I wrote this short article for Caste a while back. I knew from the first time I saw Christophe run that he was a phenom! The kid is fearless and he hates to lose. The ultimate competitor. That is why even back before he ever ran a sub 10, I predicted that he could possibly challenge Bolt someday. Alot of people laughed at me. Why not dream big. He is 20 years of age and anything is possible. Do not doubt this kid! He is special. Here is the article I wrote about the Lemaitre and Bolt.
White Lightning' Christophe Lemaitre
(4/25/10) As of right now, most people around the world have heard of Usain Bolt, the tall, gifted sprinter from Jamaica who has turned the track world upside down. He has broken the world records in the 100 & 200 meters. This Jamaican has run faster than people thought was humanly possible. People wonder if he is on anything or not? Time will tell but he has only two men that can even come close to him, Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell. Until now.
There is a young phenom teenage sprinter from France setting the track on fire. Christophe Lemaitre has run faster than any one in the history of Europe as a teenager. His European record of 10.03 seconds in the 100 meters came with very little wind. His form was also below average and his start was horrible. He broke the European record of Dwain Chambers of England, who just got done serving a suspension for steroids. So many sprinters have been busted for using peds. From the Americans to the East Germans to the Jamaicans, cheating is a worldwide game now.
This is what is special about Christophe Lemaitre. He is very skinny and he has only been running for around four years now. His form is bad, and he has little strength. What he does have is world class speed. The kind of speed that comes around once in a lifetime. There has never been a white sprinter to run a sub 10 in the 100 meters. That is about to change soon. Christophe Lemaitre is about to smash through that barrier and most likely the 9.90 barrier as well. The world record stands at an astounding 9.58 seconds. This teenager from France should be called the Blonde Bullet. If any one on the planet can catch Bolt eventually, it just might be him. His form and strength are improving by the day and his body is slowly maturing. His nickname in France is "The Master." A great name for this man child. He has also been callled PepeLeFlew.
The name he will be called by world wide eventually will by "White Lightning".
The question on everyone's mind will be answered at the 2012 London Olympics. Can the "lightning" beat the "bolt"?
I don't know what will happen since that is a couple of years away. The one thing I do know is that no one should ever count this kid out. He is special just like Bolt. They may be the two best sprinters the world has ever seen when all is said and done. Usain Bolt is amazing and it is his time now but Lemaitre is coming! To be continued...
Caste Football Edited by: white lightning