Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Did Lemaitre really run the first white sub 10? It was wind legal? I guess I'll read this thread tomorrow when I have time...This is amazing, I'm overjoyed. I think he could get a million dollar endorsement. No reason he can't put an assault on the non black record of half Aboriginal/half Irish Patrick Johnson of 9.93. Lemaitre is very young- and has a similar build to Bolt. I think WL's prediction that Christophe could drop into the low 9.8s in the next couple years could be spot on! Where's Charlie?

Remember that just in the last decade the 100 meter record was 9.77 (Mo Greene and Justin Gatlin) and as recently as the late 90s, 9.8 still hadn't been broken if I recall when Donovan Bailey had the record of 9.83.

Lemaitre just went sub 10? He is going to run a top 10 fastest time by a human being in the next few years I think! What is BSPN going to say now? This is the best year ever for CF! Even the Cultural Marxist's last argument of elite blacks being superior at 100 meters, which may have a "slight" truth to it, is being drastically weakened! Lemaitre becomes one of about 70 to run a sub 10 in world history- and the second non black!
Hey guys. Let's not keep talking about this on this kids thread. We can discuss peds and other things on the other threads. I'm guilty of getting off topic from time to time but this thread needs to focus on this Young French Sprinter like we have never seen the likes of before!

Remember that we also can agree to disagree. Everyone has their own view points as long as it doesn't go too over the top. There are guidelines that we need to try to adhere to. I don't have a problem with 95% of the comments that I've seen. Iwill say this. I've seen far worse comments onother message boards that constantly degrade whites in general. That is what makes this place great. We support our own and we all have our own opinions.

We need to turn the topic to Paris. It is only a week away and it's a Diamond League Race. It doesn't get much better than that outside of major championships. Let's get some opinions going on some predictions. I'm going to wait a few more days before I give my guess but man am I excited. It's also the German Champs next weekend so it will be wall to wall track!Edited by: white lightning
GM, I don't believe there will be an all-out effort to try and discredit and delegitimize Lemaitre, however, I agree with you that the racial qualifiers we are so used to hearing about white athletes will continue in this case. As you mention, we'll certainly see more of "he's good, but...", because this sort of thinking has been virtually imprinted in the DNA of the brainwashed sheeple and DWFs when it comes to white athletes.

They'll criticize and ridicule Lemaitre for being scrawny, for his form, and who knows what else. I for one cannot wait a couple more years as this young man adds some muscle to his frame, cleans up his form, and starts running 9.8s and becomes a legit top 5 sprinter in the world. It's all possible with proper training and coaching, and it seems he's getting both, plus he has a great attitude.
WL, Why did you not PM me and invite me to your keg party lol? If you drank enough Red Bulls, you may have found enough energy to invite all the over 1,000 registered posters on CF, (but only the non trolls). We don't want Maximus=Texas Tech there unless he's the beer pong ball boy lol.
look guys! good points made.
But I think the lack of mentioning the obvious with Christophe's run is
not always done with bad motives. Sure, it can be but not always
If you are going out of your way to be objective (and we cannot be because we are passionate about the subject and Chris in particular) like most people who only take a passing interest in this sport, then he is one of the very good sprinters of 2010 but with 3 people definitely better than him at this point of his career.

Dispassionately he is then a very gifted sprinter lumped in with perhaps 4 or 5 more at similar level.
If he is given too much idolisation people will say (and you'll find it on some forums right now if you look at them) "big deal, you never gave Daniel Bailey, Yohan Blake or Jeffrey Demps (who just ran 10.06 at 20yo) the same props for the same achievement."
I know they don't see the full story but I can see the legitimacy of the thinking within the bounds of their understanding
I too saw that Singapore report but thought the reporter was actually in awe of his speed for such a scrawny guy. Because his last comment "but really fast though" seemed to me complimentary.
I guess the idea of sprinters not having to look like body builders hasn't sunken in yet.

MASTER..........if you would be kind enough to fill us in on how Christophe got into sprints, if he was fastest guy at school or anything else interesting you may find in a French article that'd be fascinating (my school boy French makes it very slow and tedious for me to sift through what's relevant).
Thanks in advanceEdited by: mastermulti
wow!Teddy's comments paraphrased (please tell me if I'm wrong, Master)
why the fuss made of colour... whites haven't gone under 10 because not many do (are interested in)track. Christophe knows 9.98 is not spectacular but a stepping stone, a mere port of call, on his way to the top level.

