Another ESPN jerk

A lot of these old time white guy's that played in NFL view themselves as exception to their race rather than showing unity and trying to help others like them, despite every other group doing so in society. Eh I guess it's just most white people these days, they don't stick together.

That describes Christina Collinsworthless in spades.
That describes Christina Collinsworthless in spades.

The only thing really exceptional is the mind. With the right mindset, man achieves. When man lets himself be failed by his fellows he already has before he begins.
William C. Rhoden is a black supremacist - I can recall him on the Sports Reporters many times propping up blacks. He has written an article whining about the lack of blacks anywhere but on the field or the court in college football or basketball. Not once in his article does he mention the discriminatory policies and tactics used to eliminate white athletic talent though. The Undefeated BSPN sub-site caters to a segment of the population as does our site however we are the ones labeled as racist and attacked by leftists lesbians.
I posted a comment on PFT regarding the number of minority head coaches being hired and brought up my list of white WRs and Safeties that have been excluded from the pre draft bowl games, mentioned how Christian McCaffrey will be torn apart during the draft process, the discriminatory anti-white tactics used by coaches, scouts, recruiters at all levels of football and added a link to I went back to the story about 30 minutes later and my post was no where to be seen.
I posted a comment on PFT regarding the number of minority head coaches being hired and brought up my list of white WRs and Safeties that have been excluded from the pre draft bowl games, mentioned how Christian McCaffrey will be torn apart during the draft process, the discriminatory anti-white tactics used by coaches, scouts, recruiters at all levels of football and added a link to I went back to the story about 30 minutes later and my post was no where to be seen.

Weak minded, gutless sheeple cannot process or handle the truth.
Curt Schilling: 80 To 85 Percent Of Pro Athletes Are Conservative, and ESPN is Far Left

Schilling made the statement during an interview with Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, citing fewathletesthat expressed support for Hillary Clinton and are drawn to conservatism through the appreciation of hard work.

“Look around professional sports and look at how many athletes there are and look at how many have come out and spoke out in favor of Clinton or in favor of liberals. They are because it’s mainstream in the public eye to do that right now. All the rest are, for the most part, are conservative because you don’t come out and speak about stuff like that…It’s work ethic,” Schilling said. “To get where they go, to get where a professional athlete gets, you have to work your a** off your entire life. You understand and appreciate an incredibly hard day’s work that, hopefully, will pay off in the future.”

He addressed the end of his time working forESPN, saying they were dishonest about the reason he was fired and defended comments he made while working there.

“What I care about is that they lie about it. ESPN fires me for, apparently, being intolerant because I was actually commenting around the fact men should use the men’s room and women should use women’s room. Apparently, that was enough, the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Schilling explained. “Then, they come out and act as if they are a tolerant group and they’ve gone full mental since then. They’ve gone way over the edge on the left, having a tribute to Obama after his last day in office, which gave me acid reflux.”

Schilling, who now hosts an internet radioshowfor the political site Breitbart, also discussed the surprise resignation of President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, not believing the affair rose the the level that would require removal from office.

“I’m incredibly disappointed about Gen. Flynn and what’s happened. I think that, in and of itself, it’s a bad sign organizationally,” Schilling said. “I’m disappointed that theteamdidn’t do a better job. I don’t think it’s an offense he should’ve resigned over. Politics is not a land of second opportunities unless you’re a liberal and you’ve committed a crime. Then everybody wants to feel sorry for you and make sure you get a second chance. That’s the only way you can explain Marion Barry or any of the frauds. It’s the only way you can explain Hillary Clinton.”

This sounds like great news, but we need to see some more details and names. This despicable network and their anti-white (and male) agenda has been on display for at the least the last 10 years. Ever since they decided to become a full blown SJW network to promote the pro black/feminazi/LGBT agenda, they have been unwatchable. Their so called on-air "talent" is a rotten collection of black AA hires, unqualified females, and other worthless cucks, combined with an equally bad group of columnists on the website.

I'm not surprised that they have lost over 12 million subscribers during the last few years, and glad to see people are voting with their wallets. It would be great if racist vermin such as Stephen A Smiff, Jemele Hill, Michael Smiff, Greenberg, Golic, many of the panelists on ATH, Herbie, Dick Vitale, and so many other bums whose names I'm forgetting are all shown the door.

