Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Here is a short written piece about some of the drug cheats. What you guys don't realise is that for every cheat caught, probably the majority of the rest of them get away with it. It's kind of like Bill Clinton. He got caught but many presidents have cheated on their wives. It's just that Clinton got caught. It would be hard to even estimate how many sprinters have cheated. In the 1988 Olympic Finals, 7 of the 8 finalists were on something. I have read that from multiple sources.
Way to get this thread back on track. The guy who made this video is talented. Dwid has some competition. Lol. I love this video because it can show the casual fan some of the hilites of his career. Lemaitre sure can motor over that last 30-40 meters. His speed endurance is special. The World Champs is going to be special. If he can make both finals, he will again take another step forward. The medals are coming in the near future. I see him possibly medaling in the 200 at the Worlds. The 100 would take a perfect race but he is capable.
Great compilation vid!
what's astonishing is that he doesn't lose an inch to anybody at the last 50 meters, even the fastest race he was into, against Powell's 9.78 this year, he keeps the same distance between them both while everybody else loses distance to Powell
does anybody know what kind of training Lemaitre performs I'm curious does he do any short hills or sled work thats what jamiacans use to improve acceleration it would bnefit him greatly and build the neccesary strenght and exlosiveness for a world class start
Yohan Blake run in London 9,95 with -1,6m/s. It's really fast.

I think Blake can take the third place in Daegu.
yep , 9.95 (-1.6) is flying. He's jumped into medal contention well and truly, possibly GOLD.
That's like a 9.7s low with a +2.0.

Pickering is gone for this season too with a 10.34
Christophe emulating kids around him, athletes of the future!
he's promoting "rural athletism" away from muticultural big cities
photo from 2 days ago at Arvieu (click on photo to enlarge)

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Exacep Daegu, another duel between Bolt and Christophe will be held in Brussels on september 16. (200m)
BK21--thanks for posting that, and good for Christophe!! I don't know about France, but here in the US, I get sick to death hearing about the endless and expensive programs to promote sports among one minority group and no other. No one in this country seems to care if rural and suburban kids get fat from sitting video games and miss out on the pleasures of the active life. This just makes me like Christophe even more. Best athlete ever!
Yes Twinsen, but on the bright side he will be with Renaud Longuevre the best coach in France
I knew it Bolt is smart to lay off the juice he must have had some inside info about new testing procedures, Jamaica is a country of dopers no country can be so small and come up so quickly its good that justice is served
I read that Mullings trains with Gay in the US. Perhaps he is not in the Jamaican inner circle. Anyone know whether this is the case?
I'm so happy... Really. His performance was so unbelievable !

Now Yohan Blake :tongue:
I said I tought blacks of west african continent are close to 0.4 seconds faster on top on average but I also said before it looked a bit strange distributed so I wasn't totally sure if it was close to 0.4 or just only like 0.2.IF you take out mullings and if Tyson Gay is guilty too then I have to reconsider the 0.32 + around 0.05 for less train for it and then it would be maybe more like 0.2, what I already said if you use standard derrivation and some cray calculating it looks a bit strange distributed so I didn't know 0.2 or 0.4 PED's make my calculating biased maybe.
IF bolt is very fast again next year( then I don't trust him anymore) I have to reconsider the 4% faster what I said.

But it is good for Christophe that a cheater is out.
I said I tought blacks of west african continent are close to 0.4 seconds faster on top on average but I also said before it looked a bit strange distributed so I wasn't totally sure if it was close to 0.4 or just only like 0.2.IF you take out mullings and if Tyson Gay is guilty too then I have to reconsider the 0.32 + around 0.05 for less train for it and then it would be maybe more like 0.2, what I already said if you use standard derrivation and some cray calculating it looks a bit strange distributed so I didn't know 0.2 or 0.4 PED's make my calculating biased maybe.

I've always had a hunch that there is possibly a 0.2 difference. Only anecdotal, but I've watched T&F avidly since the late 70s and it seemed to me on a level playing field the top international class (blacks) who would career max at 9.90-9.95 ran against good white guys who managed the 10.10-10.15 which usually saw them 2.5m down in a 100 race.
Then the white guys left the program and the black dudes got faster. Who knows who was on what, but certainly the roided eastern Europeans of the 80s couldn't better the occasional high 10.0s. I have a hunch most white guys were out of the equation by the time the sophisticated stuff came around.
Again, just my hunches but I'm happy with my extrapolation.
Borzov aside the elite black(medalists) sprinters from the 70's through mid 80's seemed to be about 2/10ths faster than the White elite sprinters(finalists). Around 88' this gap grew to what it is now. I don't know whether the new PED programs work better on Black athletes or they are more inclined to using them or have access them?
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