Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I hope so. Even if he does, Bolt will be so far ahead that is will probably be a little depressing for Christophe. You have to start somewhere though. I can't wait to watch this race. It will be electric.
You beat me to it my friend. Haha. What a great article. Everyone needs to read this excellent piece of jounalism. I can't wait for the fireworks this summer!!
great article! just think, you take away the yam eaten Blake and he is the fastest ever for his age. this kid is a amazing.
Off topic of CL but related</span><b style="border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; ">:Just an observation but</span>Jared Connaughton[/b](CAN)</span><b style="border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; ">[/b]won the combined finals (two groups) of the main 100m Texas Relay's 100m event in a windy 10.04. The other combined final had a greater following wind. Unfortunately theofficialIAAF report chose to pretend it never happened, ignored the main finals and focused - along with a photo - of the "University" section winner from Zambia in a legal 10.06. </span>
to Freddie, maybe it's not on the site because they report on the official page only the legal wind times..<div>
</div><div>@twinsen merci for the great article, Christophe is more ambitious for this season than all of us!</div>
His agenda from Le Figaro :

23 avril
Meeting d'Aix-les-Bains

7-8 mai
1er tour d'interclubs

22 mai
2e tour d'interclubs

26 mai
Meeting de Rome (Ligue de Diamant)

18-19 juin
Championnats d'Europe par équipes à Stockholm

30 juin
Meeting de Lausanne (Ligue de Diamants)

8 juillet
Meeting de Paris (Ligue de Diamant)

28-30 juillet
Championnats de France à Albi

27 août-4 septembre
Championnats du monde à Daegu</span>
Wow am I excited reading those articles. Christophe and his coach sound pretty confident. For him to run those type of times, he will have to get his start sorted out. Hopefully they have been working on the start and drive phase most of the time in training camp. That is by far his weakest part of his race in my opinion. I cannot wait to see him light up the track. ViveLeMaster!
First under 10.00, why not first under 9.90

To 20 years, Christophe Lemaitre overflows ambition. Improve his time, his race average but also why not, reiterate his European performance to the world-wide ladder at the time of the World-wide ones of Daegu this summer. Bercy showed that Christophe Lemaitre was not invincible. But the triple prize-winning of Europe (100M, 200M, 4x100m) would like to become it. After one 3E places disappointing at the time of the championships of Europe indoor to Paris, Lemaitre repeated efforts to improve. To the point to declare to THE Equipe to want "descend under the 10 seconds more often", before adding: "To beat my record (9'97 seconds) because this is still too just to approach me the better." And when the young athlete talks about lower his average time on a race, it sees big, very big: "It is necessary that I courre to the surroundings of 9'90, indeed 9'89." An objective that risks being very hard to attain when one already knows that it is the only white one to be passed under the 10 seconds. Will it be the first one to attain this time record? In any case it there works. Helped of Rock Carraz, his trainer, the boy of 20 years has anglé his preparation on the development muscular by the bias many meetings of musculation. But Lemaitre also adopted new attitudes, changeable his position in the blocks and working differently the placement in action but also the first trampled ones. Again uncertain of the fruit carried by his work, it will discover where it is some at to resume the competition at his place, at the time of the meeting d'Aix-les-Bains April 23.

Harass the better Christophe Lemaitre has ambition. But some has especially one: to be as dangerous as a Bolt (9'59) or that a Powell (9'72). Completely powerless the last summer at the time of the meeting of Paris facing these two racers (1st Bolt in 9'84, Lemaitre 5E in 10'9), the Annecien is impatient to measure itself again facing them. And the expectation should not be too long since it will rediscover them May 26 to Rome for the account of the League of Diamond. A race that it knows to be forward taste of the World-wide ones of Daegu in South Korea. A manner to measure itself facing the better ones of the globe, but also to evaluate the possibility of a double 100m-200m as envisions Lemaitre at the time of these World Championship 2011. But the young man of 20 years can allow themselves to dream with his record in 9'97 seconds. Especially when one knows that to the same age Bolt had a record personal less good, in 10'03 seconds. Does then that know?
I wrote this short article for Caste a while back. I knew from the first time I saw Christophe run that he was a phenom! The kid is fearless and he hates to lose. The ultimate competitor. That is why even back before he ever ran a sub 10, I predicted that he could possibly challenge Bolt someday. Alot of people laughed at me. Why not dream big. He is 20 years of age and anything is possible. Do not doubt this kid! He is special. Here is the article I wrote about the Lemaitre and Bolt.

White Lightning' Christophe Lemaitre

(4/25/10) As of right now, most people around the world have heard of Usain Bolt, the tall, gifted sprinter from Jamaica who has turned the track world upside down. He has broken the world records in the 100 &amp; 200 meters. This Jamaican has run faster than people thought was humanly possible. People wonder if he is on anything or not? Time will tell but he has only two men that can even come close to him, Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell. Until now.

There is a young phenom teenage sprinter from France setting the track on fire. Christophe Lemaitre has run faster than any one in the history of Europe as a teenager. His European record of 10.03 seconds in the 100 meters came with very little wind. His form was also below average and his start was horrible. He broke the European record of Dwain Chambers of England, who just got done serving a suspension for steroids. So many sprinters have been busted for using peds. From the Americans to the East Germans to the Jamaicans, cheating is a worldwide game now.

This is what is special about Christophe Lemaitre. He is very skinny and he has only been running for around four years now. His form is bad, and he has little strength. What he does have is world class speed. The kind of speed that comes around once in a lifetime. There has never been a white sprinter to run a sub 10 in the 100 meters. That is about to change soon. Christophe Lemaitre is about to smash through that barrier and most likely the 9.90 barrier as well. The world record stands at an astounding 9.58 seconds. This teenager from France should be called the Blonde Bullet. If any one on the planet can catch Bolt eventually, it just might be him. His form and strength are improving by the day and his body is slowly maturing. His nickname in France is "The Master." A great name for this man child. He has also been callled PepeLeFlew.

The name he will be called by world wide eventually will by "White Lightning".

The question on everyone's mind will be answered at the 2012 London Olympics. Can the "lightning" beat the "bolt"?

I don't know what will happen since that is a couple of years away. The one thing I do know is that no one should ever count this kid out. He is special just like Bolt. They may be the two best sprinters the world has ever seen when all is said and done. Usain Bolt is amazing and it is his time now but Lemaitre is coming! To be continued...
Caste Football Edited by: white lightning
Christophe opens up his season this Saturday over 100 meters. I'm hoping he can start off with a good time to build on. He opened up with a 10.09 last year. He will also run alot more 200 meters races this season. I hope he doesn't get tired before the World Champs. They need to make sure that he gets the proper rest between races. Good luck to PepeLeFlew.
the season begins! I'm getting a rush of adrenaline just thinking about it. Good luck Christophe!
Let's make some predictions for his first race this Saturday. I will say he runs a 10.06 if the conditions are right. I think he will open up just a little faster than last season but nothing too crazy yet. The fast times will come in the summer months when he hits his peak conditioning.
I'm going to say 10.08
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