BSPN revising it's policy. Lot's of lawyer speak but from what I can gather they want to use politics to tie into sports. Honestly this is going to be a failed attempt of damage control due to the hemorrhaging of BSPN subscribers. If anything this is going to ratchet up the lefitst/marxist nonsense they spew and try to tie it into sports. I see no acknowledgement of that in this article and laughed out loud at this paragraph:

"As I wrote in November, not all ESPN consumers -- or employees, for that matter -- feel the company has lived up to this ideal. Stiegman said that the buzz around the topic of ESPN and politics -- also written about by The New York Times, Awful Announcing, the Orlando Sentinel and many conservative sites criticizing ESPN’s perceived leftward tilt -- didn’t play a significant role in the revision of the guidelines." #fakenews

That is hilarious and an outright lie. BSPN has been in a nice slow decline over the past 5 or 6 years due to people being fed up with the agenda BSPN is spewing.

I also found it interesting that Sage Steele had been replaced on NBA Countdown. Steele seems to have riled up black twitter and leftists with some of her social media commentary. I don't watch the NBA or NBA Countdown but have to imagine that Steele's correct comments about blacks (she herself is half black) not jiving with the agenda BSPN pushes had a role in moving her off of the nogfest that is NBA Countdown. Count me as a Sage Steele fan moving forward!
Leo I couldn't make heads or tails out of this so called new policy regarding politics and sports by ESPN. To me the ongoing (for years and years) politics in the sports arena has been raising up the black athlete at the expense of the white athlete. This theme has been the bedrock of the so called" politics in sports." To a lesser but still substantial degree the involvement of women in sports and Title 9 have been "political" topics of discussion.
Sure it makes sense for a sports network to try and stay clear from politics as best they can since sports fans come from assorted and different political leanings but sometimes you can't avoid it like the National Anthem controversy. And I would think the on air personalities at ESPN would reflect a cross section of different political viewpoints. Yet obviously some of those on air personalities who lean to the right in a public way get "punished" whereas the many with a more leftist bent carry on unabated. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander no? And for the record the Sage Steele tweets or commentary were not provocative enough for her removal from her NBA show. Yet to me beyond the confusion of this half ass press release is a giant whiff of hypocrisy. Somehow the black tainted "The Undefeated" portion of ESPN is excluded from this new policy because it has "broader editorial missions." Bulls eye you have won the prize because that brings us back to where I started. The so called over riding politics of sports is built on the principle of glorifying the "ideal" of the black athlete at the expense of the white athlete. And this long standing method, which ESPN doesn't quite grasp as they try to contain the bleeding of their revenue flow, will eventually further erode their white fan base. Go back to the drawing board ********.
From Bloomberg News: ESPN chief executives, 2017


Company Overview of ESPN, Inc.


OverviewBoard MembersCommittees
Key Executives For ESPN, Inc.
Name Board Relationships Title Age
John D. Skipper 17 Relationships President --
Christine Driessen No Relationships Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President --
Edward Erhardt 300 Relationships President of Global Customer Marketing & Sales --
Sambit Bal No Relationships Editor-In-Chief --
Patricia Betron No Relationships Senior Vice President of Multimedia Sales

BSPN revising it's policy. Lot's of lawyer speak but from what I can gather they want to use politics to tie into sports. Honestly this is going to be a failed attempt of damage control due to the hemorrhaging of BSPN subscribers. If anything this is going to ratchet up the lefitst/marxist nonsense they spew and try to tie it into sports. I see no acknowledgement of that in this article and laughed out loud at this paragraph:

"As I wrote in November, not all ESPN consumers -- or employees, for that matter -- feel the company has lived up to this ideal. Stiegman said that the buzz around the topic of ESPN and politics -- also written about by The New York Times, Awful Announcing, the Orlando Sentinel and many conservative sites criticizing ESPN’s perceived leftward tilt -- didn’t play a significant role in the revision of the guidelines." #fakenews

That is hilarious and an outright lie. BSPN has been in a nice slow decline over the past 5 or 6 years due to people being fed up with the agenda BSPN is spewing.

