Are White People Stupid or What?

indianwhite said:
Hollywood and the liberal media have all but brainwashed most White Americans. The same can be said about the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB.

There are very people out there who stand and look out for the white folks, mainly Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Fox News Network.

But have no fear, sooner or later the Democrats will start making blunder after, after blunder. They are aren't perfect, no one is perfect, not even that Pimp President Obama. What goes around, comes around.

Sooner or later, Obama will become old news just like every president becomes. The liberals will have their time for now, but in due time, their liberal antics will start to have a backlash in society, as well as the political stage.

They aren't right on everything, no one is right on everything, only GOD is.

God I hope so. I fear that all the problems out of Bushs control (911, sarbanes oxly, dot com bust, the current economy) will be solved by Bushes solutions with Obama in the chair. The liberal media LOVES this guy. Are Americans smart enough to see the truth and not the liberal propaganda? Edited by: dbwave
Don Wassall said:
This article is an eloquent expression of the sentiments of the deracinated American white masses. 

I Want to be Black!</font>

by Andy Ostroy

I want to be black. There. I've said it. After 49 years of relatively uneventful yet loyal Caucasianhood, I'm ready to trade in my membership card in this increasingly obsolete club. I mean, is there anything duller than being white right now? Now black....that's the new white!

Think about it. In today's America, Blacks dominate sports, and black culture rules in movies, television, music and fashion. And now, with our newly sworn-in President Barack Obama, blacks own the White House too and have become the welcome new face of politics. As a white kid growing up in NY's outer borough of Queens amid the racial turmoil of the sixties and seventies, I never thought I'd live to witness this incredible day; this awe-inspiring, historic new era in our nation's great evolution. And I'm damned jealous. Seems like black folks are having all the fun! I want to be black! Being white these days feels about as relevant as being at a Sunday night bingo session at a rural Elks Lodge. I want to be in the fun club!

In all seriousness, blacks truly deserve this exciting moment in the sun, for they have been crapped on in this country for hundreds of years. My God, how far we've come. Just 50 years ago blacks were hung from trees, beaten in the streets, and denied access to "white" restaurants, bathrooms and other public establishments. Jump to 2009 and we have a 46-year-old black man named Barack Hussein Obama elected president while iconic symbols of black culture past and present -- Beyonce, Usher, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin to name a few -- perform for our new leader on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same steps where, 46 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during a most violent and tumultuous time in America's history, delivered his plaintiff plea for racial equality and unity in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

As I watched the inaugural festivities Tuesday I couldn't help notice the faces of older blacks -- some crying -- and wondered just how incredible this day must be for them. I noticed the young black Secret Service agent smiling proudly -- uncharacteristic of the typically emotionless presidential protectors -- as Obama winked as he walked passed him on the Capital steps as he shook hands after his swearing-in. I noticed all the children, and thought how wonderful that they get to grow up in a new America, one where they will be largely free of the racial stereotypes and limitations that generations before them so painfully endured.

Yes, on this joyous, emotional and historic day and on those to come, I want to be black. I feel black. Today we are all black. And I'm very proud of our great nation in its pivotal moment in history. Once again, as it has so many times in the past, America has demonstrated its true greatness. Better days are ahead...&lt;!-- single link --&gt;
&lt;DIV style="DISPLAY: none" ns:dc="" ns:foaf=""&gt;</div>

&lt;!-- chicklets --&gt; _b_159718.html

Since I don't want every idiot to have my e-mail, here's a mock e-mail:

Andy Andy Andy... so you want to be black? That can be arranged, Sir! Start your journey of self-discovery by moving into a black neighborhood. While there, you should be able to experience the joys of authentic black culture. You can also tell us why so many black broads bleach their skin... the black skin that you want? Maybe "multi-culturalism" isn't healthy and leads to suspicions and insecurities among various groups forced to live near each other, compete for mates and exclusive territory?

Also, Andy, it isn't too late to have "Obamas" in your family tree. Just keep telling all your female relatives how COOL Jamal and Tyrone are. Don't forget to tell them about the size of black men. Obamas' will be born in no time!

P.S. Since you are admittedly inferior, QUIT your job so a superior black man can have it. Since you can't dance, can't make love, can't play sports -- it's only a matter of time before you also get supplanted in the workplace. As Tony Tiger would say, "that's GREAAT!"

