Barry Bonds

That would be great if it happened. I hope he pays dearly for his abuse and his contribution to the decline of baseball. That may sound harsh, but punishment is what is needed for a ll these guys. One day, they will all suffer from abusing their bodies anyway.
Someone was talking in my class tonight that they had no doubt McGwire abused when in Oakland, but he said he didn't think he was using when in St. Louis. What do y'all think?
I would like to see the records broke, atleast until it is proven without a doubt they were abusing. Remember Ruth was a drunk, and alchohol is a drug that people do get dependent on believe it or not.
His testimony made it obvious to me that he was using steroids. He had opportunity to deny and it and he did not. Alcohol is not a performance enhancing drug and, therefore, can't be compared to steroids. Its apples and oranges. Across the board the players testified that they would like a zero tolerance policy. I think Mark McGwire used steroids because baseball has turned a blind eye to steroid use particularly back when he was playing. I think McGwire took them to compete with all the others that were taking them as baseball ignored all their use. It's a sham that Bonds didn't have to answer questions. I would like to see the congressmen attack the black players like they did to McGwire. I believe the majority of the abusers are the many large, usually black, DH type homerun hitters. The homerun hitter is thelast strongholdposition left for blacks in baseball. If steroids can truly be eliminated baseball, then so will the last black stronghold. In the end, Congress did get their white sacrificial lamb to take the fall for steroids after all.
This is classic Bonds:


If he doesn't end up passing Ruth what sweet justice that will beafter all ofhis racist comments about the Babe and his anti-white hatred in general.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<TD vAlign=bottom align=right width="1%">
</TD></TR></T></TABLE>Edited by: Don Wassall
He should blame the steroids athletes often have more serious injuries on the stuff. Giambi had a knee injury to.
He's such a paranoid drama queen. I wouldn't doubt if he's
exaggerating his knee problem. Hopefully he's not and it's
extremely serious. And debilitating. It's so funny to hear a
worshipped black athlete talk about how much people in the
media hate him. Sure, Barry. And the few who really do hate
him base it on his awful character and personality, not his skin
I hope he does miss the season. He's been spewing enough bull for far too long. As for the Babe being a drunk, okra63, just how did that enhance his athletic performance? We aren't talking about morality here. We are talking about taking drugs that will help your career numbers, which is what Bonds is getting a pass on because of his color.
Colonel_Reb said:
... As for the Babe being a drunk, okra63, just how
did that enhance his athletic performance? We aren't talking about
morality here. We are talking about taking drugs that will help your
career numbers, which is what Bonds is getting a pass on because of his

Bump for Col. Reb. I was going to make this point but Reb beat me to
it. If these guys using steroids can get a pass and claim that such use
didn't enhance their performance, as "steroids can't help you hit a
baseball", then perhaps the Babe's ability to play at such high levels
DESPITE his addiction to alcohol makes his accomplishments so much the
Hes very typical of a black athlete. Blame your problems on everyone but yourself.
While it is true that bat speed is one of the factors to hitting a long ball....

Him saying that it is all hand eye coordination is BS.

Strength has EVERYTHING to do with how far a ball flies...

Along with bat speed and technique.Edited by: KD52171
Chew on this...

You guys think he may be doing this because he knows his performance is going to wilt away?
KD, that's a distinct possibility. Also white shogun, your right in that if Babe could hit 60 drinking, he could probably hit 75 or more sober, and in a shorter season, so it makes me think a whole lot more of him as a player just knowing what he did and could have done. Everyone else should see it the same way.
The Babe was and still is the greatest player to ever
play the game.He was and is baseball.Barry Bonds was
and is all that is wrong with todays baseball.Hey Barry,
don't you know theres no crying in baseball.No we do
not feel bad for your dumb pathetic ass.See you and I
wouldn't want to be you.He's on the juice and I just
wish he would dissapear like the former "juice"OJ!
Whats all this about Babe being a drunk???? Sure he drank but in those days everyone did. They had all grown up before the days of clean water so beer and distilled spirits were more popular. I do not remember hearing one story that Ruth's play was effected by any drinking. And in those days there were some predigious drunks.
Posted: 16 February 2005 at 9:10pm | IP Logged
My prediction: Barry sticks aroung long enough to pass Ruth by a few homers, doesn't speak to the press, doesn't care that everyone thinks he is a cheater then he retires because of injuries.

Prediction still looking good. He will play in the second half of the season after all the steroid talk dies down. He'll pass Ruth then retire. I would even believe he has made a deal with Selig already.
I don't know for sure jaxvid, I think he might give it up altogether. I hope he does anyway. Why would he pass the Babe and then not Henry Aaron? Because he respects Hank too much as a brother? I had rather see him quit altogether than play half a year and retire, plus it makes sense to hang it up and not play half. There is only one problem with that though. With Barry Bonds and Caste System MLB, there's one thing you can be sure of, and that's that you can't be sure of anything.
My thought is that he knows he cant perform at the same level....pure and simple...I may be wrong but thats the way I see it.

I have never seen a man blame others as much as he does...never.

Grow up Barry. You have made a fortune off us white people....grow the hell up.
I know what you mean KD, the media is at fault, they have "finally gotten him down where they want him" Man what a pile of horsefeathers!
Bonds is blaming the media for family problems what a joke, hasnt he cheated on his wife a few times, Oh yea barry I smoked something tonight that made me feel really good and I was hungry after, someone told me it was drugs but I assumed it was a cigerette, ha ha ha what loser by by barry the farry.
He needs to hang up his batting helmet and pack it in. Baseball REALLY doesn't need a cry-baby, steroid freak to carry the homerun mantle. I hope he retires, so he can be with his family, instead of letting the media ruin it even more.
It's funny how Bonds really wants to break Babe Ruth's record because he's white and I have no doubt that Barry is a racist,yet his first wife was white.Those black guys got to have them white women.
Oh yeah, that's the best way to stick it to the white man. Take his women and his daughters. I think I mentioned this on another topic, but the another big reason they get white women is because they look a helk of a lot better than black women. Man I saw a picture of Anna K. yesterday in the paper. My mouth started watering instantly. I'll save the rest for another time though.
Didn't Bonds have a legal problem for wife-beating some years ago? As I remember, the judge was very easy on him. Bonds didn't even get a slap on the wrist.
I think it came out as part of the bitter divorce proceedings from his Swedish first wife. His long-time "mistress" who has been in the news of late is also white.