Are White People Stupid or What?

dbwave said:
This will probably go over like a fart in church (no pun intended) but why can't you be proud of two countries? I love America and I am an American. I proud of the white culture and proud of being Jewish. I am proud of one of our strongest Allies Isreal as I am of England who supported us through the Iraq war. I am not a fan of France and Germany who did not.

It is a shame you are not a fan of Israel, for you sound like a intelligent and articulate person.

You can be proud of two countries. Practically every one of your posts is the same -- "I'm a Jew, I love Israel," blah blah blah. Who cares? Just because you're Jewish do you think that's going to change anyone's mind about anything, or cause anyone to "pull their punches"? The issues concern the elites, those at the top of the power structure, not the "man in the street."

The rest of us are talking about these issues as Americans (or Canadians or whatever), not as Christians or Jews or as a specific ethnic group or race other than White. There have always been individual Jews who don't fit into stereotypes of what Jews act and think like. And we do root for Jewish athletes here, if for no reason other than because the Caste System regards them as white; it's the Jews themselves who like to categorize themselves as a distinct group or sub-race, which is why so many white gentiles are (finally) beginning to regard them that way as well.

And if Jews did mainly regard themselves as "just" White then they long ago would have been submerged into the U.S. just as all the European immigrant groups have. The Jews' ancient desire for distinctnessis an importantpart of what they are and how they define themselves, and non-Jews should be able to discuss these and other"stereotypes" of Jews without having themeaningless term "anti-semitic" and others thrown at them, the purpose of which is to intimidate and shut down free speech. (If being "anti-semitic" is such a terrible thing, why then does no one ever call himself "pro-semitic"? The term "pro-semite" doesn't even exist, an anomaly if ever there was one.)

If Zionistsrecognized and respected that White "gentiles" have the same rights to preserve their distinct race and culture as the Jews claim for themselves, there could be a genuine alliance between Israel and the U.S., not a contrived one based on bully politics and smear-mongering of opponents. Those of us who defend the Palestinians and the Arabs do so not because we are "pro-Arab" but because we feel sympathy for them the same way we would for the local grade school football team if it was playing the New England Patriots and the Patriots were playing their startersthe entire game and winning 450 to 0 because that's about how tilted it is against the Palestinians.

Virtually everything in the U.S. and the world now seems in one way or another to revolve around Israel and its wishes and problems. It never stops, it only intensifies and worsens all the time even as the stakes grow ever higher. It's disgusting to see any country so beholden to another,doubly so when it's one's own, one that used to be trulyindependentand sovereign. The double standards and hypocrisy between what Jewish elitesclaim and want for themselves versus what they have decided everyone else is "entitled" to is the centralproblem in the world today.

Edited by: Don Wassall
Jewish ethnicity? That's the sh*t I'm talking about. I have never heard anyone in my family talk about their Catholic "ethnicity" and Catholics go back on both sides of my family to the year dot! If it's just a religion then stop talking that crap like it's an "ethnicity", it's not just a church you go to and a belief you feel strongly about.

And I don't care what you say, if the US was dumping millions of dollars annually to Ireland where all of my ancestors live I would still want it to be cut off. I'm a White American, spend it here, keep it here, concentrate on HERE!

And if Ireland was subverting US foreign policy to direct money and blood to their advantage I would certainly rail against Ireland. Especially if everyone else in the world HATED Ireland and Ireland was treating a minority inside their phony borders like concentration camp prisoners.

Oh and screw your holocaust, my people were nearly exterminated using famine and torture, and "real" millions died, not like the fake numbers from WWII.
Great posts Don and jaxvid, and I agree with you. I'm tired of the pandering and the bowing down before the "great good people" when all we get in return is another pine cone up the rear.
I completely agree with those last three posts by Don, jaxvid, and Colonel_Reb.

Why should I root for Israel? Would a Jew ever root for me? I don't think so.

You know, as an avid boxing fan, something that really bothers me is how Jewish commentators (Farhood, Bernstein, Kellerman, Atlas, etc) and boxing writers (Raskin, Wetzel, Goldman, etc) always discredit white fighters.

