Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Chambers almost beat his personal best which is 9.97. You know there is something fishy about a guy running that time at the age of 32. If I remember correctly that's not the fifth 10.0-10.10 time that Christophe has run.
Well, I wish I'd gotten to see this live (how on earth do you guys manage to find those online feeds of European sports? I can never find anything like that, and I didn't bother to check the boards in time). The Youtube was really choppy and didn't have any sound (if anyone sees a better Youtube, please post it). Anyway, I couldn't tell much, but, based on the last slow motion replay, which was the best, it looked like he fell back in the first 20 as usual, then held on until, at the end, I thought he was going to win it. It actually looked like he leaned awkwardly, perhaps a half-step too soon, or he could have won. Would it have bought him that elusive 0.03 seconds he needs? Possibly, given that Chambers ran 9.99.

Anyway, I'm frustrated, too, guys. Frustrated that Ghana survived against Australia solely due to a questionable penalty kick (like deja vu of the Serbia-Ghana match), frustrated that Guliyev has fallen off the face of the earth, frustrated that Christophe just can't seem to master the first 10 meters of a race. Oh, and frustrated as hell that this never-healing injury is forcing me to just watch sports when I'd rather be out running!

Ah, well, maybe next week. What's up next for Christophe, Lightning?
Christophe's 1st 10 meters will come as he gains strength and gets older (he wil peak at 21- 25). Strength is the key to the start and the 1st 20 meters of any sprint. . His top speed is elite. Once he builds the upper torso and legs with adult man strength he will be sub 10 easily and effortlessly. Give him time. Bravo Christophe, the potential is obvious. 2012 you will medal.
I think Borzov could've broke 10.00 in 72 had he been pushed, but he was at his absolute peak.

This is why I agree with the Master. Lemaitre is the best white sprinter ever. He's definitely not at his peak.

Because it's so early, he should break 10.00 this season. .03 is the bat of an eyelash. One minor adjustment or gust of wind will put him there. With each big race he builds more confidence, gets more relaxed.

Anyone know what his next outing will be? The weather is getting warmer, the conditions better.
Seriously there should be no need for disappointment, i just looked at how skinny that guy was today + his finish and can see soooo much upside for him. His start will come to him. just like Bolt sorted his start out at the champs last year, Lemaitre will get his start. thats a 9.95 there at least already I'm thinking with a decent start and a wind like today he can be a 9.8 high THIS year. Then when added muscle comes into it. This guy can seriously be a top contender come 2012. Very interesting to watch. I'd love to see splits of this race, he made up a lot of ground on Chambers.
In France, each article on Lemaitre finish by "he is supposed to be the first white under the 10 seconds"

So I think at least in his country the medias will react well and will say it.

A lot of people, black or white will be happy to see a white sub-10

Edited by: The Master
I don't think blacks will be happy when he does it. Blacks feel sprinting is "their" sport and whites can't compete. It's the same feeling they have about the running back position in football.
Maybe in your country that's how blacks are.

Anyway, I think it will be in first page of the most famous sport french newspaper "L'Équipe" and on french yahoo sport, except if there is something bigger like if France team win the wold cup, or if Zidane does a come back (and kick again Materazzi's head)....

After, I don't know for the other countries.

Edited by: The Master
The Master said:
Maybe in your country that's how blacks are.

Yes, most here in the US are that way. I am sure there are some that would like a white to break 10 seconds though. Blacks such as Eric Dickerson have said that whites "can't compete" with blacks at the running back position. That's an extremely racist statement if I ever heard one.
whiteathlete33 said:
The Master said:
Maybe in your country that's how blacks are.

Yes, most here in the US are that way. I am sure there are some that would like a white to break 10 seconds though. Blacks such as Eric Dickerson have said that whites "can't compete" with blacks at the running back position. That's an extremely racist statement if I ever heard one.

I never heard that but that's really racist.
Edited by: The Master
Here is the quote Master.

They can't compete with us,"Â￾ <a href=";CANONICAL=Pro+Football+Hall+of+Fame&amp;CATEGORY=ORGANIZATION" target="_blank">NFL
Hall of Fame</a> running back <a href=";CANONICAL=Eric+Dickerson&amp;CATEGORY=PERSON" target="_blank">Eric
Dickerson</a> once said. "The black athlete, especially at that
position, is faster, more elusive. That's a position made for agility.

