Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Interesting point guys.I think good power to weight ratio is good too, the only Question is , is for example Squating close enough to sprinting movement to become faster.Bu I think you can see it by jumping abilty(horizontal) improvement.
I noticed some small bodyparts too with spinters espacially small calves.And that means small ankles too.
But I think most spinters can be called big but as was mentioned only a part.Sprinters have often big muscles relatively to frame but maybe this comes from lifting weights, but maybe they have it also part from nature yes.
I have contemplated this issue for years and it appears - as some are saying here - that it is a complex issue which certainly goes well beyond Race. If we were to play God and to try and design a perfect sprinter how would we start? For example a large body part may provide a greater lever arm for improved force on the ground but it would have a greater mass and a greater moment of inertia so it would require a greater muscle mass, bigger, and perhaps less efficient,joints, etc., etc. In other words the design becomes complex. Same with the muscle type: the more fast-twitch the greater the energy use so there is less energy for thelast 40 metres - this is perhaps why there is little correlationbetween fast-twitch percentage and 100m times.The conclusion to all this is that Race cannot logically be a significant determinant in sprinting because there are too many variables involved that cut across any racial characteristic - most of which are, after all,only visual. Edited by: freddie
Just because a trait is causally complex does not in any way logical imply that racial variation is unlikely. There are probably thousands of genes that have effects on size and body mass do you think that those are not influenced by race?

You can try to engineer sprinting perfection in your mind. Or you can simple observe it in nature, Which is superior runner a jaguar or cheetah? A horse or a rhino. A Greyhoud or a bloodhound.. Long thin limbs combined with long tendons are characteristics of good runners, large muscles define fast runners compared to enduring runners in general.

I think its true that west africans are advantaged in sprinting I also think this does not satisfactorily explain the total domination we see in sprints and running jumping team athletes. There is to much evidence of caste system. But just because there is caste system does not mean there isn't some baseline difference to start with.

My understanding is that the white to Blacks IQ gap during segregation was about 5 points greater then currently. However there IQs stablised after a couple generations and absolutely nothing has helped them rise towards white norms since. So obviously in that case their were two causes of observed phenemonon.

Edited cause I dug into the segregation data and its hard to see improvement so maybe the prime cause was inherent ability

I'll have to think of a better example.

Edited by: Fenris
Fennis: We should take this to another forum as it it not about CL. I am leaving right now for a vacation so can't respond now. If you send me a private message I would provide back-up to mycomments. If you believe Africans are faster runnershow come:The only African to ever win an Olympic Gold was White and the fastest African ever at 60m not at altitude was White.
Regarding CL I vote for 6.51 in Paris.Edited by: freddie
Twinsen9 said:
Mike Rodgers, MPM on 60m : 6,48.
I don't know if the altitude will influence in the indoor, buthe ranat 1600 m.In any case, with or without altitude, Rodgers' timesare impressive and I believe that this will be a great year for him.Edited by: the argie
Thx WL we can keep our expectations high I suppose..
for those whom the Championship is not broadcasted, here's a link of French tv:

look at the page: at the top left you have icons of TV channels; the first one is a BIG RED 2: this is "France 2" channel which will be broadcasting on saturday from 15:40 to 18:05 french time (GT+1)
and a BIG BLUE 3 "France 3" channel, which will be broadcasting on sunday from 15:20 to 17:05 french time
Christophe will be running on saturdayAND sunday.

maybe there is some country limitations for this site, if it is the case you can watch here:

in the left column at the end there is "other sports"--> click then --> athletics, there will be some links tosee the event LIVE, but the links are usually available like an hour or less before the eventEdited by: bk21

</div><div>Que faudra-t-il faire pour gagner ?
Il faudra que j'aille plus vite que cet hiver, voire que mon record (6"55) si je veux la médaille d'or. Peut-être même 6"50, mais c'est jouable. Si mon départ est bien négocié, je peux l'emporter. Maintenant, si Chambers fait sa course, ça risque d'être difficile. Tout se jouera au départ. Si je prends un mauvais départ, c'est foutu.

Translation : To win, I must break my record time (6,55), and maybe 6,50... but I can do it.</span></div>
I watched the race. He looked good. Abrantes pushed him pretty good. I am anxious to see what he does in the semi finals. I expect a time around his personal best.
I wonder what Chambers really has in the tank.
I'll still bet he can go sub 6.60 this meet.

I must admit I would have liked to see Lemaitre win his heat in that time without the lean - similar to his 10.06 100 semi in the Euros last year. That to me was the easiest and most impressive run of his career
mastermulti said:
I wonder what Chambers really has in the tank.
I'll still bet he can go sub 6.60 this meet.

I must admit I would have liked to see Lemaitre win his heat in that time without the lean - similar to his 10.06 100 semi in the Euros last year. That to me was the easiest and most impressive run of his career

In fact his lean was very funny, go back and watch the video, he starts leaning 10m before the end of the race he had to straighen up before crossing the line.. I think he lost time because of that lean..
The Germans disappointed big time - Martin Keller did not start, and Christian Blum only ran 6.80 and failed to qualify.
Yes CL run 6,55 right now (his record !) in the semi final !<div>
</div><div>Very good.</div>
Edited by: Twinsen9
Yeah, and the starter's gun went off so quickly after the set, I thought there was no way anyone would run a good time. It was a pretty superb 6.55.
Where are you guys watching this? I was able to watch the morning session and can't find a working link for the afternoon session. I'm so angry right not. Been trying for an hour or two.

I'm very happy to see Christophe in fine form. Hoping for a huge p.b. tommorow and a gold medal.
how much more time till the final?
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