Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

Though Zimmerman is as white as Obama and 1/2 Latino, this is story is being framed to induce anti-white hysteria and gun control laws. The rioters will not be going after Latinos. They'll be looking to attack whitey. This is why we should defend Zimmerman even if he is only 1/2 white. We probably should always defend the truth anyway.

Some facts that the media has lied about or not reported:

* Trayvon is 6 foot 3, and Zimmerman is an overwieght 5 foot 2
* Trayvon was not in school because he was suspended for 5 days and that was his 10th day of suspension this year (he had previous suspensions).
* One newspaper reported that he was suspended for being tardy. A laughable lie. That's pretty much illegal under "no child left behind." All teachers know that a 5 day suspension is for a very serious act - usually assault.
* Zimmerman was told he "did not need" to follow Trayvon. He was never order not to follow. In fact, the 911 operators could here him in clear pursuit to keep Trayvon in eyesight and had no problem with it.
* Recent photos of Trayvon show a gold toothed gangster wannabe with middle fingers extend and pants to his knees.
* Reports of Trayvon's clean record are untrue. He record as a juvenile are sealed. Based on his school behavior he likely has a quite a record.
* Trayvon was not the voice heard on 911 tapes screaming for help. That was Zimmerman. Trayvon's father admitted said that the voice screaming for help was not his son's, but now has predictably changed his story
* Eyewitnesses interviewed on the night of the shooting all said Trayvon was the aggressor and was pummeling Zimmerman as he yelled for help.
* If you commit a crime with skittles in your pocket, it does not make you innocent of the crime.

Is he really only 5 foot? Where did you get that info? I certainly wouldn't be surprised though.
Though Zimmerman is as white as Obama and 1/2 Latino, this is story is being framed to induce anti-white hysteria and gun control laws. The rioters will not be going after Latinos. They'll be looking to attack whitey. This is why we should defend Zimmerman even if he is only 1/2 white. We probably should always defend the truth anyway.

Some facts that the media has lied about or not reported:

* Trayvon is 6 foot 3, and Zimmerman is an overwieght 5 foot 2
At this time I have to come to the conclusion that George Zimmerman's biological father is not a man that has the last name of "Zimmerman". He appears to be near 100% mestizo. And, at 5' 2", I'd say his mother was already "knocked up" by another mestizo of about the same height before she met Zimmerman.

Great psy-ops campaign by the MSM, though, in convincing the sheeple that he is "White". Who are you going to believe, us (the media) or your lying eyes?
I've seen the thuggish pictures of Trayvon. Zimmerman supposedly had a broken nose. If he has the hospital report to prove it that would certainly help his case tremendously. Blacks are saying he injured himself to make it look like he was attacked. What a bunch of hogwash!

White people truly are the stupidest people on the planet. Virtually all of them are supporting Martin and his family and even marching with these blacks. If a black guy had done the same to a white kid none of them would make a peep about it.
Of course, in the end, we'll be forced to deal harshly with the blacks. I was a staunch believer that blacks could make it in the society, but now of course, after years of watching their behavior, I've learned they're beyond hope.

The point is they're in a society they have no ability to fathom. They don't have trades, crafts, or anything to add. They just float along daily lashing out at everybody and everything around them. In this particular case, maybe the kid wasn't carrying on somehow, but he was there because he'd been thrown out of school/suspended. It was just his fate to meet Zimmerman that night. Well, he's dead and the blacks, from Obama down to the lowest street hustler is working themselves into a frenzy over it. If it wasn't this kid, it'd be someone else. Those are the things that happen to young men with no purpose in life. Many of them end up lying around with a tag tied around their toe.

Tom Iron...

Tom, Zimmerman is going through hell now. He's gone into hiding because of all the death threats he's received. I really feel sorry for the guy. From what I've read about him he sounds like a nice guy. He's probably not the sharpest too in the shed but that's a different story. Old black women are wishing death upon him. That speaks volumes on the black psyche in this country.
This story has the potential to be the trigger for something much bigger. I remember reading somewhere, could've been right here at CF, a commentary that something, somewhere will start small, and will mark the beginning of what could be a race war in this country. The media is doing its damnest to flame the racial tensions and continue pouring gasoline into the fire.

