Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Today in Reims, other rivals for Lemaitre in Daegu 100m:

Justin Gatlin
Keston Blendman
Daniel Bailey

We will see the shape of them and compare with Lemaitre and his chance get a medal in Daegu...
Today in Reims, other rivals for Lemaitre in Daegu 100m:

Justin Gatlin
Keston Blendman
Daniel Bailey

We will see the shape of them and compare with Lemaitre and his chance get a medal in Daegu...

I am French and I did not know that the Americans to love so much christophe

I believe that Richard Thompson will be also in Reims

Sorry for my english
welcome Helboy!
Good times(horrible wind -0.7 m/s) for Bailey 10.05 and Gatlin 10.08 in probably slow track.
Bailey has 9.97 and Gatlin 9.95 this year, really near of Lemaitre(9.95), but i think that the french is better that them.
If Lemaitre is in 9.90 in Daegu all is possible(bronze medal perhaps)

In adittion Alonso Edward(silver 200 in berlin 2009) get today good time 20.28(wind -0.8) and i think that he will run on friday with Bolt and Lemaitre. I hope that Lemaitre get great time, sub20, and only is behind Bolt.

Good luck Lemaitre¡¡¡¡

Attention has Edward, at his best level it is a Serious competitor for Lemaitre

I also hope that christophe will be sub20 Friday
Speaking of fast 100 meter football players, I read on a message board that Jamal Charles PB in 100 meters is 10.18. I think Tim Dwight's best time was a high 10.2.
I doubt the time of Jamal Charles. So many of the 40 times and 100 meters times discussed are exagerated. Whether on message boards, articles or by the media on tv and radio. I follow college track and his name doesn't really ring a bell. I will double check though.
If memory serves me right, I think he ran around a 10.23 or 10.24 which is still very fast.Edited by: white lightning
My prediction for Christophe is a new personal best of 19.99! I just can't see him not going under 20 unless 3 things happen. One would be really bad weather(huge negative wind)like his first couple 200 meters races this season. Two would be an injury. Last would be if he just went out too hard trying to stay close to Bolt(nerves) and he ran out of gas. Alot of sprinters do this on occassion in both the 200 &amp; 400 meters.<div></div><div>I don't think these things will happen. I think we will see history on friday with PepeLeFlew being the first white sprinter to go sub 10 and sub 20!</div>
I agree with you. the sub 20 for CL is a matter of "weather permitting". I'll say with the right weather and the wind at his back, 19.92
19,99 ? Are you sick WL ? Where is your legendary optimism ?

I'm sure Christophe will surprise you ;)
it is supposed to rain on Friday in Paris. let's hope it will change until then.
planb47 said:
What's he asking him ?
He asked him if Bolt will make this funny sign in his back, as he did last year for the same meeting.
I thought of a way for him to beat Bolt's 100m record:

