Ben Roethlisberger

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said today that he will sooon meet with Ben Roethlisberger concerning the sexual assault allegations.
I notice Ben's coach isn't giving Big Ben much support. Quite the opposite actually. We've pointed this out before. Black player commits crime and white coach quickly makes a statement supporting the player and saying what a quality person he is.

The only comments I have heard from Tomlin are that he is worried and concerned for the team. I guess the manlove doesn't cut both ways.
Many DWFs apparently think Ben should be suspended by Roger Goodell even if no charges are filed in the Georgia case. In other words, even if he is found to have done nothing wrong, punish him anyway because this is the second time sexual assault has been alleged against him (oh, and he didn't use to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, I've seenthat mentioned also as part of a "pattern of behavior" deserving of suspension). If the girl's claim is found to be without merit, why should Ben be suspended? Because he was in a club? If he's going to be suspended for that then suspend 95% of the other players in the league for it as well. If he did assault the girl he is unbelievably stupid and deserves whatever he gets, but if he didn't he deserves sympathy for being the victim of a gold digger or psycho, not a suspension.
by the way, Ben's little sister is playing in the NCAA Women's Tourney tonight and having a pretty good game. she hoops it up for Oklahoma.
Don Wassall said:
Namath has a strange accent that isn't Southern or Northern.  I'm from Pittsburgh and can tell you it isn't a Western PA accent.  Mike Schmidt has a similar accent to Namath's. 

I always assumed his strange accent was liquor.
I wonder what all the DWFs and media types who have turned on Ben will say when the case falls apart, as appears likely. Given that Ben has likely now twice been the victim of gold-digging, disturbed women, the lesson ought to be about the perverse effects on society of feminism and gynocracy but we know that won't happen.

<H2>Sources: Student Did Not Appear For Interview</H2>

There are signs the potential sexual assault case against Steelers Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger could be falling apart.

First â€" the revelation that investigators apparently don't have key physical evidence of a crime.

Now the KDKA Investigators have learned that they could be running into an even bigger roadblock.

Just yesterday, KDKA learned that investigators were no longer requesting DNA from Roethlisberger.

Tonight, KDKA's Andy Sheehan reports that the alleged victim in the case has declined to be re-interviewed by police.

The fact that Georgia authorities no longer want Roethlisberger's DNA is significant to criminal justice experts who say there is now no physical evidence linking Roethlisberger to any potential crime.
full article:
If there's no DNA, there's no case. The legal mess will probably fizzle out but has Roethlisberger learned anything from this episode?
GWTJ said:
I notice Ben's coach isn't giving Big Ben much support. Quite the opposite actually. We've pointed this out before. Black player commits crime and white coach quickly makes a statement supporting the player and saying what a quality person he is.

The only comments I have heard from Tomlin are that he is worried and concerned for the team. I guess the manlove doesn't cut both ways.

A black coach supporting a white player? We know better than that GWTJ.
sport historian said:
If there's no DNA, there's no case. The legal mess will probably fizzle out but has Roethlisberger learned anything from this episode?

Will you learn anything from it? Throwing him under the bus so quickly is a reaction I wouldn't have expected. He was with 2 off duty cops and in a public place. Now it turns out he didn't do anything wrong. Yet you still want him to "learn". Are you saying he shouldn't ever touch women? Maybe he should join a nice church and only date girls from the congregation with a chaparone.
jaxvid said:
sport historian said:
If there's no DNA, there's no case. The legal mess will probably fizzle out but has Roethlisberger learned anything from this episode?

Will you learn anything from it? Throwing him under the bus so quickly is a reaction I wouldn't have expected. He was with 2 off duty cops and in a public place. Now it turns out he didn't do anything wrong. Yet you still want him to "learn". Are you saying he shouldn't ever touch women? Maybe he should join a nice church and only date girls from the congregation with a chaparone.

This episode confirms what I already know. The Duke Lacrosse players were innocent, but was it a good idea to invite two black women into their house? Something may be technically legal but bring big trouble. It's a good thing Roethlisberger has the Super Bowl checks. He's going to need them for the attorney fees.
Reports are that Ben Roethlisberger will not be charged with sexual assault or anything else. The local DA has a press conference scheduled for Monday and is expected to announce that no charges will be filed.
I think he should still be suspended from the game for the rest of his life and be forced to attend sensitivity classes. Clearly a guy trying to get sex from a woman is some kind of sicko and needs to be treated for it.
jaxvid said:
I think he should still be suspended from the game for the rest of his life and be forced to attend sensitivity classes. Clearly a guy trying to get sex from a woman is some kind of sicko and needs to be treated for it.
Agreed, jaxvid. Now if he declared himself a "gay" Democrat, and was molesting men and joined NAMBLA, he wouldn't have any of these problems, and we would all be told that we are to embrace him and his perversions.
The District Attorney just announced that they are not going to press charges against Big Ben. Lack of evidence.
So, everyone, move along, nothing to see here.......
whiteathlete33 said:
I figured it was a false alarm.  Big Ben needs to be careful with whom he associates with in the future.  