BTW, check this out, speaks for itself:

I've seen the thuggish pictures of Trayvon. Zimmerman supposedly had a broken nose. If he has the hospital report to prove it that would certainly help his case tremendously. Blacks are saying he injured himself to make it look like he was attacked. What a bunch of hogwash!

White people truly are the stupidest people on the planet. Virtually all of them are supporting Martin and his family and even marching with these blacks. If a black guy had done the same to a white kid none of them would make a peep about it.
That medical treatment on his nose will be a huge lifeline to him in getting off the hook.

Zimmerman, should be high lighting his Jewish/Hispanic roots ASAP. He should roll out some rabbi and Hispanic community organizer and start beating the drum of anit-sementism and anti-hispanic angles from the media like yesterday.
This entire manufactured circus is a sad joke, but it's predictable and par for the course in Cultural Marxist race-baiting tactics.

It reminds me of an article that I read a while back. Although the information is nothing new, it still makes a good read:

What We Cant Say About Black On White Crime

A white man aboard a subway car is taunted, harassed and attacked by a gang of black high-schoolers. Three white Michigan teens find themselves in the "wrong" neighborhood and are beaten and shot by six black youths. Then there was the case of a white couple that was gang raped, mutilated and murdered by five black adults.
Welcome to the realm of hate crimes that aren't hate crimes.
As for the murder of the couple, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, the assailants will go on trial next year. Yet, no hate crime charge is in the offing. Said John Gill, special counsel to the district attorney in the case, "There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime."
Certainly not. Dead men tell no tales.
In the case of the Michigan teens, Dustin Kaiser, Michael Carter and an unnamed 14-year-old girl, two victims survived to bear witness. Their assailants were convicted but, once again, no hate crime charges.
Regardless of the particulars of a given case, a phenomenon is becoming apparent in America: White on black is standing out far more than black on white.
Just watch the startling video of the assault on the white straphanger. If it had shown a white gang attacking an innocent black man, does anyone really believe the footage wouldn't be featured on every news broadcast?
Then, the young girl in the Michigan case was forced to perform sexual acts, and all three victims were shot in the head. And Newsom and Christian were sexually mutilated in unspeakable ways. Yet, the scarcity of national news coverage is striking.
The reason is obvious. Such cases don't conform to the Shill Media's favored fiction, their narrative about prejudiced whites and persecuted blacks.
Speaking of fiction, America is not a "racist" nation, not compared to other lands anyway. But there are racial problems, most of which go unmentioned. Why?
Because most originate in the black community.
We're not supposed to say it, but, contrary to leftist dogma, blacks in America are far more bigoted than whites. The truth is that black bigotry is whitewashed.
I know, I'll be called a "racist" just for saying this – that's part of the blame game – but it's not hard to understand. Blacks and whites have very different upbringings. Weaned on political correctness, most modern white children are told that the worst thing one can be is a racist. They're bombarded with messages about how their race owned slaves and is privileged, about how bigotry characterizes it. They're told that if you have racial feelings, you're a bad person.
While political correctness should be squelched, most would agree that teaching kids to view every individual as a child of God deserving of dignity is a wonderful thing. But understand something: Within the context of man's history and outside our bubble-wrapped world, it's also a very unusual thing.
Hatred easily finds a place in the heart, and blaming "them" for our woes and travails is natural for man. Why do Palestinians often call Jews "apes and pigs"? Why do Hutus in Rwanda call the rival Tutsis "****roaches"? Why have there been ethnic conflicts in all corners of the Earth since time immemorial? While I'm sure sociologists could wax somnolent rendering theses on the matter, the simple truth is that in most of the world what reigns is not political correctness, but group correctness.
This brings us to the black community. Race is not only a big issue within it, it's a much different one. Most black children are raised not to revile their race, but revere it. Often, hatred toward whites isn't lamented, but lauded as the attitude of a racial patriot toward "oppressors." And just as anonymous Jews incur the stone-throwing wrath of anonymous Palestinians, a white man or woman on a bus or subway is not an innocent, but an enemy. Viewed through this prism, the persecution of such hapless souls is merely the exacting of vengeance.
Relevant here is comedian Chris Rock's skit about how all black people hate whites, and the idea that behind every joke lies some truth. While the operative word is "some," it amounts to many. Could it be otherwise? If for decades you do the racial politics dance – the Jackson-Jena Jig – where every real or perceived problem in the black community is attributed to "the Man," black youths are going to be embittered.
This bitterness is reflected in and exacerbated by the bile disgorged by rap thugs. The song "Kill d'White People" by Apache includes the line: "Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt. ..."
And the Menace Clan says in "Kill Whitey," "Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. ..."
Despite this, we still labor under the illusion that white skin equates to a white sheet, and hate crime laws have become get-whitey laws. And the powers-that-be will continue to exercise double standards until they acknowledge the deep seeds of hatred sown by demagogues in black America.
I won't hold my breath waiting, though. You see, you're not supposed to say these things, and you're a racist if you do. So, yes, I'm guilty. Just like O.J. Simpson is innocent.
Good article Footballdad. It somewhat captures my thoughts. The moment I heard of this incident my thoughts went right to the murder of the couple in Knoxville and how that incident sparked no sort of national outrage. I don't know if there are more white people like me that are aware of the backwards nature of things in the country or if they really are just brainwashed sheep who cannot see that blatant black racism that exists in this country which is heavily supported/perpetrated with assistance from the leftist media.