Isn't that the natural progression of a non-negro fervently promoting negro supremacy? They end up living a life that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their inferiority complex allows them to justify their failures. "I'm White, so the ladies don't want me. I'm White, so I'm not a charismatic speaker. I'm so awkward I can't walk up or down stairs without tripping over myself."


Good morning Sir, You say you condemn terrorism. Alright, then I'll figure you condemn the Nazis for being terrorists. You also say you think of yourself as a Zionist. Well, let be tell you that the Zionists, through the 1930's, until the end of the war had a working relationship with the Nazis. You can easily check these facts out by Googling such names and phrases as Avrahem Stern (wanted to fight on the Nazis side), Rudolph Kastner (Zionist agent in Budapest worked with Eichmann and Himmler rounding up Hungarian Jews in 1944). Also, try "Transfer Agreement." between the Nazis and Zionists during the 1930's. You might also be interested in the Zionist activities in the Arab world after the war, especially Morrocco, Yemen and Iraq. They destroyed those happy Jewish communities for no good reason other than they wanted all Oriental Jews to go to Israel to be discriminated against by the European Jews and their sons used in the Zionist wars.

As I said sir, this is an immense subject.

Tom Iron...
As far as DBs comparison of the founding of White America to the founding of Israel there are distinct differances:

When Europeans colonized America they did with their own efforts and money. They needed no defense from a foreign nation of different ethnicity and religion. Israel was shielded by us and would have never have defeated the Arab empire on their own.

America was filled with vast uninhabited land often only filled with nomadic Indian tribes. Israeli land was well populated. The civilization and technology advancements we brought to the Western Hemisphere is a natural part of selection. The stronger group with greater population and technological advances won out. That's perfectly natural.

Today Indians have more than full rights in America. Palestinians do not have the same in Israel.

Any whites-only nation would be berated (although I think unfairly)for being a whites-only nation and a good deal of the berating would be done by Jews. Just look at the demonization of Germany for wanting to remain German - again I think unfairly as Germans wanted to do this on their own soil - they should have had the right to do so.

Plenty of Arabs are not only Christian but look and are pretty darn Aryan. The sand------ defense falls apart. Is Doug Flutie a sand-------? Ralph Nadar? etc.

If Jews want their own nation they can build it on their own, but throughout history they have never been able to do this.

Isn't it odd that their are far more White Christains in the world by far than Jews yet not one nation is allowed to be Whites-only or even Christian-only. And tell me what race/ethnicity/religion most opposes a whites-only nation? Yep, you guessed it Jews. Now we are ask to support them? Not a chance in Hell.

The founding of Israel has absolutely nothing in common with the founding of America by Europeans. How can we support a nation to our own detriment that does not support white Christians? Not a chance in Hell I'll support them.

It's strange that Whites fought hundred of years of crusades against Arabs for the right of Christians to peacefully pilgimmage to the holy land. And for the most part the last few hundred years Christians were allowed to peacefully migrate. Now Israel does not allow Christian immigration and the population of Israeli Christians is virtually Zero. As a White who is also a Christian there is not a chance in Hell I'll support them.
Kaptain Poop, I agree with your statements. It's ironic Christians have been lending their support (both diplomacy and military) for many years to the Jews, and what do we get in return, NOTHING.

The Jews in the end care only for Jews. Christians these days are too soft and liberal-minded. Little do most Christians know that these Jews are slowly backstabbing them from the shadows.

The world would be more peaceful now if Israel not been founded. But individuals like Einstein without a doubt influenced both the Americans and British to help found the nation, not after a series Zionist terror bombings.

As a good Christian, I normally would like to lend my support to the Israelites in their fight against the barbaric Muslims. But if they are simply going to use us Christians as just tools, then they can kiss my ASS!!!!Edited by: j41181
not to point any fingers here folks, but this is something to keep in mind.

Israel Recruits 'Army of Bloggers' to Combat Anti-Zionist Web Sites
Published on 01-19-2009

Source: Haaretz

The Immigrant Absorption Ministry announced on Sunday it was setting up an "army of bloggers," to be made up of Israelis who speak a second language, to represent Israel in "anti-Zionist blogs" in English, French, Spanish and German.

The program's first volunteer was Sandrine Pitousi, 31, from Kfar Maimon, situated five kilometers from Gaza. "I heard about the project over the radio and decided to join because I'm living in the middle of the conflict," she said.