Absolutely! He needs to be very guarded, especially in party &/or club environments. There's boatloads of gold-diggers & (general) nut cases out there looking to fleece anyone "famous".
The District Attorney has said there is not enough evidence to charge Ben with a crime, but that doesn't mean this is over, not by a long shot. Innocence rarely matters in a Cultural Marxist regime. The anti-white media have hooked themselves a big fish in a league filled with black miscreants and they aren't about to let go. Roethlisberger has to meet soon with Roger Goodell, who may well punish him in some way, whether by a suspension or by ordering him to undergo "counseling" (take your pick -- alcohol counseling, anger management classes, sex "addiction" treatment, etc.).
I was watching Sports Center, and Marcellus Wiley
again was mentioning the idiotic comments by the often silly Hines Ward last year about Ben -- one of the very toughest players in the league -- not being "tough enough" and saying that this was indicative of a locker room that had turned against Ben. The very next topic was Santonio Holmes, and Wiley quickly did a 180, saying that the Jets were wise to trade for Holmes, and that it wouldn't affect locker room chemistry. Tedy Bruschi agreed with Wiley both times. I've followed Ben's career closely and you couldn't ask for a tougher guy, more of a team player, someone who has always been a stand-up guy and said the right things to the media, taking the blame for losses and deflecting credit for victories. In fact, if anything Ben is too much of a team player,as his slightly wiggerish manner of speaking seems to indicate.

Ben is already the league's new Mark Chmura, who was acquitted of the charges against him but who most DWFs believe was guilty because the media continued to lump him in with blacks who were convicted of serious charges. It looks like Ben will now receive the Chmura/Matt Jones treatment for a long time to come. The real issue ought to be how feminism has turned so many women into gold diggers and liars, but fat chance of that ever being mentioned.Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
The District Attorney has said there is not enough evidence to charge Ben with a crime, but that doesn't mean this is over, not by a long shot.  Innocence rarely matters in a Cultural Marxist regime.  The anti-white media have hooked themselves a big fish in a league filled with black miscreants and they aren't about to let go.  Roethlisberger has to meet soon with Roger Goodell, who may well punish him in some way, whether by a suspension or by ordering him to undergo "counseling" (take your pick -- alcohol counseling, anger management classes, sex "addiction" treatment, etc.).
<div>I was watching Sports Center, and Marcellus Wiley
 again was mentioning the idiotic comments by the often silly Hines Ward last year about Ben -- one of the very toughest players in the league -- not being "tough enough" and saying that this was indicative of a locker room that had turned against Ben.  The very next topic was Santonio Holmes, and Wiley quickly did a 180, saying that the Jets were wise to trade for Holmes, and that it wouldn't affect locker room chemistry.  Tedy Bruschi agreed with Wiley both times.  I've followed Ben's career closely and you couldn't ask for a tougher guy, more of a team player, someone who has always been a stand-up guy and said the right things to the media, taking the blame for losses and deflecting credit for victories.  In fact, if anything Ben is too much of a team player, as his slightly wiggerish manner of speaking seems to indicate.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Ben is already the league's new Mark Chmura, who was acquitted of the charges against him but who most DWFs believe was guilty because the media continued to lump him in with blacks who were convicted of serious charges.  It looks like Ben will now receive the Chmura/Matt Jones treatment for a long time to come.  The real issue ought to be how feminism has turned so many women into gold diggers and liars, but fat chance of that ever being mentioned.</div>

I concur with everything Don says above. Roethlisberger's troubles are just beginning. He has the civil suit in Colorado with depositions that will be in the press. Stephen Smith of CBS is already saying that Ben is getting preferential treatment because he is white and the DWFs will lap this up.
Marcellus Wiley also brought up the race "issue". He also said Santonio Holmes was suspended because of this one incident and did not mention all his past legal issues. Such a joke. Im glad no charges will be pressed but Ben needs to get his act together and grow up a little and stop making dumb decisions.
let's see.....the guy is not a fact he didn't even officially have sex (violent or otherwise)...OK so that leaves us with......he tried tohave amake out session with a (possibly) drunk girl.
"Innocence rarely matters in a Cultural Marxist regime."

Why is it so hard to say "Jewish"? This is clearly the essence of the problem,
and I should think it obvious by now that soft-stepping when it comes to the
Jewish question gains you absolutely no currency.
Beefcake the Mighty said:
"Innocence rarely matters in a Cultural Marxist regime."

Why is it so hard to say "Jewish"? This is clearly the essence of the problem,
and I should think it obvious by now that soft-stepping when it comes to the
Jewish question gains you absolutely no currency.

Thanks so much for registering so you can lecture me with your first post. I'm in awe of your knowledge and wisdom.
Don Wassall said:
Thanks so much for registering so you can lecture me with your first post. I'm in awe of your knowledge and wisdom.

Hey, no problem at all. I'm curious, though, if you agree with me. Namely, without Jews,
there would be no "Cultural Marxism" (whatever that is)? Sorry if you find me obnoxious,
but I'm a little puzzled that a website which speaks frankly admirably about racial issues
shies away from the main racial issue facing us. It's easy to talk about black sociopathy,
apparently abitharder to talk about who's enabling them.
American Freedom News