Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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bk21 said:
<div>There is a girl who I'm starting hating so much (for french ppl who watched on fr3), Christine Arron is undermining Christophe a lot: at the end of the race, christophe was in the middle of Chambers and Obikwelu, and Stephane Diagana said that it is disapointing that the podium wasn't in that order, SHE found that hilarious and was giggling!</div>
<div>I've heard her another time saying that Lemaître wasn't something special and we're only talking about him because he's white..
it is well known that people from the antille islands are very racists against the white people.
you must remember he lost a month of preparation yet he still equalled his PB in this meet.
Can't see any point of worrying till his outdoor season shows a regression. Even then, people do have fallow years, times of no improvement before jumping to the next level.

I don't think it's time to worry at all. He doesn't even know how to peak yet or what his body is telling him (unlike wily oldtimers such as Chambers and Obigwelu). It takes time and is part of the learning process.
Christophe has a good start on semi-final. He will improve his start, I'm very confident.

I already want to be in August :)
Correct, and everyone forgets he is still only 20 YEARS OF AGE! He is 2-5 years away from his peak. Gay, Powell, even Bolt did not run sub 10 at age 20! Christophe is built for sprinting and his awkward 'still not matured' body is starting to slowly get used to the training and his natural speed. He will run apersonalbest n the 100 and 200 this year.
I want to see him around 9.91-9.93 and under 20 in the 200. I would love to see him pull off a medal(maybe 3) at the WC this year. summer can't come fast enough!
Twinsen9 said:
Christophe has a good start on semi-final. He will improve his start, I'm very confident.

I already want to be in August :)

I think CL problem is his lack of experience. I read in L'equipe: «Martial avait raison: ils ont bien caché leur jeu! J'aurais peut-être dû faitre pareil...» I believe hewasted all his energy in the round and the semi. On the other hand, francis and chambers did the opposite. When I saw again the final, I couldn 't avoid remember the history of the bulls:;feature=relatedEdited by: the argie
I agree. He needs to learn to conserve his energy for the finals but he still has to get his starts fixed. Look at how consistant Povh is. All season long she ran between 7.13 - 7.16 seconds. She is so consistant. That is how he will need to get. Especially in the 100 although he was pretty good last year. He will have to be better this year in a championship year. My biggest complaint always has been his drive phase. He doesn't generate enough power. Even with a good reaction time, he has to improve this area right away. They need to work on this over the next few months.
So, I'm always very confident.<div>Why ? Simple : do you see his face when he finished at the the third place ?</div><div>He was VERY disappointed ! He hates failure ! He hates the second and third place.</div><div>
I think Christophe wants to be the best in Europe. And after, maybe, the world :)
But first, he must crush Obikwelu, Chambers and Francis ! How ? Run under 6,5" in 60m, 9,90" in 100m and 20" in 200m will be sufficient I think ;)</div>
this is the best I've seen Christophe run I believe.
He ran easily and knew he was in total control. He didn't even bother with his customary throw at the line and looked effortless all through to the line.

This 10.06 was into a 1.2w.


This race would have worried his finalist opponents. Coincidentally it was Di Gregorio's PB and best run ever.
white lightning said:
. Look at how consistant Povh is. All season long she ran between 7.13 - 7.16 seconds. She is so consistant. That is how he will need to get.

She's good, yes, but I personnaly find a little bit suspicious , her physical shape. She makes me think of former East german runners in the 80's.
LoLy said:
bk21 said:
There is a girl who I'm starting hating so much (for french ppl who watched on fr3), Christine Arron is undermining Christophe a lot: at the end of the race, christophe was in the middle of Chambers and Obikwelu, and Stephane Diagana said that it is disapointing that the podium wasn't in that order, SHE found that hilarious and was giggling!
I've heard her another time saying that Lemaître wasn't something special and we're only talking about him because he's white..
it is well known that people from the antille islands are very racists against the white people.

