Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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We need to remember that this is only one study but it does make alot of sense. Blacks that trace their ancestry to Western Africa tend to have short torsos, long legs and arms along with a little less body fat on the average. This is how Christophe is built. The long arms and legs provide the leverage that contribute to better power and a longer stride. It is a very good combonation for sprinting. There are many other factors including p.e.d. usasage. We also have to remember that we have seen world class sprinters of average height. Maurice Greene was only 5'9 and Tyson Gay is around 5'11 to just name a few.

This is a great scientific study. What people like Jon Entine don't realise is that there are so many whites built with this ideal build for running and jumping. Even in basketball. Does Brent Barry ring a bell to name just one guy. He won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest years ago by dunking from the free throw line. I think Christophe is going to inspire more white sprinters to stick with the sport. We need a few more guys to go sub 10 and sub 20. We also need for more white americans and europeans to fall in love with athletics from a young age. The future just might end up being a little brighter than we thought.
True, but even the shorter sprinters are built this way. You can be 6'5 or 5'6" and have long legs/short torso or vice versa. Green and Gay are long legged. Though, this theory does not explain Michael Johnson's succes with a long trunk and short legs.

I believe it has more to training to ones body type. And I am convinced that those with great speed, but not blessed with the ideal sprinters build (long legs, short torso) fail due to improper training to ones body structure. Michael Johnson always worked on his trunover because that was his strength (lower center of gravity) etc...
From what i have observed too long legs in proportion to height is a disatvantage all the fst black guys are stocky look and compare powell to thompson powell has a very long torso and a lot shorter legs then thompson although he is taller the same with Greene and Ato Boldon its good to have long legs but not too long Shawn crawfor for example cant control his because they are similar lenght to Powells although he is 4 inches shorter compare powell to thompson and gay to bailey on this video Gay and powell have shorter legs but are faster due to supreme control
Great article WL, people started questionning their detection criterias after what Bolt did, and what Christophe is doing right now!
needless to say that Bolt doesn't have the average body structure as everybody else, and even if his 9.58 is drug assisted, it's still a 9.7 drug free (I assume) - and Lemaitre's built is similar to Bolt's, height and speed closure.
detection criterias till now focused on middle height guys with "low gravity center to help stability"
I think that new criterias of detection should at least bring more not-that-muscular but quiet tall white guys, built almost like christophe and Bolt are
btw i think only asafa is truly clean out of the top guys his build allows him to have awesome technique look at bolt and his performance up in 2008 in 2009 he had a car crash and broke the wr now he runs you all know how ( coincidently when wada started to use control journals and founded jadco) he doesn't have the strenght to control his levers naturally when on drugs you can see the difference. The best part is that he has been healthy for probably the longest time in hiss life and runs like crap.It's pretty obvious that the yellow yam isn't his only performance secret

thank you twinsen
i believe he will run a lot better at albi than his last showings
why not beat his own record?

he should gain confidence by doing so, and this is what he needs for deagu i think, after his diamond league meetings
lemaitre said in this interview that he was tired nervously after doing many high-level meetings, but said he was not intimidated by bolt and asafa powell
About French Championship in Albi.

(french time)

100m men series : saturday - 17h25
100m men final : saturday - 18h25

200m men series : sunday - 16h45
200m men final : sunday - 18h25

Today : 4x100m - 20h15.
About French Championship in Albi.

(french time)

100m men series : saturday - 17h25
100m men final : saturday - 18h25

200m men series : sunday - 16h45
200m men final : sunday - 18h25

Today : 4x100m - 20h15.

actually it's friday and saturday,
so the 100 is for today!

yesterday, Aix les bains won the relay, but they were disappointed because they didn't break the french record due to a bad witness pass between Christophe and Pessonnaux

and that's my hundredth, a year after! :)
Christophe Lemaitre training at Aix les Bains (just before Paris race)

his coach says that the sub 9.90 is for very soon, and that he worth already below 20 seconds at the deuce.. so, big hopes for today and tomorrow

this other video is more interesting, and it corroborates the article that withelightning posted earlier, I'll translate the important parts of it:

anchor 0:00 Scientists from Lyon and Saint-Etienne studied the action of sprinters at work, and among them, Christophe Lemaitre
off voice 0:51 scientists studied the cobaye Lemaitre and his secret lies in a strong power at soil associated with very long legs, it represents 51% of his height, over 47% on average
off voice 1:02 on a big guy of 1.90 it gives certainly biggers strides
Coach (Pierre Carraz): it's the contact time at the soil which is the most important, and we can see that Christophe has the shortest contact time (foot on the ground), Mano Ménard (one of the study group) has a time of 0.105 when Christophe has a time of 0.080
Christophe Lemaitre 1:22 the sprinters today are more slender and have long legs and big strides, whereas before they used to be short stocky and very muscular, who can deploy a great force from the beginning, but today it changed totally
off voice 1:38 the result is that in 1 second, Christophe can make 5.1/2 strides, and the scientific study showed that he can improve this parameter.

I'm going fishing for the complete study
Last edited:
anyone have a link to the meet?
About French Championship in Albi.

(french time)

100m men series : friday - 17h25
100m men final : friday - 18h25

200m men series : saturday - 16h45
200m men final : saturday - 18h25
The good days.

Sorry guys for the mistake !!!!
Also looking for a meet link.

By the way, it was interesting to read that last remark from the French study about sprinters getting longer and skinnier. I'm not really seeing that. Most of the Jamaicans still look like bulked-up bodybuilders. Historically, though, the short heavily-muscled sprinter was fairly rare until the 1980's and the arrival of steroids. Prior to that, virtually all of the best twentieth-century runners were on the skinny side, and just as many were white as black.

same old boring thesis you guys keep coming up with. body typing is almost obsolete and inaccurate. you people ever heard of nurture! and natural talent regardless of 1930s pseudo science:tongue:

the bread and butter of training properly with the right guidance, and positive surroundings are still what its about , look at pickering all the tools , but mentally too weak til maybe now! :tongue: nb. casey combest wrong guidance wrong surroundings mentally unstable and history , but what ahell of talent , so what does that say! nurture nurture nurture. :tongue:
10.09 +1.9m/s in serie. best time of series. No competition for him so I don't expect a record in final from him. I think he's keeping his energy to break his record in 200m tomorrow.
9.92 2.0+
And a bad start.
wind was max, but still a new NR!
here is the vid:

i believe he will run a lot better at albi than his last showings
why not beat his own record?

he should gain confidence by doing so, and this is what he needs for deagu i think, after his diamond league meetings

seems i was right

it's a very good time
congrats to him
vicaut did 10.07 and mbanjock 10.17
Lemaitre beats his own French 100m record :hail:

Sprinter Christophe Lemaitre produced a new French record for the 100m after clocking 9.92 seconds to win the national championships here on Friday.It was three-tenths of a second quicker than the previous record which he set in Stockholm on June 18.

Lemaitre, a triple European sprint champion, was helped by the conditions, a temperature of 29 degrees celcius and a favorable wind (2m/s) which fell within the limits for records to stand.

"It's a great time," said Lemaitre. "The conditions were ideal and it was good to rediscover the conditions and formula for championships which I had just lost a little."

Last week, the Frenchman wilted at the Diamond League meeting in Monaco, trailing in fifth in 10.03secs.

"After the Paris meeting (on July 8) he has been suffering a groin injury and that limited the speed work he could do," said his coach Pierre Carraz. "Since Monaco he just had two light training sessions."

Lemaitre will get the chance to rub shoulders once more with the world's best such as Usian Bolt and Asafa Powell at the world championships in Daegu, South Korean in August.
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