Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Background: RCSMAN is french and believe's his countryman, Lemaitre, has not regressed since he posted his top times in 2011 - 5 years ago now. True to the quip as to why the Rooster is the French mascot: "The French are the only people who can stand in **** and keep singing about it", RCSMAN has got to be about the most bullheaded poster I've ever come across and seems quite content with what most of us here believe to be sub-par performances from Lemaitre. Not that he ever would, but I dont think he would even know how to begin to admit he was wrong.

Ever since Lemaitre came on the scene, and posters here started giving their predictions for what he might run in upcoming races, RCSMAN's predictions would always be the slowest and he would always follow up his prediction with a "this would be a good time for him". in 2011 as a fresh 21 year old Lemaitre ran 19.80 and 9.92 and looked poised to keep pace with the top sprinters in the world as he started to enter his prime years. Instead his times have regressed nearly every year since. This as been very frustrating for most as Lemaitre clearly had world class ability written all over him. As such many people here have speculated as to why he has regressed and what he should do to tun things around and start improving again. And through it all RCSMAN with every breathe defends his statement that Lemaitre has not regressed. He also challenges any assertion about him changing coaches or lifting weights. He never gives his own opinion as to what Lemaitre could do to improve because in his mind Lemaitre is doing just great as is. It gives him a Trollish appearance in my opinion.

RCSMAN's main nemesis here is elispeedster. His calling card is "You know nothing of sprint!"
Background: RCSMAN is french and believe's his countryman, Lemaitre, has not regressed since he posted his top times in 2011 - 5 years ago now. True to the quip as to why the Rooster is the French mascot: "The French are the only people who can stand in **** and keep singing about it", RCSMAN has got to be about the most bullheaded poster I've ever come across and seems quite content with what most of us here believe to be sub-par performances from Lemaitre. Not that he ever would, but I dont think he would even know how to begin to admit he was wrong.

Ever since Lemaitre came on the scene, and posters here started giving their predictions for what he might run in upcoming races, RCSMAN's predictions would always be the slowest and he would always follow up his prediction with a "this would be a good time for him". in 2011 as a fresh 21 year old Lemaitre ran 19.80 and 9.92 and looked poised to keep pace with the top sprinters in the world as he started to enter his prime years. Instead his times have regressed nearly every year since. This as been very frustrating for most as Lemaitre clearly had world class ability written all over him. As such many people here have speculated as to why he has regressed and what he should do to tun things around and start improving again. And through it all RCSMAN with every breathe defends his statement that Lemaitre has not regressed. He also challenges any assertion about him changing coaches or lifting weights. He never gives his own opinion as to what Lemaitre could do to improve because in his mind Lemaitre is doing just great as is. It gives him a Trollish appearance in my opinion.

RCSMAN's main nemesis here is elispeedster. His calling card is "You know nothing of sprint!"

Bad person !

like always, you and your friends, lie ! You lie about me, you lie about Carraz, you lie about Christophe.

and about your xenophobic cliche about french, **** OFF !

"RCSMAN is french and believe's his countryman, Lemaitre, has not regressed since he posted his top times in 2011 - 5 years ago now"

it's FALSE !

i said that Christophe has regressed for 2 years, in 2014 and 2015, I said that because it's reality !

you can check my comments here :
Texas Flash- I know, I was just doing my best retaliatory impression back lol I got his intention with the comments the first time and loved it : Applause:

It is interesting how I compared Lemaitre's to Spearmon's falloff as they both have similar styles of 200m racing, mainly coming off the bend and relying on their speed endurance to catch the others in the race as they slow down, then I get a bunch of names thrown at me when I wasn't even talking about anyone but Lemaitre and Spearmon. :rolleyes:
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Texas Flash! You've been inducted into a very select group, those posters who have earned the wrath of RCSMAN! Welcome to the club! The saddest thing is that when you reference Monty Python skits they fly right over his head.
Bad person !

like always, you and your friends, lie ! You lie about me, you lie about Carraz, you lie about Christophe.

and about your xenophobic cliche about french, **** OFF !