First of all, I mustsay that I don't know too much the blacks to knowwhatthey think about whites. Theonlyone I know is a Nigerian who lives in Paris and to whomI relate by mailto speak about sports, which is not a great reference. Saying this, I must say that for my whites and blacks are the same sh...
Then, about Christine Arron, I think she doesn't hate CL for his colour skin, I think she doesn't hate CL in any way. I believe that it is only envy. I believe that she envieshim because she wasLa reineChristine, but now, in France, theyonly speaks about Christophe. Certainly, the envy can turn into hatred. But I don't believe she hates CL for his colour, but for his mediatization.Edited by: the argie
I'm agree with The Argie.

But please, Arron is the past. Christophe is the present and the future ;)

So, speaking of Christophe please :D
Guys, it's not my OWN opinion about Aarron, it's HER opinion!
I'll post again this vidéo:

around 1:05 she's asked what she thinks about Christophe Lemaitre:
"la seule chose qui est historique est le fait que ce soit un blanc qui court sous les 10 secondes, c'est tout quoi! (...) des américains qui courent sous les 10 secondes il y en a plein (...) au niveau mondial il y en a plein qui ont fait des performances qui sont bien supérieures à ce qu'a fait lemaitre"
translation: "the only thing that is historical is that he's the first white under 10, that's all!.. americans who run under 10, there is a lot.. there is a lot who has performances far superior to what Lemaitre did"

I want to point out few things: I didn't say Aaron hates whites, I said that she Undermines Lemaitre's performances...
She pointed out that his main performance is somehow being white
I didn't say that all blacks hate whites (or ppl from french islands..) : I have the intellingence not to put everybody in the same bag

if she was being honest: she can point out that he's the best french ever (yet), that he has legitimacy in European level, and that at that age he has the potential of being among the best of the world, and there is NOT a lot AT HIS AGE that run under 10.. she knows all that because she's in the athletism circle, this is clearly undermining!

again, I'm speaking just about Her, not everybody else, she has a biased speech when it comes to Christophe and it has to be saidEdited by: bk21
I like the goals for the season as layed out by his coach. To run a 9.90 in the 100 and sub 20 in the 200 meters. Good goals to have. He will need every bit of that if he is to have any chance of making the final and possibly winning a medal in an individual event! Please work on his drive phase! I can't emphasis that enough.
near 9,90 (maybe under ?) in the 100 and sub 20 in the 200 for Daegu... It's very good of course...
the argie said:
But I don't believe she hates CL for his colour, but for his mediatization.

Stop looking for excuses for her. That's typicaly the problem here in France. anyone can say a white is racist, but if one try to say a black is racist: it's racist .

This is a known truth that people from antille island are racist against the white. go there for holidays and you'll see. That doesn't means ALL of them are racist, but that a "common" behaviour there.

So may be she is jalous, but don't say she not racist.

If you look for equality, you have to reveal things on any side, not just one. Because otherwise, that's how the racism start.

that's over for me on her now. let's talk about CL
Edited by: LoLy
Hey White Lighting, do you think Degregorio from Italy could break 10 flat this outdoor season? He ran a 10.17 last year into an extreme wind and he does have a 6.59 60 this year at the age of 30. Why do you think guys like Matt shirvington peaked at 19 and Degregorio is running pb's at 30. It cant all be injury related.
Good questions Matt. First off let me be one of the first guys to say welcome to the board. You will like it here. There is so much information that you can find here that cannot be found anywhere else.

Degregorio is a very good sprinter. He is probably the most consistant Italian Sprinter as of right now. I had high hopes for Simone Collio who peaked at 10.06 and Fabio Cerutti who has a personal best of 10.13. Both of those guys cannot seem to stay healthy. E. DeGregorio maynot have the long legs but he sure is explosive. I really enjoy watching him run. As for him going sub 10. It's unlikely in my opinion unless he had perfect conditions with warm weather and a 1.5 to 2.0 legal wind pushing him. I sure would love to see it. My biggest fear for the italian sprinters is that most of them are old. Collio and DeGregorio are both in their 30's. Cerutti isn't far away. We will have to wait and see what happens. I just want to see all three of these guys stay healthy. Maybe they can push each other to new personal bests.

