Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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interview before French indoorhere

Christophe "thinks that he'll do better than his last two races" , " but has no chronometric goal for tomorrow", "he thinks he will be rady for the "Europe", (4-6 march)
"it is his first heavy physical preparation this year, so he wasn't ready, but he couldn't just do training because he will go nuts!"

during his Japan and Miami training, he didn't exclusively weight and aerobics and said that he rarely had a half-day rest, it was heavy because he was a little late on schedule (I suppose because he was sick)Edited by: bk21
Any tv coverage of the french indoor champs? If anyone knows of a link, please post it. Thanks.
You beat me to it FastEuro. He ran a 6.62 in the opening round and a 6.58 in the final. Good to see him get back in the 6.50's range. He has the 2nd fastest time of anyone in Europe at the moment. he will need to go faster if he is going to win the gold in Paris in a couple of weeks. It's a good base to build off.

Lemaitre did well to cut
The other headliner of the day, Christophe Lemaitre, also said this though not as flat screen. 6''67 blocked this season by 60 m, the sprinter from Aix-les-Bains hoped that the cut decided after his disappointing outings in Stuttgart and Lievin was going to be re-energized. His two races on Sunday had full reassurance on this point. Winner of his series 6''62, the triple European champions Barcelona (100, 200 and 4x100) accelerated again in the final to win in 6''58, its fastest time of the winter and second best behind his great rival European continental Dwain Chambers. " I know the track by heart, I always made good perf here , savoring the record holder of France's 100 m (9''97), eyes already turned to the European Championships, which he had time tried to ignore if his poor form has persisted. " I look forward to Bercy to run before the French public, it has the means to win many medals!
Fantastic! Nothing really to add, except that I'm glad that Christophe has rebounded so quickly, and I hope someone will provide links to videos and articles soon.
Nice--he still hasn't gotten his late-race speed back, but that was the first time I've seen him pull ahead right after the start. I mean, am I imagining it, or did he show much more explosion? Now if he can get his stride back after 40 meters, he's in business.
bk21 said:
here's the last race (6.58) at Aubière, french indoor champ.

Look at his left arm in that race. It is flapping around like a girl in high heels running for a taxi.
If he can run that fast without using his arms properly...

Edited by: devans
I think he will hit 6.52 like you said, but may not be enough for Gold in the Euro 60 meters. Chambers is a pro at 60 meters. These 60 meter times are more important for his 100, because he will need to run in the low 6.5's, upper 6.4's for him to get close to a sub 9.9 in the 100 this summer. I think once his body adapts to all the heavy strength training, it will come with ease. The 6.58 was fantastic given he still looked somewhat fatigued and his form not perfect.
Thanks Twinsen9. That is a far better angle of the race and it also shows that he won quite easily. His start looked pretty good as well. I can't wait for Paris. I'm hoping for him to shock the world and hit the high 6.40's range in the finals. Keeping my fingers crossed for good luck.
I don't think he can run under 6,5 in Bercy.
Juste one reason : it's too early.
So maybe he can break his own record (6,55").

If he run 6,52 in Bercy, it will be good.
If he run 6,50, it will be really great.
If he run 6,4x, I'll be veeeeeery happy
I'm willing to bet a sub 6,50 at Bercy:
his muscle volume improvementis clearly noticeable especially at his thighs
he was very tired in the first two races
he said he's still tired before his last race but less than before
he's already programmed for Bercy and chasing for gold

I say sub 6.50 or 6.50 "pile poil"
if muscles would be a benefit sprinters would be bigger build then average, but they are only in height and not much bigger then others of the same height taking in spinters do lift weighht and most of population does not they are not bigger.average spinter is around 5-11.75 feet end 170 lbs( top 100 iaaf)with 23.2 BMI..Average white/west african male in his 20's is lean at a BMI of 22.if spinters would weight 8 lbs less they would be average for they height.if the average spinter has gained +-8 lbs from lifting weights then they are naturally average sized have they gained more then +- 8 lbs then they are under average and if they have gained less then +-8 lbs then they are slighly bigger then average.most sprinters do lift weights like 3 times a week so not gained 8 lbs is very unlikey its morte likely that they are average or slighlty under sized naturelly.not taking in east asian males becuase they are lean at 20.0 bmi average.

of course having fast mucles etc. is the most important but if big muscles was a benefit why is the average top spinter then not big?

