Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Sub10.00 said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I don't think blacks will be happy when he does it. Blacks feel sprinting is "their" sport and whites can't compete. It's the same feeling they have about the running back position in football.

Well.....Umm....I'm Black and I'm rooting for him to do it, even on a racist board like this one, so you're wrong there.

Racist? I don't think this board is racist at all. It's true though that Eric Dickerson and other black athletes have said that speed is a black thing and whites can't compete. Now that's what I call racist. That's good that you want him to accomplish it though. I'm sure everyone on this board wants him to do it more than anything else. It would be a very big step in smashing the caste system.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Lemaitre will do far better than a sub 10.00> For me its interesting to see just how much of an all-time great he will become.

Same for Bayer-Germany, in the long jump and Ivan Ukhov in the high jump. I expect them to be near or past the world records respectively, when they retire.
If you think this board is racist, then you would have to think is also racist. People have a right to root for their own. Nothing wrong with either message board/site. Your welcome here as is anyone as long as they contribute and do not take away from the discussion and support of white athletes. There are many great black and white athletes. We discuss athletes of european ancestry which most boards ignore.

Back to the topic. Lemaitre is learning what it is like to deal with the pressure of performing in big meets. This can only help him as his career goes on. He is growing more confident by the day and we are in for some really big things soon.

I hope he isn't too hard on himself for coming up a little short. He was still outstanding today!
It was interesting watching the quality vid. Chambers got out of the blocks better and led start to finish, but Lemeaitre was pulling on him in the final 20 meters. If Chambers would've run a little faster, I think he would've pulled Lemaitre through.

Another thing that stood out is how skinny Lemaitre looks.
gigantic said:
White lightning, there isnt a problem with someone rooting for their own race but this board/site is more anti-black than pro white. Every discussion is about black athletes even if the discussed sport has no blacks competing in it. Most of you wont admit what i'm about to say but the majority who post here suffer from an "athletic inferiority complex" which has led to an extreme hatred for blacks. This site is obviously racist.

Hating blacks because they run faster than whites is absurd, even thinking that blacks feel superior to whites because they run quicker is just as stupid.

When you have a string of messages denouncing black athletes, you post something in the line of.. "I like what i'm hearing guys, great stuff, keep posting"... but when that one white poster calls you out and disproves the obviously deluded and biased posts, you insult said member and tell him not to bother posting again. You never question the legitimacy of his posts (because he's obviously right).

Blacks have no reason to hate Lamaitre, you only say this because "you" hate blacks. Why is running sub 10 not an issue to whites when blacks such as Yohan do it, but with Lamaitre its supposedly a huge achievement that will be spoken about for years. isnt that in itself an insult?

lol If you knew anything about this site you'd know that most of our criticism is directed at the "white and jewish power structure," white sports media personalities, white fans, and sometimeseven at white athletes who exhibit Uncle Tom like attitudes (or as we might call them "Uncle Cris," after the notorious whitefootball playerbasher Cris Collinsworth).

Whether you want to accept it or not, there is massive affirmative action in football and basketball and sports in general,which is undergirded by theway the media reports and stereotypes athletes. It's blatantly obvious to anyone not mesmerized by the totality (totalitarianism) of the system and how it operates.

Caste Football must be getting the message out more and more effectively, as we continue to be bombarded by rearguard, know-nothing Caste System supporting trolls. Edited by: Don Wassall
"Blacks have no reason to hate Lamaitre, you only say this because "you" hate blacks. Why is running sub 10 not an issue to whites when blacks such as Yohan do it, but with Lamaitre its supposedly a huge achievement that will be spoken about for years. isnt that in itself an insult?"

as a matter of fact Yohan Blake has been discussed here along with Daniel Bailey as the two young ones at this stage a little better than Christophe. I don't recall that being said with any venom.
Can't you see that a white man getting to sub 10 status is a benchmark that we've hoped for for years (I was happy to see a black president elected for much the same reason). In fact why athletics needs someone like Lemaitre is for the very reason you have touched upon. It's become an expectation that anyone new to the sub10 club will be a black man. A white man getting to that level is sure to provoke interest.

There are rascists everywhere, but many here are just stating what they believe are facts without any feeling of hatred for black people. I'm sure the majority of us would take people how they come, whatever their identity.
No-one has brought up the fact that his reaction time yesterday was atrocious at best, they said on the finnish broadcast it was 0.248, which means with a decent start he would've reduced about _TENTH_ of a second of his time!!!
God, god. That's the single worst reaction time I've ever seen reported in a 100m. Can that be accurate? Clearly, his nerves are shot after all the dq's and bad starts. If he'd reacted in the same time he did in his better 60 meter races, he would have run in the low 9.9s even without changing anything else. Good lord, the start situation just keeps getting worse and worse.