Before hanging up the phone prematurely following a Color Red rocket alert, Pitousi, who immigrated to Israel from France in 1993, said she had some experience with public relations from managing a production company.

"During the war, we looked for a way to contribute to the effort," the ministry's director general, Erez Halfon, told Haaretz. "We turned to this enormous reservoir of more than a million people with a second mother tongue." Other languages in which bloggers are sought include Russian and Portuguese.

Halfon said volunteers who send the Absorption Ministry their contact details by e-mail, at, will be registered according to language, and then passed on to the Foreign Ministry's media department, whose personnel will direct the volunteers to Web sites deemed "problematic."

Within 30 minutes of announcing the program, which was approved by the Foreign Ministry on Sunday, five volunteers were already in touch, Halfon said.
j41181 said:
.As a good Christian, I normally would like to lend my support to the Israelites in their fight against the barbaric Muslims. But if they are simply going to use us Christians as just tools, then they can kiss my ASS!!!!

The Israelis use Christians (read: Goyim) as fools PERIOD. Do you think Jews would do ANYTHING for us untermenschen? Whenever I read stories about Christians and yes, Muslims, doing something beneficial for a Jew, I cringe because everyone and their brother knows (or should know, if they're too busy massaging the nuts of neocon talk radio hosts) that the Jew would never do the same in return. That's the way the matzo ball crumbles.
Kaptain Poop said:
Plenty of Arabs are not only Christian but look and are pretty darn Aryan. The sand------ defense falls apart. Is Doug Flutie a sand-------? Ralph Nadar? etc.

A lot of the Christian Zionists, dittoheads and DWFs who have been trained by the media to hate A-rabs would be surprised to know how many live among them, millions literally. Many came here in the early 20th century, were Christians or converted to Christianity, and have assimilated well. Most have lost their group identity just as the European tribes did after they came here. It seems only Jews remain fervently ethnocentric and demand not only their own nuclear-armed ethnostate while demonizing any otherWhite groupthat advocates one, but that it be largely funded by and backed one hundred percent by the U.S.
Tom Iron said:

Good morning Sir, You say you condemn terrorism. Alright, then I'll figure you condemn the Nazis for being terrorists. You also say you think of yourself as a Zionist. Well, let be tell you that the Zionists, through the 1930's, until the end of the war had a working relationship with the Nazis. You can easily check these facts out by Googling such names and phrases as Avrahem Stern (wanted to fight on the Nazis side), Rudolph Kastner (Zionist agent in Budapest worked with Eichmann and Himmler rounding up Hungarian Jews in 1944). Also, try "Transfer Agreement." between the Nazis and Zionists during the 1930's. You might also be interested in the Zionist activities in the Arab world after the war, especially Morrocco, Yemen and Iraq. They destroyed those happy Jewish communities for no good reason other than they wanted all Oriental Jews to go to Israel to be discriminated against by the European Jews and their sons used in the Zionist wars.

As I said sir, this is an immense subject.

Tom Iron...

Tom. Always good to hear from you. As I said before, yes I condemn any terrorism, Arab, American, Jewish , whatever.

I wish I can could give you any arguement for your post but I am not knowledgable enough on the subject. But, if it was sheer act of terrorism, I condemn it.
Kaptain Poop said:
As far as DBs comparison of the founding of White America to the founding of Israel there are distinct differances:

When Europeans colonized America they did with their own efforts and money. They needed no defense from a foreign nation of different ethnicity and religion. Israel was shielded by us and would have never have defeated the Arab empire on their own.

America was filled with vast uninhabited land often only filled with nomadic Indian tribes. Israeli land was well populated. The civilization and technology advancements we brought to the Western Hemisphere is a natural part of selection. The stronger group with greater population and technological advances won out. That's perfectly natural.

Today Indians have more than full rights in America. Palestinians do not have the same in Israel.

Any whites-only nation would be berated (although I think unfairly)for being a whites-only nation and a good deal of the berating would be done by Jews. Just look at the demonization of Germany for wanting to remain German - again I think unfairly as Germans wanted to do this on their own soil - they should have had the right to do so.

Plenty of Arabs are not only Christian but look and are pretty darn Aryan. The sand------ defense falls apart. Is Doug Flutie a sand-------? Ralph Nadar? etc.

If Jews want their own nation they can build it on their own, but throughout history they have never been able to do this.