The media took this story and ran with it without getting all the facts. Whipping up the black population into a fervor and getting the race baiting black "leaders" involved. These same leaders never mentioned a word during the knoxville murder of that couple. Anytime a black is the "victim" of a crime and the accused is non-white it automatically becomes a hate crime. Hate crimes by their definition are institutionally racist against white people yet we have to deal with this double standard every day - much like affirmative action.

I think everyone on this board is aware but we need to be sure to be able to defend ourselves. This country is going to hell in a handbasket and we all have targets on our backs.
There is a lot of profit in the status quo, until that changes nothing much ever does.

One thing that I always find odd is how the "black community" always picks the worst candidates to pimp their cause. Rodney King? OJ Simpson? The Jena 6, this current douche bag. Isn't there ever an actual case where a decent black person is really a victim of racism?

And the total black solidarity on the issue is a bit mind boggling. Isn't there a black guy somewhere who thinks this kid f-ed up and ended up paying for it??

Burn baby, burn.
There is a lot of profit in the status quo, until that changes nothing much ever does.

One thing that I always find odd is how the "black community" always picks the worst candidates to pimp their cause. Rodney King? OJ Simpson? The Jena 6, this current douche bag. Isn't there ever an actual case where a decent black person is really a victim of racism?

And the total black solidarity on the issue is a bit mind boggling. Isn't there a black guy somewhere who thinks this kid f-ed up and ended up paying for it??

Burn baby, burn.
It's probably because somebody with some manners isn't going to get killed or beaten severely by normal people or the police. When that professor was suspected of doing a b and e I doubt he even lifted a finger against the policeman who was doing his job and checking out a potential burglar. Anyway this incident is a political football and Zimmerman is now a pawn in the political game that the left wing is trying to pull.
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The mother and father of course will profit financially from this. They are having cd's made to sell and other garbage. They are going to sue the homeowners association. They now also claim the cops are demonizing their son by letting some facts out.

Also, to pander and appease these blacks, the new police chief that has taken the place of the white one that temporarily stepped down is black.
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Article with different photos here:

This story of two young British tourists being murdered by negroes in Florida after first being called "crackers" never made it into the US media:
I remember seeing many stories in the 90's where Germans or other tourists would drive through ghetto neighbourhoods and get shot and killed or at least robbed. Things were so bad in Miami that the city banned stickers on the drivers plates identifying rentals. :frown:
while nothing at all is being done by the "justice" (sic) system with regards to the New Black Panther Party's call for executing George Zimmerman, their distributing "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters and posting a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman's "capture", or Spike Lee's making public Zimmerman's home address, you can always count on the police to crack down on the "real" threats ...

in this case, the real threat is a policeman posting comments on a discussion board about the pertinent case. he's been suspended without pay pending an "investigation." good job, guys! now i feel safe! :noidea:
A pal of mine today (wisely) stated the MSM is pushing a race war so 0b0ng0 can leverage the (manufactured) "crisis" to declare martial law. While some of us suspect it would likely be (another) false flag that will serve as "justification" for martial law...could the new PTB tactic be inciting a race war?
I don't think Whites in any way, shape or form are prepared for a race war. Nor are most blacks for that matter. The PTB are doing what they always do, it's just that it's becoming more and more difficult to find anything to blame Whitey for -- I mean, transforming a Mexican into a "racist" White man and a black punk into a martyr -- it just gets more absurd all the time, but so does everything else about this warped "culture."