And without exception, in over 35 years of being involved in and/or being a fan of this sport, every Jewish boxing fan I've ever come in contact with was rooting against the white boxers!
Isn't Doug Gottlieb, former Oklahoma State basketball player, Jewish?

He also has that nose and voice... He's an ESPN guy now.

He appears to be a Caste Clown from what I've seen. He does some basketball "analysis" -- and has hosted "Mike and Mike in the Morning" at times.

Why should I support someone that likely wouldn't support me?? Jewish football (and I'm sure in other sports as well) coaches are usually Caste as well. Where's that great "diversity" that we are all supposed to embrace and celebrate?

Igor Olshansky might be cool with me, but Sage Rosenfels is a choke artist! Also, Eastern Euro "Jews" don't usually appear "Semitic" -- more like Asiatics. Why is that? Could it possibly be that most don't have any ancestral connection to the middle east or "Holy Land?" Maybe there's an army of "impostors" that aren't really "God's chosen"...?

They simply ascribed to Judaism as a means to an end; They wanted an ideology that made for a cohesive group. Any group that wants to survive (and swindle), even the dregs of Europe/Asia, has to believe (and espouse) something that will unite the group and cement loyalty.

Being the "world's eternal victims" is a great cover to use while, at the same time, predating on the host populations. Oy!
I'm trying to remember the name of some Hollywood Jew actor that looks distinctly Semitic. I've seen him on Jay Leno a few times, he's a known actor... DAMN!

That obnoxious guy from the band - "KISS" - looks to have some Semitic blood. The one with the "reality show" on the A&E network.

Kinky-haired Jews usually have some Semitic blood. That is usually coupled with lightly-tanned skin.

The Aaron Spelling's, Tori Spelling's, Tony Kornheiser's, Jessica Biel's, etc etc etc... probably aren't even Semites.

There appears to be very few Semitic Jewess' in pornography. Most are reptilian-eyed (not exaggerating) Asiatics who are incredibly ugly. This Asiatic variant is probably the White man's biggest enemy. They are obsessed with money and plastic surgery, and they have seething hatred for White women and children and White beauty and strength. Demented is an understatement. Look at all the Jewish serial killers and sexual predators.
Eugene Levy is one guy similar to what you describe. As for porn known Jews in the industry are Ron Jeremy, who has a strong resemblance to Al-Queida's number 3 man captured by the US. No word on if He is now Ron's body double on porn sets.
Also Annie Sprinkles and Nina Hartley, both have been willing to get down and dirty to finish a move so to speak....
Edited by: white is right
hah, there were two israeli jews caught dancing after 9/11 and were detained and then released and it was erased from the news permanantly, just like the israeli spy ring, something doing with phones, erased, cant find any info on it. passing out candy after suicide bombings? this is propaganda promoted by israel
israel kills civilians all the time. Everyone that is raised in israel has to join the army at a certain age, therefore it is a military state.

and no i dont root for people like sage rosenfels, he seems to throw less to kevin walter than the other qbEdited by: dwid
white is right said:
Eugene Levy is one guy similar to what you describe. As for porn known Jews in the industry are Ron Jeremy, who has a strong resemblance to Al-Queida's number 3 man captured by the US. No word on if He is now Ron's body double on porn sets.
Also Annie Sprinkles and Nina Hartley, both have been willing to get down and dirty to finish a move so to speak....

Steve Guttenberg is the Semite actor's name! I finally remembered!
dbwave said:
<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">You're a plain dumb idiot. Why would you side with a terrorist group like Hamas or a race that celebrated 911 and celebrates after at suicide bombing targeted only a civilians? Do you know they pass out candy on the street when a suicide bomber kills innocents woman and children? Do you know they put nails in their bombs so they can hurt and cripple more civilians?? <SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </SPAN>Why don't you root for Al Qaeda you moron? What is the difference between Al Qaeda and Hamas?? Nothing. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p></SPAN>

<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Are Jews white? What are you color blind?<O:p></O:p></SPAN>

<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Why would not root for Israel??<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN></SPAN>[/b]<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">This is a country that will not tolerate terrorism and defends herself every time against countries that want her destruction all around her?? If liberal America would wake up and act like Israel we would be way ahead of the war on terror. If we went into Iraq like Israel went into Gaza it would have been game over years ago. Israel treats terrorism aggression how it should be.........hard-line. <O:p></O:p></SPAN>

<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial','sans-serif'">This is the single worst post I have ever seen. "Wake up white people!"<O:p></O:p></SPAN>


I hope/assume you're talking about the author of the article. I don't think you want to start a flame war with me!