As for the other stuff, there are all types on a board like this, ranging from the hardcore KKK-types (these would be the anti-semites who make mind-numbingly stupid comments about Jewish conspiracies) to people who are just a little tribalist (like everyone) in their sports loyalties. Big tent, I suppose. I shake my head at a lot of this stuff, but there's still a lot of good sports info.

Now, get your head back into the damn race, Christophe, and stop taking so damn long to react to the starter's gun!
gigantic said:
White lightning, there isnt a problem with someone rooting for their own race but this board/site is more anti-black than pro white. Every discussion is about black athletes even if the discussed sport has no blacks competing in it. Most of you wont admit what i'm about to say but the majority who post here suffer from an "athletic inferiority complex" which has led to an extreme hatred for blacks. This site is obviously racist.Hating blacks because they run faster than whites is absurd, even thinking that blacks feel superior to whites because they run quicker is just as stupid. When you have a string of messages denouncing black athletes, you post something in the line of.. "I like what i'm hearing guys, great stuff, keep posting"... but when that one white poster calls you out and disproves the obviously deluded and biased posts, you insult said member and tell him not to bother posting again. You never question the legitimacy of his posts (because he's
obviously right).Blacks have no reason to hate Lamaitre, you only say this because "you" hate blacks. Why is running sub 10 not an issue to whites when blacks such as Yohan do it, but with Lamaitre its supposedly a huge achievement that will be spoken about for years. isnt
that in itself an insult?
Well, first, you feel blacks are superior! but you can't admit it! you are guilty of the same thing! you said "Even sports blacks are not competing in", you feel if whites are at the top of a sport, than blacks must not be competing in it! blacks are competing in every sport, but most sports blacks are not good in without the help of
druges, jewish media, and guilty white liberals...
I suspect Gigantic is another of our good friends who has been here before under a different name. Another one of my problems is racist blacks such as Eric Dickerson, Keyshawn Johnson, and Warren Sapp. Imagine if Phillip Rivers said that blacks "can't compete" with whites at the quarterback position. He never would though because he'd be kicked out of the league. Idiots like Keyshawn Johnson showing their obvious racism by attacking a great team player like Wayne Chrebet because he caught more passes then Johnson. Warren Sapp calling Chrebet "flashlight." It's sickening.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
I tell you what guys!
Watching him claw back ground on Duaine in the last 20m, I would kill to see Christophe out here in Australia to run the 120 metre Stawell Gift next Easter.That extra 20 metres would make up for any mediocre start.

Haha, I just read your article W/L and he says he'd love to visit Australia and see kangaroos. I may invite him to stay at my house, 10 minutes from the city centre, then to see kangaroos and wombats on our country property and then take him to see Uluru and the outback BEFORE running him in the Stawell Gift. What do you think?Edited by: mastermulti
Sounds like a plan mate.Just make sure you tell me ahead of time so I can jump on a plane and head down under myself. I've always wanted to travel to Australia. I have a feeling that if I ever do, I might just end up moving there. Lol.
Interesting thread. I don't spend much time in the sprinting section(actually not sure if I have ever even posted) but like every thread here, I find people who genuinely care about the sport of choice and know their stuff. I hope Lemiatre can get it done, once he breaks the 10 second mark it will definitely be a monkey off his back and all white sprinters. Track is one of those sports I would love to get my kids involved in once I'm ready to settle down! For the most part it transitions well to the gridiron. Although I'll be the first to tell you speed is neccesary, but not world class speed like the meida will have you believe.
I have a feeling that one race this year Chris is not only going to go sub 10 but IMO he's going to blow by it by running in the low 9.90's. He just needs someone to push him because he's going to get tired of barely losing and take that next step and once he does there's no turning back and he will consistently run under 10 and probably enable other White sprinters who are close to also break this mental barrier.
Edited by: JReb1
I agree. I see Lemaitre running in the 9.95 range before the summer is over. I'm hoping he can get another race in before the French National Champs.
I know this is a long shot but before the end of the season I would love to see Lemaitre against good competition, get a great start, have a scorching track, bring the right spikes this time, lol have a 2.0 tailwind and 80 degree weather and I bet Christophe runs a 9.85. Anybody agree?
I don't think he's ready for that time yet.
Let's go step by step, and not set-up unrealistic/unlikely expectations.
It's possible but unlikely to happen this year. I think we need to be realistic in our expectations of him. Even guys like Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell took many years to get to that level. I just don't want us to expect too much too soon from Christophe.

I think that he can run in the 9.80's and maybe even faster within the next several years assuming he doesn't have a major injury. He has to build his strength up to where he will explode out of the blocks like the top 3-5 guys in the world do. He also needs to react to the starting gun better as well as continue to perfect his form. Christophe is already world class. I just want him to be mentioned as one of the top three or four sprinters in the world. That would make him a medal threat constistantly. That would be sweet!
Sorry jacknyc,
I know its not possible but we all know he is capable of a sub 0.90 time. Meaninga 99.00. It just might happen. Whoknows?
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