Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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19.7, european record and bronze medal should to be the big target for lemaitre in OG :happy:

I dont see him running sub 9.9 this year really, the next year will be easier
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###I'll post this again since the last one was surrounded by an extended argument -

I wonder if 2012 will be a consolidation year for Lemaitre - i.e. no great improvement in times but a good year for learning and building upon what he already has?

I maintain that if he gets through 2012 without injury then he has been successfully managed by a coach who has certainly helped him improve his bend running over the last 18 months or so.
Anyway, Carraz has said he'll retire now he's turned 70.

The big question is who will look after him. He's obviously based where he needs to be to get his bachelor of electrical engineering and computer science (or as some wag wrote "training to be an electrican lol).

I'd love to see him do some serious training in some warm state in the U.S. ( I have no doubt any number of colleges would give him a scholarship to study anything he wants) but if he's fragile will they work him too hard and destroy him?
And is he the personality type to be separated from family and community in a foreign country for a long period of time.

No doubt they are talking about his future even now.

AND I must say it's good to have someone like Martina close by (Nederlands) to race. He showed great speed.
In fact these two looked like first division against a team of 2nd and 3rd division guys in London.
Loved the attitude Lemaitre showed at 1.12 in the video

"Anyway, Carraz has said he'll retire now he's turned 70"

NO Pierre Carraz will be the trainer of Christophe for next year, probably !
in his 19.91 conditions not was the worst possible,he had 1.1 favorable wind,the weather waas cold but the track wasn't wet so the conditions was so so,not the worst possible but not very good,i think in og on the same wind but with hotter wather he can run 19.7 without a doubt,and i love to see him in 100 too
i think carraz was a good trainer,what he need is a streght trainer to help him to develop power on his 50m if he can run first 60 in 6.48-6.50 he will be a low 9.8 guy.
The big question is who will look after him. He's obviously based where he needs to be to get his bachelor of electrical engineering and computer science (or as some wag wrote "training to be an electrican lol).

I heard that he stopped studying because he couldn't manage training; study and media.

It is not clear if Carraz will stop. Carraz said he will 2 years ago, but lately I read an ITW from Lemaitre saying Carraz could train him next year.

I think the decision will be taken after OG.

I think he will not run 100m. The last interviews tend to go for 200m only. He said "may be in 2016 if I'm still here" . So I'm not very optimistic.

some other place for improvement: diet!
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i think carraz was a good trainer,what he need is a streght trainer to help him to develop power on his 50m if he can run first 60 in 6.48-6.50 he will be a low 9.8 guy.

like BOLT and GAY ! these 2 sprinter get a bad start this year, Nevertheless they are powerful ! They should change trainer ?

the START is very complicated, very technical, it's not only POWER, POWER, POWER, look CHAMBERS, look AIKINES ARYEETEY, they are not better than christophe this year !

In Helsinki, Christophe ran first 60 in 6.56 with wet track, cold and wind (-0.7), it's a good time for him, he can run sub 6.50, this year with good condition and especially with warm temperatures.

In Paris, Christophe ran first 60M in 6.58 with cool temperature (17°c) and a reaction time 0.190 (very bad), with a normal reaction time (0.140) he could run 6.53-6.54, , Christophe is ONLY 22 years old !

The trainer of MARTIAL M'BANDJOCK (french sprinter) is MAURICE GREEN (world record holder on 60M), and this french sprinter is not more successful than when he trained in France !

There is no magic method, Christophe has to train again and again ! BE PATIENT
like BOLT and GAY ! these 2 sprinter get a bad start this year, Nevertheless they are powerful ! They should change trainer ?

the START is very complicated, very technical, it's not only POWER, POWER, POWER, look CHAMBERS, look AIKINES ARYEETEY, they are not better than christophe this year !

In Helsinki, Christophe ran first 60 in 6.56 with wet track, cold and wind (-0.7), it's a good time for him, he can run sub 6.50, this year with good condition and especially with warm temperatures.