I also found it interesting that Sage Steele had been replaced on NBA Countdown. Steele seems to have riled up black twitter and leftists with some of her social media commentary. I don't watch the NBA or NBA Countdown but have to imagine that Steele's correct comments about blacks (she herself is half black) not jiving with the agenda BSPN pushes had a role in moving her off of the nogfest that is NBA Countdown. Count me as a Sage Steele fan moving forward!
Just dragging this article down because it plays into the recent goings on at ESPN. I usually glance at the Mike and Mike morning show because I would have loved to have heard what they would have said about Lavar Ball's anti white comment but was too caught up watching heat seeking missiles being shot out of ships. It is both amazing and scary to think missiles fired miles and miles away can "find" you in your bedroom and of course once it "finds" you say goodbye to planet earth. My hunch is Mike and Mike avoided covering the Ball story. Meanwhile back at the ESPN ranch the article above describing their "new adjusted" policy between the relationship between ESPN and politics doesn't do the word convoluted any justice. But the announcement of caste ass wipe Mike Golic being resigned along with the "whites are slow" comments from big mouth Lavar Ball makes for a perfect match. The Mike and Mike show will be split up with Greenberg getting his own flagship morning show but these two caste clowns have been saying the same thing Ball said for years even though it is in a more scrubbed up sanitized fashion. Meanwhile the media has been doing some of that "mock horror" bit about Ball's statements but media outlets like ESPN continue to throw their full weight behind two of the biggest caste flying flag bearers in the media today, Greenberg and Golic. Hypocrisy in all its glory.
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After finding out about the Lavar Ball racism story I went on twitter - Jemele Hill is about as racist as they come and she gets away with it. One would have to think their new policy should impact AA Hill but I doubt it will. It's amazing what blacks get away with in plain view.
I decided to look up the Jemele Hill and Michael Brown twitter accounts. Remember these two got a promotion not too long ago to host the ESPN Sports Center dinner time edition. I have never really followed them much but I always got a sense of agenda and in particular didn't much care for Jemele. As far as the Ball comments (by the way he is walking back from some of his comments saying he "likes" TJ and Bryce etc. but not the whites are slow bit) Jemele made a joke about it and then instead of saying "oh that's an old wives tale" let the matter hang in the air. Brown tried to ignore it altogether and seemed upset about it because it put blacks in a bad place. When the shoe is on the other foot these people want to silence the discussion. When a simple disclaimer by them at least would have kept the discussion at bay they hemmed and hawed giving you the impression they kind of agree with Lavar. I was also struck by the guttural tone of a lot of the tweets. You would think public figures like them would shy away from having this kind of tone on their twitter accounts. But in the end with ESPN and this new fandango political policy it seems to me white bashing is of no concern to them.
Along with looking at twitter accounts like the two above and Bomani Jones and other media outlets regarding Lavar Ball's "white's are slow" statement the general response has been disappointingly tepid. And I set the bar low. I was looking for simple comments like that's an old wives tale or that is a silly stereotypical comment. But it was like pulling teeth for the media to even blurt that kind of response out. Weasel Doug Gottlieb gave surprise a weasel response and Dick Vitale skirted it in the wrong direction. Back and forth sites with regular folk chirping in had quite a lot of people AGREE with Ball's comments. And the usual media stance that by saying blacks are superior athletes comes the baggage of they are dumber too. They use this type of discussion as a double F you. They say blacks are better athletes all day long then suggest if you say that you infer they are stupid too. It is a booby trap that keeps the discussion away from the carnage and destruction of the white athlete.
I say get the hell out of my sight you people who keep bringing it up in what they think are well reasoned ideas. Show me a sporting event in the past quarter century where you are watching a game and the announcer blurts out that a black guy is athletic but lacking in brains? Show me in print? Show me in books where someone actually says that is the truth rather than suggesting that's what "people think". In fact you can't. Oh but it is assumed they say. Some mystical mind reading stuff I guess but the "white's are slow" mantra is shoved down our throats so deep it comes out of our backsides.
Now here at caste I need not go into how many times it has been brought up that whites are inferior athletes. On TV, radio, print or the internet. About as many times as there are stars in the universe I hazard to guess. And they don't say or write whites are also have superior minds.
There is a huge imbalance when the media discusses this stuff and most people based on what they are actually hearing and reading believe blacks are the superior athletes and well I guess at the end of the day a superior race. Ah memories of Nazi Germany.
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As we await the large on air personnel layoffs which are rumored to take place between now and mid May at ESPN there are two guys I would love to see let go. Max Kellerman and Stephen A Smith discussed the Lavar Ball" whites are slow" comments and they basically agreed with him even though they thought he was "wrong" to say it. From Kellerman's viewpoint what Ball said is what people say in their private lives so his bark with Ball is he said it publicly and then went on to say whites are impervious to insults and also saying up front there is no such thing as a caste system in sports. He didn't use the word caste but the message was clear. Smith disagreed with Ball saying Ball was correct when it comes to pros "where the superior black athlete takes over" but in college Smith argued it is different because the white guys are "more protected" because of zones and such. Which by the way Mr. Smith is making the exact same argument Ball was making about" whites being slow." By the end of their toxic rambles they did begin to touch on the cultural issues but the discussion abruptly ended and that was that. Kellerman had trouble citing athletic white NBA players so after he mentioned Gordon Hayward he threw in Jordy Nelson from football. All in all a rather sickening display that just reinforced to the public the general idea that whites are inferior athletes.
There seems to be some tension between the Disney head man and ESPN's president John Skipper. Skipper from what I hear is trying to keep ESPN from becoming some sort of political backboard and I would agree. Since sports fans come from all political stripes I would think they would not want to rock the boat and alienate their fan base.As far as caste speak I think that is the most alienating factor but many would argue differently. To me caste talk falls under another category for the most part. In other words if an ESPN personality is of a conservative political bent that does not mean they are automatically anti caste. They could be very caste. No direct lines between political bents should be drawn when it comes to who is spouting caste talk but the latest rumor is of interest merely because it changes the dynamic of the most important show on ESPN.
I am hearing that Sage Steele (unofficial at the moment so this could change)) will be teamed with Mike Greenberg for the BIG morning show. Steele as we came to find out is a Republican. I no little else about her but I expect some improvement. Which isn't saying much because the Mike and Mike show was caste on steroids and you figured that just had to end for the sake of everyone. It was becoming TOO OBVIOUS if you ask me. We will see how this plays out but it could be a (minor) step in the right direction for ESPN.
This happened a few months ago but I'm sure you guys will appreciate it. I was listening to some ESPN radio show and they had Kurt Warner on as a guest and near the end of the segment the host asked Kurt Warner about his 17 year old son who plays wide receiver. Warner got pretty emotional and upset about it and he started whining about how his son is the all time leader in receptions in Arizona history, and he's 6'2, and he's yet to receive a single D1 scholarship. Boy did that make me happy to hear, that's poetic justice at its best. Maybe it's an unfair thing for me to say but for every caste whore in the media, college, and pros I root for their sons to fail.

