Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Lemaitre 4th in 20.16.
He looked better than his ragged form last week in Zagreb, but still did not look like an Olympic Bronze medalist.
He actually was 5th until the last few meters, but then the runner in 4th place completely gave up and basically stopped running.
So, although the time is decent, the performance wasn't.

Meanwhile, Gemili came in 2nd with the same time as the winner, 19.97.
That's a PB for Gemili.
I'm very happy to see Gemili finish the season like that. He was heart broken at the olympics and I can understand
that win you lose a medal by thousands of a second.

Happy Lemaitre showed a little better form but I think he will call it a season now. He acheived his goal so this summer
was not a totlal loss. I hope it will motivate him to get back to his form of 2011. Lemaitre still should have 3 to 5 years of prime running if he trains right and takes care of his body. Still dreaming of new personal bests in both events in the coming years.
Gemili runs a stunning last part of bend and really slingshots into the straight. Lemaitre is floundering in comparison at the same part of the bend. Never had got it totally right.
Guliyev again not bad but not up to last seasons results.
Talbot has gone to a new level this season and does so consistently. I admit I never thought he'd get into the 20.20s. Good for him.
Schippers finding it hard to match Thompson's fleet footedness at this stage -but Dafne did seem to peak early IMO. She kept it up OK but the season has been long. Interesting to see what she comes back with in 2017 after they review her off season training.
Carine Horn, S'Africa, continues to keep my interest. I like her powerful running style and she is a genuine 11.10 girl now.

All in all a very good year

Edwards? you don't just give up like that - disgraceful
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Watched the race again on youtube....Lemaitre was 7th entering the straight after the curve, and just didn't have much left after that.
Gemili running a PB of 19.97 was much more impressive.
He's beaten Lemaitre twice since the Olympics, and was actually ahead of him in the Olympic Finals, but made a very poor dip at the line, while Lemaitre made a great lean to take the bronze.
interesting that Lemaitre was only .04s slower than his bronze medal race in Rio. His 20.16 time here would have placed him 5th in Rio, it got him fourth here, he would have been 5th if Edwards had not quit with 10m to go. So all in all a comparative time.

Thompson looks like she is using and Schippers just looks tired. Hopefully she cuts down the amount she races in the 2017 indoor season and focuses more on the outdoor season in 2017.
I thought track season was over, but I see that Lemaitre ran 20.23 in France on Sept 13th.
That seems just about right for him. He is on average, a 20.2x sprinter these days.
Hi , i know it's the end of season but i want to give split time of Lemaitre. To have an idea on race of Lemaitre. Maybe it will interest you.
I will give you 30-60-80, for some race i have just the 30 or the 60...

If ever you have other split time, share it, i will be very happy :)

Albi 2011: 3.93 at 30; 6.50 at 60: 8.19 at 80. 9.92
Montreuil 2011: 6.52; 9.96
Valence 2010 : 3.94; 6.55; 8.25; 9.98
Moscou semi finale 2013: 3.94; 6.53; 8.25; 10.00
Lemaitre CHFR 2015 : 3.93; 6.57; 10.07
Lemaitre CHFR 2016 : 3.90 (PB) ; 10.09
Lemaitre Finale Daegu 2011 : 3.96; 6.60; 8.36; 10.19

I hope you will enjoy !
next races :

5th of january : meeting of Tignes (60M)
28-29th of january : meeting of "la Duchère" (60M)
1st of february : meeting of Düsseldorf (60M)
4th of february : meeting of Mondeville (60M)
10th of february : meeting of Berlin (60M)
12th of february : meeting of Metz (60M/200M)
18-19th february : French championship of Bordeaux (60M/200M)
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Maybe 3 races in Tignes
And i think he will run in European Championship if he run many race sub 6.60. It's not so late, only 2 weeks after French championship.
I would love to see Lemaitre consistantly run in the 6.50's. If if could do this it would give him
alot of confidence heading into the summer season. Very fast times for his first races of the year.
that is a very nice early January run ... now let's see how it all comes together this season.
I notice he's now a full 6'3" (190 cms) and 85 kgs (187 lbs).
Slowly but surely over the years he's muscled up and had to learn to move that extra 25/30 lbs efficiently
Great start to the year for him! Has to be good for his confidence. Perhaps with a bit of age he is gaining the mental "I don't give a sh*t" attitude and not letting anything or anyone get inside his head. He's always had the talent, so let's go Christophe!
Track and Field News just came out with their 2016 rankings, and they have ranked Christophe Lemaitre 4th in the 200 meters.
Adam Gemili did even better, ranking 3rd in the world in the 200m.
Congratulations to both of them.
since I do not read T&F news can anyone explain to me how they do their rankings qualifications. i.e. their criteria for making the top ten etc...

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