Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Exactly my impression as well. If he were in the States, he would only be a college freshman. Christophe would also be one of the fastest kids in the whole country. He has to study and he is still only a teenager. For him to already run 3 elite times with average form and no drive phase is incredible. Ramil Guliyev has far better form at the moment but yet he doesn't produce the power that Lemaitre does. They are both very gifted sprinters. When Christophe gets things worked out with his form, his starting and drive phases, he should run sub 10 with ease in my honest opinion. This kid is focused on getting better. He also seems to be able to bounce back from adversity well which tells me that he is mentally strong. That is very important for a sprinter. It is still something that Craig needs some work with. When you run a average or bad race, forget about it! Dwelling on it only makes everything worse.

Christophe is going to be a force to be reckoned with! I just want the sub 10 to happen soon. The longer it takes, the more the pressure builds. There is no doubt in my mind that he can do it. I just want it to be over with so he can work on running multiple sub 10's! To challenge for medals, you have to be able to run sub 10's on a regular basis. I want us to be talking about a sub 9.90 by next summer for this kid. I can't wait for Berlin. I think he will handle the pressure just fine.
Yeah, this guy has got sure thing written all over him. Unless he gets hit by a truck, this guy is going way sub 10.00.
Well put WL. I especially like your point about knocking down the barrier earlier instead of later. The kid doesn't need something in his head to be built up into an albatross.So here's hoping it's very soon.
Lemaitre will go sub 10, I'm confident of that. A high 9.8 might even be possible and a very high 9.8 (9.89) was the silver medal in Beijing! Best of all I definitely think he's clean- he has so much to gain once his frame fills out with muscle.
Lemaitre will only be running the 100m at the WC. I smell a sub 10 in the air!
It's a crap shoot to try and guess what will happen in Berlin. The pressure will be immense. I like you guys am hoping for the best but we also have to remember that even if he fails, it is only the beginning of a long career. I'm going to be really pumped for next summer as hopefully he will get some of the kinks worked out in his sprinting form. The start, drive phase and just running in a straight line. Some drifting is ok but he could have already went under ten seconds if he just did a couple of things different in that race. The kid is a stud and they need to just get all the different phases down will it comes naturally to him. I can't belive that next Saturday is the two opening rounds of the 100 meters. It's only a blink of an eye away. I'm pumped. Good luck to Christophe!
10.20 with a bad start and no one pushing him? That's a great time! He's going to break 10.00 with ease. I haven't had this feeling about any of these other guys, even Shirvo. It's like Lemaitre has already done it.
Here is another with a front on view. His form is very good for anyone let alone a 19 year old with only 4 years of running track. My compliments to the coach in working with him so fast. Also it shows that Christophe is driven to be the best. He listens and changes things where needed. With repitition, he will be able to go through all the phases in his sleep. It will come totally natural. Good job Christophe! I can't wait to watch you show the whole world your talent this weekend. Good luck. by: white lightning
looking good, I can almost taste the sub 10!
In this interview, he talks about his hopes and the mens relay teams hopes. Note that at the end of the interview, he talks about turning down US Track Scholarships and also the Pro Racing Team from France. He is happy where he is at. Running in college would only slow him down. He is a pro and needs to make money and train hard. Even if it has to be him putting off college until he is retired. Sprinting is a young mans game and he needs to take advantage of this running professionally. He can become a millionaire from running if he can consistantly run sub 10's. So I agree with him turning down the US Scholarships and the other things for now. Christophe knows what he is doing and he is happy. Good luck Christophe! by: white lightning
For those of you who didn't see Christophe run in the first round. What amazes me is how he continues to just get faster the whole way. His stride length is incredible as well as his speed endurance. It almost looks like he never slows down. I know that is impossible but he really maintains his speed as well as anyone. His future is bright. Nothing will hold this kid down. He is a star. He ran down this whole field with ease. Give him some time. The Master is a future superstar of sprinting. That is why we call him...................................Pepe Le Flew.......................... by: white lightning
the future belongs to this young man. he just needs to keep believing and keep working hard.

this is a learning experience, and it will serve him well in the years to come, i imagine.
I think barring injuries he has an even brighter future in the deuce. He seems to eat up the ground as the other runners fatigue. With the right kind of strength training he can be a 19.6 or 19.5 guy. Edited by: white is right
white is right said:
I think barring injuries he has an even brighter future in the deuce. He seems to eat up the ground as the other runners fatigue. With the right kind of strength training he can be a 19.6 or 19.5 guy.
I think this would be true on a straight-away 200, but can those monstrous strides handle the curve? mastermulti figures 10' per stride!

