Barry Bonds

I believe Bonds, I also believe he thought the steroids he was taking was flaxseed oil. I drink flaxseed oil all the time, great stuff, adds muscle, increases head size, shortens the healing period, its really a miracle drug. Maybe they should give some of Bonds flaxseed oil to those sick kids?
Once again he hides behind his kids in order to deflect
attention from his own mistakes. "Oh, my wife was white, my
kids are half-white." Big deal. What does having sex with, and
impregnating, a white woman have anything to do with whether
he's racist or not?

I doubt if liberals would ever defend Strom Thurmond's politics
after finding out that he had sex with a black woman. "Oh he
was okay, he wasn't a racist/ segregationist. After all, he had
sex with a black woman!"

Yeah right.Edited by: JD074
A local black sportshow host, yesterday on the air stated he believed Bonds over Kittle. He also believed Bonds could not be racist because he fathered two kids with a white woman. I don't agree with his opinions. Many blacks , especially militants like Eldridge Cleaver , who admitted raping white women, think having sex with a white women is a great way to exact revenge on white society.

Why don't the reporters ask Dusty Baker, Matt Williams and other players who may have been on the scene to verify if Kittle was there and if he is telling the truth? Better yet, why don't they ask if Bonds has ever made similar statements? Bonds implies that merely bringing up the subject is insulting to his children. Nobody brought up his children, he is using that as a ploy to deflect criticism.

Bonds: ``Who is Kittle? How long did he play? He played in our league?'' Bonds said Thursday. ``Ha! Do you guys believe that? ... Do you guys know my life history a little bit? One, you insult my children, who are half-white. ``I was married to a woman who was white, so let's get real.
There's never been any correlation between how friendly or hostile blacks have been toward whites and what racetheir wives were. Many black leaders have married white while still manifesting strong dislike of whites as a race.

In this blacks are very different than whites. No white who purported to be a spokesman for whites could be married to a black and have any credibility. The choice of a spouse is a personal matter, but not for someone who wants to be a public figure for a racial cause.

Bonds has uttered many anti-white statements; he's probably best characterized as a misanthrope but one who especially detests whites. And if he can't even remember who Kittle was, how can he remember if the conversation took place or not?
Guys; the site I was referring to is The report I hear was in the middle of the day. It is mainly a music and information broadcast. They have little tidbits like that about Bonds on all through the day. You'll hear things like that on there that you'd never hear anywhere else, except on here. They don't make a big issue out of it, but by making the comparison with the reaction that John Rocker suffered through, you couldn't help but see they were saying "there's a double standard because of race." It's refreshing to hear, I'll tell you that.
Don't ask Dusty Baker anything. He like to play blacks in day games and whites in night games

(It actually is not a race thing as much of a complexion thing; a black
albino would play night games). That is complete hogwash. It
makes me suspicous of his thoughts on the Kittle/Bonds incident.

I think there is more to both sides of the
story. No person inteligent enough to hit 700 homeruns would say
something that ridiculous. Was Bonds drunk and is unable to
recall it? Did Kittle say "some" of the money to sick kids.
Did Bonds say something like "I don't sign for white people that
exploit me for money"? Still terrible to say. If Bonds
doesn't file a libel suit, I will believe he said something racist.
Does Bonds hate sick children like he hates being

Has a white person ever received an autograph from Bonds as a gift?
Mr. Personality is saying now that '06 will be his last season, which means that if this is the case he will most likely pass Babe Ruth but not Hank Aaron, as many suspected was his game plan all along given that Bonds is an outspoken hater of whites.

His quotes in USA Today show that this pampered butthole's persecution complex is as strong as ever: "The game isn't fun anymore. I'm tired of all of the [stuff] going on. I want to play this year out, hopefully win, and once the season is over, go home and be with my family. Maybe then everybody can just forget about me."

If only the media would let us forget about Bonds. He is typical of many black athletes who have received excessive media hype and fan adulation their whole careers yet believe the same media and fans are "racist" and out to get them. After Albert Belle was arrested the other day for stalking his girlfriend, hardly his first brush with the law, he said, "Why don't you focus on the good things I do?" They truly don't have a clue.
Barry Bonds is the biggest a hole in recent times, I just wish his sealed testimony before the Balco grand jury was revealed, all this talk of his would make him look even stupider. Also what Kittle said was true, his past and present and future actions demonstrate it. The man is maybe the most self centred athlete I have ever seen. I guess because he doesn't beat his wife or drive drunk or try to rape women he isn't villified like other athletes but to his core he is just sick as these turds........
Edited by: white is right
white is right said:
I guess because he doesn't beat his wife

Actually his first wife, a Swedish airline stewardess, accused him of beating her.
I would like to strike that from the record, and state I guess because he doesn't kill, and drive drunk and try and rape women..............

Edited by: white is right
IceSpeed said:
Barry Bonds is falling into a Sosa-like
disgrace. When will he play with some integrity, get clean, and
become an honest ballplayer.Watch for pitchers to pitch to him this season and
watch Bonds hit many towering pop-ups. Without steroids, his
mechanics will be all out of wack(it happened with McGuire) and he will
swing late and fail to drive the ball. Bonds was able to hit
homeruns late into his stance(Tony Gwynn's sole weakness) because of
steroids. Now his body has stopped naturally producing
testosterone making him weaker without steroids.Bonds will not be able to hit to left field as hard as he used to.

