Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I've read several thread on other website, for prediction for DAEGU.

It's interesting to see that thay all predict the following for deuce: 1-Bolt; 2-Dix ; 3-Lemaitre

For 100m, most see 1and 2- Bolt or Powel and 3- Blake

Lemaitre is mostly ranked 7 th.

let's wait and see

I've read several thread on other website, for prediction for DAEGU.

It's interesting to see that thay all predict the following for deuce: 1-Bolt; 2-Dix ; 3-Lemaitre

For 100m, most see 1and 2- Bolt or Powel and 3- Blake

Lemaitre is mostly ranked 7 th.

let's wait and see
1. bolt 2 asafa 3 lemaitre or blake:flock:
Track and Field News has Lemaitre predicted for 8th place in the 100m and 5th place in the 200m.
I think he will really need to run 'good races' to be in the hunt for the medals. 'Good races' meaning a good first 40m in the 100m, and a good turn in the 200m. He will need more than his top end, end of the race speed, to make the medals.
Let's hope he does it!
Im taking all bets that Lemaitre false starts in the semi or finals of the 100 meters. I hope this dosent happen but I think in his mind if he is a step slower han 5 or 6 of these guys and he might need the jump to stay even.
my prediction is that Bolt is going to pull a hamstring, Powell is going to choke and CL is going to take 2nd to Blake who will lose his medal 2 days later after testing positive to PED's. all this and a new PB of 9.87. its a long shot, but can happen:)
for 200m, the good thing for Lemaitre should be that he runs the final on lane 7 or 8 completly outside. So he could run is own first 100m and try to be relax in the bend. When he runs behing Bolt, he get stressed by seeing him start fast, and he tries to accelerate, running and awfull bend in the mean time. for the last 100m, he can use then his extraordinary speed to close the gap and run below 20.00 for a medal.
there have been allot of pull outs with this WC. no doubt a side effect of the beefed up drug testing that will take place. did anyone else notice that after the article came out about the testing, athlete started drop like flies due to injuries? I believe someone in the forum predicted this happening.
Who can beat Christophe now ?

Bolt - Frater - Thompson - Makusha - Carter.

Just five guys...

A medal is now possible ! It's amazing !
What I want for Christophe in Daegu :

- 100m final
- 200m final
- 200m NR less than 20"
- 100m NR less than 9.90
- One medal
I like how the article states Powell might run in the 4x100 relay. You know he wont. Its an excuse to avoid being drug tested. If he runs in the 4x100 Ill shutup but this looks like another convenient excuse to avoid being caught. The real challenge will be next year in London and if most of these guys are cheating there times will be much slower compared to this years.
Time for us to make some predictions. I will stick with my same ones from back in the spring. I say he goes 9.85 in the 100 and finishes with the bronze medal. Yes I'm asking alot with him having to run rounds but I have a feeling. In the 200 meters, I see him making the finals and either winning the silver or bronze medal. His time will be around a 19.95! So my theory is the power of positive thought. Come on Christophe. You can do this!

Here is a good article about him.
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there have been allot of pull outs with this WC. no doubt a side effect of the beefed up drug testing that will take place. did anyone else notice that after the article came out about the testing, athlete started drop like flies due to injuries? I believe someone in the forum predicted this happening.
I agree completely...anyone who pulls out within a couple weeks of the worlds is a suspect in my books. Maybe DWFs will start to realize now. It's so bloody obvious! Hopefully over the next couple years the testing industry will stay far ahead of the dirty athletes. Funny how guys like Mullings could never crack a sub 10 without PEDs, it makes me wonder how many guys in the past who have run 9.8x-9.9x wouldn't have been able to either. Very interesting brink we are on with sprinting, let's hope all our guys stay clean and succeed with superior training, diet and will power!
interesting from

Lemaitre, 21, has enjoyed another progressive season in his already stellar career. He may have suffered three conclusive 100m defeats on the Samsung Diamond League circuit this summer, however, he has also lowered the French 100m record on three occasions; posting 9.96 in Montreuil trimming a further 0.01 from that mark to win in Stockholm at the European Team Championships before blitzing to 9.92 to land his national title in Albi.

Yet Lemaitre does not believe such performances are the limit of his ability and he insists there is more to come.

“My coach (Pierre Carraz) said my 9.92 was far from perfect,â€￾ he explained. “In fact, I ran technically better races in Stockholm and Montreuil but I had perfect conditions in Albi. I know I would have run faster in Stockholm and Montreuil had I enjoyed the same conditions.â€￾
Its pretty clear Lemaitre is slow out of the blocks. If he does get a good start he could probably run 9.88 with enough wind. It probably wont be enough to beat Bolt or Blake. Third place is probably the best he can hope for but I still think some crazy things are going to happen in the next few days where more sprinters are going to get busted and maybe even a few key false starts. If Lemaitre stays healthy and gets lucky he might wind up with the silver. Cmon Lemaitre you can do this.:biggrin:
Whats weird about Lemaitre is that he has an incredible last 40 meters. When most sprinters are supposed to be shutting down Lemaitre just accelerates and blows people out of the water. Ive watched his 9.92 race about 15 times and he is dead even with Yannick Lesourd at 55 meters and then he just explodes and beat Lesourd by at least 22 feet. Just amazing.:crazy:
I agree completely...anyone who pulls out within a couple weeks of the worlds is a suspect in my books. Maybe DWFs will start to realize now. It's so bloody obvious! Hopefully over the next couple years the testing industry will stay far ahead of the dirty athletes. Funny how guys like Mullings could never crack a sub 10 without PEDs, it makes me wonder how many guys in the past who have run 9.8x-9.9x wouldn't have been able to either. Very interesting brink we are on with sprinting, let's hope all our guys stay clean and succeed with superior training, diet and will power!