Yep... you just MUST think like this to reach the pinnacle and it's probably why a white American hasn't achieved it thus far.

But will it all change now? there may be a fascinating few years aheadEdited by: mastermulti
These words from Duane Chambers at Barcelona. After two weeks ago and now yesterday he really knows he has some competition in Lemaitre. Christophe has earned respect.

"It's been a fantastic opportunity to test the new track here. The atmosphere is great and I'm satisfied with my race. I saw that Lemaitre clocked 9.98 today, he has great potential. The level at the Europeans will be very high and I'll need to be in top shape to win the gold medal,"Â￾ said the SPAR European Team Championships winner who clocked a season's best of 9.99 in Bergen, Norway, last month."

When you get respect from those who have to race you I guess you're some way towards having made it. It's hard to believe but it seems a white sprinter is now seen as the real deal. That's fantastic !
Meanwhile on last night's Gateshead result if we take just a crude wind correction (all we can do till they meet) Christophe may well be only 2/10ths from Powell and Gay.

Gay showed again what a fighter he is, and Powell again what big time performer he ISN'T
With a -1.7 wind I'd estimate Christophe would have been battling hard against Daniel Bailey (10.15) which exactly where he should be at this stage of his development.
He's got to race against these people now. Bailey's doing it and improving his craft, learning the trade. Lemaitre will surely get that chance now because HE'S A PLAYER!.Edited by: mastermulti
I'm not in bed. Enjoy reading your posts but I was out for around 4 or 5 hours. Usually I'm on here most of the time. Maybe a reason why I'm still single. Haha. Even when I have a steady girlfriend, they have to understand that I like to post an I love to read what is going on. It is so addictive. I will have to have an understanding wife someday.

As far as Lemaitre being a player in the sprint game, he sure is. I don't know how anyone could doubt the guy after 5 sub 10.10's and a 9.98! Then a 20.16 to show off his speed endurance. Just think how fast he might have run if he was relaxed and only ran one 100 and one 200 race. He ran 6 races and still posted personal bests in both events. Can you say superstar. He can handle rounds which is very important for the major champs.

The kid is so fun to watch. I just have smile from ear to ear when watching him run. I can only dream that he will continue to improve over the next several years and by London, be a medal threat. Don't count him out. Many people say not until 2016 but I disagree. He is improving so fast, he just could pull a bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics. That would be great. The thing is that he would probably be dissapointed. Lemaitre always aims to win period. That is why he is called "The Master".
white lightning, if I can find a wife who understands and is happy about my being on CF, you should be able to as well!
About the Diamond League races next week, will they get more press coverage here in the states? It would be great to watch it/hear more about it from the US media. Also, are the Euro Champ races televised here? Pardon my ignorance, but I really want to see this kid race!
The Diamond League will be on live tv over the computer. No tv that I know of in the states. I subscribe to For around $30.00 I think I paid, you get to watch all of the diamond Lge. races all year. It's a good deal if you like track. They have other packages where you can watch anything from swimming to skiing. They do a really good job. The prices vary but it's worth it to me. For a whole year, that is cheap in my opinion.

I'm not sure if the Euro Champs will be on cable tv. I doubt it but I guarantee if it is not on, then I will find a live link so we can all enjoy it. Hope the new job goes good for for you my friend. Take care.
Thanks, white lightning! I'm looking forward to the job and watching Christophe's progression.
foobar75 said:
and becomes a legit top 5 sprinter in the world.
He is legit top 5 right now. Actually, at this moment, probably about #3. Powell and Bolt would be the top 2.

I'm not sure how the rankings work, but simply looking at the 100m listings for this year, Lemaitre would probably be #3 based on his number of high-quality runs. There were only 4 men with faster rus. Lemaitre had 4 of the 17 fastest runs, and 6 of the top 36. That was when I looked on Saturday.

Tyson Gay has only recently come back from injury, and so he only has one fast 100m race to show at this point, I think. Walter Dix could probably knock down a few more fast runs, but he has been pursuing the 200. So, as far as quality and quantity, Lemaitre would seem to be about #3 at the moment.
mastermulti said:
wow!Teddy's comments paraphrased (please tell me if I'm wrong, Master)

why the fuss made of colour... whites haven't gone under 10 because not many do (are interested in)track. Christophe knows 9.98 is not spectacular but a stepping stone, a mere port of call, on his way to the top level.

