Another ESPN jerk

BSPN is about nothing if not about continually trying to prop up the unproppable. The same can be said of the entire corporate media.
I was able to get through the photo caption and the first sentence of the article before I clicked out of it. The false narrative these godless Leftist twits put forth is astounding. The claim that "700 hate incidents" have happened since the election, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS. Did this puke bother to say that 699.9 have been by Leftist jew-duped goon thugs perpetrating these crimes on Whites and Trump voters?? Nope.

It's high time these lies were tossed in the ocean as shark bait along with those who spew them!
I was able to get through the photo caption and the first sentence of the article before I clicked out of it. The false narrative these godless Leftist twits put forth is astounding. The claim that "700 hate incidents" have happened since the election, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS. Did this puke bother to say that 699.9 have been by Leftist jew-duped goon thugs perpetrating these crimes on Whites and Trump voters?? Nope.

It's high time these lies were tossed in the ocean as shark bait along with those who spew them!

That guy is the one who puts on the yearly report trying to smear whites and give jobs in sports to minorities. Never has he mentioned the discrimination of white athletes at every level. He is truly a sick individual.

Key passage from the article. Yes, BSPN is all about imposing the cultural communist agenda:

To say that ESPN suffers from its own success is certainly one way of looking at it. The other way is that ESPN suffers because it has become insufferable. Not to totally dismiss the subscriber costs and cord-cutting that has plagued ESPN, but if those market factors fully explained the loss in subscribers then why, just two weeks ago, did ESPN Ombudsman Jim Brady write a voluminous mea culpa admitting that ESPN had lurched way too far to the left, thus alienating many of its viewers?

Not only that, Brady also outlined new rules regarding on-air and social media conduct for ESPN personalities that prevent them from going off on prolonged, leftist political rants. If what ails ESPN can simply be chalked-up as conspiring market forces in the greater war on cable television then such a lengthy, and surely painful admission from the “four-letter network” would prove unnecessary.

Until ESPN commits to sports as escapism, subscribers will continue to escape from ESPN.
Key passage from the article. Yes, BSPN is all about imposing the cultural communist agenda:

To say that ESPN suffers from its own success is certainly one way of looking at it. The other way is that ESPN suffers because it has become insufferable. Not to totally dismiss the subscriber costs and cord-cutting that has plagued ESPN, but if those market factors fully explained the loss in subscribers then why, just two weeks ago, did ESPN Ombudsman Jim Brady write a voluminous mea culpa admitting that ESPN had lurched way too far to the left, thus alienating many of its viewers?

Not only that, Brady also outlined new rules regarding on-air and social media conduct for ESPN personalities that prevent them from going off on prolonged, leftist political rants. If what ails ESPN can simply be chalked-up as conspiring market forces in the greater war on cable television then such a lengthy, and surely painful admission from the “four-letter network” would prove unnecessary.

Until ESPN commits to sports as escapism, subscribers will continue to escape from ESPN.

I wasn't aware of those new rules for ESPN talking heads. They've clearly done research on this topic and found that many subscribers are dumping them due to left-wing social media posts.

Whenever I'm venting about ESPN to DWFs, the first name they invariably mention (as someone who annoys them) is Stephen A. Smith of "ESPN First Take." Even the unthinking masses have grown weary of his unique ability to transform every single topic into a discussion/lecture/rant on race-relations, with blacks being the victims of wrongdoing approximately 99% of the time.

Even when Smith isn't playing his Black Victimhood Violin, he'll frequently saying things such as: "These bruthas can't play no defense," or "somebody need to tell these bruthas to behave after da whistle blows," or "diss brutha here can really ball-out!"

Despite decades of brainwashing, normal white sports fans still don't want to hear this kind of ghetto jargon. This loud-mouthed negro pipsqueak and his militant black nationalist rhetoric could end up costing ESPN millions of dollars. They're too scared to fire him, because, you know, "dat wood bee ray-ciss"...

I wasn't aware of those new rules for ESPN talking heads. They've clearly done research on this topic and found that many subscribers are dumping them due to left-wing social media posts.

Whenever I'm venting about ESPN to DWFs, the first name they invariably mention (as someone who annoys them) is Stephen A. Smith of "ESPN First Take." Even the unthinking masses have grown weary of his unique ability to transform every single topic into a discussion/lecture/rant on race-relations, with blacks being the victims of wrongdoing approximately 99% of the time.

Even when Smith isn't playing his Black Victimhood Violin, he'll frequently saying things such as: "These bruthas can't play no defense," or "somebody need to tell these bruthas to behave after da whistle blows," or "diss brutha here can really ball-out!"

