Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

On another note I am hearing that Mr. Zimmerman is married to a black woman and has "mentored" black kids (whatever that means). Ordinarily I would frown on the subject of my avatar being married to a black woman however as he is really not white and his white genes have already been spoilt I have no problem with him moving further to south in that regard. :icon_wink:

The Tampa Times had a column on his race. Zimmerman's dad is White (possibly jewish) his mother is "Hispanic" (really latino) and his wife is White. They did mentor (like the big brother program) 2 black orphans for a program their Catholic church ran but the program ended and George and his wife still mentored the 2 black orphans on their own taking them to cultural events.

This case is clearly self defense and even if they charged George he would almost 100% be accuited which is why they still haven't charged him in spite of the POTUS wanting charges.
"This case is clearly self defense and even if they charged George he would almost 100% be accuited "

That won't stop them. They orchestrated the mass negro riots and murders and arson etc etc all over the country when they did the same thing with the Rodney King that they hope to do here, and even after all that the jury acquitted the officers (who did nothing at all wrong, except they should have shot King), and even tho double jeopardy is illegal under our constitution, they just charging the officers with "hate crimes"and "civil rights violations", and set up a kangaroo court to convict them. They've done this time and again - Howard Beach, etc etc. Their beady little eyes are always on the lookout for something they use to **** up the hated white goyim.
Latino/Jude (?) Zimmerman seems to be a legit "liberal" who's a registered Democrat. I usually wouldn't "pull for" his kind, but I believe he was truly defending himself against that thug. Also (like most of y'all), I'm sick of the MSM, groidians & libtards trying to make a martyr of the hoodlum (who got his).
The older white couple has settled with the midget Spike Lee. Idiots! They most likely got pennies on the dollar of what they could have. I would have sued the pig for as much as possible and look into whether criminal charges could be filed.
Actually that video shows a laceration on the back of his head and the "absence" of blood is a must as far as the police are concerned. They consider blood a hazardous substance on a par with plutonium so paramedics know that they have to sop up and clean it up or the suspect is taken to the hospital. They use the same blood stopping techniques necessary like whenever an african fights one of the Klitschkos.

On another note I am hearing that Mr. Zimmerman is married to a black woman and has "mentored" black kids (whatever that means). Ordinarily I would frown on the subject of my avatar being married to a black woman however as he is really not white and his white genes have already been spoilt I have no problem with him moving further to south in that regard. :icon_wink:
Is it me or does Jaxvid's photo of Zimmerman seem like an Employee of the Month of a fast food chain? Maybe Zimmeran was promoted to swing shift manager of Wendy's.......:grin:
Good article by one of the only White men, with a public platform, who speaks honestly about race related issues, Pat Buchanan.

The whole article is good but here's a poignant part:
Zimmerman "profiled" Trayvon, we are told. And perhaps he did.

But why? What did George Zimmerman, self-styled protector of his gated community, see that night from the wheel of his SUV?

He saw a male. And males are 90 percent of prison inmates. He saw a stranger over 6 feet tall. And he saw a black man or youth with a hood over his head.

Why would this raise Zimmerman's antennae?

Perhaps because black males between 16 and 36, though only 2 to 3 percent of the population, are responsible for a third of all our crimes.

In some cities, 40 percent of all black males are in jail or prison, on probation or parole, or have criminal records. This is not a product of white racism but of prosecutions and convictions of criminal acts.

Aren't blacks always practicing civil disobedience?

The question is, when are blacks not practicing civil disobedience?. This society is just too much for them. Way over their heads. The only real answer is their forced, yet humane (as much as possible anyway) repatriation to mother africa. That's what it's going to come down to. Other than causing mayhem, they serve absolutely no purpose here.

Tom Iron...
Blacks are destroying liberalism, and their white anti-white helpers in the media are proving once and for all that they are insane nihilists. I have been waiting for one of the upper echelon white establishment libs or outlets to put a damper on the whites ginning up the anti-white hysteria, but I think they have been caught flat footed by their radical cohorts.

Aren't blacks always practicing civil disobedience?

The question is, when are blacks not practicing civil disobedience?. This society is just too much for them. Way over their heads. The only real answer is their forced, yet humane (as much as possible anyway) repatriation to mother africa. That's what it's going to come down to. Other than causing mayhem, they serve absolutely no purpose here.

Tom Iron...


That'd be optimal (for everyone), but we know it's (unfortunately) a complete pipe dream. :sad:

I've said it here before...if I had the $...I've go ahead and bug out to the remote wilderness of MT, AK, ID or WY. I've nothing but disdain for most of "modern" society and complete contempt for all things "pop culture". :icon_neutral:

P.S. - Looks like the NAACP is condemning Al Sharlaton's call for further "civil" disobedience.
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This doesn't look good for Zimmermann.

[h=1]Trayvon Martin case audio: Screams were not George Zimmerman's, 2 experts say[/h]The 911 call mentioned in this story can be heard approximately six minutes into this clip.

By staff
The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, the Orlando Sentinel reported Saturday.

Tom Owen, forensic consultant for Owen Forensic Services LLC and chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, told the Sentinel that he used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman.
Zimmerman told police that he screamed for help during his confrontation with Martin, 17. He claims the shooting was self-defense.

