Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Way to go PepeLeFlew. Great opener for Christophe. That was his first real race since he injured his hamstring. He will be just fine. That is only
6/100th of his lifetime p.b. in the 60 meters so I couldn't be happier. Now to find some video of the race!
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His start was bad !!
So what is new. Lemaitre always has a bad start. From what I have been hearing Lemaitre is totally concentrating on track this year. Apparently last year he was taking Electrical Engineering classes and was not training full time. He promises this to be a better year.
Not to change the subject but what is up with Yunier Perez from Cuba? The guy has always been a mediocre sprinter and now he has run a 6.49 and 6.51 60 meters. Must have flown to Jamaica for some yams.
It was a shame about his hamstring injury because he would have easily broke his p.b. in the 200 at the World Champs. They said the times he was running in practice sessions were eye popping! Let's just hope he doesn't suffer another injury like that this year. I think we are in for multiple sub 10's a sub 20's too. This weekend he will go in the mid to high 6.50's for sure!
The article I read states that Lemaitre is shooting for a sub 9.85 which would make him the cleanest and fastest sprinter over 100 meters of all time.
The article I read states that Lemaitre is shooting for a sub 9.85 which would make him the cleanest and fastest sprinter over 100 meters of all time.

Can you please post a link to that article. Thanks twinkletoes. One more question for you. What is your overall impression of
Kristoffer Hari. The kid is doing some amazing things. Do you think he can be world class someday or he is just someone who
has just about peaked very early? I will await your response.
I ran the 100 meters in high school and college. It does not make me an expert but I think He will peak kind of like Julian Watrin or Lukas Chyla. I hope this is not the case but I know you have seen that black and white facebook picture of him. The dude is cut as hell for a 15 year old. I know his dad was a body builder but how much more of a physique is this kid going to put on when he fully matures?
I hope he hits 10.1 in a few years. I just don't know if he is the next Lemaitre but then again he has had no real competition to push him. Conversely Yoshihide Kiryu runs an early 10.01 but gets psyched out when running against the big boys and can only muster a 10.3 or 10.4. If Harri grows a couple of inches he might be a consistent sub 10 guy. Its just to early but its so nice to see people so young break all of these so called blackthletic records at the younger ages.
Also Jamie Gallahger form Australia appears to be totally white and not aboriginal like mister ross. I believe he just ran a 21.22 outdoors last week. NOt bad for someone who just turned 13. Does that help?
It's always bad. Lemaitre has a bad start.
Let us know when he has a good start. That will really be news - good news!

In FINAL, his start was bad but in semi final, it was good.

In final KILTY had a very good start but Christophe had a BIG finish .
Thanks Izwal. What a close race. I can't remember seeing too many races anywhere with all white sprinters. There was some talent out there on the track. Richard Kilty is headed for a breakout year in my opinion. He ran 10.10 last year late in the season. He just needs to stay healthy. Cackett looks stronger than ever and he was with Christophe for a good part of the race. His speed looks impressive. Glad to see Christophe start off the season on a winning not. Looking forward to seeing him run this weekend. Hoping for a faster time to help build his confidence before the French Indoor Champs.
His start is not improving.
In these conditions to get sub10 is his best target and is not bad target.

I hope that he improves a little more in the season and he can to get great times in 200m, where he is really great :smile:
FINAL 200M : 20.72

"Je suis très satisfait, je me suis même un peu surpris, je ne pensais pas aller aussi vite, nous a confié l'Aixois au téléphone. Je suis juste un peu déçu d'avoir eu un petit problème dans les starting-blocks en finale, d'avoir été gêné dans ma poussée car sinon, j'aurais pu améliorer la meilleure performance mondiale de l'année (20''68). Mais bon, la forme commence à venir."
Umm good performances for Lemaitre in 200m indoor.
Probably he is 20.4 shape in outdoor in this moment, February.

In 60 i think that he will run next week with Vicaut.
I hopes that he runs sub 6.6 the next time, although sorry but im not optimistic with his progression in 60m or in 100m this year.

If he gets several sub10 this year i will be happy.
In 200 i think that he could to be near of his 19.80.

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