The devil will still be on the juice,and he will pass both Ruth and Aaron - and he'll be as megalomaniacal,and unapologetic as ever,and the press will be on his side,never condemning him even once.Or,if they even do,it will be in a vague,wishy-washy,and glib way.
Here's how and why it all began for the big-time hater of whites (except for his white girlfriends and ex-wife of course):

"The authors describe how Bonds turned to steroids after the 1998 season because he was jealous of McGwire. Bonds hit 37 home runs in '98 -- a nice total and the fourth most of his career at that point -- but he was ignored by fans and the media who were captivated by McGwire's 70 home runs and his duel for the record with Sammy Sosa, who hit 66 that year.

"According to the book, Bonds, in comments to his mistress, Kimberly Bell, often dismissed McGwire with racially-charged remarks such as, "They're just letting him do it because he's a white boy." But Bonds looked at McGwire and his hulking physique and decided he needed to dramatically increase his muscle mass to compete with him."
It's pathetic that Bonds will never admit to using steroids. I hope the fans crucify him everywhere he goes. I want to see games cancelled in the 4th inning because of the outrage over him breaking Ruth's HR total. I hope security has to escort him off the field.

I wonder how the Giants fans will take this. They have supported him so far. There will probably be violence in the stands as well as Bonds haters clash with Bonds worshipers.

Sports Illustrated's sales will spike this week. Not from me but I am sure they are printing extra copies.

How do those clowns on Capitol Hill feel now after they tried to make McGwire the face of the steroid scandal? Not to mention all of the reporters and sports writers who did the same thing? Screw them...all of them.

It would be nice for one of these ignorant trophy white girls to tell one of these arrogant blacks that they are with: "I'm getting really tired of you saying nasty things about white men. My father is a white man as are my brother and grandfather so why don't you find yourself another trophy wife you a**hole." That's probably too much to ask of our women folk these days.

It's odd how all of a sudden SI is ready to condemn Bonds. It's almost as if they knew the book was coming out and deliberately sat on it to boost sales. They wouldn't do that would they?

Bonds just couldn't stand to see a "white boy" get all of the attention. God what an arrogant pr*ck.

I remember all of the snide remarks he made about how they "can test me any damn time they want" blah blah blah.

What will he do now? What will Selig do now? Will he stand by while this fraud assaults baseball's most revered record? Probably.
It's hard to see how Barry will get out of this now,but I think there are just too many worshippers of this guy,particularly Bud Selig,to the point that he'll play this season break the HR record unaffected then retire and be considered one of the greatest of all-time.Maybe if he takes the racism thing full throttle and get's enough support from the negro population and that will scare whitey enough that Barry can beat this.
Ruth still has the left handed home run total, so when Bonds passes the Babe he will break his record. I don't think this would have been such a big deal until Bonds being Bonds crapped allover the greatest star baseball has ever seen. I all but forgot that Ruth still had this record.........
If you haven't read the sports illustrated article from the book on Bonds you should try to get ahold of that issue. It really makes him look like what everyone here knows he is when it comes to steroids and his character. Or else buy the book.
It appears that Bonds is going to deny everything and say that "they" are out to bring him down. Incidentally, Bonds had a more changed appearance than the other "users." He must have shot himself up more than anybody else did.
Bud Selig is being pressured into "investigating" Bonds. What a laugh. One of the main reasons Bonds turned himself into a human chemical factory was because of his intense dislike of Mark McGwire and Babe Ruth and he 's not about to go away gracefully. Maybe he'll retire before passing Aaron but I doubt it. This looks like it's going to be a more damaging development than all the previous steroids controversies put together. And of course the media will put a strong racial slant on everything, which will make it even more interesting. (My racial slant is that if Bonds was white he'd have already been "Pete Rose-d" out of baseball.)

I agree with robcat that the Sports Illustrated article is a must-read. It's the most negative portrayal of one of God's Chosen Athletes I can remember.

Here's the ESPN link on Selig:
I don't know what racial slant the media is going to come up with but I'm sure they will invent one. Maybe they will say that MLB doesn't want another black man to break the Babe's HR record. I don't think MLB want's a known steriod user and all-around jerk to break his or Aaron's record and has nothing to do with race. It wouldn't totally suprise me to see Bonds make a deal with MLB and "voluntarily" retire for health reasons in exchange for a dropped investigation. Barry is trapped now and has almost no way out of this. His body is going south on him anyway and breaking down.
Bonds' perspective (like that of many blacks) is that anything in the media that reflects on him negatively is done out of racial animus. Many members of the media will reinforce that tovarying degrees as this drama continues to unfold, and of course whatever Selig and MLB does or doesn't do in regard to Bonds will be criticized by many on racial grounds.

On the local ESPN radio station, the white afternoon talk show host here openly idolizes Bonds. He spouts all the anti-white nonsense -- that all this is being done becausethe white owners and white fansdon't want Bonds passing Ruth, why aren't McGwire and Clemens being "persecuted" like Bonds (he thinks Clemens does the juice too but has gotten a pass because he's white), there's no evidence that Bonds ever juiced, etc., etc. No matter how much black athletes are put on a pedestal in this country, these whites talk as if nothing has changed in America since the 1950s. Many racially obsessed blacks, and their parrots in the media, are intent on making Bonds a racial martyr.
If he thinks that there is no evidence that Bonds juiced, then He also must have been on the Simpson jury, because that is similar logic............
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