Despite decades of brainwashing, normal white sports fans still don't want to hear this kind of ghetto jargon. This loud-mouthed negro pipsqueak and his militant black nationalist rhetoric could end up costing ESPN millions of dollars. They're too scared to fire him, because, you know, "dat wood bee ray-ciss"...


You know...down here where I come from, we used to take uppity boys (like this ugly mug) & whip them like dogs. If that didn't put em back in their proper place, well let's just say they were 'treated to' a "view from the pines". ;-)
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Disney "investors" worried sick as BSPN keep shedding viewers at a record pace. :)
It looks like the article already beat me to the punch. I was going to say "Don't 'worry', DD, the new Disney Feminst/BLM Star Wars movie will bail BSPN out like they did last year." Still, it's good to see them continuing to tank...

What they don't want to admit is that if ESPN took on a far more conservative political tone and stop the race-baiting "Black Power" B.S. agenda their ratings would skyrocket, but that's simply not part of the overall agenda (as we here at CF are well aware of).
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I read where Craig Sager bit the dust last week. While this mug didn't work for 'BSPN', he was part of the caste media (& obviously well lauded amongst them). I don't really have an much of an opinion on this joker, but wanted to comment on the (contrived) fawning over the guy.

I saw where he'd been fighting leukemia for a few years & had been heralded by BSPN, TNT, TBS as some kinda "hero" & given some sappy award by the scumbag pedo "Blo Bite'n". First off all, he's not the 1st person that's ever fought against leukemia (99% are totally unheralded like this jabroni). Secondly, he was an overpaid, millionaire caste lackey and by NO means any "hero". That 'hero' label and lauding is a complete insult to REAL heroes ( those brave men of the CSA, whose statutes & monuments are being removed all over this God forsaken land!). No!...that Sager joker was 100x removed from any true hero! This is exactly what our jaded, limp wristed modern society does...tear down legitimate heroes & create artificial, manufactured ones (like MLK, Mandela, Ali, Arthur Ash & Michael Jackson). The exact same weak minded, gutless sheep that worship these phony 'icons' (above) are the ones who'll extol & cry over a casteon like this Sager dude. I'm sick & tired of it! :mad: :BangHead:
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Great rant Dixie!

While I take no pleasure in Craig passing, he was THE Caste clown mascot. He was the White buffoon, pansy foil to the "alpha male" negro basketball players he would interview. He played the fool to perfection while making the afroletes look cool by contrast. He was a colossal cuck, even by Caste-caster standards, which is why the enemy media is lionizing him. They know they lost a "good one".
This happened a few months ago but I'm sure you guys will appreciate it. I was listening to some ESPN radio show and they had Kurt Warner on as a guest and near the end of the segment the host asked Kurt Warner about his 17 year old son who plays wide receiver. Warner got pretty emotional and upset about it and he started whining about how his son is the all time leader in receptions in Arizona history, and he's 6'2, and he's yet to receive a single D1 scholarship. Boy did that make me happy to hear, that's poetic justice at its best. Maybe it's an unfair thing for me to say but for every caste whore in the media, college, and pros I root for their sons to fail.
This happened a few months ago but I'm sure you guys will appreciate it. I was listening to some ESPN radio show and they had Kurt Warner on as a guest and near the end of the segment the host asked Kurt Warner about his 17 year old son who plays wide receiver. Warner got pretty emotional and upset about it and he started whining about how his son is the all time leader in receptions in Arizona history, and he's 6'2, and he's yet to receive a single D1 scholarship. Boy did that make me happy to hear, that's poetic justice at its best. Maybe it's an unfair thing for me to say but for every caste whore in the media, college, and pros I root for their sons to fail.

Warner should know the deal. If anything I hope he learns from this and changes up his analytic style when breaking down players. Perhaps after seeing his own blood and flesh be snubbed he'll be more 'fair' in his assessments. A lot of these old time white guy's that played in NFL view themselves as exception to their race rather than showing unity and trying to help others like them, despite every other group doing so in society. Eh I guess it's just most white people these days, they don't stick together.
This happened a few months ago but I'm sure you guys will appreciate it. I was listening to some ESPN radio show and they had Kurt Warner on as a guest and near the end of the segment the host asked Kurt Warner about his 17 year old son who plays wide receiver. Warner got pretty emotional and upset about it and he started whining about how his son is the all time leader in receptions in Arizona history, and he's 6'2, and he's yet to receive a single D1 scholarship. Boy did that make me happy to hear, that's poetic justice at its best. Maybe it's an unfair thing for me to say but for every caste whore in the media, college, and pros I root for their sons to fail.

