Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Woronin beat Carl Lewis with a 10.11. He also had a 6.51 for 60 meters PB

Year Result Place Venue Date
1978 10.25 22 Warsaw May 28
1979 10.16 10 Turin Aug 4
1980 10.19 13 Warsaw Jun 01
1982 10.17 12 Lublin Jul 02
1984 10.00 3 Warsaw Jun 9
1985 10.14 13 Moscow Aug 17
1986 10.11 14 Berlin Aug 15
the high knee lift is due to great hip flexor and extensor strength. All sprinters run differently, due to body type...Lemaitre is long legged and would benefit from a higher knee lift but that will come as he gains strength. That is the key for him to break 10. I believe he is running now on natural speed and technique, when the strength kicks in, he will be very very very good and be a top performer. He has 2-3 years before he hits that level of speed. Give him time.
Dwain Chambers impressed by Christophe Lemaitre
A few days before the clash with Frenchman Christophe Lemaitre of the team at European Championships in Bergen (Norway, 19-20 June). In last year's winner Dwain Chambers (Britain has impressed) shown by the achievements of his opponents."Because of the EM I look at this year especially to the Europeans and Christophe is in impressive form," said the indoor world champion.
Edited by: white lightning
I'm not a Dwain Chambers Fan. Never have been and never will be. I will say this though. I'm rooting for Dwain to scorch the track to a new seasons best this weekend. Why do you ask? To push PepeLeFlew(Lemaitre) to a new p.b. and hopefully a sub 10! Dwain has been talking the talk and walking the walk in races. He has called out Christophe. I'm hoping we will see Lemaitre answer that call this Saturday. Will we finally see history? I sure hope so.

It would be quite fitting for him to beat the roided up Chambers. He already broke his european junior 100 record. Now it's time to beat him head to head! Something Pickering could never do. Time for "The Master" to show who is the KING!
This will be a great opportunity. He'll have a competitive Chambers right next to him. In terms of recorded times, they're very close. He's a little bit more seasoned from the last big meet so the hype won't get to him as much, and you know damn well he'll have his personal spikes on this time.

Stay healthy, and keep putting yourself in this type of situation. I remember reading about the great baseball player Robin Yount. He started into the majors when he was 19. He said for like the first year, he shook like a leaf when he was up to bat, but once he got used to it, those .300 seasons just started coming.
Here's an article about the false start rule they implemented this year. I said months ago I thought it would be a huge problem and depress times, and that certainly has been the case for LeMaitre. He's gone from repeatedly disqualifying to sitting in the blocks until the race is half over. Tyson Gay is 100% correct in the argument he makes:
I think if it weren't for the false start rule, LeMaitre would already have gone sub-10 twice.
While that may be true, it wills separate the men from the boys. It doesn't seem to effect Bolt, Powell or Gay too much. Lemaitre will need to rise his game up another notch which I believe he will. The kid has not peaked by any chance. Not even close. He has alot of upside to go. The mental aspect though could become a factor if he doesn't go sub 10 by the end of this summer. Then he would start thinking about it far too much. The sooner he breaks the mark, the more relaxed he will run which translates into very fast times!
The 100m is the next event - there are 2 heats. I think Lemaitre is in the 2nd heat.
10'02 and the wind is + 1,1

And Chambers who is 45 years old ran 9'99.

I'm happy and disgusted.
Edited by: The Master
I think for sure now we can say he is the best white sprinter ever.

His start is bad, after he comes back but Chambers took too much advantage at the begining.

That's amazing how regular he is under 10'10
Edited by: The Master
I fell like you - I'm happy and disappointed.
However, I think it will be better if Lemaitre breaks 10flat in a race that he wins.
That way all the glory and attention will be focused on him, instead of it being secondary news.
Well I can honestly say I'm a little depressed despite Christophe running a new personal best. His start was horrible. I'm guessing that the false start of Martin Keller or Germany might have had something to do with that. It's just very frustrating for us and I'm sure even more so for Lemaitre and his coach. It was an amazing attempt for another bad start. He has to get out of the blocks quicker. At this point, his drive phase needs to be looked at going into next year. It is average at best. It is his closing speed which amazes most of us. The top end is there and he can run with the best of them. Lemaitre and his coach have to get the starts consistant like he was indoors earlier this year.

All of that being said, congrats to Pepe on another new record. He now has run faster than Shirvington, and Macrozonaris. Glad to see him represent France in another very solid race. The kid is amazing. Like we have been saying, somehow, someway we just need to be patient. Congrats Chistophe on an eye popping season so far. One last thing. In a way, it might just be poetic justice for him to go sub 10 at the 2010 French National Championships in front of his home crowd. Who knows, maybe he planned it that way. Haha. I love watching this guy compete. What a superstar in the making!
Don't forget he started strength training only this year, he will gain some msucle in the next month and will have a better start
<h1 id="firsting" ="firsting">
Here are the results of the race. The Euro Cup Web Site is posting the results very slowly. So for anyone interested, here are the results. What a shame about Keller getting disqualified. It will really hurt Germany in the hunt for the title. Very nice times by Di Gregorio and Rodriguez. Congrats to Lemaitre on another very good performance. I am toasting his 10.02 and I will celebrate all his future personal bests from this day forward. My favorite sprinter. Guliyev and Pickering are my other favs.

100m combined

1 5 CHAMBERS, Dwain GBR 9.99 CR EL
2 4 LEMAÃŽTRE, Christophe FRA 10.02 PB
3 20 DI GREGORIO, Emanuele ITA 10.20 PB
4 2 RODRÃÂÂGUEZ, ÃÂÂngel David ESP 10.23 SB
5 11 YEPISHIN, Andrey RUS 10.40
6 1 LINNIK, Aliaksandr BLR 10.44
7 10 STEMPEL, Pawel POL 10.48
8 12 SMELYK, Serhiy UKR 10.57
9 3 HÄMÄLÄINEN, Hannu FIN 10.64
10 9 LARSEN, Tormod Hjortnæs NOR 10.71
11 7 AGGELÃÂÂKIS, ÃÂÂggelos GRE 10.82
6 KELLER, Martin GER DSQEdited by: white lightning
So Christophe has improved from 10.04 to 10.02. If he doesn't crack 10 seconds then I don't know which white guy will. He should be able to run a 9.8 in the future.
His start is not great, but I wouldn't call it terrible; and I thought he looked quite good in his drive phase.
Barring an Ivo Van Damme car crash he should easily be under this at some point in the near future. Any strong wind and he does a 9.9X. For the guy who said Chambers is 45(I know you were joking)he is 32. Which if he were clean he would probably be thoroughly faded and only a relay runner at best. Roiding allows older athletes to maintain their primes longer. You see that in baseball and football. Linford Christie and Carl Lewis were examples of 30 being the new 25.....
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