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The 911 call, reposted in this YouTube clip, came on the night of Feb. 26 from a woman who reported someone crying out for help in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.
In the recording of her phone call, panicked cries and a gunshot are heard.
The Sentinel said it contacted Owen, who it described as a court-qualified expert witness and former chief engineer for the New York Public Library's Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound. He told the newspaper he used software called Easy Voice Biometrics to compare Zimmerman's voice to the 911 call screams.
Owen told the newspaper that the software compared the screams to Zimmerman's voice and returned a 48 percent match. He said he would expect a match of higher than 90 percent, considering the quality of the audio.
"As a result of that, you can say with reasonable scientific certainty that it's not Zimmerman," Owen told the Sentinel.
But he also said he could not confirm the voice as Trayvon's, because he didn't have a sample of the teen's voice.
The Sentinel said that Ed Primeau, a Michigan-based audio engineer and forensics expert, used audio enhancement and human analysis and came to the same conclusion.
[h=6]Thousands of Trayvon supporters march to police station[/h]"I believe that's Trayvon Martin in the background, without a doubt," Primeau told the newspaper. "That's a young man screaming."
On Feb. 26, Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, had called 911 to report a "suspicious" person and followed Martin against the dispatcher's advice. Martin and Zimmerman grappled, and Martin was shot in the chest.
Zimmerman told police that he was walking back to his vehicle when Martin attacked him and slammed his head against the ground and that he shot in self defense. Police declined to arrest Zimmerman citing Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which gives wide latitude to use deadly force when a threat is perceived.
The lack of an arrest in the case has brought protests across the country. In Sanford on Saturday, thousands of protesters marched to the police station.
There was an eye witness that saw Traygone on top of George and George was yelling for help. When he went to call 911 the shot was fired.

Like a 6'3 black guy would be screaming for help as he's on top of a 5'4 "whiteboy" pummeling him....

When the blacks can no longer contain their hatred, they will go stark raving mad. It won't be a question of us wanting to do anything. The choice won't be ours. They will have to be dealt with. nobody likes blacks. I understand that there's a common denominator in all the big fights in prison. That is, everybody is always fighting as a group or combination of groups against the blacks. No one ever sides with the blacks. That's the way it'll be in the population at large when the blacks finally can't control their impulses anymore. They're doomed.

I certainly hope that when this all starts, we conduct ourselves like Christian men and don't sink to the level of the blacks. Just do the dirty job at hand and don't let things get anymore out of control than needs be.

The interesting thing I think is they have no idea of what thin ice their on. They're completely oblivious to everything and everybody around them, except when they feel the urge to lash out.

Tom Iron...

When the blacks can no longer contain their hatred, they will go stark raving mad. It won't be a question of us wanting to do anything. The choice won't be ours. They will have to be dealt with. nobody likes blacks. I understand that there's a common denominator in all the big fights in prison. That is, everybody is always fighting as a group or combination of groups against the blacks. No one ever sides with the blacks. That's the way it'll be in the population at large when the blacks finally can't control their impulses anymore. They're doomed.

I certainly hope that when this all starts, we conduct ourselves like Christian men and don't sink to the level of the blacks. Just do the dirty job at hand and don't let things get anymore out of control than needs be.

The interesting thing I think is they have no idea of what thin ice their on. They're completely oblivious to everything and everybody around them, except when they feel the urge to lash out.

Tom Iron...

Well it certainly has to happen soon. How much longer can we stand for this nonsense? Sharpton is threatening economic sanctions against Sanford Florida. What exactly he means is unknown. Every year they get more and more out of control. I've seen old black women in their 70's threatening death on Zimmermann. That speaks for itself.
Well it certainly has to happen soon. How much longer can we stand for this nonsense? Sharpton is threatening economic sanctions against Sanford Florida. What exactly he means is unknown. Every year they get more and more out of control. I've seen old black women in their 70's threatening death on Zimmermann. That speaks for itself.
If you look at the video in the news clip I have a link to you can see Zimmerman has a bruise to the back of his head. Also in this clip he has a Black in law defend him to a reporter and gets shouted down by a "civil rights advocate" on another clip. With the physical evidence any state charges will be political and all prosecutors know they can never get a conviction, especially with the Stand Your Ground law. I suspect this will blow over in a few months....
"I suspect this will blow over in a few months...."

Only if Zimmerman turns out to be Jewish, or maybe "Hispanic" enough (If his name was Rodriguez or Cohen or Tyrone Jones it would never have made the news in the first place). Otherwise I think the occupational government will railroad him like they did the policemen in their similarly orchestrated Rodney King case. Even now their "Justice" Department is working on Hate Crime and Civil Rights charges.
I have seen a few promising articles over the weekend that tells me the scum in the MSM are starting to perhaps tone it down a little.

