Barry Bonds

Turner said:
C Darwin said:
Anybody watching this Bonds town meeting? One of the reporters argued that Bonds should get into the HOF on the first ballot because he had a HOF career before the questionable steroid influenced seasons, McGwire did not.

You be the judge.

McGwire Stats
Bonds Stats
Bonds was a Hall of fame player before his homerun race .

If bonds retired in 97 he still makes the HOF.
And so should McGwire. The black analyst disagrees with this point. Sorry if it was unclear.
PitBull said:
Man, is that a terrible excuse. You could say the same thing about Pete
Rose. And what Rose did had absolutely no effect on his on-field
performance, unlike Bonds. Bud Selig said today that in America, people
should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. If that's the standard,
McGwire should be in the Hall of Fame.
A lot of the writers have axes to grind and act like they are Richard the Lion Heart defending Palestine . These guys take themselves way too seriously. Fine McGwire juiced who cares, if you were to hold all baseball players to these rediculous standards of purity,then you better do it for football and the football hall better close down as no modern player less some qb's and kickers are clean then.
Edited by: white is right
I apologize if someone has already commented as I am about to comment but I have not been keeping up with the posts. A lot of the anti white Jew media cliche' if you will is that whites can't stand to see Bonds break Aaron's record. Hello, Aaron is black too. We don't necessarily dislike Aaron but we are not so enamored with him as they tout.

Bonds is a jerk and he abused steroids but either way "our man" is still the 3rd place guy in the record books whether Bonds is first or Aaron is first. Of course "our man" is the great Babe Ruth. All we care about is waiting for the next white home run hitter to surpase them all, the rest is academic. Sorry for being presumptious in using "we."
Well the dork who does ESPN's overnight show said that Bond's homerun was the greatest sporting moment ever?
. I could name a half dozen(including Aaron's blast in 74' as having greater social impact). Off the top of my head the Miracle on Ice, Superbowl III, The Fight, The Rumble in the Jungle, the Bite fight and Hagler vs Leonard were greater moments.
An awful lot of the mainstream media is not discussing the steroid issue
with Bonds. Instead, they frame it as a "love him or hate him" issue. This is
not an emotional issue at all--he is a drug cheat, and his drug use is what
allowed him to break the record. Its about objective fact, not emotion or
subjective opinion.It makes me sick.
The corporate media made a big deal over hockey's poor TV ratings during the playoffs, which came in at around a 1.1 rating, or about a million households watching. Well guess what? The game Tuesday night during which The King of ******** broke the most hallowed career mark in sports drew a rating on ESPN of -- 1.1, the same as hockey.

The NBA and MLB are both propped up big time by the media and made to appear far more popular than they are. Seriously, how many sports fans can stand to sit and watch a baseball or NBA game on tell-a-vision from start to finish? Not many.Edited by: Don Wassall
Barry Bonds broke the home run record. ZZZZZ Who cares!
He will never replace Babe Ruth.
Top 10 Fewest At Bats to 500th HR

1.McGwire- 5,487*
2.Ruth - 5,801
3.Killebrew- 6,671
4.Sosa - 7,036*
5.Foxx - 7,084
6.A Ro(i)d- 7,17?*
7.Mantle- 7,300
8.Schmidt- 7,336
9.Williams- 7,454
10.BONDS- 7,502*
(15. Aaron- 8,612)

(Asterisk is there for STEROIDS,what else?)

# of At Bats to reach 700 HR's

Ruth - 8,173
Bonds- 9,066
Aaron- 11,145(!!!!)

No info on at bats to 600th HR,but you know damn well,that Ruth had the fewest there as well.

Defense Rests - WHITEY RULES.

And no, black racists, Ruth was not black,nor did he have even "one drop" in him. Eat it and DIE.
Edited by: Weltner
Interesting stats, Weltner. And, as others have noted, the white McGwire was a legit 45 homer man before he (may or may not have) used steroids.

Well, at least the media hoopla is over (or at least diminished)---for the time being at least. Hopefully Bonds the Jerk will retire at the end of this season, and we can forget all about him. In the meantime, good fans will continue to give him the cold-shoulder, and wave needle-signs when he comes up to bat.
How fortunate for Bonds to have hit his record home run at home. If he had hit it any place else, especially at san Diego, he would have been booed until the cows came home.Now, that would not have been a pretty picture for the archives. The pitcher who gave it up worked a 3-2 count and somehow grooved a pitch right down the middle. Seems he wanted to toss it low and outside, but that is the way the cookie crumbles. He almost seemed happy about making history that way. I would have walked the big creep or plunked him.
Bart said:
How fortunate for Bonds to have hit his record home run at home. If he had hit it any place else, especially at san Diego, he would have been booed until the cows came home. Now, that would not have been a pretty picture for the archives. The pitcher who gave it up worked a 3-2 count and somehow grooved a pitch right down the middle. Seems he wanted to toss it low and outside, but that is the way the cookie crumbles. He almost seemed happy about making history that way. I would have walked the big creep or plunked him.

Unfortunately,the way Our People have been brainwashed for the last 40+ years now,I seriously doubt they would have.