In Paris, Christophe ran first 60M in 6.58 with cool temperature (17°c) and a reaction time 0.190 (very bad), with a normal reaction time (0.140) he could run 6.53-6.54, , Christophe is ONLY 22 years old !

The trainer of MARTIAL M'BANDJOCK (french sprinter) is MAURICE GREEN (world record holder on 60M), and this french sprinter is not more successful than when he trained in France !

There is no magic method, Christophe has to train again and again ! BE PATIENT

You are corrcet, but Christophe is much faster naturally than these guys. If these guys lost strength, they would lose much of their speed. Christophe has much more upside. The added strength will make him even faster.

I heard most coaches where shocked this see how weak Christophe was (the last 2 years) and yet managed to run superb times. A little more strength in the shoulder toso area will stabilize his full speed = less effort and more energy = 9.84 and 19.60 easily

1. BLAKE 9.85 (+1.6m/s)
2. FRATER 10.00
3. BURNS 10.00

in Europe with cool temperature there isn't fast time like in JAMAICA ! :)

KINGSTON : 9.75 with 1.1m/s = 9.80 basic time
LUCERNE : 9.85 with 1.6m/s = 9.93 basic time

Christophe ran 10.05 basic time with cold and wet track in helsinki !

For me, Christophe is faster than last year, wait good condition and christophe will run sub 9.90 ! !
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I like the positive vibes RCSMAN. I feel good about his chances too but it won't matter if Caraz doesn't let him run.

Put him in all three events. Not to is cheating the greatest white sprinter the world has ever seen from a chance at history. One of these days he just might beat Bolt, Powel or Gay. You have to race them though to have a chance. Screw the rest. He is a baby at 22! Get him on a better diet and some good vitamins to help him recover quicker!
if cl run in lucerne i am sure his time could be under 10,anyway guys you see the 200m race? a very good time for that jamaican,young ...... he come from nowhere with that time
i've not commented on this until now, but i'm still scratching my head over the possibility that Lemaitre may not run in the 100 ...

i mean, if he doesn't run the 100, then every runner in the world not from Jamaica or the USA shouldn't run. he's beaten everyone else, and he's even knocked off some Yanks and some Yamaicans (trademarked by JC!!! :becky: ) ... so what could his team possibly be thinking to not let him run? i just don't get it.

i mean, if he's in such poor physical shape that he can't recover and run the 200, what does that say about his conditioning? consequently, i don't believe that is the case, as a fit, early-20s-aged sprinter clearly is in good shape. and if it's because they simply don't think he can compete, then he should quit running the 100 ... which is unthinkable, as he is one of the world's elite.

not running the 100 simply doesn't make any sense to me, unless there's something else we don't know about going on.
if cl run in lucerne i am sure his time could be under 10,anyway guys you see the 200m race? a very good time for that jamaican,young ...... he come from nowhere with that time

WOW, ON 200M Jason Young 19.86 (+1.6m/s) 21 years old (PB 20.42 before this race)

PB on 100M 10.19 :huh:
I like the positive vibes RCSMAN. I feel good about his chances too but it won't matter if Caraz doesn't let him run.

Put him in all three events. Not to is cheating the greatest white sprinter the world has ever seen from a chance at history. One of these days he just might beat Bolt, Powel or Gay. You have to race them though to have a chance. Screw the rest. He is a baby at 22! Get him on a better diet and some good vitamins to help him recover quicker!

I think that Christophe can run sub 9.90 this year BUT I think that for a medal it will be too difficult except DNS, disqualified.

But for me Christophe should run on 100M, OG it's only every 4 years ! he's young so GO CHRISTOPHE !
RCSMAN really you think that Lemaitre can to get sub 9.9 this year?
I dont think it, he needs "perfect race"(good reaction time, good weather, good drive phase,..)and in adition minimum +1.5 wind for to have options for to get sub 9.9
If the wind is 0 or few wind 0% options and if some of the other conditions are not really good, very very hard.