First of all, I have NO love for Muslims of any ilk (PLO, Hamas, etc.), and secondly I am not necessary an anti-semite, but take serious issue with the traitors on "Crapitol sHill" being in bed with the Zionist agenda. Far too many of these puppets are under the thumb of AIPAC. I don't believe in wasting American soldiers lives or taxpayer (fiat) dollars in the Middle East (on Isreal, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).

G301, you and I are very similar in belieifs (both WN Christians). However, please allow me to provide some insight on the fallacy of religious Zionism, as many (well meaning) Christians have been hoodwinked by apostate false prophets like John Hagee...

The Biblical Fallacy of Religious Zionism...
WXYZ said:
I am not Jewish nor do I actually personally know a jew. That being said given what I have seen from Israel  and the conflict I have to say I have to throw my support behind Israel.  It does not make sense to me to throw my support behind countries that burn our flag and support terror. Sorry, but Israel gets my support.

When you see arabs from middle east countries burning the US flag you must think about how do they get the american flag? did they really bought that at the local arb shop or was it the journalist who gaved it to them?
I can tell you that it is the last one.Sometimes journalist and the camera crew even pay for it.but when they pay they also expect a little dancing around the flag from the poor arabs

I hope/assume you're talking about the author of the article. I don't think you want to start a flame war with me!

First of all, I have NO love for Muslims of any ilk (PLO, Hamas, etc.), and secondly I am not necessary an anti-semite, but take serious issue with the traitors on "Crapitol sHill" being in bed with the Zionist agenda. Far too many of these puppets are under the thumb of AIPAC. I don't believe in wasting American soldiers lives or taxpayer (fiat) dollars in the Middle East (on Isreal, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).

G301, you and I are very similar in belieifs (both WN Christians). However, please allow me to provide some insight on the fallacy of religious Zionism, as many (well meaning) Christians have been hoodwinked by apostate false prophets like John Hagee...

The Biblical Fallacy of Religious Zionism...[/QUOTE]

Excuse my beligerence, I was having a bad day. There is ton of anti jewish tone on this forum site as well as anti israel. The supporters of Hamas and/or any terrorist group shock and sadden me.

We are in agreement on this one. Any traitor to America, no matter what his origin, is an emeny and should be treated as one.

I believe in Israels right to exist. I don't believe or support "the chosen ones" or anything else elitist. My view on history is the Jews and the Arabs both have origins in the Middle East and have a right to live there.

As a whtie Jew....yes white Jew. I mark "white" on any application for there is no "jew" box. As a supporter of the white athlete, I find it insane that anti Jews on this site actually are blindly rooting for Jews with out knowing. And there are many Jewish athletes on this site.

Just my 2 cents. I apologize for the tone of my last post.
dwid said:
hah, there were two israeli jews caught dancing after 9/11 and were detained and then released and it was erased from the news permanantly, just like the israeli spy ring, something doing with phones, erased, cant find any info on it. passing out candy after suicide bombings? this is propaganda promoted by israel
israel kills civilians all the time. Everyone that is raised in israel has to join the army at a certain age, therefore it is a military state.

and no i dont root for people like sage rosenfels, he seems to throw less to kevin walter than the other qb,8599,1709744,00.htm l?xid=feed-cnn-topics

Fact not fiction.Edited by: dbwave

Sir, it doesn't matter what the Palestinians do in order to regain their homeland. Also, you must remember that it was the Zionists who introduced modern terrorist tactics to the mideast. Such people as Avrahem Stern (Stern Gang)and Menachem Begin (Irgun), etc. were the the precursors of Hamas and Al Queda.

