Are White People Stupid or What?

-BHO was elected because he was able to spend twice as much money as McCain. It just proves that if you say a lie often enough, people believe it.
I heard Gore Vidal goe against the loose immigration policy. When people say that Mexicans are here because they do jobs no one will do, he said something like well Americans don't want to work for "free", meaning very low wages.So in that way he was sort of supporting curbs on immigration. From my understanding ,Vidal is very critical of the whole corporate/gov't power structure of the country. I think he thinks both parties have screwed the average person.

On another note, sorry if someone mentioned this already, butI saw a poll that said 69% of blacks thougt King's "dream" was fulfilled by Obama, but ony 47% of whites though so. Whites are more manipulated that blacks.
Westside said:
Been reading the thread and posts. When BO was elected, it was proof that white people are stupid. Whats the point of trashing each other on this site? I think it would be better to assert our respective points rather than trash each other.

We are in soup sanwhich and the future of our country looks bleak. Our race is being marginalized as I write this, why must we trash each other. I think it would be better if we respectfully point out each others ignorance without demeaning each other. Soon, we will have less of each other and will find ourselves in a terrible hole in the ground.

When someone makes apatently falseassertion and then follows it up with irrelevant obsfucations, they need to be called on it. I'm not going to let pure b.s. go unanswered because this country has problems. We need clear heads to understand the root causes of those problems and deal with them. Freedom's position was as off-base as someone coming on here and claiming there's no Caste System, that Whites are just lousy athletes. When we're talking about how and why Whites are in the position they're in now, we need to talk in facts, not by making ludicrous claims that those honorable men and women who have fought the good fight for generations on behalf of Whites were somehow pro-homo and pro-globalist.
Don I hear you. You make your point. But I just am blown away on how whites voted this black, soon to be discovered marxist into the white house. It was the whites who put him in and only them. This is a testament to (our) stupidity. I wonder what these dumb motherf...ers think when BO's economic adviser Robert Reich states that "white construction workers"need not apply when all of these goverment sponsered programs begin.

Maybe at times we get our facts incorrect, but it can not be denied that whites cuased this slick black racist to become the president of these states. I still can't believe it. Why would a group of people(whites) vote this racist into the white house! It is utter stupidity mixed with misplaced guilt.
Freedom wrote:

" One of the quirks and hypocrisies of both Buchanan and the ANU is that they're "nationalists," yet support the Confederacy. How can you support self determination and an indivisible nation state? I used to agree with Buchanan and now I agree more with Lew Rockwell due to those questions. "

Buchanan is sympathetic to the southern cause (one of his ancestors died fighting for the South), but he has not argued for the restoration of the confederacy (perhaps he should). He has defended States rights vis-a-vis the Nationalist encroachments of the supreme court and congress. He should be more radically decentralist though.

In short, buchanan defends nationalism against internationalist hegemony and he tends to defend states rights versus most nationalist encroachments. (Trade is an exception, he does not believe in each state setting its own trade policy vis a vis foreign nations.)

the logic of devolving power to the states is not antinationalist as such. the end result is to make of each state a sovereign nation.

Lew Rockwell wants to restore the articles of confederacy. I favor that, since it would mean an end to these nationally coerced foreign wars.the sovereignStates would opt out of these wars. the USA would lose a lot of its power to meddle.

It would also mean an end to massive support for Israel. Most of our states would refuse to send money to israel.

Freedom also wrote:

"" I meant that Gore Vidal is one of the most prominent people today who were "America First" members. A few years ago, when I had to read "Inventing a Nation", I read that he was a literal member of "America First" in high school. Also, he continues to believe that the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WWII post Pearl Harbor. If the actual group came before the generic term, I'd have to say that he is an America Firster and a homosexual. ""

It isindeedunfortunate that Vidal is a homosexual. However, "America first" was an admirable institution, and Vidal was right to join it. FDR manipulated japan into firing the first shot. after that, some retaliation against Japan was justified, as well as the recapture of american territory. I'm not sure that we had to Nuke the japanese and take over their country, though.

the sentiment "america first" is a lot more admirable than "israel first".
Kaptain Poop said:
"I think America gives Israel more aid then any other country but Egypt is second. Balance of power"

How would you feel about your "America First" stance if America elected a president that immediately cut-off all aid (financial and military) to Israel? Then that president installed by some magical executive order a whites-only (no jews either) immigration policy? And as a result of that policy, Israel started a series of covert terrorist attacks on America which would then lead us into a war with Israel. Which side would you fight for?