Yep... you just MUST think like this to reach the pinnacle and it's probably why a white American hasn't achieved it thus far.

But will it all change now? there may be a fascinating few years ahead

Yes that Teddy's comment shows that black guys also thought it was not normal to see whites sub-10.

But maybe in Europe it's like that and the mentality is different in the Usa.

Edited by: The Master
Getting here on this historic moment kinda late. But have to make an obvious point(s) to the vetern CFers. Yeah, the PTB, Cultural Marxist, Zionist and assorted DWFs and Miscreants must be wondering when the next shoe(s) will drop against their grand plans. It must suck to be them right now. And obviously great to us!!!

2010 is shaping up as a great year of white atheletic accomplishments. So far we had the White Devils, er, I meant Blue Devils winning the NCAA Basketball Championship, The Klitsikos continue smacking and KTFO all the affeletic contenders, Pau Gasol becoming a Superstar and the reason why the Lakers won the NBA title. Then we have an assortment of great white boxers dominating from 147 lbs to heavy weight.

Mickelson came through on a major golf slam and rubbed Tiger's nose in it. MMA is still dominated by whites with a few hiccups at the heavier weights.

Toby Gerhart emerged as the best RB in college last year and got hosed by not getting the Heisman. I don't follow Baseball as much as I used to but I am sure whites are doing well there.

Now If a consistent N.A.G.A. beater (North American Ground Ape) would emerge in womens tennis, (Serena Williams=N.A.G.A.) it would add gravy to the white men dominating elite tennis.

Now we have this great Frenchman adding to the great year of White Atheletic accomplishment by sprintng to historic heights. And today, the meeting of two white teams for all intent and purposes the Netherlands vs Spain. Its great to be white!!! I probably left someone off, please add to this.
Maybe more than his sprint abilities, the spirit of Christophe is truly exceptionnal.

I mean since his 10'04 last year, everybody in France expected him to go under 10 s.

At each time he ran somewhere, all the journalists were there and wrote something like that : "Christophe Lemaitre is expected to be the first white under 10 s and etc....". And even for small meetings, a big crowd was there to see him, to see history.

And that guy, with all that pressure, with the fact that he missed his world championship last year with the false start at Berlin, with the bad race he had at Rome against Powell (probably because someone stole his peaks..) or the defeat against Chambers, with the fact that the national championships were broadcasted on a national TV channel (and I missed that
) even with all of that, he ran, he won and he wrote history.

He has one of the best fighting spirit I've ever seen.

He was simply born to win.

Edited by: The Master
As great as a year he is having, I'm a little depressed we didn't get to watch Ramil Guliyev doing the same thing. He went 10.08 and 20.04 last year at 19. He has battled some injuries. I doubt he will be back until next year but what a shame. He is as talentd as Lemaitre.

That being said, Christophe is my favorite sprinter. I like the fact that he looks like your local paper boy yet he can run like the wind. Most of the elite sprinters make running look like an art form. When Lemaitre gets his strength and form up to par with the top three guys, look out. Then it's going to get really exciting. I don't think he should bulk up too much. Just enough to have the strength needed to run sub 10's on a normal basis. He is already just about there.

I wish I could be in Paris. The electricity in that stadium is going to be off the charts when Bolt, Gay and Lemaitre get in the starting blocks.
Hi guys, i am from France, and i discovered this forum by looking for some stuffs about Lemaitre. I am a big track and field fan and what Lemaitre did made me very proud. In France nobody cares about track and fields but the fiew news papers who talked about his performance have now problems wih the fact theywrote he was the first white under 10. Ifyou tell you're proud of it evrybody think you're a f**king racist even journalistes who are scared to have problem with justice if they insiste to much on that fact. I fallow that guy for about two years now as you do, since he has won the junio world title in 200 meters. I said "he i withe french youth can beat young black american and jamaican, let's see what he'gonna become". In a very fiew timehe suprised me by improving very quickly in the 100. 10"37 then 10"26, at that time Guleyev was even better than him, but when i made 10"04 and won the european title, i was sure he would easily break the 10 s barrier. since that time i fallow every race he does. As i told it, i am so proud a white guy can be a great sprinter, the 100 is one of the only discipline where white people could not beat black people and i began to think that white guys were simply naturaly less strong than black. i though wrong and everybody does. he's a simple guy with a strong and cold mind, if his body can support his speed, he will do great things i feel it. this chrono is just a step in his mind
Very solid first post paulpoule. I agree with everything you said. Welcome to the board my friend. White athletes in general are looked down on by the people in charge. They are made fun of, called inferior and just told they can't compete. This site celebrates their acheivements. There are many great white athletes just like there are alot of great black athletes. It's all about fighting for equality and fairness. It's also about breaking down the lies and stereotypes that degrade whites. That is not fair and we don't buy into the lies. The more people that start to see the discrimination against whites in the major sports, the better. Whites have every right to proud of our culture and traditions just like the rest of the world.