All the way back before and during the first world war, Arab experts like TE Laurence, Gertrude Bell, Edwin Montague, etc. were telling the Zionists what would happen if they went ahead and tried to swindle the Arabs. Those people who told Weizmann and the other Zionists that stuff really knew what they were talking about. It seems that everything they said has come true in spades. All these years later, the Zionists still find themselves at square one as if it was the day after they first tried to bamboozle the Arabs with their infamous Balfour Declaration. A little Shakespear for you, dbwave. "Oh what a tangled web we weeve when first we practice to deceive." How's that sound? Pretty sharp guy that W.S., wouldn't you say?

I'm not trying to be a wise guy dbwave. I'm just trying to say that you've been deceived as well as the Arabs. That was part of the plan of the Zionists. to get Jewish people to believe all their propaganda. you said before, that your not up on theis situation. Possibly, you should start reading some of the negative things famous rabbis have said about Zionism. That would be a good place to start.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

Sir, it doesn't matter what the Palestinians do in order to regain their homeland. Also, you must remember that it was the Zionists who introduced modern terrorist tactics to the mideast. Such people as Avrahem Stern (Stern Gang)and Menachem Begin (Irgun), etc. were the the precursors of Hamas and Al Queda.

All the way back before and during the first world war, Arab experts like TE Laurence, Gertrude Bell, Edwin Montague, etc. were telling the Zionists what would happen if they went ahead and tried to swindle the Arabs. Those people who told Weizmann and the other Zionists that stuff really knew what they were talking about. It seems that everything they said has come true in spades. All these years later, the Zionists still find themselves at square one as if it was the day after they first tried to bamboozle the Arabs with their infamous Balfour Declaration. A little Shakespear for you, dbwave. "Oh what a tangled web we weeve when first we practice to deceive." How's that sound? Pretty sharp guy that W.S., wouldn't you say?

I'm not trying to be a wise guy dbwave. I'm just trying to say that you've been deceived as well as the Arabs. That was part of the plan of the Zionists. to get Jewish people to believe all their propaganda. you said before, that your not up on theis situation. Possibly, you should start reading some of the negative things famous rabbis have said about Zionism. That would be a good place to start.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...


Good reply. A read and then did some research. I am not a real good history buff and I don't know both sides of the story. What I read was a bit disturbing. I am against ANY act of terrorism.....including Jewish ones. I condemn and repulse the killing of innocents. Period.

I will say this. There are extremists and radicals in any group. True? I believe in Israel and I believe in Zionism. This not for religous reasons for I am not. With respect I dont care what rabbis said. There were rabbis at the Holocaust did not exist convention in Iran last year. Hard to believe because a large part of my family died in the Holocaust.

So I hope I have respect your reply for I it was well articulated and educated.


This article is an eloquent expression of the sentiments of the deracinated American white masses.

I Want to be Black!

by Andy Ostroy

I want to be black. There. I've said it. After 49 years of relatively uneventful yet loyal Caucasianhood, I'm ready to trade in my membership card in this increasingly obsolete club. I mean, is there anything duller than being white right now? Now black....that's the new white!

Think about it. In today's America, Blacks dominate sports, and black culture rules in movies, television, music and fashion. And now, with our newly sworn-in President Barack Obama, blacks own the White House too and have become the welcome new face of politics. As a white kid growing up in NY's outer borough of Queens amid the racial turmoil of the sixties and seventies, I never thought I'd live to witness this incredible day; this awe-inspiring, historic new era in our nation's great evolution. And I'm damned jealous. Seems like black folks are having all the fun! I want to be black! Being white these days feels about as relevant as being at a Sunday night bingo session at a rural Elks Lodge. I want to be in the fun club!

In all seriousness, blacks truly deserve this exciting moment in the sun, for they have been crapped on in this country for hundreds of years. My God, how far we've come. Just 50 years ago blacks were hung from trees, beaten in the streets, and denied access to "white" restaurants, bathrooms and other public establishments. Jump to 2009 and we have a 46-year-old black man named Barack Hussein Obama elected president while iconic symbols of black culture past and present -- Beyonce, Usher, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin to name a few -- perform for our new leader on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The same steps where, 46 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during a most violent and tumultuous time in America's history, delivered his plaintiff plea for racial equality and unity in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

As I watched the inaugural festivities Tuesday I couldn't help notice the faces of older blacks -- some crying -- and wondered just how incredible this day must be for them. I noticed the young black Secret Service agent smiling proudly -- uncharacteristic of the typically emotionless presidential protectors -- as Obama winked as he walked passed him on the Capital steps as he shook hands after his swearing-in. I noticed all the children, and thought how wonderful that they get to grow up in a new America, one where they will be largely free of the racial stereotypes and limitations that generations before them so painfully endured.