I keep hearing about what a wonderful allie Israel is but I never hear of what they actually do for America. Could you elaborate?

So a lot of different things going on. If we cut off aid to Israel for US first purposes and it made sense.....maybe. But why would we do that? As for white only immigration. Jews are white. So what is your definition of white? Russians? English? Argentians? You need to me more specific. Why would implement such a rule?

I doubt Israel would be stupid enoug to wage wage against the US. There are zero signs of that would happen.I really can't comment on something that would never happen. Sorry.
Jews are absolutely white (blond, redheaded, and blue eyes), save for some Negroes. It's beyond me why Jews and White Christians are against each other. If it's the Jesus Christ crucifixion</span> thing, then that's a 2,000 year old problem that can never be solved.

But right now, we are about the face the Black Death</span>!!!!!
dbwave said:
Kaptain Poop said:
"I think America gives Israel more aid then any other country but Egypt is second. Balance of power"

How would you feel about your "America First" stance if America elected a president that immediately cut-off all aid (financial and military) to Israel? Then that president installed by some magical executive order a whites-only (no jews either) immigration policy? And as a result of that policy, Israel started a series of covert terrorist attacks on America which would then lead us into a war with Israel. Which side would you fight for? I keep hearing about what a wonderful allie Israel is but I never hear of what they actually do for America. Could you elaborate?

So a lot of different things going on. If we cut off aid to Israel for US first purposes and it made sense.....maybe. But why would we do that? As for white only immigration. Jews are white. So what is your definition of white? Russians? English? Argentians? You need to me more specific. Why would implement such a rule?

I doubt Israel would be stupid enoug to wage wage against the US. There are zero signs of that would happen.I really can't comment on something that would never happen. Sorry.

"But why would we do that" answer: It's our money. We want it.

Jews do not consider themselves the same race. Why should we? Loyalty comes into play more than genetics. Israel doesn't let in White Chrtians. They don't even allow Jewish blooded Christians in! Your a "strong" supporter of Israel so you must be OK with their policy, but somehow you find fault with a proposed white-only policy of immigration for us. HMMMMMMM

So, its OK for Israel to go back and check the pedigree of immigrants to make sure that they are in fact Jewish enough to immigrate, but not feasible for us to install all=white immigration policies?

I would have an immigration policy of at least 90% Aryan decent, English-speaking, and of either the Chritian religion or no religion. We'll guard our immigration like the Jews do in Israel. Are you saying the White people aren't capable of understanding pedigrees like Jews are? Are we dumb?
The problem with white people these days is that, they are being though not to be ethnocentric</span>.

Only Blacks, Hispanics, Asians. and Jews are allowed to be ethnocentric</span>.
Kaptain Poop said:
dbwave said:
Kaptain Poop said:
"I think America gives Israel more aid then any other country but Egypt is second. Balance of power"

How would you feel about your "America First" stance if America elected a president that immediately cut-off all aid (financial and military) to Israel? Then that president installed by some magical executive order a whites-only (no jews either) immigration policy? And as a result of that policy, Israel started a series of covert terrorist attacks on America which would then lead us into a war with Israel. Which side would you fight for? I keep hearing about what a wonderful allie Israel is but I never hear of what they actually do for America. Could you elaborate?

So a lot of different things going on. If we cut off aid to Israel for US first purposes and it made sense.....maybe. But why would we do that? As for white only immigration. Jews are white. So what is your definition of white? Russians? English? Argentians? You need to me more specific. Why would implement such a rule?

I doubt Israel would be stupid enoug to wage wage against the US. There are zero signs of that would happen.I really can't comment on something that would never happen. Sorry.

"But why would we do that" answer: It's our money. We want it.

Jews do not consider themselves the same race. Why should we? Loyalty comes into play more than genetics. Israel doesn't let in White Chrtians. They don't even allow Jewish blooded Christians in! Your a "strong" supporter of Israel so you must be OK with their policy, but somehow you find fault with a proposed white-only policy of immigration for us. HMMMMMMM

So, its OK for Israel to go back and check the pedigree of immigrants to make sure that they are in fact Jewish enough to immigrate, but not feasible for us to install all=white immigration policies?

I would have an immigration policy of at least 90% Aryan decent, English-speaking, and of either the Chritian religion or no religion. We'll guard our immigration like the Jews do in Israel. Are you saying the White people aren't capable of understanding pedigrees like Jews are? Are we dumb?

