Are White People Stupid or What?

Which is why they rape in packs like the animals they are.

NO White person's life has ever been "enriched" by primitive Somalis. They aren't exactly known as the "geniuses" of Africa. They were made for the wild lands of Africa.

Without a doubt, there's only a tiny percentage of African immigrant "geniuses" in America and Europe. If the cultural Marxists limited African immigrants to simply the geniuses, then Europe, especially, and America wouldn't have been flooded with the average negro pest and their 20 children that get put into public housing which leads to filthy/vile/violent ghetto communities.

If one is an African genius, they should be able to find a niche in society and rent their own damn property. And, yes, there's public housing in the USA for many of these African "refugees"....
The cultural Marxists cripple genius' self reliance and usually make them dependent on culturally Marxist institutions. This has been the case with many prodigies. Look up William James Sidis.

Deadlift, I'd argue that declaring somebody a "genius" without looking at any of their accomplishments is cultural Marxism. Can you see the irony in wanting to limit immigration from particularly Africa just because you think they seem to be less intelligent in general? What's the title of this thread?!

If immigrants didn't have such a false sense of entitlement to things like welfare and public schools, they wouldn't be a drain on society. Notice how those Somali rape gangs were in Sweeden, a country that is known for being heavily white and a huge welfare state! Maybe if they weren't such a socialist state, they'd have a better time preserving their heritage.
dbwave said:
DixieDestroyer said:
DBWave, thanks for the clarification sir. Like I said...I don't hate Jews. I just don't like the pawns on "Crapitol sHill" bowing down to AIPAC & mistaking Tel Aviv for the U.S. capitol. I don't care for Muslims (PLO, Hamas, etc.). My loyalty is to our Constitutional Republic & preserving our heritage. I'm anti-Zionist in that I detest Americans (politicians & otherwise) who think we need to serve the Israeli agenda (like that false-prophet John Hagee). I also don't hate other races, but feel the White race is the best. The only folks I hate are the cultural Marxists & their enabling ma$ters...the Global Elite!

Dixie, it is starting to sound like you and I are finally getting to common ground. America first.........period. We should not serve anybody's agenda except our own. Now that does not mean we should "hang up the phone" and ignore our allies. You and I have clashed on past issues.....unless I misinterpreted your post, I am glad we are finally two peas in a pod!

Your favorite white Jew.


My only "hatred" is to the Globalist Elite, their allies & pawns who facilitate the demonization/persecution of our Constitutional Republic & it's heritage (including Christianity & the great White man)! Of course, I'm partial to my "own kind" (WASP), as most are prone to be. The "double-standard" of the NWO enabled cultural Marxists is what so often angers me.

BTW, while I feel Jews constitute their own race (based on bloodlines, etc.), there can be "White"/mixed Jews. Case in point, Harrison Ford (who's Dad was of German/Irish blood & mother was a jewess). Ford always struck me as White. Also, former UGA Dawg, NFL player, WCW & WWE champ Bill Goldberg would qualify as a "White" Jew IMO.

Be that as it may, my primary issue/fight is against the Globalist Elite/NWO, their agenda & those who embrace and further it. It just happens that many Jews (as are many traitorous Whites...Christian or otherwise) are part of the NWO system & agenda, and thus incur the wrath of paleocons/WNs.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Jews have always white, it's beyond me why they have a traitorous agenda against White Christians. Liberal whites are siding with them to further increase the decimation of the White Christians.
Another insightful article by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:

The Problem With Whites
<DT>America will soon have a white minority. This is a much desired state of affairs for the hostile elites who hold political power and shape public opinion. But it certainly creates some management issues - at least in the long run. After all, it's difficult to come up with an historical example of a nation with a solid ethnic majority (90% white in 1950) that has voluntarily decided to cede political and cultural power. Such transformations are typically accomplished by military invasions, great battles, and untold suffering.
<DT>And it's not as if everyone is doing it. Only Western nations view their own demographic and cultural eclipse as a moral imperative. Indeed, as I have noted previously, it is striking that racial nationalism has triumphed in Israel at the same time that the Jewish intellectual and political movements and the organized Jewish community have been the most active and effective force for a non- white America. Indeed, a poll in 2008 found that Avigdor Lieberman was the second most popular politician in Israel. Lieberman has advocated expulsion of Arabs from Israel and has declared himself a follower of Vladimir Jabotinsky, the leading pioneer of racial Zionism. The most popular politician in the poll was Benjamin Netanyahu - another admirer of Jabotinsky. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Li vni are also Jabotinskyists. </DT>

full article:
Have some faith in ethnic assimilation. First people were concerned about maintaining an Anglo-Saxon majority when Irish Catholics came over. Ben Franklin was even opposed to Swedish immigration. Then they wanted to restrict German immigration. Then they were concerned about maintaining a Nordic majority. Now, they're concerned about maintaining a white majority.