Isn't it odd that their are far more White Christains in the world by far than Jews yet not one nation is allowed to be Whites-only or even Christian-only. And tell me what race/ethnicity/religion most opposes a whites-only nation? Yep, you guessed it Jews. Now we are ask to support them? Not a chance in Hell.

The founding of Israel has absolutely nothing in common with the founding of America by Europeans. How can we support a nation to our own detriment that does not support white Christians? Not a chance in Hell I'll support them.

It's strange that Whites fought hundred of years of crusades against Arabs for the right of Christians to peacefully pilgimmage to the holy land. And for the most part the last few hundred years Christians were allowed to peacefully migrate. Now Israel does not allow Christian immigration and the population of Israeli Christians is virtually Zero. As a White who is also a Christian there is not a chance in Hell I'll support them.

It sounds like you have srong bias. I have been to Jeruselum and have met Christiona there and they have no issues. Doug Flutie an arab american? Cool What is wrong with that.

Christianity should be the standard for America period. It is how America was founded. As a Jewish American I accept this and respect it. Most Jews are not supremacist......but what is wrong of being supportive and defensvie of your religion and heritage? At least we have that commonatity.

I believe you look the comparision out of context. It was a rudamentory comparision that we occupy land that is not ours. I am a proud American and don't regret a thing.

Israel has strict immigration policies mainly because it is the second most densely populated country in the world. It is not that they don't support Christian immigrants it is that they have to take priorities. Would it be nice if America did the same thing? Tightened and upheld our immigration policies? Took a firmer stance against illegals? Restricted who is becoming American? Maybe if we did, we would not have a F#$%ing idiot as the president.

The Israelis use Christians (read: Goyim) as fools PERIOD. Do you think Jews would do ANYTHING for us untermenschen? Whenever I read stories about Christians and yes, Muslims, doing something beneficial for a Jew, I cringe because everyone and their brother knows (or should know, if they're too busy massaging the nuts of neocon talk radio hosts) that the Jew would never do the same in return. That's the way the matzo ball crumbles.[/QUOTE]

Why would you think this? Because there are some high profile nut ball Jews? Of course there are! Everybody has nutballs. Growing up all of my friends where of the Christian faith. I would do anything for my friends as they would for me. How is Israel any different? She has many allies with Christian nations and supports Christianity in Jeruselum.
Don Wassall said:
This article is an eloquent expression of the sentiments of the deracinated American white masses.

I Want to be Black!

by Andy Ostroy

I want to be black. There. I've said it. After 49 years of relatively uneventful yet loyal Caucasianhood, I'm ready to trade in my membership card in this increasingly obsolete club. I mean, is there anything duller than being white right now? Now black....that's the new white!

Think about it. In today's America, Blacks dominate sports, and black culture rules in movies, television, music and fashion. And now, with our newly sworn-in President Barack Obama, blacks own the White House too and have become the welcome new face of politics. As a white kid growing up in NY's outer borough of Queens amid the racial turmoil of the sixties and seventies, I never thought I'd live to witness this incredible day; this awe-inspiring, historic new era in our nation's great evolution. And I'm damned jealous. Seems like black folks are having all the fun! I want to be black! Being white these days feels about as relevant as being at a Sunday night bingo session at a rural Elks Lodge. I want to be in the fun club!

In all seriousness, blacks truly deserve this exciting moment in the sun, for they have been crapped on in this country for hundreds of years. My God, how far we've come. Just 50 years ago blacks were hung from trees, beaten in the streets, and denied access to "white" restaurants, bathrooms and other public establishments. Jump to 2009 and we have a 46-year-old black man named Barack Hussein Obama elected president while iconic symbols of black culture past and present -- Beyonce, Usher, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin to name a few -- perform for our new leader on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same steps where, 46 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during a most violent and tumultuous time in America's history, delivered his plaintiff plea for racial equality and unity in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

As I watched the inaugural festivities Tuesday I couldn't help notice the faces of older blacks -- some crying -- and wondered just how incredible this day must be for them. I noticed the young black Secret Service agent smiling proudly -- uncharacteristic of the typically emotionless presidential protectors -- as Obama winked as he walked passed him on the Capital steps as he shook hands after his swearing-in. I noticed all the children, and thought how wonderful that they get to grow up in a new America, one where they will be largely free of the racial stereotypes and limitations that generations before them so painfully endured.