Paragraph 1. Jews are white. i consider myself white. I look at my is white. I have to mark white on any application I fill out. We are subset of white, like Italians, Russians, etc. I don't understand how ou can draw the line.

paragraph 2. Israel is the second most densly populated country in the world. they can not afford to let everyone in. they need to stay true to their base......Jews. Period. I doubt they have anything against Christians. Christians do live their. They just can not afford to dilute their base, especially with hostile countries all around.

paragraph 3. I not sure I completely understand. But, if the policy was for 90% of our founding base from now on, I would be ok with that. i don't think white people are dumb but i do think white americans are becoming fat and relaxed.
Thanks for the tip Don. I have to say that it's good advice.

indianwhite, I'm a conservative Christian simply of Jewish ancestry. If you looked at me, you'd have no doubts that I was white. I am a little short but the Nazi idea that I'm not white is absurd.

And I have nothing to do with the state of Israel. KP and the like's interrogations have done nothing but assist Left wing causes.Edited by: Freedom
dbwave said:
Kaptain Poop said:
dbwave said:
Kaptain Poop said:
"I think America gives Israel more aid then any other country but Egypt is second. Balance of power"

How would you feel about your "America First" stance if America elected a president that immediately cut-off all aid (financial and military) to Israel? Then that president installed by some magical executive order a whites-only (no jews either) immigration policy? And as a result of that policy, Israel started a series of covert terrorist attacks on America which would then lead us into a war with Israel. Which side would you fight for? I keep hearing about what a wonderful allie Israel is but I never hear of what they actually do for America. Could you elaborate?

So a lot of different things going on. If we cut off aid to Israel for US first purposes and it made sense.....maybe. But why would we do that? As for white only immigration. Jews are white. So what is your definition of white? Russians? English? Argentians? You need to me more specific. Why would implement such a rule?

I doubt Israel would be stupid enoug to wage wage against the US. There are zero signs of that would happen.I really can't comment on something that would never happen. Sorry.

"But why would we do that" answer: It's our money. We want it.

Jews do not consider themselves the same race. Why should we? Loyalty comes into play more than genetics. Israel doesn't let in White Chrtians. They don't even allow Jewish blooded Christians in! Your a "strong" supporter of Israel so you must be OK with their policy, but somehow you find fault with a proposed white-only policy of immigration for us. HMMMMMMM

So, its OK for Israel to go back and check the pedigree of immigrants to make sure that they are in fact Jewish enough to immigrate, but not feasible for us to install all=white immigration policies?

I would have an immigration policy of at least 90% Aryan decent, English-speaking, and of either the Chritian religion or no religion. We'll guard our immigration like the Jews do in Israel. Are you saying the White people aren't capable of understanding pedigrees like Jews are? Are we dumb?

Paragraph 1. Jews are white. i consider myself white. I look at my is white. I have to mark white on any application I fill out. We are subset of white, like Italians, Russians, etc. I don't understand how ou can draw the line.</span>

paragraph 2. Israel is the second most densly populated country in the world. they can not afford to let everyone in. they need to stay true to their base......Jews. Period. I doubt they have anything against Christians. Christians do live their. They just can not afford to dilute their base, especially with hostile countries all around.

paragraph 3. I not sure I completely understand. But, if the policy was for 90% of our founding base from now on, I would be ok with that. i don't think white people are dumb but i do think white americans are becoming fat and relaxed.
Throughout most of American history groups like the Jews, Italians, Spanish, Irish and Easter Europeans were considered mentally and morally inferior to Northern and Western European whites. Over the years that has changed. Jews are often stereotyped as being smarter, but somehow still a little different. The Irish have fully integrated into American culture and nobody thinks of them as being anything other than white. Italians, however, are still often thought of as being naturally inclined to commit crimes, act violently and be less intelligent. This is ironic, considering Italians have been going to college more than the national average since the 70s, 2/3 are white collar workers and even back in the early 1900s Italian American crime rates were low compared to other white groups. That's just a stereotype perpetuated by Hollywood and the media.

During WWII is when most of the stereotypes changed because these different white groups fought side by side, Nazis made notions of racial supremacy taboo and then the different white groups moved into the newly created suburban neighborhoods because of the GI bill. Blacks--who fought separately--were still categorically excluded from these neighborhoods. Asians, who had been stereotyped as mentally inferior before the war, were often allowed in these neighborhoods, in large part I believe, because so many returning veterans spent a lot of time in Japanese cities and realized they were not that much different than white Americans; moreover, the intelligence of the Japanese was recognized because of their military success.