And regarding the last line, I totally agree;I absolutely don't understand why anyone hasn't flipped him,or even aimed for his noggin.Even pitchers who wouldn't hit the side of a barn would easily be able to hit the side of his skull.Probably for fear of being slandered a racist.
I thought the hubbub would die down but when I watched the Giants-Pirates series 2-3 days after he broke the record it was still going on. I had to watch the Giants broadcast the first game and they started the game by showing the homer 6 times with different announcers calling it. And of course they let the hispanic announcers call go on the longest. It was sickening. Then the Pirates broadcast for the other two games was just as bad. They spent half of the game drooling over Bonds and talking about how he is changed and is such a nice relaxed man now. Ugh. And when the Giants play a doubleheader tonight, the Pirates will honor him, and play a video of Bonds as a Pirate and on and on. All this for a vile, mean spirited, egotistical jerk. Sorry, whether he was white or black, he stinks.Edited by: Skipperron
Weltner said:
Top 10 Fewest At Bats to 500th HR

1.McGwire- 5,487*
2.Ruth - 5,801
3.Killebrew- 6,671
4.Sosa - 7,036*
5.Foxx - 7,084
6.A Ro(i)d- 7,17?*
7.Mantle- 7,300
8.Schmidt- 7,336
9.Williams- 7,454
10.BONDS- 7,502*
(15. Aaron- 8,612)

(Asterisk is there for STEROIDS,what else?)

# of At Bats to reach 700 HR's

Ruth - 8,173
Bonds- 9,066
Aaron- 11,145(!!!!)

No info on at bats to 600th HR,but you know damn well,that Ruth had the fewest there as well.

Defense Rests - WHITEY RULES.

And no, black racists, Ruth was not black,nor did he have even "one drop" in him. Eat it and DIE.

How about Fewest At Bats to 756?
steve92 said:
Hammerin' Hank is still the king...

I was in the bar the other nite and I got into a discussion with a guy that had Hanks rookie card.

We were laughing because on the card it listed his rookie weight as 168.

Its hard to find high schoolers that are that light nowadays.
You two goofs should read Bill Jenkinson's book "The Year Babe Ruth Hit
104 Home Runs". If field dimensions and fair-foul pole rulings were the
same as they are today, Ruth would have hit 104 home runs in 1921. Not
even He of Greatly Expanded Head can claim that.

All in all, Ruth didn't start playing everyday until 1918--his 5th year. He
retired in early 1935, so he played 5 full seasons less than Aaron did. He
also played the early part of his career in the dead ball era, before the ball
got doctored. Also, remember the 154 game season--8 more games per
year in the player's prime.

Any body who thinks Aaron is the home run king of major league baseball
and that his record should be comparable to Ruth with smaller ballparks,
3000 (33%) more at-bats, more games per season, a livelier ball, and
Ruth basically sitting out 5 years to be one of the best pitchers of the era
is insane.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Bonds does not use steriods or HGH. He sold his soul to the devil for the homerun record. As you all know Satan has a few tricks up his sleeve. Bonds has the HR record, but he has to live with an enlarged head (very symbolic!)and the hatred of the fans. You cannot fool Satan!

Of course, I will deny telling you this.
Bonds maybe making license plates and sharing a cell with Charles Manson soon...
He was indicted today for perjury, let the circus begin.....
I wish this had come a year ago. I just wonder, if he is convicted, will his accomplishments be graced with an asterisk?
Colonel_Reb said:
I wish this had come a year ago. I just wonder, if he is convicted, will his accomplishments be graced with an asterisk?
No. Not as long as Emperor Selig is in control.
The whole premise of the Mitchell Commission was fraudulent. The point was not to uncover Barry's misdeeds, it was to find as many other names as they could to lump in with Barry, thereby protecting him on the simple grounds of "Well, everybody did it, so we can't punish just one player". That was always Selig's intent. That's why he dragged his ass for more than a year on the Bonds Issue, even when it was clear (factual testimony) that Bonds did steroids. But Selig needed more time. He needed to find a way to protect Barry. His solution was to engineer a situation where the 'Steroid Era' could be blamed, and not just one person. That allows Barry to keep his records and Selig believes he looks like a prince to the minority baseball fans.
I'll say it as many times as it takes. Bud Selig is the worst thing that ever happened to baseball. He won't rest until he turns it into the NBA, just another racial-wealth redistribution system.
I can't see bonds being convicted. Even if he actually was convicted, he'll never do any jail time. Bums like bonds and simpson never go to jail.

Tom Iron...
Riddlewire said:
The whole premise of the Mitchell Commission was fraudulent. The point was not to uncover Barry's misdeeds, it was to find as many other names as they could to lump in with Barry, thereby protecting him on the simple grounds of "Well, everybody did it, so we can't punish just one player". That was always Selig's intent. That's why he dragged his ass for more than a year on the Bonds Issue, even when it was clear (factual testimony) that Bonds did steroids. But Selig needed more time. He needed to find a way to protect Barry. His solution was to engineer a situation where the 'Steroid Era' could be blamed, and not just one person. That allows Barry to keep his records and Selig believes he looks like a prince to the minority baseball fans.

Excellent post!
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