This one is the first I have seen that refers to Zimmerman as a Hispanic man, without any other White references:

This one calls out the media for their shoddy and biased coverage:

And this might be the best article on this whole affair, coming from the LA Times no less:,0,2064785.column
Is it me or does Jaxvid's photo of Zimmerman seem like an Employee of the Month of a fast food chain? Maybe Zimmeran was promoted to swing shift manager of Wendy's.......:grin:
i was thinking the same thing. Like Popeyes most excellent deep fryer tech. LOL
If you look at the video in the news clip I have a link to you can see Zimmerman has a bruise to the back of his head. Also in this clip he has a Black in law defend him to a reporter and gets shouted down by a "civil rights advocate" on another clip. With the physical evidence any state charges will be political and all prosecutors know they can never get a conviction, especially with the Stand Your Ground law. I suspect this will blow over in a few months....

Ha! No way! This will "blow over" only when Zimmermann is arrested. Do you really think these black losers will let something like this go? When there were 50 blacks shot over the ST Patrick's day weekend in Chicago alone no one made a peep. They won't give up until the "whiteboy" is put in jail and conviced. Nothing short of that will satisfy them.

The district attorney told the police not to press any charges on Zimmermann that night. There wasn't anything they could charge him with and for good reason. Now because of black demands a whole new prosecutor and a grand jury is looking at this case. When does something like that happen other than when blacks are threatening violence? I suspect no matter how innocent Zimmermann really is they will charge him, and most likely convict him of something, if only manslaughter.

There is also a white witness who is saying that it was the negro screaming for help. One needs to think what her agenda really is. Was she threatened into saying her part once the blacks found out she witnessed something? Something is severely wrong here.
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And this might be the best article on this whole affair, coming from the LA Times no less:,0,2064785.column

A nice post on the Latimes article, I'm surprised they left it up...

Whisky SeventyFour at 3:18 PM March 31, 2012

When you're allowed to rape, rob, and murder with impunity of course there's going to be backlash. Most Whites are interested in starting and growing their FAMILIES and providing for and protecting them.

Blacks? Well, with 73% of black babies born out of wedlock to absentee fathers, anyone can see that their priorities are different. When rims on tires, wearing $300 Nikes, gold teeth, and bling become more important than getting a job you could even say that their priorities are BACKWARDS.

When it's the (by far mostly) White taxpayer who is FORCED to pay for their criminality, degeneracy, and inneptitude of course we're going to be upset. Who's paying our medical care, our rent/mortgage payments, putting food on OUR tables??? We have to struggle to do so but they get everything handed to them.

Where's Jesse and Al complaining about how their fellow blacks are not being self-sufficient enough? The gravy train needs to end. OUR rights need to be protected, especially from their aggression and criminality. George Zimmerman had a right to protect himself and his neighborhood and his family. AND SO DO WE. Time to wake up, nap time is over.
A nice post on the Latimes article, I'm surprised they left it up...

Whisky SeventyFour at 3:18 PM March 31, 2012

When you're allowed to rape, rob, and murder with impunity of course there's going to be backlash. Most Whites are interested in starting and growing their FAMILIES and providing for and protecting them.

Blacks? Well, with 73% of black babies born out of wedlock to absentee fathers, anyone can see that their priorities are different. When rims on tires, wearing $300 Nikes, gold teeth, and bling become more important than getting a job you could even say that their priorities are BACKWARDS.

When it's the (by far mostly) White taxpayer who is FORCED to pay for their criminality, degeneracy, and inneptitude of course we're going to be upset. Who's paying our medical care, our rent/mortgage payments, putting food on OUR tables??? We have to struggle to do so but they get everything handed to them.

Where's Jesse and Al complaining about how their fellow blacks are not being self-sufficient enough? The gravy train needs to end. OUR rights need to be protected, especially from their aggression and criminality. George Zimmerman had a right to protect himself and his neighborhood and his family. AND SO DO WE. Time to wake up, nap time is over.
Wow, this poster sounds like one of us!

In another surprise turn, the superb piece written in the LA Times was penned by Mr. Jonah Goldberg. Makes me wonder if a White Christian man could ever write an article like this for a major newspaper? I think Jews know that they have an impunity that we do not.
I wonder how many blacks have been shot by other blacks since this whole thing blew up? Just business as usual. No bid deal. Why so much more fuss when a non-black does the shooting? There seems to an unwritten rule that shooting negroes is a privilige that is reserved only for other negroes.
Part of an article that has been reprinted by various media outlets:

The NBC segment in question featured anchor Ron Allen and ran on the Today show on Tuesday. On Thursday, Sean Hannity and guest Brent Bozell played the NBC version of the 911 call and compared it with the unedited version.
In the NBC segment, Zimmerman says: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.â€
The full version, though, unfolds like this:
Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.â€
911 operator: “Okay. And this guy, is he white black or Hispanic?â€
Zimmerman: “He looks black.â€

I believe this is the crime that NBC is guilty of:

§2101. Riots

(a) Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
(1) to incite a riot; or
(2) to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
(3) to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
(4) to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;

and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [SUP]1[/SUP]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Not far from where the Zimmerman-Trayvon incident happened, a middle-aged white man received a brutal beating with a hammer from two thugs and was left for dead in the woods. He's still in critical condition and in a coma.

Julius Ricardo Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Isaac Israel, 19, face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.

Why wasn't this mentioned by the media outside Orlando, FL?