Basically, during and immediately after WWII groups such as Italians, Jews, Polish, etc. were welcomed into the club of being white, but stereotypes still linger today.

Edited by: Fightingtowin
All the white groups went through hard knocks in this country, which is completely understandable when considered through the context of the type of country the U.S. used to be -- rural and much more insulated than today, and of course without television. Any time a group of immigrants came into a community speaking a strange language and having different customs, they were going to be regarded with suspicion by the "natives." The beauty of America is that it has proven conclusively that whites truly can become a melting pot if they want to -- and it has also proven that whites and non-whites cannot become a melting pot. Only an all-powerful government can force disparate races together and even then only in limited ways as most races naturally self-segregate.

DBwave, you are a one-note Charlie about Jews being white. Of course Jews are white. What makes them different is that they regard and define themselves as a distinct ethnic group and/or race. Not all, but many.What is the word "Gentile" about other than dividing the world into two groups -- Jews and everyone else? Judaism is different from Christianity and Islam in that it is not only a religion but an ethnic background. So many Jews want to define Israel as just "another country," but Jewish elites do not allow the U.S. or any other Western country to retain their own White and Christian heritage.

The double standards for Jews vis a vis everyone else is what is at the root of so much conflict today. And when I say "Jews" I am referring to Jewish elites, not average Jewish people such as yourself. I have been around enough to know that there are many Jews in this country that defy the stereotypes when it comes to what they believe, what they do for a living, etc.
Don Wassall said:
The beauty of America is that it has proven conclusively that whites truly can become a melting pot if they want to -- and it has also proven that whites and non-whites cannot become a melting pot.
What about Asians? And African immigrants (non-slavery) and their decedents have the highest educational achievement of any group. 2/3 of the black students at Harvard are descended from African immigrants.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
Asians can assimilate so you have a good point, but thequestion with them is, how many do we let in? There are two billion or so of them and a significant percentage of them would come to the U.S. if they could. It's clear that Asians and Whites are going to miscegenate on a larger and largerscale, so it gets back to whether we are "allowed" to keep this country's White nature by limiting immigration, as most Americans want,or are we going to have a country that more and more takes on an Asian complexion because of the sheer numbers of them allowed to immigrate here.

As for blacks, the ones from the East Indies seem much more functional and less racist than the others, but that's a small group. It would be nice to see blacks actually leading a successful country before any more are allowed into the U.S.

Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
As for blacks, the ones from the East Indies seem much more functional and less racist than the others, but that's a small group.  It would be nice to see blacks actually leading a successful country before any more are allowed into the U.S. 


I know what you mean dDOn. Just look what happened to most of the African countries after they gained their independence from the European powers. Some went down the tube pretty fast. Others followed after the first ones.
Don, you've got a great form here and I mean no disrespect, but I'm not claiming that all those "honorable men and women" are pro-homo and pro-globalist. I'm just claiming that a lot of them appeared to compromise those views for the sake of less reputable views when they went to the polls. I'm speculating why they compromised those views. I might be talking about a small portion of the America Firsters, but I'm talking about the ones that won at the polls.

What I'm about to say might even sound crazier, but if you want to see blacks lead a successful country, try lobbying to get RID OF FOREIGN AID TO THESE COUNTRIES. These programs like UNICEF are shams and don't help anyone in these third world countries. They just pay a bunch of mediocre, pretentious bureaucrats' salaries. Other programs make them create a culture of dependency also. Without foreign aid, those countries would improve. Look at how China improved without extensive foreign aid. Granted, they had a lot of foreign investment, but I don't think much of it could be called "charity."

Check out this tidbit:

Oh, and my age doesn't matter does it? I'll be 20 in a few months.Edited by: Freedom
Fightingtowin said:
Don Wassall said:
The beauty of America is that it has proven conclusively that whites truly can become a melting pot if they want to -- and it has also proven that whites and non-whites cannot become a melting pot.
What about Asians? And African immigrants (non-slavery) and their decedents have the highest educational achievement of any group. 2/3 of the black students at Harvard are descended from African immigrants.

Most and perhaps allof these "brilliant "african blacks have a moral obligation to remain in or return to their countries of origin so as to make them better places. but that would smack too much of doing the right thing.
One must be a "Nazi" to oppose Jewish Supremacism?