My guess is that there will be an increase in Whites being randomly attacked, an intensification of the flash mob and "knockout king" mentality, but this country's too zombified right now for anything approaching an organized race war.
Trayvon's schools suspensions are finally coming out. We don't know everything about his suspensions, but for the first time we do know a little. First, he has apparently had multiple 10 day suspensions this year. The last one for bringing pot to school. He surely was doing something suspicious to get his back pack searched - probably dealing. A suspension in the fall was for graffiting another student's locker with "WTF." They searched his back pack looking for the marker and found a ton of women's jewelry and watches along with a flat edged screw driver that was described by the school official as burglary device. Trayvon claimed it was "his friends" and then refused to give a name. The jewelry was confiscated, but no charges were filed.

Isn't it funny that the news media has two "witnesses" being interviewed 24/7 supporting Trayvon who weren't even witnesses? The real witnesses say that Trayvon was the aggressor and beating Zimmerman. Those witnesses are no where to be found in the media. This may be the most clear cut case of self defense imaginable. A guy with a bloody head, broken nose, and grass stains on his back who witnesses say was being beaten by an aggressive trouble "youth" kills the aggressor. His voice is recorded yelling for help with several blood curdling screeches. If you can't kill someone while he's busting your face up, then there is no such thing as self defense.
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I've seen the thuggish pictures of Trayvon. Zimmerman supposedly had a broken nose. If he has the hospital report to prove it that would certainly help his case tremendously. Blacks are saying he injured himself to make it look like he was attacked. What a bunch of hogwash!

White people truly are the stupidest people on the planet. Virtually all of them are supporting Martin and his family and even marching with these blacks. If a black guy had done the same to a white kid none of them would make a peep about it.

"White people truly are the stupidest people on the planet. Virtually all of them are supporting Martin and his family and even marching with these blacks."

Fat and drunk and stupid, they're eagerly waddling down the road to extinction.

And here you clearly see the enemy-controlled jewsmedia inciting the negroes to riot and to commit even more violent crimes, if that's possible.
while nothing at all is being done by the "justice" (sic) system with regards to the New Black Panther Party's call for executing George Zimmerman, their distributing "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters and posting a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman's "capture", or Spike Lee's making public Zimmerman's home address, you can always count on the police to crack down on the "real" threats ...

in this case, the real threat is a policeman posting comments on a discussion board about the pertinent case. he's been suspended without pay pending an "investigation." good job, guys! now i feel safe! :noidea:

They also arrested a white guy who sent a threatening email to the chief of police, Bill Lee. This guy is some sort of looney and was also arrested for sending threatening emails after the Penn State scandal. I'm willing to be he's received many more threats recently but they only decided to arrest the white guy to set and example and show they aren't raciss!
Yep. They've hit the "ghetto lottery."

One good thing that I'm noticing is that more people are now asking why is it that they are only showing Trayvon's old pictures instead of up to date recent pics. People are beginning to smell a rat in Denmark.
I am starting to have flashbacks of the Duke Lacrosse debacle several years ago. The big difference is that a misguided negro got smoked due to anti social behavior, which can be directly attributed to his epic ghetto breed and proud parents.
Does anyone know what Trayvon's mom and dad do for a living?

Tom Iron...
Problably a whole lot of nothing. Translation: living on welfare, SSI and the assorted handouts and entitlements to miscreants. Its really disgusting how any sane White person could march with these losers let alone be affilliatated with today's democratic party.
Apparently Trayvon's parents have filed a patent copyright to get the rites to " I am Trayvon " to cash in on this I assume. A funny poster said, " shouldin't be " I was Trayvon " " . Classic!