run it is known that the French run damn fast to surrender
it looks like bolt won't be very fast this year
i love how he tryes to explain why he will go from 9.48 to maybe 9.70, because he got injuries, because he needs to focus ect
Hi everybody
I'm from italy and i'm a new member. I like your discussion about 100 and 200 sprinters. I like Lemaitre too because it did brake the prejudice that only people with west sub saharian ancestry can run under 10" in 100m. I like to image a day when runner from every part of this world will have almost a runner with a time under 10". And i hope will be soon a black swimmer that will win the olympic games. It's very significant to remove every prejudice in sport.
Now i post a link with the video of the race (Sunday, Jul 03, 2011) in Znamensky Memorial Zhukovsky (near Moskow) where Ramil Guliyev run a 10.18 with a -1.6 wind, behind Frater (10.11) but in front of Kim Collins (i like very much this athlete for his constancy). This time if you convert it (Wind / Altitude Adjustment Calculator at this link: it's a 10.08 with 0.0 wind. The same adjusted time for the race in Yalta (30 march 2011) with 10.16 and -1.3 wind.
He could be in the future the second "caucasian" (really caucasian... from Azerbaijan) runner to brake the 10.00 in 100m. I hope.
But the problem is that he has the same Lemaitre problem with a good reaction, a bad first 40-50 m and an incredible final.
What do you think?
Sorry for my english
dr.riders said:
Hi everybodyI'm from italy and i'm a new member. I like your discussion about 100 and 200 sprinters. I like Lemaitre too because it did brake the prejudice that only people with west sub saharian ancestry can run under 10" in 100m. I like to image a day when runner from every part of this world will have almost a runner with a time under 10". And i hope will be soon a black swimmer that will win the olympic games. It's very significant to remove every prejudice in sport.Now i post a link with the video of the race (Sunday, Jul 03, 2011) in Znamensky Memorial Zhukovsky (near Moskow) where Ramil Guliyev run a 10.18 with a -1.6 wind, behind Frater (10.11) but in front of Kim Collins (i like very much this athlete for his constancy). This time if you convert it (Wind / Altitude Adjustment Calculator at this link: it's a 10.08 with 0.0 wind. The same adjusted time for the race in Yalta (30 march 2011) with 10.16 and -1.3 wind.He could be in the future the second "caucasian" (really caucasian... from Azerbaijan) runner to brake the 10.00 in 100m. I hope.But the problem is that he has the same Lemaitre problem with a good reaction, a bad first 40-50 m and an incredible final.What do you think?Sorry for my english
welcome to the forum! if you look at the different post you will see we have one for Guliyev.

time wind nation birthday location date Wind/Altitude Adjustment
10.19 +0.8 FRA 11.06.90 Aix-Les-Bains 23.04.2011 10.24
10.08 +0.6 FRA 11.06.90 1 Bondoufle 22.05.2011 10.11
10.00 +0.6 FRA 11.06.90 3rA Roma 26.05.2011 10.03
9.96 +0.9 FRA 11.06.90 2 Montreuil 07.06.2011 10.00
9.95 +1.0 FRA 11.06.90 1 Stockholm 18.06.2011 10.00
9.95 +1.0 FRA 11.06.90 3 Lausanne 30.06.2011 10.01


10.09 +1.0 FRA 11.06.90 1 Aix-les-Bains 01.05.2010 10.15
10.24 -2.2 FRA 11.06.90 1 Vénissieux 10.10
10.03 +0.6 FRA 11.06.90 1r1 Franconville 23.05.2010 10.06-10.07
10.09 +0.6 FRA 11.06.90 2 Roma 10.06.2010 10.12
10.02 +1.1 FRA 11.06.90 2rA Bergen 19.06.2010 10.07
10.05 ±0.0 FRA 11.06.90 1s1 Valence 08.07.2010 10.05
9.98 +1.3 FRA 11.06.90 1 Valence 09.07.2010 10.05
10.09 -0.3 FRA 11.06.90 5 Saint-Denis 16.07.2010 10.07
10.19 -1.4 FRA 11.06.90 1r1 Barcelona 27.07.2010 10.10
10.06 -1.2 FRA 11.06.90 1s1 Barcelona 28.07.2010 9.99
10.11 -1.0 FRA 11.06.90 1 Barcelona 28.07.2010 10.05
9.98 +1.1 FRA 11.06.90 2h2 Rieti 29.08.2010 10.04
9.97 +0.9 FRA 11.06.90 4 Rieti 29.08.2010 10.02
10.06 +0.7 FRA 11.06.90 1 Split 04.09.2010 10.09


10.26 +1.9 FRA 11.06.90 1r1 Aix-Les-Bains 25.04.2009 10.36
10.17 +1.2 FRA 11.06.90 1 Bondoufle 10.07.2009 10.23
10.26 -1.3 FRA 11.06.90 1sf2 Novi Sad 23.07.2009 10.18
10.04 +0.2 FRA 11.06.90 1 Novi Sad 24.07.2009 10.05
10.20 -1.0 FRA 11.06.90 1r1 Castres 05.08.2009 10.14
10.23 -0.8 FRA 11.06.90 1h6 Berlin 15.08.2009 10.18


10.26 +1.7 FRA 11.06.90 1 Albi 25.07.2008 10.35
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