Yes, on this joyous, emotional and historic day and on those to come, I want to be black. I feel black. Today we are all black. And I'm very proud of our great nation in its pivotal moment in history. Once again, as it has so many times in the past, America has demonstrated its true greatness. Better days are ahead...
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" ns:foaf="" ns:dc=""> _b_159718.html

It just gets sicker and sicker. Thanks to the person who emailed these two links.
The husband of murdered actress Adrienne Shelly is suing the contractor who employed her murderer, contending she'd still be alive if the company hadn't looked the other way while hiring illegal immigrants.
The Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed on behalf of Andrew Ostroy also seeks to hold the owners and management of the building where she was killed accountable, calling them "vicariously liable" for her death. ues_firm_in_actress_murder_136844.htm
<H1>ACTRESS SET OFF ILLEGAL'S 'KILLER' RAGE BY CALLING HIM 'S.O.B.'</H1> ss_set_off_illegals_killer_rage_by_calling_him_s_o_b__region alnews_larry_celona__murray_weiss_and_dan_mangan.htm Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Don Wassall said:
This article is an eloquent expression of the sentiments of the deracinated American white masses.

I Want to be Black!

by Andy Ostroy

I want to be black. There. I've said it. After 49 years of relatively uneventful yet loyal Caucasianhood, I'm ready to trade in my membership card in this increasingly obsolete club. I mean, is there anything duller than being white right now? Now black....that's the new white!

Think about it. In today's America, Blacks dominate sports, and black culture rules in movies, television, music and fashion. And now, with our newly sworn-in President Barack Obama, blacks own the White House too and have become the welcome new face of politics. As a white kid growing up in NY's outer borough of Queens amid the racial turmoil of the sixties and seventies, I never thought I'd live to witness this incredible day; this awe-inspiring, historic new era in our nation's great evolution. And I'm damned jealous. Seems like black folks are having all the fun! I want to be black! Being white these days feels about as relevant as being at a Sunday night bingo session at a rural Elks Lodge. I want to be in the fun club!

In all seriousness, blacks truly deserve this exciting moment in the sun, for they have been crapped on in this country for hundreds of years. My God, how far we've come. Just 50 years ago blacks were hung from trees, beaten in the streets, and denied access to "white" restaurants, bathrooms and other public establishments. Jump to 2009 and we have a 46-year-old black man named Barack Hussein Obama elected president while iconic symbols of black culture past and present -- Beyonce, Usher, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin to name a few -- perform for our new leader on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same steps where, 46 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during a most violent and tumultuous time in America's history, delivered his plaintiff plea for racial equality and unity in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

As I watched the inaugural festivities Tuesday I couldn't help notice the faces of older blacks -- some crying -- and wondered just how incredible this day must be for them. I noticed the young black Secret Service agent smiling proudly -- uncharacteristic of the typically emotionless presidential protectors -- as Obama winked as he walked passed him on the Capital steps as he shook hands after his swearing-in. I noticed all the children, and thought how wonderful that they get to grow up in a new America, one where they will be largely free of the racial stereotypes and limitations that generations before them so painfully endured.

Yes, on this joyous, emotional and historic day and on those to come, I want to be black. I feel black. Today we are all black. And I'm very proud of our great nation in its pivotal moment in history. Once again, as it has so many times in the past, America has demonstrated its true greatness. Better days are ahead...
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" ns:foaf="" ns:dc=""> _b_159718.html

It just gets sicker and sicker. Thanks to the person who emailed these two links.
The husband of murdered actress Adrienne Shelly is suing the contractor who employed her murderer, contending she'd still be alive if the company hadn't looked the other way while hiring illegal immigrants.
The Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed on behalf of Andrew Ostroy also seeks to hold the owners and management of the building where she was killed accountable, calling them "vicariously liable" for her death. ues_firm_in_actress_murder_136844.htm
<H1>ACTRESS SET OFF ILLEGAL'S 'KILLER' RAGE BY CALLING HIM 'S.O.B.'</H1> ss_set_off_illegals_killer_rage_by_calling_him_s_o_b__region alnews_larry_celona__murray_weiss_and_dan_mangan.htm

A sad state of affairs.....unfortunately with our current CEO, immigration policies are going to get worse.
dbwave said:
Israel has strict immigration policies mainly because it is the second most densely populated country in the world. It is not that they don't support Christian immigrants it is that they have to take priorities.