Very impressive watching him close in the 100. It takes him a while to get up to speed, but very impressive once he gets going. Looking at him, I still can't understand how he can be running faster than 11, physique-wise. What a talent!
His physique is reminiscent of a young Bolt. Damn shame about the DQ - I hate the "one false start then automatic dq" rule, wish they would bring back the old one.

It wasn't a "learning experience" to have to go home without having run against the best: it would have been a learning experience if he'd made the semis or even final, and actually run against Bolt, Gay, etc. What happened was a disappointing blowout, with no upside.

Exactly the same happened to poor old Shirvo back in 1999. Then at the Olympics the next year he caught flu and underperformed, and was never the same: the guy just couldn't catch a break. Let's hope Christophe has some better luck in future.
I hope "the young master" gets another big meet shot before season's end. It'd be good to have a hit out while he's in good form and as these guys are coming back off their peak.

I say this because in Monaco 1995, several weeks after the "worlds", my fave Aussie sprinter Damian Marsh got to run against the 100m finalists from 2-3 weeks earlier in Gotenburg (where Damian was fastest man not to make the final)and beat them all (Christie, Mike Marsh,Drummond,Bailey etc)to run his PB of 10.13, nil wind.
What was great was that he was originally 1st reserve for the race.

He gave it his all next year by travelling to the states to join Al Joiner's squad where he was the only white but well repected. His particular mate there was a guy named Slip Watkins. His speed and discipline earned their respect and he benefited immensely. They KNEW he could legitimately call himself a sprinter. The fact is that most Americans seem to like visiting Aussies (due to the Crocodile Dundee factor??) and he was made most welcome by them.

Unfortunately he ripped his achilles to jelly doing the '96 Drake relays and that was that internationally. Lost three tenths of a second which he later admitted was probably due to the fear factor of it going again
Edited by: mastermulti
..."Exactly the same happened to poor old Shirvo back in 1999. Then at the Olympics the next year he caught flu and underperformed, and was never the same: the guy just couldn't catch a break". CHRISP728

I think even at that stage it was glandular fever and it kept re-occuring.
Being offered a $1 million to be first Aussie to break 10 didn't help him mentally. For a while he seemed to think he should be able to run a super time every time he stepped onto the track.
We have to remember he did 10.07 at 19yrs 10mths and 10.03 a month later. He had no fear of having to perform, no expectations, just ran for the joy................then came every one else's predictions and expectations, causing his own mental stresses. No wonder he got sick so often.

Let's remember poor Christophe is probably in much the same position now.Edited by: mastermulti
Sad news guys. Christophe and his coach have decided to call it a season. After the relay this weekend, he will take the rest of the summer season off. I really wanted him to get the world junior record. Oh well. Better safe than to see him get hurt. It has been a long season of indoors and outdoors for him. I can't wait to see him in 2010 when he puts on some more muscle. Congrats on a great season Christophe. You are a true champion.
I'm personally bummed out. He already broke the European Junior Record in the 100 which was held by Dwain Chambers. The World Junior Record is but a eye blink away. He could easily break it if he ran one or two more individual races. His coach is trying to protect the kid from getting hurt after a long season but it still wouldn't kill him to run one more race. Christophe is only 19 years of age. He could easily handle it. Maybe they will change their mind but I doubt it. His coach is very strict. In the long run, it is probably for the best. Let the kid rest and have some fun with whats left of the summer. Then hit the weights harder than ever. Their mission is to have him put on some serious size. He will be dangerous next summer. I can't wait!
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