Barry Bonds

I wonder how the Scandinavians feel seeing all their sex symbols
with black men. Maybe that taboo is broken there like it is here
in some places. If Bond's is dating all these white women he
shouldn't have anything to say about the white man bringing him
down. That's just plain being a hypocrite. It doesn't really
anger me seeing a black athlete with a white girl. Any athlete
with a pretty wife/girl is just there to leech of their wealth.
If I was in their position I'd want to be with a beautiful nordic girl
Bear Arms said-If I was in their position I'd want to be with a beautiful nordic girl to.

No arguments here!
There's an article about Bonds and his girlfriend Kimberly Bell written by Christian Red of the New York Daily News that appears in one of the local rags today. In fact, this paper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,seems to have adopted a policy of running an article about Bonds every single day.

The article (available on the Internet only through purchase) is on the gossipy side. I steer away from personal stuff most of the time as much of it is inherently unreliable and often unfair. But what struck me about this article is that it claims Bonds was head over heels in love with Bell, yet treated her terribly. One of the things the BALCO grand jury is doing is "reviewing approximately 150 taped phone messages that Bonds left on Bell's answering machine during their nine-year relationship from 1994-2003. [An attorney for Bell] told the News last Monday that many of the messages are profanity-laced threats. . . "

The articlegoes on toreassure usthat Bonds "did not physically abuse her." Apparently he is to be congratulated for that. Reminds me of the Chris Rock routine where he rips on black guys for bragging about doing the things they're supposed to be doing -- "I've got a job." "I'm trying to raise my kid," etc.

It's truly amazing how miserable so many black sports celebrities are.
Poor persecuted Barry now says he will no longer talk to the media.

It doesn't matter if he does or not, the media will still publicize him more than all the white stars in baseball combined. One of the local rags didn't carry a Bonds story today for the first time in several weeks -- however of late they've been fixating on Ken Griffey Jr. With Bonds out of action for a while, if Griffey gets off to a good start and actually stays healthy, the media will use him as Bonds' "stand-in" until Barry is back on the field.
The article about Barry Bonds in the headlines section is truly amazing. How will the press handle this account as compared to ...John Rocker for instance? Makes me wonder how many media slugs and players have known of this and other incidents in the past but kept them quiet.
This article is from an obscure Chicago paper. It may be ignored altogether by the corporate media, or they'll pay it a little bit of attention then quickly forget about it.

When Bonds played for the Pirates he spouted off anti-white comments and got in scuffles with teammates, always white ones, but the racial angle never made it out of thePittsburgh-area press when it was covered at all.
Pugnus, once again you demonstrate ability to miss the point.
Point is, if Bonds were a white acting this way, he'd be crucified, and you know it.
If Bonds were white back in Pittsburg, he'd probably have caused an uproar, and would now be playing for a minor league team somewhere, if at all.
pugnus said:
Barry Bonds is an ******* true .

Is he a bigger ******* then Ty Cobb was ?

So your point is: a.) that because a baseball superstar from 80 years ago was an ******* it's okay that Bonds is, too; or b.) because Cobb was supposedly a racist it's okay for Bonds to be one nearly a century later.

For someone who is supposedly on here because you oppose "racism" you glibly justify it when it comes from a black. Your posts remind me of a caricature of a communist, or of an inveterate black supremacist, I'm not sure which. Maybe both.

As far as Cobb, his reputation has been smeared non-stop by the same Cultural Marxists who demean all white heroes, in and out of sports. Mickey Mantle was a drunk, Babe Ruth was a drunk and an out of shape slob, Joe DiMaggio was an emotionless tightwad, Ted Williams a mean-spirited egomaniac. But somehow black stars of old always escape similar scrutiny, while Jackie Robinson has been turned into a secular saint.

Cobb was arguably the best baseball player ever. He not only was a great talent, he competed tooth and nail. He was Southern and also believed that America was a white country, a viewpoint shared by virtually all white Americans in his day (and for most of this country's history.) For that he has been transformed, ex-post facto,into a "dirty" and "racist"player, the John Rocker of his era. That's no different than comdemning Thomas Jefferson, 200 years later,for having slaves.
Speaking of Jackie Robinson, I heard a liberal white professor say he has posters of three people in his office at home. Cassius Clay (Muhammed Ali)
, Jackie Robinson, and Branch Rickie. So the only white guy he has a poster of is the one who "did the right thing" and let Robinson play in the big leagues. I know that was off the subject, but it struck a nerve.

Were you around Ty Cobb to know he was an *******?

I am around Barry and he has proved to be an *******.

Juiced up negro is all he amounts to. A racist openly and he gets away with it.

F him and I pray he leaves baseball before he passes the one and only Babe Ruth.

Aaron was a great player but he was no Babe.
Aaron was good at ball and a decently nice guy. He just gets too much credit for passing Ruth when he played several more years than Ruth, and he had longer seasons in which to play.
Colonel_Reb said:
Aaron was good at ball and a decently nice guy. He just gets too much credit for passing Ruth when he played several more years than Ruth, and he had longer seasons in which to play.

So far I haven't read or heard anything in the media about Ron Kittle's book or his claims that Bonds wouldn't sign a jersey to benefit kids with cancer. You would think the press would at least ask Matt Williams and other Giants ball players if they witnessed the incident.

Ron Kittle:Bonds stood up, looked me in the eye and said, "I don't sign for white people." If lightning hits me today, I will swear those were his exact words. Matt Williams and other Giants were in the room and they heard what Bonds said.
Barry Bonds,Bobby Bonds and Jackie Robinson together couldn't carry Lou Gehrig's jock strap!Lou was a team player-great player-great clean up hitter-drove in runs in clutch situations- played on teams that won many pennetts and Championships.Also a real role model for the youth of his day.
It would be cool if anyone here finds some media outlet that covered the racist Bonds comment and let the rest of us know.I for one have heard nothing,it make me think that I must have dreamt this up.
If that guy wasn't so annoying, I'd watch him some, but I got tired of hearing his voice permanently on the radio in the 90's.
Well, I just heard on internet radio about the Barry Bonds, "I don't sign autographs for white people" story. Pretty amazing that it isn't front page news. The broadcaster made the point that if it had been a white player, he would have been severely punished for that. The announcer also asked if anyone remembered what happened to John Rocker for speaking the truth about the jungle culture in New York, and how he was castigated to no end. I'm glag these guys are telling it like it is on the radio. Here's the link to listen to the broadcast.
On what show did they make their comments on Barry Bonds,Reb.I'm guessing it was that show called Late Night.
That's an internet broadcast by a Southern oriented website, not much different than publicizing Bonds' remark on this site as far as audience and impact-- still a far cry from the mainstream corporate media giving it play.
The kittle story has finally hit the news. From what I have seen and heard so far, most people (even those in the media) believe Kittle's story. Furthermore, Bonds has yet to deny that he made those remarks. Despite this no one is calling for Bond's head or for even a simple apology. They crucified Rocker for much less. What's lower than refusing to help kids with cancer?
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