Most of those Zionist interests are Transcendentalist more than anything else. Their adherents are usually found in Unitarian, Episcopal, sometimes Northern Baptist, and today often infiltrating Catholic churches. They only wanted a state of Israel to stop Jews from entering America. Transcendentalist bulldog, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., despised Jews such as Louis Brandeis, and also outlawed WWI protesting from patriotic German Americans
. He nevertheless favored welfare and many other platforms associated with todays liberal Jews. Before you call that a non sequitur, ponder why some Jews became vigorously anti-white. Traditional Jews were very tribal and ethnic separatist yet now some want an immigration policy that's very different from anything they've advocated? Could it have been because of influence from other elites?

Notice how Hsu Hsu's article, "The End of White America," that ridiculed/pitied white Americans appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, a traditionally Transcendentalist/Brahmin magazine that at one time unofficially banned Jews from working there.
Don Wassall said:
Another insightful article by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:

Excellent article. We should take it to heart. A couple of paragraphs for consideration.Emphas is mine.

The Bolshevik revolution had a pronounced ethnic angle: To a very great extent, Jews and other non-Russians ruled over the Russian people, with disastrous consequences for the Russians and other ethnic groups that were not able to become part of the power structure. Jews formed a hostile elite within this power structure - as they will in the future white-minority America; Jews were "Stalin's willing executioners."


The difference from the Soviet Union may well be that in white- minority America it will not be workers and Israelites who are favored, but non-whites and Israelites. Whites may dream that they are entering the post-racial utopia imagined by their erstwhile intellectual superiors. But it is quite possible that they are entering into a racial dystopia of unimaginable cruelty in which whites will be systematically excluded in favor of the new elites recruited from the soon-to-be majority. It's happened before. Edited by: Bart
So I'm reading an article in Sports Illustrated about Phillies pitching star Cole Hamels. Innocent enough article for the first 98% of it, details his SoCal background, how adept and accomodating he's become at being in the public eye thanks to the help of his wife Heidi, who is a minor national celebrity because of her involvement in the Survivor TV show some years back (which I've never watched) and a subsequent appearance with a fellow contestant in Playboy. But then comes the glowing Cultural Marxist propaganda angle.

The article describes how Hamels is finishing up a public appearance, then reads as follows: "As [Hamels] spoke, Heidi, who now sat on the opposite side of the room, talked about the couple's plans for the upcoming year: 'We're in the process of adopting an AIDS orphan from Ethiopia,' she said. 'Maybe two. I'm so pumped. I'd adopt six if I could. When I was five years old -- I grew up in a very rural town in Missouri, and I had never even seen a black person -- they asked us to draw a picture of ourselves in the future, and I drew myself holding hands with a line of tiny black stick figures. I've always wanted this.' She and Cole are also preparing, under the auspices of the fledgling Hamels Foundation, to build a girls' school in Malawi. Heidi has made a couple of monthlong research trips there. 'We're not just doing it because it's the Brad and Angelina plan, but because we're in the position to do it and it's the right thing to do.'"

Considering the all black future she foresaw for herself, isn't she more than a little hypocritical for marrying a white man? Anyway, typical sicko white people with virulently anti-white attitudes. The bimbo would probably adopt an ailing snail darter or lobsterbefore she would consider helping a poor white child in America or elsewhere.
Does this family of Cole Hamels have their own child? By natural birth I mean? In what way does adopting a child (especially from Africa) mean doing the right thing?

Ladies (if there are any here) and Gentlemen, what we have here is another stupid white woman who thinks she doing the political correct sort of thing!

There are a lot of homeless white children in the USA, and she wants to adopt one from Africa? Why, do those white homeless street children deserve to rot? f**k her a million times!!!!!
Another example of Hollyweird-esque, sanctimonious, White-guilt suffering weakling! It's SO irritating to read of these vermin adopting the African untermenshen, when there are THOUSANDS of kids here in the U.S. needed adoption. I have nothing but contempt for idiots like this Heidi Hamels, as she's most likely trying to "up her status", but aping those 2 uber-primadonnas....Angelina "CFR" Jolie & Pitt.
Don Wassall said:
The article describes how Hamels is finishing up a public appearance, then reads as follows: "As [Hamels] spoke, Heidi, who now sat on the opposite side of the room, talked about the couple's plans for the upcoming year: 'We're in the process of adopting an AIDS orphan from Ethiopia,' she said. 'Maybe two. I'm so pumped. I'd adopt six if I could. When I was five years old -- I grew up in a very rural town in Missouri, and I had never even seen a black person -- they asked us to draw a picture of ourselves in the future, and I drew myself holding hands with a line of tiny black stick figures. I've always wanted this.'

