Carl Lewis' infraction was taking a cough medicine with a stimulant in it- not steroids. He claims it was an honest mistake. I'd say that other than the Jamaicans- there is "little" cheating (as far as steroids) in the U.S and Europe right now. The Balco scandal took so much credibility away from track. Now there is MONTHLY RANDOM testing methods and back checking of blood viles and urine to take away records from the whole year of the drug test failure (when new detection science becomes available) and even more damaged reputations and even jail time as consequences. Gay's 9.69 was in perfectly ideal temperature with a +2.0 M/S. That is only .23 seconds faster than a raw 21 year old Christophe Lemaitre who still has not perfected his physique and drive phase.
What are you guys going to say when Lemaitre goes sub 9.8 which is very possible? Is it not possible for a man of another race to be 0.1 seconds (less than a blink of an eye) faster over 100 meters at a distance people of west African decent have traditionally done very well at? I do believe that there are some Jamaicans cheating now with how prevalent and prolific their sprinters are for such a small nation, especially with so many top 10- all time- times in the last few years (because of weak testing standards). However, not all the top guys right now are cheats! Some personalities have virtue and are very against cheating. Bolt seems like he has confidence in himself and is very health conscious. This is from some time I've spent looking into it. It is possible that even Bolt is clean and just that much of a freak anomoly.
I can't stand it when DWFs and black nationalists accuse Clay Matthews and Peyton Hillis of roiding b/c they are so dominant- big, strong, quick, agile with amazing finesse, burst and balance "and they are white".
I think Bolt being clean is not out of the question either. His top end speed is only so very slightly better than Lemaitre at this point, but his drive phase, weight training results, (and of course leg length/ stride length- due to genetics) all seem to be a little better at this point. As I said I think that some of the Jamaicans are probably cheating and the first names that come to mind from looking at their physiques are Powell and Carter!
If I was going to guess where Lemaitre ranks on the clean all time top 100 meter time list I'd say it would be around 20th (maybe about 15th at the highest). I'm not as much of a track expert as some of you, but I have looked at the history of track some in the last few years. I do believe (just as whites are a little stronger and we probably have slightly better eye hand coordination and ability to keep balance upon being impacted) that west Africans have slightly more of an affinity to produce elite runners from 10-350 meters. Whites are NOT superior to blacks in ALL facets of life. I don't believe God made it that way.
Sorry for the rant, but I prefer to enjoy Lemaitre's success as a debunker of stereotypes rather than focus on the negatives and accusations of others! Lemaitre is going to make some noise in T&F in the next 10 years. I don't want the haters accusing the white man of using PEDs just as some here are too quick to convict the great majority of black sprinters without enough proof.