Fact is, Jews will demonize whatever White group strategy exists that confronts the insidious and dangerous Jewish Supremacists. That is to be expected.

One of the first things that White Nationalist literature will usually state is:

"It's natural for Jews to be FOR Jews"

"It's natural for negroes to be FOR negroes"

"It's natural for Chinese to be FOR Chinese"

etc, etc, etc.

To me, this is stated not to justify Whites being FOR Whites. It's stated because it's an understanding of nature's realities. The Jewish Supremacists want to confuse people with all their multi-culturalism and diversity-speak, and by linking those things with rainbow-like harmony.

What is labeled as "racism" is actually tribalism. So, then, what is the "benefit" of putting all the races of the world in ONE place? If someone doesn't speak up for their tribe, their tribe will disappear from the face of the Earth. Many people ARE confused by the word racist (It's superstitiously treated as a curse or deadly plague; You don't want to CATCH it, but you still don't know what it is anyhow) -- and that was the intention all along!

I've asked people, are blacks (90% of whom voted for Obama) tribalistic? This is hard for them to deny. The question arises, does being Pro-your-own-race mean you have to be Anti-other races? In a multi-racial set-up, I think that's the inevitable end result and NO apologies are necessary. I'm not saying that one should go to a podium and say ***-er this and k-ke that... operating in a shrewd manner is the way to go.

Make no mistake, Jews are FOR Jews ONLY. A few puppet negroes in Hollywood and government doesn't really change that fact. Jewish supremacists' desire a significant "minority" underclass (which exists of course largely due to liberal Jew policies). The article Don posted - "Gaza Bell Tolls" - gives a few reasons why. If the underclass gets too large (I think even the Jews realize that there's such a thing), a very contagious disease, coupled with starvation warfare, will likely engulf the inner-cities. My theory may be right or wrong. Some Jews, of course, will also leave the USA for some villa in Europe or the coming Greater Israel.

There's a lot of nice land in Europe that the Jew covets. The USA is a BASE that's used to corrupt White people everywhere.
Solomon Kane said:
Fightingtowin said:
Don Wassall said:
The beauty of America is that it has proven conclusively that whites truly can become a melting pot if they want to -- and it has also proven that whites and non-whites cannot become a melting pot.
What about Asians? And African immigrants (non-slavery) and their decedents have the highest educational achievement of any group. 2/3 of the black students at Harvard are descended from African immigrants.

Most and perhaps allof these "brilliant "african blacks have a moral obligation to remain in or return to their countries of origin so as to make them better places. but that would smack too much of doing the right thing.
Africa gets screwed by all their best people wanting to get the Hell out of there.
Hard to blame them. Of 1 million+ most are 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation, like Barry Huisain Obama. That may not sound like much but there are only 3 million Chinese Americans. Considering where they came from, I think they appreciate America and think native blacks are idiots for focusing on racism as an excuse. Lot of tension between the two groups. Kind of ironic, if slavery didn't exist in Ameirca, blacks might be considered the "model minority."
And considering that Freddy Adu is the only standout African athlete who became an American before becoming a pro, most woud think blacks are inferior at sports too, kind of like Asians.
Edited by: Fightingtowin
Kind of ironic, if slavery didn't exist in Ameirca, blacks might be considered the "model minority."

So Somali rape-gangs don't exist in America, Canada, Europe and Australia?

Deadlift said:
Kind of ironic, if slavery didn't exist in Ameirca, blacks might be considered the "model minority."

So Somali rape-gangs don't exist in America, Canada, Europe and Australia?

Another pretty solid reason to get the hell out of that continent..
Edited by: Fightingtowin
Swedish girls Jenny and Linda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden.

[url] sweden.html[/url]

Swedes should leave Sweden?

A 17-year-old Somalian was convicted of the rape of a young girl in Oslo one year ago. The court stated that the rape was unusually brutal and lasted for several hours. The Somalian choked the girl for so long that the medical doctor who examined the girl said that she could have died. The girl is now suffering from severe psychological problems in the aftermath of the attack.

[url] ies-still-covering.html[/url]

Informative write-up. Excellent comments.

What's the point of being an 80-year-old living in an alien nation, constantly predated on by muds, and eventually killed by them? Look at ALL the White elders' that have already been brutally murdered by muds and multiply it for the future.
American Freedom News