The best situation would be if Warner woke up and started speaking out more about the caste system, and his son succeeded at a D1 school as a wide receiver. The son is obviously very talented and it isn't his fault his father was blinded and cucked.
"Cucked" is a good word to describe Warner. He would rather be tortured than say something "politically incorrect." Expecting White quarterbacks to be leaders, martyrs, philosophers and warriors boldly exposing and fighting against the Caste System is to be endlessly disappointed. Like all public figures and celebrities, they're company men who will never rock the boat.
"Cucked" is a good word to describe Warner. He would rather be tortured than say something "politically incorrect." Expecting White quarterbacks to be leaders, martyrs, philosophers and warriors boldly exposing and fighting against the Caste System is to be endlessly disappointed. Like all public figures and celebrities, they're company men who will never rock the boat.
I get what you're saying but after a certain point I have to question why some people are still afraid to rock the boat. Someone like Warner for instance has already made over 60 million dollars playing football, more than enough money to last him and his children for the rest of their lives. What's he so worried about ?
I get what you're saying but after a certain point I have to question why some people are still afraid to rock the boat. Someone like Warner for instance has already made over 60 million dollars playing football, more than enough money to last him and his children for the rest of their lives. What's he so worried about ?

The better way to put it is, what does he have to gain? Let's pretend Kurt Warner identifies and speaks out against the Caste System.

- He is instantly and permanently ridiculed and denounced as a racist, with not a single major media outlet or journalist backing him.
- He loses his job at the NFL Network and is unable to find another one in the media.
- His son is also routinely harassed and called a racist.
- His reputation and legacy is ruined, as he is forever lumped with Jimmy the Greek, Marge Schott, Al Campanis, Rush Limbaugh and countless other heretics.

- Some anonymous posters on an obscure website called Caste Football are thrilled.

Lew, what's your list of negatives and positives? Are you really that naïve to think he has "nothing to worry about"?

And why should only White quarterbacks become martyrs in order to please this forum? Why shouldn't Jordy Nelson be on the front lines advocating for Jeff Janis? Why not Wes Welker? Harrison Smith? J. J. Watt? Why aren't there posts and threads denouncing them for failing to identify and crusade against the Caste System?

And since the Caste System is in essence affirmative action, on an extreme scale because blacks are good athletes, why shouldn't all White public figures and celebrities in all walks of life do what Kurt Warner, Aaron Rodgers, Carson Palmer and Eli Manning are singled out for failing to do and speak out on behalf of Whites who have been discriminated against in their professions?

For that matter, as I used to ask bigunreal, why don't those who demand that White quarterbacks risk their careers set the example and risk their own job and career by speaking out at their job against affirmative action and the rest of it? Set the example and let us know how it goes, and maybe Kurt will follow you. Because this singling out of White quarterbacks, out of all White football players, athletes and public figures, was one of bigunreal's two over the top obsessions, the other being that every professional sports event is carefully scripted and choreographed.

Bigunreal could be a knowledgeable and quite entertaining poster most of the time, but his two obsessions were irrational and illogical. So until someone submits solid evidence that White quarterbacks have control over starting lineups and rosters, and that they use that control to denigrate and deny opportunities to White receivers, there will be no bigunreal style attacks on White quarterbacks. More broadly, this is a site to support White athletes, not denounce them because they don't adhere to the same ideology as posters, or conduct their lives exactly the way posters here want them to. There are exceptions of course, Johnny Manziel being a shining example of a White athlete deserving of criticism.
Lew, you obviously put a lot of time into your reply, but I don't know what more I can say other than what I already have. You're "fully aware of the negatives" I mentioned but "don't consider any of them to be serious at all." We'll just have to agree to disagree if you think that any well-known White public figure can speak out on racial issues from a pro-White perspective in this country and not face serious immediate and lasting repercussions. I think you have a very naïve outlook on how "the system" operates in this country as well as human nature.

My advice would be to become a pro-White activist in your own life rather than waiting for Kurt Warner to lead the way. It's easy to advise others on what to believe and how to conduct their lives. It would be easier for sympathetic celebrities to speak out if there was an actual strong pro-White movement rather than a bunch of anonymous keyboard warriors. (Regarding Trump, he was smart enough not to take explicit pro-White stances; he never once mentioned the word "white" during his campaign.) The only way the masses are going to become aware of the Caste System is through grassroots activism, not waiting for the "man on the white horse" in the form of Kurt Warner or any other White quarterback. And second, contact Kurt yourself, lay out your case against the Caste System and see if you can persuade him to speak out.
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