They are the same height and weight as average soccer player.

this is also why I think in spinting there is not much differnce between males and females, the differnce is only 10% with males having more efficent hip strength events the differtnce is like 30%.
Good that he runned 6.58 that means he can run at least very fast again this have spinters that are only top for 1 year.
he is 0.03 faster then the fast non black or white spinter hopeully he makes the gap bigger.
Muscle size wont affect sprinting as long as the strength to bodyweight ratio is high.<div>
</div><div>If Lemaitre, for example, was squatting 300 pounds at a weight of 165, and if he gains to 185, but squats 450 pounds. His added body weight wont slow him down, in actuality, his size and increased strength will help him run faster especially at the 1st 30 - 40 meters and towards the end of a race. The key is low body fat and a high strength to bodyweight ratio.</div>
Waterbed the answer is simple the best build for a sprinter is a very light bone structure, small joints small rib cage, small shoulders coupled with relatively strong muscular development, in addition short muscle bellies and long tendons are advantageous. This is indeed the build we see with elite sprinters. A slim lower leg and ankle coupled with a very long achilles tendon and fairly large gastrocnemius muscle is especially typical of successful sprinters. This general relationship is true not just him humans but in other animals the fastest dogs are greyhound which are both very slimly build and relatively quite muscular for their bone structure. A very clear example of this is whippets(basically small greyhounds) in which a simple mutation cause double muscling in homozygotes but in heterozygotes produces the fastest dogs.<div>
</div><div>It is noticable to me that the elite white sprinters tend to be more gracile were as the elite black sprinters tend to have more muscle mass, there are some good genetic reasons to suspect this is the norm between the two populations small boned muscular men are more common in west africans but I wouldn't be suprised if a higherlikelihoodof taking PED's was also a cause.</div><div>
here are the actual top list sprinter for 60 m

I think sub 6.50 isn't realistic at that moment of the year. I woul say around 6.54.

<table id="TLlegal" ="sortable"><t><tr =" on"><td>6.50</td>
<td>Kim Collins</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">05/04/1976</td>
<td ="c">1h2</td>
<td ="c">13/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">24/04/1985</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td>Birmingham, GBR</td>
<td ="c">19/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Nesta Carter</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">10/11/1985</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td>New York (MSG), NY</td>
<td ="c">28/01/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Kim Collins</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Lerone Clarke</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">06/12/1981</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td ="c">13/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">2</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Kim Collins</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">2</td>
<td>Birmingham, GBR</td>
<td ="c">19/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Rakieem Salaam</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">05/04/1990</td>
<td ="c">1sf2</td>
<td>Fayetteville, AR</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Lerone Clarke</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">2h2</td>
<td ="c">13/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1h1</td>
<td>Birmingham, GBR</td>
<td ="c">19/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Lerone Clarke</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">3</td>
<td>Birmingham, GBR</td>
<td ="c">19/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Rakieem Salaam</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1</td>
<td>College Station, TX</td>
<td ="c">29/01/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Marc Burns</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">07/01/1983</td>
<td ="c">4</td>
<td>Birmingham, GBR</td>
<td ="c">19/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">2</td>
<td>New York (MSG), NY</td>
<td ="c">28/01/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1</td>
<td ="c">05/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Marc Burns</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">2</td>
<td ="c">13/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Trell Kimmons</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">13/07/1985</td>
<td ="c">3</td>
<td>New York (MSG), NY</td>
<td ="c">28/01/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Jeffery Demps</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">08/01/1990</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td>Blacksburg, VA</td>
<td ="c">04/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1h1</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Marc Burns</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">3</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Dwain Chambers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">05/04/1978</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td ="c">12/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Joshua Norman</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">26/07/1980</td>
<td ="c">1r2</td>
<td>Seattle, WA</td>
<td ="c">15/01/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Reggie Dixon</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">07/06/1988</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td>State College, PA</td>
<td ="c">28/01/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Mike Rodgers</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1h1</td>
<td ="c">05/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Jeffery Demps</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">1sf3</td>
<td>Fayetteville, AR</td>
<td ="c">11/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Marc Burns</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">
<td ="c">3h2</td>
<td ="c">13/02/2011</td>
<tr =" on">
<td>Christophe Lemaitre</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">11/06/1990</td>
<td ="c">1</td>
<td ="c">20/02/2011</td>
<tr ="off">
<td>Gerald Phiri</td>
<td ="l">
<td ="c">06/10/1988</td>
<td ="c">2</td>
<td>College Station, TX</td>
<td ="c">29/01/2011</td></tr></t></table>
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