What a total fool! If this imbecile wants to adoptAIDSinfected Negroes she should be forced to live in Africa with them. Live the dream. I just can't believe how stupid so many white people are.
I think most whites are more "beaten down", or just depressed than stupid. That being said, one would have to be stupid to not see the Zionist agenda.
couples that adopt children are nearly always whites but the adopted kids that they want to adopt are always exotic blacks or chinese or anything that isn't white.whites childs without parents nearly never get adopted.
waterbed said:
couples that adopt children are nearly always whites but the adopted kids that they want to adopt are always exotic blacks or chinese or anything that isn't white.whites childs without parents nearly never get adopted.

i'm glad someone else has noticed this... i sometimes wonder if white folks deserve to live, they've become so damn stupid.

the betrayal of white heritage and the preserving of white lineage has become fashionable to forsake in favor of rearing whelps of color. just take a look at this photo i discovered when i was researching the BYU football team's 2009 recruiting class. it is of a 2009 signee, black player Cody Hoffman, and his "parents." notice anything odd?

I have two new students -one black, one black/Indian - whom I tutor. Both their mothers are white. I have never seen a non-white adopt a white child. I think this phenomenon has less to do with white stupidity, and more to do with white brainwashing. In this police state, it is every white American's duty to cater to non-whites and adopt us out of existence.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />Edited by: Alpha Male
I tend to believe that it's some sort of status-seeking against other whites, but fortunately this is one of the few racial absurdities that isn't common in my area and I have no experience with its proponents. From my understanding it is a huge trend in some hyper-liberal Northern states (Minnesota etc). Anyone with better awareness of the demographics of this trend, I'd appreciate some education about it.
It's SO dadgum irritating to me...seeing these sanctimonious, pompous candy@$$ White couples adopting untermenschen in lieu of White children! It's like these pantywafers are going out of the way to be trendy, stylish, etc.
My girlfriend's white female co-worker- a Norwegian who moved to the states when she was ten - said she hates "white boys", loves rap, and only dates blacks or Japanese.This behavior is a disgusting mental diseasemore prevalent among white than other races. Perhaps it's the collective culture's propaganda seizing hold of white altruism, an innate qualityexclusive to our race. After all, white culture spawned Christianity, an all-inclusive religion, whereas the other major religions - Islam &amp; Judaism- promote an exclusive culture, a group mentality that pitsthe chosen against the outsiders.Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male, you might like to read some stuff by this guy (Jim Bowery). I've been reading his stuff for a long, long time and a lot of what he talks about (altruism vs. parasitism, their link to universal religions, etc) seems like something you'd be on key to read.

If you like this article, google him and check his old messages on Usenet, Yahoo groups, etc. He has gone through a lot of heckling over the years (probably having an intense negative impact on his career) but never fails to amaze me in how much he just doesn't care about that.
WOW this thread is turning into a reflection of a situation in my life. My parents' cousins, yes I said cousin(s) because, both of them adopted young children of Southeast Asia decent (forgot exactly what countries). And yes the two WHITE families are both very well off suburban pieces of yuppie you know what. I don't either one of them even ever considered adopting a white baby. Bizarre...
Alpha Male said:
&lt;SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-: EN-US; mso-fareast-: EN-US; mso-bidi-: AR-SA"&gt;My girlfriend's white female co-worker- a Norwegian who moved to the states when she was ten - said she hates "white boys", loves rap, and only dates blacks or Japanese.  This behavior is a disgusting mental disease more prevalent among white than other races.  Perhaps it's the collective culture's propaganda seizing hold of white altruism, an innate quality exclusive to our race.    After all, white culture spawned Christianity, an all-inclusive religion, whereas the other major religions - Islam & Judaism- promote an exclusive culture, a group mentality that pits the chosen against the outsiders.&lt;/SPAN&gt;
Another classic example of a brainwashed and STUPID white woman. I can only image what it's like to be her father. Ungrateful BITCH!!!!!
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i'm glad someone else has noticed this... i sometimes wonder if white folks deserve to live, they've become so damn stupid.

the betrayal of white heritage and the preserving of white lineage has become fashionable to forsake in favor of rearing whelps of color.

Kevin McDonald's latestcolumn is fascinating.He explains howand why we've become so stupid.

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What's wrong with white men? In search of an explanation<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
February 24, 2009
In my previous column, I attempted to analyze two important sex differences in political behavior: Women's tendency to be attracted to wealthy, powerful men, and women's relatively greater attraction to close relationships, empathy, and nurturance. These differences make women less likely to be attracted to white racialist movements given the current political context.
But these differences are not the main cause of our malaise. A correspondent writing to me about my last column said that I should ask why white men are such wimps that they are basically lying down and allowing themselves to be displaced.
It's a good question. How could a race of people that conquered the world suddenly lose confidence and voluntarily cede power? What explains the culture of Western suicide? (snip)
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