Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

T&F News claim it is based upon championship results and also considers season's comparative performances and even number of races. It is IMO quite subjective and always somewhat controversial. Back in 1980 Wells was not ranked first in the 100m because of the boycott despite him having beaten the chosen #1 who was not even on the US team due to injury, I think.
Hi , i know it's the end of season but i want to give split time of Lemaitre. To have an idea on race of Lemaitre. Maybe it will interest you.
I will give you 30-60-80, for some race i have just the 30 or the 60...

If ever you have other split time, share it, i will be very happy :)

Albi 2011: 3.93 at 30; 6.50 at 60: 8.19 at 80. 9.92
Montreuil 2011: 6.52; 9.96
Valence 2010 : 3.94; 6.55; 8.25; 9.98
Moscou semi finale 2013: 3.94; 6.53; 8.25; 10.00
Lemaitre CHFR 2015 : 3.93; 6.57; 10.07
Lemaitre CHFR 2016 : 3.90 (PB) ; 10.09
Lemaitre Finale Daegu 2011 : 3.96; 6.60; 8.36; 10.19

I hope you will enjoy !

Thanks Madara. Yep Moscow it's 6"53 and not 6"61 as stated RCSMan. Lemaitre in 3"39, what à joke !
Still waiting 9"6 and 19"4 predit by RCSman :)
It's not a troll man, You said Lemaitre make 6"61, without precaution, without saying where did this time. It's out of your imagination. And of course, this time could being that incorrect. Think than Lemaitre can do 3"39 with nearly not wind It's ridiculous. I'am not a Lemaitre hater, not at all, so not worth to play on this point. And yes, You saw Lemaitre in 9"6 and 19"4 and you know that.
You will ever get anywhere with RCSMAN. He's extremely stubborn and really has nothing nice to say about anyone else here. I've come to realize it's better to just interact with the other posters here and ignore him.
meeting of Mondeville

heat 1 :
1.Bakker Ronnie 6.54
2. De escofet 6.59
3. Chambers Dwain 6.70

heat 2 :
1. Collins Kim 6.54
2. Safo antwi 6.60

heat 3 :
1.Clarke Everton 6.62
2. Christophe Lemaitre 6.62
Meeting of Mondeville

Final :

1. Collins 6.52
2. Baker 6.54
3. Safo antwi 6.59
6. Lemaitre 6.66 :(

next race, wednesday, meeting of Paris
meeting of Mondeville

heat 1 :
1.Bakker Ronnie 6.54
2. De escofet 6.59
3. Chambers Dwain 6.70

heat 2 :
1. Collins Kim 6.54
2. Safo antwi 6.60

heat 3 :
1.Clarke Everton 6.62
2. Christophe Lemaitre 6.62

Kyle De Escofet is improving very nicely. Looks like he could have a nice summer!
Meeting of Mondeville

Final :

1. Collins 6.52
2. Baker 6.54
3. Safo antwi 6.59
6. Lemaitre 6.66 :(

next race, wednesday, meeting of Paris

Looks like Christophe has been nursing an injury to his psoas muscle:
"I'm very upset ," he said in a mixed zone. I did not come for that. It's very annoying. I have desires and ambitions and in the end, I do not know if we can call what I do, a race. In any case, it has nothing to do with what I usually give. " On his return to Tignes one month ago, he had been able to go much faster (6''58), but since a psoas embarrassment forced him to limit his number of training . " What I missed tonight ( yesterday ) is probably the lack of specific sessions, short sprint sessions. But that remains inadmissible. The only positive point is that I did not feel any pain. Now I have only one hurry is to be able to resort to Bercy (the 8th) and then to Metz to erase this performance, show that I can do something else.
meeting of Paris


Start List :

1. Meba Zeze SB : 6.73
2. Taftian SB 6.64
3. Lemaitre Christophe SB 6.58
4. Rodgers Mike SB 6.63
5. Ujah SB 6.53
6. Lee Beejay SB 6.82
meeting of Paris


Start List :

1. Meba Zeze SB : 6.73
2. Taftian SB 6.64
3. Lemaitre Christophe SB 6.58
4. Rodgers Mike SB 6.63
5. Ujah SB 6.53
6. Lee Beejay SB 6.82

Result :

1. Lemaitre 6.62
2. Rodgers 6.64
3. Taftian 6.64
4 . Zeze 6.77
5. Lee 6.84
6. Ujah DQ
meeting of Paris


Start List :

1. Clarke Everton SB : 6.60
2. Rodgers Mike SB 6.64
3. Lemaitre Christophe SB 6.58
4. Perez Yunier SB 6.57
5. Collins Kim SB 6.52
6. Taftian SB 6.64
meeting of Paris


Start List :

1. Clarke Everton SB : 6.60
2. Rodgers Mike SB 6.64
3. Lemaitre Christophe SB 6.58
4. Perez Yunier SB 6.57
5. Collins Kim SB 6.52
6. SB 6.64


Result :

1. Perez Yunier 6.54
2. Clarke Everton 6.57
3. Rodgers Mike 6.62
4. Lemaitre Christophe 6.63
5. Taftian 6.65
6. Collins Kim DQ
I think we should all forget about Lemaitre, he wont match or get close to his bests of the past, it is what it is....He got his Olympic medal, he is happy, I am happy for him...but he is just a consistent 6.6, 10.1, 20.1 sprinter which is still good....I think its time we start to look to at other upcoming young talent. I have my money on Tortu of Italy.
If Lemaitre is doing the same training, he will get the same results. And, as he ages, the times will get slower.

Would love to see him make some radical changes.

Looks like he was actually out like bullet - maybe it was relative because there was no one to challenge. Anyway, good result running alone

Yea he had a nice start. The lack of competition for a country like France always suprises me. If he ran for England, Lemaitre would not have won nearly as many national championships but he would probably be a better sprinter all around. Other than Jimmy Vicaut, France has no competiion to even remotely push Christophe at any national or local meets. Without changing in training, coach, philosophy and better competition, most sprinters like Lematire would remain stagnant. He has never improved from his early age when he had worse form and far less strenghth/expericnce. He has had a very good career but it has left many questioning what could have been with some major changes.He might have been one of the greatest sprinters ever!
Lemaitre has a very good reaction time i think but it's not very good after, we have a good impression because no one run against him (second in 6.79) so i think we will see Lemaitre run 10.12-10.15 all the saison and maybe a 10.05 will be his best performance of the year ...
American Freedom News