Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I see he's sandwiched between Bolt and Powell on his lane draw. Not sure how good a thing that is, but it'll certainly be interesting.
Yeah, it's hard to say.
On the one hand, it's pretty obvious to think that they will pull him to a faster time.
But on the other hand, Powell is going to blow him and everyone else away coming out of the blocks. To see himself far behind in the very beginning of the race, may make him tighten and press, and actually hurt his race overall. We'll have to see.....but of course, I'm hoping he rises to the occasion and goes sub-further-10.
You know for him that race is a a pastry.

I mean it's just fun, there is no titles to win, I mean he probably has the pressure but not like in a championship, if he starts well, 9'94-5 if not 10'0X.

In the link I gave you he said that race is a practice before barcelona so even if it does not work well, it won't touch him, that guy is just too strong mentally.

Edited by: The Master
I agree that for him this is just fun. He's running on his home turf which could add a bit of pressure not to screw it all up, but other that that its just a good experience. he is lining up against a bunch of sub ten sprinter with 2 out of the top 3 of all time. for him it should be a nothing to lose everything to gain mentally. if he can stay calm, get a good start and not tighten up you will see a new NR. I'll go as far to say 9.93.Edited by: albinosprint
I just contributed a better translation to Google. That article has taken the same English quote of Bolt's that we've already read and translated it to French. The Google has translated it from the French back to English. At any rate, a better translation of the title is "Bolt is wary of LeMaitre." No worries, Bolt hasn't disrespected LeMaitre.
Here is the translation of the 7 min video :

Journalist : we are with Christophe Lemaitre, the 1st white under 10s.

The Show presentation

So here is Patrick Montel with Christophe the 1st white to break the barrier. It's something you will have for life, is it easy to have that on your shoulders ?

Christophe Lemaitre (CL) : No, it's something that I've easily integrated. Now I prepare Barcelona and now I continue to train hard as usual in order to perform my objectives.

Journalist : there is something to say, Christophe does not take things too seriously because you have your parents who flank you, you live with them, Christophe is only 20 yo, your coach Pierre Carraz is a very serious coach and he would not accept you being swollen-headed.

CL : No it's not in his nature. If he see me with a swollen head it's the sanction

Journalist : Another fact is Christophe has graduated, and that's as important as the sprint ?

CL : Yes that is important to continue school, we never know what can happen in futur.

Journalist : ....And so you graduated, we have a journalist David Mallard who is a specialist of Christophe, and David did not miss tha moment of legend

02:10 we see the historical moment.

(A voice) it was a question of time, a sure thing for people who like track, Christophe Lemaitre would be the first white to run under 10 sec. It's nothing for certain, it's historical for others. Since Friday, Lemaitre in in history. 9'98 French record, the barrier falls.

Christophe in an interview :

- It's a moment we spoke about that, but as I said, for me it was not a barrier, just a necessary step.

We see a montain

Aix les Bains in savoie, it's here everything started there is 5 years ago. Christophe did not know anything about track but very quickly, his natural abilities give him some ideas.

His mother : It reminds me the good old time (after I don't understand what she said because of the audio quality at that time).

Journalist : Christophe will become a sprinter and nothing could resist to him.

His mother : When he was younger he wanted to beat older sprinters, he spoke about records he wanted to beat, indoor or outdoor, and he said "I'll take it, I'll take it"

Since the begining of the season, Christophe , 1m89, 74 kilos, added one day in his training week program, and does some strengh training
(we see Christophe training on the machines), because in 2010 the Aix les Bains sprinters wants to break the barriers

A short hair Christophe : To fix limits is not good mentally, it's better to not think about that and just run.

Journalist :
so for you to run under 10 sec it's just a step, is not a finality,

CL : Not at all, I want better at each time.

Next Friday, Christophe will discover the Stade de France for the 1st time, the definitive entry in the world class. he will face Asafa Powell and Usain Bolt the king of the kings. Some athlets would fear him, Christophe see himself challenge the master.

Back to the live :

Journalist :
So let's speak about Friday, line 3 Bolt, line 4 Lemaitre, line 5 Powell, do you think it's a gift or you will be taken in sandwich ?

CL : It's a chance to run against the best sprinters, to challenge them, it's a practice for Barcelona in order to see if everything is perfect technically or if I have something to improve. So I think it could be a great experiece which miss me at the international level.

Journalist : it just can be good for you. So we think to Barcelona, and we think it's possible for you to win 3 gold medals, do you think to that ?

CL : Yes potentially I can, I can have 3 medals but after I have to speak about that, about to know if I have the physical preparation for that, if I can have enough recuperation time between the events.