"It's kind of like our chosen position."Â￾<div style="overflow: ; color: rgb0, 0, 0; : transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; border: medium none;">
Read more:
That's not fair because if a white man say the same thing they will say that's racism.

But football is not famous in Europe. Soccer is the sport#1 and black and white are equals so...

Edited by: The Master
I agree with whiteathlete33 on this one.Some black fans will be happy but most will not like it in my opinion. They have dominated the 100 for far too many years and many fans don't want to see that ever end.

Christophe made us all proud today. Whenever he runs, it's not just a race. It's an EVENT!

He next races in two weeks at the French National Championships. As I sit here and reflect on the race and his season, all I can do is smile. He will get the mark soon. No doubt about it. We are looking at the future of sprinting. I'm so proud of this kid! Couldn't be much happier.
Thank you Christophe for showing the world that it can be done.

Viva Lemaitre. Viva "The Master".Edited by: white lightning
First off I want to thank The Master for staying here at the board. I know you almost left a while back but I'm really glad you stayed. You are a great poster and I consider you a friend like many other posters. We are like a little family here.

I'm just curious what Brutal thinks about this kid. He hasn't trolled around here latley and he just like Charlie doens't believe that whites can sprint! I would like to hear his opinion even if he is a dumb, ignorant old white man who roots against his own race.
Thanks a lot WL I appreciate

Christophe's reaction (with bad automatic translator) :

Christophe Lemaitre, 2nd of 100 m in 10 " 02 (1,1m/):

" With regard to Rome, there is an improvement. There is of best even if I still miss something. I begin to meet mentally. Dwain ( Chambers) is really very strong. Hundredth three of distance, it is nothing. I did not still completely enter the international competitions. I need more races(shopping). In Barcelona, I shall really be inside and I think that I shall have big chances to come down(to fall) under 10 ". I did not manage to make completely my work here. I am a little disappointed. "

Another article :

" But mister Lemaitre, 10 " 02, it is magnificent! " The words of the announcer, crossed by a strong Norwegian accent, resound in the decoration(set) a surrealist stalk of the Fanatic Stadion, while the young Frenchman shakes the head of disappointment. There, in a stage(stadium) in the small scattered stands, surrounded with fir trees bruissant in the wind, the young Frenchman still got closer a little more to the bar(helm) 10 ", pushed by a favorable wind (1,1m/) and impressive Dwain Chambers of power during the first part(party) of running(race). But it is disappointed not to have been able to hang on(to collide) at once the stride of the British, left as a ball(bullet) and a winner(conqueror) for 9 " 99, in spite of last twenty very beautiful meters and hoarse desperate one. It does not matter, the wall 10 " will be for a little later. And, with its second place(square), the Inhabitant of Aix, who did not take part in the relay as a safety precaution after a small spasm in ischios, brings eleven points to the French team.

I want to add something, that race gave 3 infos :

1) Lemaitre is able to run even with the pressure, today he run for his country, not for himself, and he did pretty well

2) Even with an average or bad start he is enough talented to do a very good time (like in Rome in which he run his worst race of the season).

3) That race is maybe the best performance done by a white, even if's not official.

Edited by: The Master
"Chambers almost beat his personal best which is 9.97. You know there is something fishy about a guy running that time at the age of 32."

remember, though, Dwayne had a 9.89 (i think) taken away from him after the drug debacle, so he's still well away from that

"I don't think blacks will be happy when he does it. Blacks feel sprinting is "their" sport and whites can't compete"

to be fair,lots of black people have been very happy for him after his series of races in the videos i've seen. His black sprinter partners warmly congratulated him with his indoors 60 win.
I think he's just a very nice young person, probably very likeable and humble. Also, haven't we mentioned over the years several black coaches/athletes who knowthe sport in general will be better off when white athletes show they can run fast! Edited by: mastermulti
mastermulti said:
"Chambers almost beat his personal best which is 9.97. You know there is something fishy about a guy running that time at the age of 32."

remember, though, Dwayne had a 9.89 (i think) taken away from him after the drug debacle, so he's still well away from that

He ran that 9.97 back in 1999. That's 11 years ago.
here's a report by a Brit in Norway... look at the title of the story,as if Christophe got smashed.......... what a w**ker!


Dwaine actually craved this type of competition all season.Edited by: mastermulti
What a pathetic piece of "reporting." Also, if Chambers is clean, I'm Paul Bunyan.
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