I was watching old footage the other day and noted Carl Lewis 1984 OG 9.99 time. He was meters ahead and seemed a sort of superhuman.
Came mid 80s and Ben starts to lift the whole game, followed by Lewis and Christie. That's when times started to tumble. Late 80s saw Butch Reynold's stupendous 43.29 and the start of big Euro meets and big $. Seems to me that's about when doping became rife, with the injection of huge monetary incentives.
Sure the eastern block was doing it systematicly before then as if it somehow demonstrated a superior political system/regime but individuals from all over the world only started when the money became too big to ignore.
In hindsight Lewis and Christie were just as guilty as Johnson, along with dozens of other lesser known hopefuls.

Now, certainly with training/shoe/nutritional/coaching advances together with increased interest bringing in more competitors you would expect 9.99 to be demolished 1/4 century later but I wonder if mid 9.80s is where the WR should be?
Even as little as 20 years ago when doping was rife Christophe would be among the superstars.
Go back 30 years and only Calvin Smith (a man I consider one of the finest clean sprinters of all time) would be his only real threat.
Just my musings as I await tonight's action.

Thoughts guys?
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I agree with you. I don't even think I could have said it any better. The world record is false for both the mens and the womens in the 100 meters. To run a 10.49 as a woman and a 9.58 as a man is just ridiculous. Video Game Times as I often say. I know the truth. I don't need drug testers to catch the cheats. I can see it with my own eyes. Do whites cheat? Yes but not nearly at the levels that the black sprinters do. I believe alot of it is cultural as they worship track and especially the sprints. They are told that they have to dominate from the time they are kids. Just my opinion. So yes the world records are grossly exagerated in the 100 & 200 meters.

I can't wait to see Christophe try to make history. I also would love to see Jason Smyth make the semis as a legally blind Irish Man. I also want to see Rytis, Niit, Kuc and a few others perform well over the 100. So many other event to get excited about as well. It's going to be a great week guys. Let's keep this board hopping!
let's just hope that, as seems often the case, the white athletes don't perform tenths down on their season bests.

I just don't want to see the mid ten teens guys struggling with 10.30/10.40. I don't want to see Christophe as the token white sprinter either.

My thoughts............
Jason Smyth is about peaked at 10.22 (+2.0). If he can squeak in a sub 10.20 with close to zero wind I'd say his inclusion has been a total success.
Ronald Arajs is strong and tall but his 10.18 with a 1.4 will need to be done with an equivalent of nil wind to impress.
Marek Niit's 10.21 had a 1.9 following wind. He'll need to improve the equivalent of 1 and a half metres immediately.
Darius Kuc is where he was 5 years ago. But his 10.15 was with +2.0mps and at home in Krakow. I don't consider the other Polish sprinter Woronin's 10.00 legitimate for exactly the same reasons. I consider Kuc a mid 10.20s man at best
Rytis Sakalauskas 10.14 (-0.2) would probably get him to the semis if he can repeat or slightly better it.
The good sprinters do these times into negative winds, no sweat.

Apart from that - no Germans, no Italians, no Greeks. Strange indeed! The only other white sprinter isn't there.

I think we should have one finalist and (in an uncharacteristic fit of presumptious hope) 2 others (Kuc and Sakalauskas) into the semis. We'll know in 5 hours
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Just saw CL's draw in the semi's. Lousy pull if you ask me. 3 SB's under 9.9, 5 SB's under 10, 6 PB's under 10; Oh! and Kuc happens to get the same draw. This stinks. I believe in my heart of hearts he can beat Frater straight up, and I know I may sound crazy saying this, but I even believe Bolt is beatable this year. If he screws up,or doesn't bring his best CL could scalp him if he (CL) does bring his "A" game. However there is a flip side to all this. It is concievable to me that LeMaitre could come in 5th or 6th, believe it or not even I know in this most objective of sports there is luck involved. Just look at Kim Collins PB @ 9.98 and he was @ that range for only about a year something like 10 years ago. And how many WC and Olympic finals has he been too? He even won one in 2003 I think. I wouldn't be shocked if he slipped into the final this year. I have this sneaky suspicion CL will have to be at-large in third place to go to the finals. Now once there all bets are off anything can happen and quite frankly I would call this season a success.
Nice race.


But next round will be difficult for CL.

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