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27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=18 height=18>< NAME="_cx" VALUE="476">< NAME="_cy" VALUE="476">< NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="">< NAME="Movie" VALUE="http://www.gstatic.com/translate/_p.swf">< NAME="" VALUE="http://www.gstatic.com/translate/_p.swf">< NAME="WMode" VALUE="Transparent">< NAME="Play" VALUE="0">< NAME="Loop" VALUE="-1">< NAME="Quality" VALUE="High">< NAME="SAlign" VALUE="">< NAME="Menu" VALUE="-1">< NAME="" VALUE="">< NAME="AllowAccess" VALUE="always">< NAME="Scale" VALUE="ShowAll">< NAME="DeviceFont" VALUE="0">< NAME="Movie" VALUE="0">< NAME="" VALUE="">< NAME="SWRemote" VALUE="">< NAME="Movie" VALUE="">< NAME="SeamlessTabbing" VALUE="1">< NAME="Pro" VALUE="0">< NAME="ProAddress" VALUE="">< NAME="Pro" VALUE="0">< NAME="AllowNetworking" VALUE="all">< NAME="AllowFullScreen" VALUE="false">24 hours after the first white man to go under ten seconds on 100m Christophe Lemaitre won the title over 200m in 20 "16 (wind 1.2 m / s) equaling the old record of France Gilles Quénéhervé, which dated from 1987. Savoyard 20 years has been the real star of the championships of France of high quality.
Spectators standing applauding wildly ... Last night at the stage Pompidou Valencia, Christophe Lemaitre is found in King Day. First on the top step of the podium. Then when signing lane 4 of the runway, forever immortalized by his historic 100m on Friday. As the stars on Hollywood Boulevard ...
The Aix has been the star of the championships of France of high quality. "One of the best in history in terms of performance, even advances Bernard Amsalem, the president of the French Federation. It is true that Teddy Tamgho the triple jump, Renaud Lavillenie, magnificent in the pole (5.94 m) and Bouabdellah Tahri of 3000 m steeplechase, to name a few, have been great champions.
Towards the doubled 100-200 m in Barcelona
But these three, like others, have made themselves upstaged by Lemaitre. On Friday, the Frenchman came in the history of his sport by becoming the first white man to go under ten to 100 m. And yesterday, he has done it again by winning the 200m in 20 "16, with a new record for France, just tied this time. But what a record, that of Gilles Quénéhervé, which was dated September 3, 1987 in Rome, where the Briton had won the World silver. The 14th European performance of all time and the best of 2010. What has strongly revived the debate about doubled its best championships 100-200 m of Europe. An assumption on which the person does not adhere to the time (see cons below), unlike federal officers, for sure, the binding on the half-lap. Without this necessarily want to say that to run the 200m in Catalonia. The outcome of 100 m and physical state after three straight lines will help to refine the position.
Carraz: "I do not believe so much in 200 m"
For his part, Pierre Carraz, coach of AS Aix-les-Bains, does not show too hot. Admits to being undecided on the issue because with the 4x100 and more ... "This study. The first step seems easier to achieve than 200 m to 100 m. On the other hand, Christopher wants to buy the 100 meters, the race queen ... I said that day where he would run under ten, would begin ... And that's bullsh*t. But these are good concerns. "
In any case, the student has wowed master this Saturday. "I do not believe so strongly in the 200 meters today," admitted the coach. "He had a good hare Alert front. I told him to check into the turn then to highlight and accelerate gradually in a straight line." What Aix has done to the letter. "He ran like an old fox," laughs Carraz.
Christian Lemaitre him, had another strong emotion on seeing her son off the clock irresistibly and panic. "It will make me crazy, this kid, he blurted. But it was a weekend sublime." Many will remember