Are you going to try and attend the race in Paris this weekend? I imagine it's very hard to get a ticket and probably very expensive. I want to see a full stadium. Edited by: white lightning
welcome paulpoule! be very proud! Lemaitre is going to change the face of sprinting and he will do it with style & grace. I really can't wait for next weekend. I smell a PR in Paris
white lightning said:
<div> I don't think he should bulk up too much. Just enough to have the strength needed to run sub 10's on a normal basis. He is already just about there.</div>

I agree 100% this kid only needs a solid 8-10 lbs of muscle, which he will put on naturally as he matures. he gets his form and start together and this kid is going to be in the 9.8s. watch for new NR at Paris and the Euro Champs!
what a hero!!! I couldn't be on the forum a few days but i feeled he went sub 10 then i looked it up and yes he did.That he is the first white men to break it and all others have been black and a few mixed race ones have done it ( a mulatto gardener 9.98) and mixed race and part white too P. Johnson.So most have been black ,1 white and all mixed race where part white so whites are in the things they arent'number one in nearly always the second best except 110 meter hurdles and 1500-1600 meters but i count the 1500-1600 meters as one beacuse what is the need to have next to a 1500 meters a race that is only 1/15 further.Its like trowing with shot put 6.0 kgs and 6.4 kilos.

north africans in holland were making fun of that it was the first white men, but they forget that 0 berbers or arabs have done it, and only at 1500-1600 meters they have a better time/record, i feel sorry for them haha.pathetic people that make fun off whites not having the record in everything, they not realising it but this is what they doing.

I am very happy with the perfromance but i already expected it, he is a golden boy whitey.I just don't like the jokes about whites about the few things ( track part of athletics) were they are not number one but often or better said nearly always al leat number 2. 17 % of world is white but at the things blacks have the record in athletics and are around 17% of world too maybe 15%, whitey is nearly always the one of the 85% non black world that are then number 2 and not the others ( around 2/3 of thw world is non black or white), the name a few things 100 meters since 9 july:) 200 meters , 400 meters, 800 meters etc.And whites have nearly all records on the field except long and high jump.
thanks. No i won't go to Saint Denis even if i live in Paris cause i have no money now. i 'll try to see it in live but in France it's broacasted on a private chanel and you pay for a year not just to watch a meeting, so i don't know on radio (lol). it's a good thing that Lemaitrecompete against the best. Earlier i watched his race against Powell in Oslo where he made 10"09, one of his worst time this year.Currently he doesn't compete on the same planet that Powell; After only 40 meters he everwas 2 meters behind Powell who is so powerful but the good point is that at the end the distance did not grow up. His start is still his weakest point to be competitive at the world level but beetween the 50 and 80 meters he's great. Sorry i have to be indulgent with him, he's only 20, and so perfectible. All the people who dreams to see a great white sprinter expect so much from him, We don't have to put to much pressure on him, it won't be a good thing. The risk is that everywhere i will run, all the journalists will ask him if he's proud to be the first white, He will have white fans everywhere and it can be to heavy to wear. His main force is that he doesn't care about that question, i think that if he had already worried about that maybe he would have made a inferious complex as a lot of white sportmen teenagers do, and he doesn't do any, he just believes in his destiny and his force, we have topreserve that point. i am quite scare about that, and advertising and celebrity.
See you
If Lemaitre can run 9.98 isn't if fair to think that there must be a couple other French kids that can do this? Afterall its a huge country...I mean Bolt runs great and everyone thinks that there are other Jamaicans that can run and Jamaica is a tiny nation. Same thing can be said about the USA's black sprinters....However, the problem for whites is that Lemaitre will never be promoted because the main stream media is so afraid to promote white accomplishment fearing that they will offend non whites. So in the end white kids will go on believing that blacks are just better and whites will continue to not bother to participate. Thank the liberal gutless one world media whores for this....
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