Yes, on this joyous, emotional and historic day and on those to come, I want to be black. I feel black. Today we are all black. And I'm very proud of our great nation in its pivotal moment in history. Once again, as it has so many times in the past, America has demonstrated its true greatness. Better days are ahead...
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" ns:dc="" ns:foaf=""> _b_159718.html
Edited by: Don Wassall
This Obamanation thing is going to be a lot worse than I suspected. When Obama flubs his simple lines at the swearing in ceremony, the blame is placed on the Chief Justice. I just heard a news bimbo refer to Obama's stepping on his wife's dress during their slow dance at an inaugural ball, and state that "it was cute, rather than klutzy." Yeah, I'm sure it would be portrayed as "cute" if Bush did it.

Virtually everyone I know is gaga over our new president. It's almost like some kind of virus from outer space has infected the entire population. Abraham Lincoln wasn't worshiped like this until after he'd been assassinated. This lovefest is making ESPN's non- stop promotion of Tiger Woods look like hate.

Considering the awful shape this country is in, I certainly hope that the Obama administration is successful. We all have a vested interest in that, if for nothing more than having a sound retirement. That being said, if he does succeed (and perhaps even if he doesn't), it is quite likely that there may be other black candidates on the horizon. Mike Tomlin and Raheem Morris types, who may not even be in politics yet. Affirmative Action means never having to work your way up, after all. Who knows when, if ever, we'll have another white male president?

From the limited t.v. coverage I've seen since the inauguration, the reality of our situation has set in. For the first time, we can all see clearly the effects of those decades of television and move watching; the tears streaming down the faces of white women, the ecstatic blacks everywhere, high fiving each other like they did after O.J. was acquitted. This is not a Will Smith movie, this is reality. Each and every white male out there (except for the elite at the top) is now offically a second class citizen. If the economy turns around, Obama will receive full credit. If it doesn't, it won't be his fault, because "he's only one man." Either way, we lose. In the best case scenario, we'll have to tolerate Tiger Woods-like worship non-stop, on t.v. and among our family, friends and co-workers.

I used to jokingly claim that modern whites have developed a real mental illness, which involves the irrational love of black people. I termed it negrophoria. I don't think it's a joke any longer. The vast majority of white Americans are now mentally ill, and it isn't a joke to call what they suffer from negrophoria. It's going to be a long, long eight years, any way you look at it.
bigunreal said:
This Obamanation thing is going to be a lot worse than I suspected. When Obama flubs his simple lines at the swearing in ceremony, the blame is placed on the Chief Justice. I just heard a news bimbo refer to Obama's stepping on his wife's dress during their slow dance at an inaugural ball, and state that "it was cute, rather than klutzy." Yeah, I'm sure it would be portrayed as "cute" if Bush did it.

Virtually everyone I know is gaga over our new president. It's almost like some kind of virus from outer space has infected the entire population. Abraham Lincoln wasn't worshiped like this until after he'd been assassinated. This lovefest is making ESPN's non- stop promotion of Tiger Woods look like hate.

Considering the awful shape this country is in, I certainly hope that the Obama administration is successful. We all have a vested interest in that, if for nothing more than having a sound retirement. That being said, if he does succeed (and perhaps even if he doesn't), it is quite likely that there may be other black candidates on the horizon. Mike Tomlin and Raheem Morris types, who may not even be in politics yet. Affirmative Action means never having to work your way up, after all. Who knows when, if ever, we'll have another white male president?