Maybe, for his son's sake, Warner should start speaking out against anti-white racism in football.

He must already have plenty of money. When does the future of his son and other young whites become more important than a gig in an anti-white organization?

If enough whites start speaking up and boycotting anti-white shows the anti-whites won't be able to retaliate against us.
The word on the street is the big ESPN layoffs will happen the first week of May. Jason Whitlock, who is black , is now with FS1 confirmed the fact that ESPN has wildly tilted to the left and that Disney head honcho might have bigger designs down the road like running for President. Lets face it ever since Trump won every Tom,Dick and Harry with big money and a big name have been licking their chops eyeing the big prize. In an interview with The Sporting News they mentioned the new political guidelines that Leo had posted a while back and both guys admitted, like myself , the whole thing made absolutely no sense.
But two things about Sage Steele that might suggest she becomes a pivotal new face at ESPN. The fact she has expressed some common place conservative ideas should not be an issue in the world of sports since nearly half the population is conservative to varying degrees. The issue is that the media MADE her views an issue and deemed her polarizing. This is media slander manufactured by those on the left who disagree with her views. Many people on the left find Sean Hannity polarizing just like many people on the right find Rachel Maddow polarizing so turning her into some lightening rod of controversy is beyond unfair in the way our politics plays out in America today. People disagree on politics and will continue to disagree. Why should she be muzzled where the many other left leaning ESPN personalities get a free ride spewing left wing stuff?
She is half black and half white. Again I know too little to comment on if she is a caste hound ( I suspect not) or not but the most searing and penetrating comments she made was when she stated the worst racism she has witnessed came from blacks. Whoa Nelly you just know that was the big bomb that lit the fuse but it says to me in this day and age when every other idea seems canned, it was the most refreshing political statement I have heard from an on air sports personality in a long time. If she lands with caste guru and grade A scum bag Mike Greenberg on his new upcoming show it will be interesting to see how this cocktail mixture plays out.
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Max Kellerman, the loathesome Jewish commentator on ESPN's unwatchable show, "First Take," bashes Trump on a daily basis. Last week, Maxxi-pad went on a tirade about Gronkowski having fun with White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, and said that the Pats should've "boycotted" the entire event.

Fellow ESPN commentator, Will Cain, temporarily un-cucked himself and obliterated our Hebrew friend...

Vocal, far-left cretins such as Keller(wo)man are the reason ESPN has lost so many young, white viewers. Instead of watching sports-related programming featuring Trump-hating, Marxist, PC, anti-white commentators...they're watching Alt Right YouTube channels, making Pepe the Frog memes, and posting about Jews, feminists, and cuckservatives on Twitter and Facebook. Meanwhile, ESPN's Jewish CEO's stare solemnly at a graph of their ever-waning TV ratings and wonder why as a tear rolls off of their cheek and falls onto the page.
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American Freedom News