Israel has strict immigration policies not because it is densely populated. The restrictions are for goyim not fellow Jews who are actively encouraged to make ALIYAH. It is not that they don't support Christian immigrants, you say.Ha ha. Did you know it is against the law for Christians to proselytize in Israel? Did you know that mixed marriages of Jews to Christians are also forbidden?
Bart said:
dbwave said:
Israel has strict immigration policies mainly because it is the second most densely populated country in the world. It is not that they don't support Christian immigrants it is that they have to take priorities.

Israel has strict immigration policies not because it is densely populated. The restrictions are for goyim not fellow Jews who are actively encouraged to make ALIYAH. It is not that they don't support Christian immigrants, you say.Ha ha. Did you know it is against the law for Christians to proselytize in Israel? Did you know that mixed marriages of Jews to Christians are also forbidden?

What is wrong with that? It is a Jewish Nation. They are trying to keep the nation strong. The more Jews the stronger the nation. Why would they want anyone trying to convert Jews? Why would they want to dilute their base? They are surrounded by hostile countries desperately wanting Israels demise. Israel has no other choice then to be strong. They become week and lose one war, it is over. Turn out the lights.

Once again, I wish America had similar policies. We are becoming a week nation. diluted with too much diversity and not enough core.

I undertand your view but I needed to retort. Edited by: dbwave
dbwave,I think you are a good Jew.The problem is when I read about a white men who is anti white and I google his name with Jew in google I nearly always see a match.
Robert Reich from other topic is a jew.Jon Entine who filled a whole book with the few sports blacks dominate over whites and call them the better athlets is a jew.In his book he even mentioned basketball which american team most of the time do not easy can win from European countries who are far less into basketball.he also maked a book about Jews the god chosen and it is clear he don't see jews as whites.the case with jews in the past were Semetic(also at least close to white people) but the nowadays jews who have lived for thousands jears within ethnic european groups have became 70-100% ethnic european genes.not often jews did get kids with ethnic european but over so long time that isn't needed to became mostly like the other groups.for example from a jew that is 4 generations back is 31-32 jew but if you go back 1000-2000 years he is 70-100% non semetic but like where he live.a

the jews oversea(europe)
In the 60's the economic market in europe was so big we didn't had enough workers so they taked people from the the north africa and other non western parts.the deal was after they worked and maked money they go back.but A jew in politics maked the rule that they could stay and even could take family members to their new country.even later a partner to marry from the Roots country.there camed benefits for minorities the International trick in majorty white countries against whites.this was also the reasen non whites could afford to et a lot of kids and now the native european population is shrinking more then 1% a year in the rich countries.

I think the reason for all this because of the Holocaust.But a lot of jews forget that 99.9999% of the people in europe didn't new the jews would be killed.And a lot were saved because jews could hide in houses when it was discovered they would be killed.
Like my great grandmother who I have been told did hide jews in her house and the day the Germans went to check to house for jews she was very smart. she maked red stipples all over her face and did weard shaking with her head and said she was really realy sick the german soldiers were scared and directly did leave the house.without founding the jews.Nowadays some jews are anti ethnic european which is mostly in their genes and fighting against another part of their Genes the semetic arabs because don't forget Arabs are Semetic.
waterbed said:
dbwave,I think you are a good Jew.The problem is when I read about a white men who is anti white and I google his name with Jew in google I nearly always see a match.
Robert Reich from other topic is a jew.Jon Entine who filled a whole book with the few sports blacks dominate over whites and call them the better athlets is a jew.In his book he even mentioned basketball which american team most of the time do not easy can win from European countries who are far less into basketball.he also maked a book about Jews the god chosen and it is clear he don't see jews as whites.the case with jews in the past were Semetic(also at least close to white people) but the nowadays jews who have lived for thousands jears within ethnic european groups have became 70-100% ethnic european genes.not often jews did get kids with ethnic european but over so long time that isn't needed to became mostly like the other groups.for example from a jew that is 4 generations back is 31-32 jew but if you go back 1000-2000 years he is 70-100% non semetic but like where he live.a

the jews oversea(europe)
In the 60's the economic market in europe was so big we didn't had enough workers so they taked people from the the north africa and other non western parts.the deal was after they worked and maked money they go back.but A jew in politics maked the rule that they could stay and even could take family members to their new country.even later a partner to marry from the Roots country.there camed benefits for minorities the International trick in majorty white countries against whites.this was also the reasen non whites could afford to et a lot of kids and now the native european population is shrinking more then 1% a year in the rich countries.