As far as Shirvo goes. I think he clearly had the talent to go sub 10 and he should have done it several times. In his sub 10.10 races, he never had a good following wind. He basically ran a 10.03 all by himself. Alot of sprinters peak at a young age. Both black and white sprinters have done this for decades. Everyone is different. My opinion though is that Shirvo suffered from over training. I've seen his training logs and I think that his coach ran him into the ground. He also had trouble staying in his lane and he often lost speed drifting side to side. His form may not have been perfect but he is still one of the most powerful sprinters that I have ever seen . Amazing talent. It is a damn shame he didn't get under 10 seconds but I still loved to watch him run.
LoLy said:
the argie said:
But I don't believe she hates CL for his colour, but for his mediatization.

Stop looking for excuses for her. That's typicaly the problem here in France. anyone can say a white is racist, but if one try to say a black is racist: it's racist .

This is a known truth that people from antille island are racist against the white. go there for holidays and you'll see. That doesn't means ALL of them are racist, but that a "common" behaviour there.

So may be she is jalous, but don't say she not racist.

If you look for equality, you have to reveal things on any side, not just one. Because otherwise, that's how the racism start.

that's over for me on her now. let's talk about CL

I don't say blacks couldn't be a racist.They are humans. Then,they can be so good or so bad(specially this)as any human being.

I don't know if Christineis racist, but she's old, her time conjugates in past, and I listened to comments like this said by whites athletes here, in Spain.

In my born country, the white/black problem doesn't exist. 90 % of the population is of European origin. The rest areamerindian and they live in his communities, separated from us.I don't know how is in france, I will know it next year, when I'm going to live in France, and probably my opinion changes.

Finally, I don't know if I am racist, but I hate the Russians and some day I'm going to declare the war to Russia... And I'm going to win. Victory... or dead.
mattharper said:
Hey White Lighting, do you think Degregorio from Italy could break 10 flat this outdoor season? He ran a 10.17 last year into an extreme wind and he does have a 6.59 60 this year at the age of 30. Why do you think guys like Matt shirvington peaked at 19 and Degregorio is running pb's at 30. It cant all be injury related.

A few months ago,Tyson Gaysaid that 2011 would be a great year, because there would be more runnersunder 10 and 20 seconds.Then, afriend and I did a list with approximately thirty names. Among the whites, five in total, DiGregorio only was appearing in mine. When my friend saw DiGregorio in my list he said that he hadn't thought about him but that he should have done it because, in spite of his age, DiGregorio is Italian and the Italians reach his peak when they are older.
Hey, can you publish your list please The Argie ?<div>
</div><div>And maybe can we post here who will be in final in Daegu for the 100 and 200 meters...

What is the qualification rules (3 men for 1 country max ? who knows ?)</div>
Twinsen9 said:
Hey, can you publish your list please The Argie ?
I have thought that the bestthing would be to open a new post, but at the moment I give youthe little-list:

In 100 meters:

Ramil Guliyev
Aaron Rouge-serret
Emanuele DiGregorio
Andweadd Pascal Mancini after Bercy, hegave us a good impression.

In 200 meters:

Christophe Lemaitre
Ramil Guliyev
Sebastien Ernst, but he was added without being absolutely sure of him. He has had a good indoor season, but he's 27 years old.

If you want thethe complete list, I can send you a message.

Twinsen9 said:
What is the qualification rules (3 men for 1 country max ? who knows ?)

Four men for 1 country, except the champion country, which can send4 more 1 (the champion is classified automatically) But only 3 will be allowed to compete.

Each country can send 1, 2, 3 or4 athletes with the A standard ( in 100 meters, the standard A is 10.18) or 1 athlete with the B standard (10.25 in 100m) and 1, 2 or 3 with the A.

The countries who have any athlete qualify can send one non-qualify athlete (one man and one woman) for the individual events (except 10,000 m, and another eventsI don't remember now)

The countries can send 7 athletes for the marathon.

The continental champion in individual events are automatically qualify with the A standard (CL is qualify in 100 and 200)Edited by: the argie
Probably the opportunity to runthe first sub-20.
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