina 9'93
2 : Richard Thompson 9'89
3 : Yohan Blake 9'93
4 : Usain Bolt 9'58
5 : Christophe Lemaitre 9'98
6 : Asafa Powell 9'72
7 :
Daniel Bailey 9'91
8 : Martial Mbandjock 10'06
9 : Ronald Pognon 9'99

It's going to be awesome.

Edited by: The Master
i wonder if running 9.9 will be his top.
other years he always improved 0.2 or more since the end of last season he's running around the same.(but he has run sub 10 so he's a legend, some make the joke that only 1 white have done it but 0 arabs, 0 native americans have done it , and 0 mongoloids).

09 10.04 + 0.2
now 9.98 + 1.3
for interview, Christophe has made great progress, he is careful image. at the beginning of his media he did not much like interviews, and prepare them with his big brother (Michael) since he took lessons with a coach media. He is very intelligent and also very surrounded, he has his family that forms a kind of clan around him, a very good coach (Carraz) has one of the best athlete French officer, a press officer, a good equipment manufacturer (asics) who bet on him and super partner club AS Aix les Bains, a club that is known for its sprinter in France. Christopher knows that he is surrounded and thus can focus on these studies and athletics.
christophe has two brothers who are much older than him. They played sports, mainly soccer and handball Elsewhere was the oldest coach and handball player, but they have remained low despite good speed who should be part of the genetic family of Elsewhere anecdote for the second brother (sebastien) was running about a 100 meters at a special day devoted to sprint, and believe me if you want but he has run his 100 meter 12-34, which is a very good time because he ran without warm, single Sneakers without experience starting block, and above all incredible 2 minutes before his race he was smoking a cigarette !!!!!
Hi guys,

I am new here and thought I should post my 2 cents. I am from South Florida (Miami) where I think a lot of the fastest and best athletes are from. I can tell you from my experience (having ran track and played basketball, baseball, volleyball and football) that skin color really isn't an issue. I am of Arab decent (a lil armenian in there too) , I have dark eyes and thick dark hair but I am as white as they come and I ran a similar first 100m with no training when I was about 15 (late 11-12 seconds). The thing is, my parents didn't give a sh*t about pushing me to play sports, especially track. Regardless, I loved sports and I could dunk a basketball when I was 15 as well, I was barely 6' and later grew to a true 6'1" (I say true because most assume I am 6'3"). My parents taught me that I could be better at anyone if I put my mind to it, but again they didn't support sports like they should have in order for me to make it in the big time. I don't think Blacks or any race is better than another at anything. White people in the US and around the world have mentally f**ked themselves into thinking they are physically inferior or nonathletic. You can't succeed in sports with that mentality.

In my high school I was one of 3 non blacks on the basketball team and I had the most top-end speed (not quickness, but speed) and the highest vertical leap without lifting weights. One black dude was very close to me as far as athleticism, the other was a white kid who was about 6'4" and he was a year younger than us and the best player on the team.

Bottom line, it's in your head. you have to have a certain attitude in life, not just to be successful at sports, but to be successful at anything. Talent translates, and now I am an attorney, that said, I believe there are some CEO's out there who could have run a 9.5 100m.... I am just sayin.
FrancisGLaw said:
Hi guys,I am new here and thought I should post my 2 cents.  I am from South Florida (Miami) where I think a lot of the fastest and best athletes are from.  I can  tell you from my experience (having ran track and played basketball, baseball, volleyball and football) that skin color really isn't an issue.  I am of Arab decent (a lil armenian in there too) , I have dark eyes and thick dark hair but I am as white as they come and I ran a similar first 100m with no training when I was about 15 (late 11-12 seconds).  The thing is, my parents didn't give a sh*t about pushing me to play sports, especially track.  Regardless, I loved sports and I could dunk a basketball when I was 15 as well, I was barely 6' and later grew to a true 6'1" (I say true because most assume I am 6'3").  My parents taught me that I could be better at anyone if I put my mind to it, but again they didn't support sports like they should have in order for me to make it in the big time.  I don't think Blacks or any race is better than another at anything.  White people in the US and around the world have mentally f**ked themselves into thinking they are physically inferior or nonathletic.  You can't succeed in sports with that mentality.  In my high school I was one of 3 non blacks on the basketball team and I had the most top-end speed (not quickness, but speed) and the highest vertical leap without lifting weights.  One black dude was very close to me as far as athleticism, the other was a white kid who was about 6'4" and he was a year younger than us and the best player on the team.  Bottom line, it's in your head.  you have to have a certain attitude in life, not just to be successful at sports, but to be successful at anything.  Talent translates, and now I am an attorney, that said, I believe there are some CEO's out there who could have run a 9.5 100m.... I am just sayin. 