I think the reason for all this because of the Holocaust.But a lot of jews forget that 99.9999% of the people in europe didn't new the jews would be killed.And a lot were saved because jews could hide in houses when it was discovered they would be killed.
Like my great grandmother who I have been told did hide jews in her house and the day the Germans went to check to house for jews she was very smart. she maked red stipples all over her face and did weard shaking with her head and said she was really realy sick the german soldiers were scared and directly did leave the house.without founding the jews.Nowadays some jews are anti ethnic european which is mostly in their genes and fighting against another part of their Genes the semetic arabs because don't forget Arabs are Semetic.

Great post. Great reply. What can say......there are ton of liberal idiot Jews. But.....every ethnic group has them. The Jews are just more visible. The even more crazy thing is most blacks HATE Jews and Jews LOVE Blacks. Makes no sense to me. You would be surprise though how many value driven conservative Jews there are. As I am one of many.

I am so grateful of your Grandmother and the many like her. I have seen movies based on hiding Jews. God bless her soul.

Andy Ostroy wtf is wrong with you? You are so happy for the black children you forget about our children you race changing kiss ass!
On my way to work this morn'n, I heard BO's economic adviser Robert "dwarf scum" Reich say this regarding the bailout and how it is to be applied to the country's infrastructure, " These jobs should not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to White male construction workers!"

This statement is simply incrediable and anti white in the most racists terms. BO should fire him and apologize for this jew malcontent, but he won't and the MSM press is silent on it. The words were spoken on 1/7/2009.

I wonder how those dumb white men who voted for BO feel now? I wonder how those dumb white women who are married to those dumb white men feel? unbelievable! This is just a another taste of things to come. Man, if whites don't WTF up, we are going to be in a hurt locker in the next few years.

Sadly, I think alot of whites are like DWFs, just dumb, fat, whimpy, lazy and eat way too much salted products and wash it down with beer. But hey at least I don't have to be around them.
Wow...extremely disturbing "mainstream" trending here. While I don't subscribe to Wotanism, these stories bring to mind some of David Lane's philosophies. Lane had one quote to the effect that the White man had best re-attached his balls, put down the remote & stop worshipping the negro ball player & fight for the last vestiges of our race!
dbwave said:
Bart said:
dbwave said:
What is wrong with that? It is a Jewish Nation. They are trying to keep the nation strong. The more Jews the stronger the nation. Why would they want anyone trying to convert Jews? Why would they want to dilute their base? Once again, I wish America had similar policies.

Well, the reason we do not have similar policies is because of the JEWS who worked in concert over the years to make damn well sure we would be a multicultural hell hole. This country was the crowning jewel of mankind before the Jew gutted it. Our nation and much of the Western world has drunk the poison brewed by duplicitous Jews! Yes, the same JEWS who were intrumental in destroying South Africa, and Rhodesia. It was almost impossible for several years to watch the evening news without footage and editorials condemning APARTHEID, but the same shmucks keep their yaps shut about the atrocities committed by their demonic bretheren in Israel. Lying, conniving, blood sucking scoundrels! Why is it Jews have been expelled from 80 nations by conservative estimates? What is the reason? Oh, I know. It is because the goyim are all so evil and the Jews so virtuous.
I've never considered Judaism to be anything more than a religion which I don't practice. But since I had ancestors who did, many people would say I'm non-white. Even the ones that practiced Judaism, never had a talmud. The notion of race, in my terms, is ultimately ethnicity and a state of mind. Not any genetic code.

Even so, I doubt I have any Kazar ancestry at all.Edited by: Freedom
dbwave said:
What is wrong with that? It is a Jewish Nation. They are trying to keep the nation strong. The more Jews the stronger the nation. Why would they want anyone trying to convert Jews? Why would they want to dilute their base? They are surrounded by hostile countries desperately wanting Israels demise. Israel has no other choice then to be strong. They become week and lose one war, it is over. Turn out the lights.

Once again, I wish America had similar policies. We are becoming a week nation. diluted with too much diversity and not enough core.

I undertand your view but I needed to retort.

so i guess here in America we're supposed to abide by a case of, "Do as Jews say. Not as Jews do." eh?

convenient for the "chosen" ones. not so convenient for us goyim.
American Freedom News