"RCSMAN is french and believe's his countryman, Lemaitre, has not regressed since he posted his top times in 2011 - 5 years ago now"

it's FALSE !

i said that Christophe has regressed for 2 years, in 2014 and 2015, I said that because it's reality !

you can check my comments here :

My apologies RCSMAN. I suppose you did admit he regressed in the 100m in 2014 and 2015 a few months ago. I dont believe however you have ever acknowledged that he has regressed ever year since 2011 in the 200m despite that being very clear. Even if we were all to buy into your "basic time" theory, and that it is the best way to measure progression, in the overall scheme of things Lemaitre's performance in the 100m from 2011 through 2013 is still clearly a regression. Why? Because there is no way he should not have improved. By virtue of the fact that he stayed the same or had minor time regression in the 100m something was clearly not working and in the big picture that signified a regression was taking place since the start of 2012. He set his PRs when he was 21. He had no major injuries in 2012 or 2013 and he didnt improve. From all indications in 2011 he was primed for a major improvement over the next couple of years - it is the natural progression for someone at that age. There is no way he should have peaked at 21. Especially when it was at that time he decided to devote his energy to athletics and put school on the back shelf. Physically he had not yet matured into a man's body and had plenty of room for strength improvement, his technique had lots of room for improvement, his breathing was atrocious, and psychologically coming off his 2011 successes he had to be believing that better things were in store for him in the coming years. So why didnt that happen?? Its speculation on our part to give reasons, but it clear to pretty much everyone that Christophe has had regressive problems since his peak in 2011. Th exception of course is you. Understand the goal and the expectation was not for him to maintain his 2011 fitness level indefinitely, but to improve upon it.

I also apologize for my French dig. I really dont care to be fighting anyone on this board - we are SUPPOSE to be all collectively cheering these guys on. Truthfully though you do come off as a sneaky troll. Christophe is your countryman - you could at least act like you give a damn when he's not performing well.

If you dont mind telling us all I would be curious to know a few things: 1. Under the best of circumstances what do you think Lemaitre's ceiling is in the 100 and 200m - best time? 2. In order for Lemaitre to reach those times what do you think he could or should do differently? Clearly at this point he cant keep doing the same thing if he wants to improve. As Albert Einstein was credited with saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." 3. If Lemaitre never improves from his PRs he set as a 21 year old, with an underdeveloped body and less than ideal sprinting form, would you consider his career a disappointment in comparison to what it could have been?
My apologies RCSMAN. I suppose you did admit he regressed in the 100m in 2014 and 2015 a few months ago. I dont believe however you have ever acknowledged that he has regressed ever year since 2011 in the 200m despite that being very clear. Even if we were all to buy into your "basic time" theory, and that it is the best way to measure progression, in the overall scheme of things Lemaitre's performance in the 100m from 2011 through 2013 is still clearly a regression. Why? Because there is no way he should not have improved. By virtue of the fact that he stayed the same or had minor time regression in the 100m something was clearly not working and in the big picture that signified a regression was taking place since the start of 2012. He set his PRs when he was 21. He had no major injuries in 2012 or 2013 and he didnt improve. From all indications in 2011 he was primed for a major improvement over the next couple of years - it is the natural progression for someone at that age. There is no way he should have peaked at 21. Especially when it was at that time he decided to devote his energy to athletics and put school on the back shelf. Physically he had not yet matured into a man's body and had plenty of room for strength improvement, his technique had lots of room for improvement, his breathing was atrocious, and psychologically coming off his 2011 successes he had to be believing that better things were in store for him in the coming years. So why didnt that happen?? Its speculation on our part to give reasons, but it clear to pretty much everyone that Christophe has had regressive problems since his peak in 2011. Th exception of course is you. Understand the goal and the expectation was not for him to maintain his 2011 fitness level indefinitely, but to improve upon it.

I also apologize for my French dig. I really dont care to be fighting anyone on this board - we are SUPPOSE to be all collectively cheering these guys on. Truthfully though you do come off as a sneaky troll. Christophe is your countryman - you could at least act like you give a damn when he's not performing well.

If you dont mind telling us all I would be curious to know a few things: 1. Under the best of circumstances what do you think Lemaitre's ceiling is in the 100 and 200m - best time? 2. In order for Lemaitre to reach those times what do you think he could or should do differently? Clearly at this point he cant keep doing the same thing if he wants to improve. As Albert Einstein was credited with saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results." 3. If Lemaitre never improves from his PRs he set as a 21 year old, with an underdeveloped body and less than ideal sprinting form, would you consider his career a disappointment in comparison to what it could have been?

It is frustrating, my English is too bad to explain what I want to say

"Even if we were all to buy into your "basic time" theory"

my basic time theory ? it's not my theory

1/ i think one day, christophe will run sub 9.85 and sub 19.7
2/ "what do you think he could or should do differently? Clearly at this point he cant keep doing the same thing if he wants to improve."