Well said - I notice it everytime im in North America - the degoratory attitude towards whites in sports. Its really quite shocking. Thats what first got me into this site. Hopefully Lemaitre can keep progressing and be someone for whites to cheer for in the sprinting world at the very top of the sport (ie - olympic medals)
At the press conference for Paris, this is what Christophe had to say.

Christophe Lemaitre (France, 100m)

"I will run in the Stade de France for the first time and I'm really excited about that. I've never been to this stadium before, not even as a spectator. I will take this race as an experience, to learn and test myself against the best in the world, Asafa Powell and Usain Bolt, and to run a competitive 100m before the European Athletics Championships. However, I couldn't train so much this week, only two sessions, because of all the media requests I've had after my 9.98 at the French championships. On Friday, I will be on the track in the lane between Bolt and Powell. My coach asked for that but I'm not scared, quite the opposite, it'll be interesting to see how I react."Â￾
white lightning said:
At the press conference for Paris, this is what Christophe had to say.
On Friday, I will be on the track in the lane between Bolt and Powell. My coach asked for that but I'm not scared, quite the opposite, it'll be interesting to see how I react."Â￾</div>

Great quote...this kid seems to have ice water in his veins.

I think Bolt and Powell will be the ones scared...imagine the humiliation they would suffer if they lost to a white boy.
That would be funny icsept but Lemaitre is not even close to their level YET. I capatalize the word YET because I believe he can compete with anyone within a few more years. One thing people need to realise aboutsprinting is after you get to a certain level, the increases in speed or personal bests will become very small from here on out. Only when your really young can you continue to knock tenthsof seconds off your p.b. year after year. That is unless your on peds. Then you can do it even at an older age.For instance, Ben Johnson went from the 10.40's to the world record holder in the 9.70's but he got caught.

Christophe isdoing this as a clean athlete. He is totally agains performance enhancing drugs. The problem is that he will constantly be running againstalot of guys who do cheat andmost never get caught. W.A.D.A. is lucky if they catch 2 out of every 10drug cheats.
So now the French have taken one of my nicknames for Christophe. It's ok, I like it. Now I'm waiting for the media to also refer to him as PepeLeFlew. People are reading this and they know that we support Christophe here. He is the most exciting sprinter on the planet!
You know your gaining world wide respect when Bolt and now Powell are saying he has arrived. This is very classy of Powell to give Christophe some props despite saying that he will lose. It's true that he will lose but they have a close eye on him. It's all about respect and Lemaitre is opening eyes all around the world. They cannot ignore him any longer! I love it!;sourceid=ie8-activity&amp;
white lightning said:
You know your gaining world wide respect when Bolt and now Powell are saying he has arrived. This is very classy of Powell to give Christophe some props despite saying that he will lose. It's true that he will lose but they have a close eye on him. It's all about respect and Lemaitre is opening eyes all around the world. They cannot ignore him any longer! I love it!

White, this kid is fire!! He is the Vitali Klitschko of track!!! I guarantee he will do just as good as Vitali!!!

Edited by: whiteathlete33
Who knows? Maybe this weekend CLM will be having a good day, while Bolt and Powell will not, and Christophe will actually win. Wouldn't that be cool? If he did it in under 10 seconds, that would be cooler, still! Regardless of what happens I won't be too disappointed if he doesn't sub-10 for this race. He's already broken the sound barrier, so not every occasion has to be a boom for him; don't want him to burn out.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if he's playing possum and actually has a 9.8X in him, waiting to spring on us all.
GiovaniMarcon said:
Who knows? Maybe this weekend CLM will be having a good day, while Bolt and Powell will not, and Christophe will actually win. Wouldn't that be cool? If he did it in under 10 seconds, that would be cooler, still! Regardless of what happens I won't be too disappointed if he doesn't sub-10 for this race. He's already broken the sound barrier, so not every occasion has to be a boom for him; don't want him to burn out.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if he's playing possum and actually has a 9.8X in him, waiting to spring on us all.

If this kid doesn't pull a 9.8 this year then Wladimir Klitschko isnt the best heavyweight. I have never seen an athlete in sprinting like this kid.
A 9.8X will be hard for him to do without perfect conditions. I think a low 9.9X is quite achievable. Things generally go that if a guy is consistently at a tenth of a second then his seasonal best is tenth lower or sometimes a tenth and some hundreds of a second lower. Two tenths is asking for a lot. Edited by: white is right
I forgot where I read it, but apparently, his reaction time was .21 when he ran his 9.98. His normal reaction time is supposed to be around .15. This means, he's very capable of running &lt; 9.95 if he can get a good start.

(no way to officially confirm this, I think it was a comment from one of the youtube videos)
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