Very very hard in my opinion :sad:

I hope it but this year i dont see it really....
Another day, another double win for a Jamaican Sprinter. Where do these guys come from? To run a 19.86 out of nowhere is just so ridiculous. Oh well. I might just have to go eat me some magical Yams. The breakfast of champions. It's so funny how this tiny island never had an olympic gold medal champion in the sprints until Bolt and now they are just born to run. I'm not saying Bolt wouldn't inspire people to run but these video game times are so obvious. Some one has to do something. The world cannot compete with this island. They are just born to run. Hahahaha. Watch out for the Bahamas. I think they are on to it and might just try to copy the success of Jamaica.

Oh well. All of the dumb fans of every country can continue to wear the jamaican colors and wave the flags like they were born there.

Jamaican me crazy man! Lmao.

Wake up W.A.D.A.
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Young ran 20.71 for 7th place in the Jamaican Trials a couple of weeks ago!

20.4 to a 19.86 just like that? hmm.... yeah no red flags there *cough*. Why is it that not one top jamaican sprinter can show me a linear progression? They all get seem to get close to the top and then overnight, make monumental drops in time that have very few natural explanations. I'm supposed to believe that this is a combination of peaking at the right time, training, a sprinting culture, and superior Jamaican sprinting genes? Yeah ok. Yes, apparently the rest of the world should just give up sprinting the day we are born and realize...damn i wasnt born in Jamaica, gotta find something else.
Another day, another double win for a Jamaican Sprinter. Where do these guys come from? To run a 19.86 out of nowhere is just so ridiculous. Oh well. I might just have to go eat me some magical Yams. The breakfast of champions. It's so funny how this tiny island never had an olympic gold medal champion in the sprints until Bolt and now they are just born to run. I'm not saying Bolt wouldn't inspire people to run but these video game times are so obvious. Some one has to do something. The world cannot compete with this island. They are just born to run. Hahahaha. Watch out for the Bahamas. I think they are on to it and might just try to copy the success of Jamaica.

Oh well. All of the dumb fans of every country can continue to wear the jamaican colors and wave the flags like they were born there.

Jamaican me crazy man! Lmao.

Wake up W.A.D.A.

you said : "It's so funny how this tiny island never had an olympic gold medal champion in the sprints until Bolt and now they are just born to run"


CHAMBERS: caught for PED use
CHRISTIE: caught for PED use
BAILEY: not Caught

that confirms our "doubts" about the "jamaican magic"

better to be caught for ped use than to be a 10.2 sprinter whole your carrer,if you mind what i try to say.THIS guys (Chambers, Christie,Donovan Bailey) are the 3 of the biggest sprinters of all time so better to be a cheater than to be just a 10.2 sprinter (like majority of white sprinters) why anybody on this forum dont talk about mennea,he was a cheater too,he use hgh in all his carrer but anybody dont talk about him because he is white, what a racist....i like my race i am proud to be caucasian but i dont take merrit to other race just because is different of me,i'm not a little nazist,you think borzov was clean?kenteris was clean?every sprinter at that level use 'stuff'
of course the jamaican are doped,lets doped our white sprinters lets see they can run 9.7? anybody dont give you flower at the end of carrer because you was clean....
i dont take merrit to other race just because is different of me,

what merrit are you talking about? cheating without being caught?

Ethiopians or Kenyans have merrit for their performances. But we all know why they run so fast.

But for black sprinters, I don't see any.

Not all black sprinters are cheaters. Lots have true preformance. But come on, like that JOUNG in Lucerne, I don't see him any merrit.

I you think white sprinters should use PED, then let's organize a PED OG.

Otherwise we should fight any PED users(white and black).

See cycling: no blacks, but lot's of PED user. nobody here will say blacks shuld take PED and come to "tour de france".

If you practice a sport, I'm sure, you would not appriciate to have your b u t t kicked by an less talented PED user, especialy if he's black, and if he tells you that he beats you because he has "better gens" than you.
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