: I know the relay is important for you

CL : yes it is, it's a team event, it's not individual, it's important, and I want to succes for my teammates and for the french.

Journalist :
we can count on Pierre Carraz and Ghani Yalouz (trainer of the french team) to make the right program for Christophe Lemaitre. We will see a summary of the national championships, Christophe you don't like the 200m you prefer the 100m ?

CL : I'm more a 200m sprinter but yes I prefer the 100m

Journalist : ...A little problem in the bend (while that time we see the 200m) but your match the old french record of Quénéhervé (1987) 20'16.

After that wee others results of the championships.

The journalist ended with saying that Christophe is a kid, only 20 Yo.

And the other journalist ends.
Edited by: The Master
thanks for the translation, The Master. great work, mate.
Thanks to The Master. I know that must have taken some time and we really appreciate you doing that. I really need to take up French. I have a queston about the French Language. Isn't it true the French, Italian, and Spanish are all very simiar in alot of ways? It sure seems that way when I use Google to translate things. For instance, I could just keep it on translating from spanish to english and go to a French Article. It still works pretty good. Just curious.

What would we do with out our French Posters? You are the man. I give you the caste mvp for today.
Edited by: white lightning
1) I LOVE the coach's comments. He sees 9.92 soon, and seems to see sub-20 coming even easier. Yeah, baby!

2) Lightning, Those languages all stem from a common root. When the Latin-speaking Roman Empire broke up, most of the provinces (though not Britain) continued to speak Latin. However, over time the Latin broke down. The grammar changed, as did the pronunciations, until eventually Latin had evolved into Spanish, Italian, French, Romanian, Portuguese, and Romansche. These are the so-called "Romance" languages (from their common Roman base). FWIW, the Latin speakers were pretty much done away with in Britain by the newly-arrived Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. Therefore, Old English was a purely Germanic language. We picked up our Latinish words later through other routes.
Thanks for the info trackster. I was going to look into it more but I always knew thatthose languages were very similar.

I love the confidence of the coach and of Christophe as well. Think about this for a minute. Most of the really talented sprinters start running at a very young age. Lemaitre is so raw as he didn't start running until he as 15 -16 years of age. Imagine how much further along he would be if he started running as a kid. I'm not complaining though. I'm just glad that they discovered him. Better late than never and he has plenty of time on his side.

It's funny because Wariner was very similar. He didn't run track until high school. It makes you wonder how many Lemaitre/Wariner types never even step foot on a track. I guarantee there is so much talent out there but for the most part, no one is looking for it.Edited by: white lightning
white lightning said:
Thanks to The Master. I know that must have taken some time and we really appreciate you doing that. I really need to take up French. I have a queston about the French Language. Isn't it true the French, Italian, and Spanish are all very simiar in alot of ways? It sure seems that way when I use Google to translate things. For instance, I could just keep it on translating from spanish to english and go to a French Article. It still works pretty good. Just curious.
<div>What would we do with out our French Posters? You are the man. I give you the caste mvp for today.

You are welcome, I guess it's very frustating to see a video of our hero and not understand everything.

For the relation between the 3 languages (italian, spanish and french), yes it's because of the latin which is the ancestry of these tongues.
Really great to see the French people here. Yes, thanks Master for the extra work. I know that this takes time. Both the work with the interview and contributing to the Google translations.

There are a bunch of people who really do great work on these forums. Thanks to all.Edited by: Observer
One things I noticed recently is that Asafa Powell is a little taller than Lemaitre.

Lemaitre 1.89

Powell 1.90

Bolt 1.93

The taller sprinters is going to become a huge trend worldwide.
Another good article. Yes I'm a little bored today but this is fun getting ready for this weekend. Haha. Notice that he doesn't worry about him not being able to compete because he is white. He laughs at that notion because he has the fast twitch fibers. Very confident kid. The only thing I hate it that he eats horrible. Junk food all the time. He will need to change that if he wants to go to the highest level. He's lucky he is still young or it would have already affected him more.;sourceid=ie8-activity&amp; by: white lightning
The junk food is probably burnt up by his fast body metabolism. He has to watch it though as MLF supposedly had a bad junk food addiction and that has made his body carry extra lbs.
I think Christophe is taller than Asafa, look at these pictures :



Asafa is really shorter than Usain.

Bolt is 1m96.

They say Christophe is 1m89 but I read that since 2007 !

Also check the picture behind Christophe during the interview in the 7 min show, he is almoat as tall as Usain.

Edited by: The Master
That is strange. I did it earlier and it had Lemaitre listed at 1.89 for his height. Now they have no weight or height available.
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