I do not know how Christophe trains and you do not know it either

Many people here criticize Christophe's training but nobody knows how christophe trains, that's why i hate this criticisms

for me it's not a problem about training, his body has changed, his feeling with his body has changed, in 2011 Christophe ran with carefree, now he runs with too many things on his mind, Christophe needs to stop thinking about these things when he is running, he needs "declic" (french word), i don't know English word

3/ SURE it would be a failure but it won't happen
1/ i think one day, christophe will run sub 9.85 and sub 19.7

I LIKE YOUR CONFIDENCE! but do you think he can do this under Carraz? Not trying to start an argument, I give up on arguing, just want your honest opinion and why
The soccer player Antoine Griezmann, new top star in France, reminds me of Christophe Lemaitre on so many levels. Blue-eyed blond, atypical for their sport, popular, simple, smiling, unusual career before being professionnal. They even look the same.
Good field for this race, I am hoping the weather is decent and a fast track.... It will be quite interesting to see how Hortelano fairs in this race as he keeps improving every time out.

BOLT Usain 19.89

EDWARD Alonso 20.04

GEMILI Adam 20.07


LEMAITRE Christophe 20.27

RODNEY Brendon 20.37

TALBOT Daniel 20.38

Pour moi Lemaitre passe entre 10.38 et 10.42 et finit donc entre 9.85-9.89, vraiment faible.
Et pour moi Bolt fait 10.14-9.75, deuxième partie très en dessous.
That chart is fake...He hasn't regressed! (look at the wind, the altitude, the barometric pressure, the curvature of the earth) He has progressed! Caraz says so. You Lie!

Exactly! And most important of all, YOU KNOW NOTHING OF SPRINT.
Lemaitre has turned out to be a decent journeyman sprinter with alot of untapped natural talent..... without a drastic change of scenery his 2011 year will be the pinnacle of his achievements.
Pour moi Lemaitre passe entre 10.38 et 10.42 et finit donc entre 9.85-9.89, vraiment faible.
Et pour moi Bolt fait 10.14-9.75, deuxième partie très en dessous.

ouais j'ai 10.41-9.86 pour lemaitre, pour bolt j'ai 10.17 - 9.72

Je viens de revoir sa demie de Londres sur cette même piste, elle est extraordinaire de relâchement, il fait pour moi sa meilleure 2nd partie de course de sa carrière en 10.51 - 9.52,

quand je le vois hier, il semble courir tout en force, ça me rappelle son 10.19 face à vicaut aux France en 2013,

sa 2nd partie de course avait été catastrophique car lui même avait reconnu avoir courût en force au lieu de courir relâché, et on connaît les conséquences de ne pas courir relâché. c'était pas une question de forme car 1 mois plus tard il était en 10.00 et se qualifiait en finale des mondes.

Ses 1ères parties de course sont quand même très correct cette année, je pense pas que c'est une question de forme mais peut être une question de relâchement, c'est comme si en forçant il dépensait plus d'énergie et perdait plus rapidement sa vitesse en faisant ça mais je me trompe peut être
Selon les conditions et les courses de Lemaitre sur 100 mètres on pourra avoir une estimation de ces courses sur 200.
Pour moi 10.15=9.80 sur sa deuxième partie du 200 tout ça vent nul.
10.05= 9.60-65
10.00= 9.50-55
Selon les conditions et les courses de Lemaitre sur 100 mètres on pourra avoir une estimation de ces courses sur 200.
Pour moi 10.15=9.80 sur sa deuxième partie du 200 tout ça vent nul.
10.05= 9.60-65
10.00= 9.50-55

chacun sa formule, moi j'en ais une qui s'est toujours confirmé, me demande pas pourquoi :) , mais à force d'étudier les courses j'ai remarqué ça, pour les vrais coureur de 200M qui font aussi du 100M, je prends leur chrono de leur 50 derniers mètres de leur 100M, je le multiplie par 2 et j'ajoutes 1 seconde.

Un lemaitre en 2011 fait 4.30 sur ces 50 derniers mètre de son 100M
avec la formule ça fait (4.30 X2) +1 = 9.60, ce qu'il fera lors de son 19.80

En ce moment lemaitre vaut 4.42 sur son dernier 50M de son 100M
avec la formule ça fait (4.42X2) + 1 = 9.84, ce qu'il fait en ce moment sur 200M

Par exemple un Bolt lors de son 9.58 fait 4.13
avec la formule ça fait (4.13 X2) + 1 = 9.26
Bolt fera 9.27 lors de son 19.19

Ce qui d' ailleurs me fait dire que Bolt ne peut pas descendre en dessous de 19 secondes
lmfao...RCSMAN, you are really great for a good laugh....the formulas are hilarious...My god Man, just say it...LEMAITRE HAS REGRESSED AND CARAZ HAS TO GO.
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