From the limited t.v. coverage I've seen since the inauguration, the reality of our situation has set in. For the first time, we can all see clearly the effects of those decades of television and move watching; the tears streaming down the faces of white women, the ecstatic blacks everywhere, high fiving each other like they did after O.J. was acquitted. This is not a Will Smith movie, this is reality. Each and every white male out there (except for the elite at the top) is now offically a second class citizen. If the economy turns around, Obama will receive full credit. If it doesn't, it won't be his fault, because "he's only one man." Either way, we lose. In the best case scenario, we'll have to tolerate Tiger Woods-like worship non-stop, on t.v. and among our family, friends and co-workers.

I used to jokingly claim that modern whites have developed a real mental illness, which involves the irrational love of black people. I termed it negrophoria. I don't think it's a joke any longer. The vast majority of white Americans are now mentally ill, and it isn't a joke to call what they suffer from negrophoria. It's going to be a long, long eight years, any way you look at it.

Please don't say 8 years. But, you might be right. Some of Bushes' policies will start working and the media will hail Obama as God. Stupid liberal America will fall in line.

Obama symbolizes what is wrong with America. We just voted in a non experienced, hussein middle named, liberal to the presidency. Sickening.
Don Wassall said:
This article is an eloquent expression of the sentiments of the deracinated American white masses.

I Want to be Black!

by Andy Ostroy

Nothing more than an anti-white piece of propaganda designed to manipulate the white masses. The writer is yet another Jew waging psychological warfare against the clueless goyim who lap thismierdaup.
Ths same gang who pulled off the Russian Revolution andstartedthe Communist Party and NAACP in the good ol' USAdecided to go after bigger fish. After gaining a stranglehold on Wall Street, Hollywood, and the media, they bought the Democrats and have Neo-Conned the GOP.Most White Americans don't even know what hit em.

Rahm Emmanuel knows the score. Take this America! Suckers!


Nothing more than an anti-white piece of propaganda designed to manipulate the white masses. The writer is yet another Jew waging psychological warfare against the clueless goyim who lap thismierdaup.


While many Jews are liberal idiots, not all are. This article sickens me to my core and I am Jewish and Conservative.
bigunreal said:
I used to jokingly claim that modern whites have developed a real mental illness, which involves the irrational love of black people. I termed it negrophoria. I don't think it's a joke any longer. The vast majority of white Americans are now mentally ill, and it isn't a joke to call what they suffer from negrophoria. It's going to be a long, long eight years, any way you look at it.

Obama will not make it past 4 years. You have to remember, many of the Obama supporters are weak minded people that just go along to get along. When things go bad, they will not have the will power to defend Obama. These are people who sway with the wind. They will vote in the candidate from a revitalized GOP in less than 46 months.

Now of course, the liberals will support Obama every step of the way. But, at some point, things will go wrong, even some democrats will turn against him. You have to remember that Bush had over 90% approval rating at one point. Things like this waver all the time, and many people are quick to change, as in the case with Bush.

I don't think it does us any good to make negative prophesies predicting the demise of white men. I think we need to be positive upstanding members of society, and get our selves into the the areas of influence in society. This is exactly what the radical socialists have done, and it has worked, yet they haven't completed their objective simply because there are still people who don't believe in it, and they can't totally convert everyone outright.

I think members of this forum, and others like us, should get into academics, city councils, school boards, coaching, politics, writing, and heck even movie making and television, sports broadcasting, etc. Like I said, this is whatRules for Radicals said to do, and they've been doing it, and it has been working for them.

I mean, come on, these are just people. We are people too, and we ultimately have the same power to do it. If we sit around and talk about how they are just going to get more and more power while we do nothing about it, guess what, it's gonna happen. If we get ourselves into positions of influence, we can change the total dynamic and really make a difference, at the very least hold back the socialists, new world order, or whatever for as long as we can. Guns are good, but the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.
Hollywood and the liberal media have all but brainwashed most White Americans. The same can be said about the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB.

There are very people out there who stand and look out for the white folks, mainly Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Fox News Network.

But have no fear, sooner or later the Democrats will start making blunder after, after blunder. They are aren't perfect, no one is perfect, not even that Pimp President Obama. What goes around, comes around.

Sooner or later, Obama will become old news just like every president becomes. The liberals will have their time for now, but in due time, their liberal antics will start to have a backlash in society, same on the political stage.

They aren't right on everything, no one is right on everything, only GOD is.
Edited by: indianwhite
American Freedom News