Alexander Povetkin

It should be starting in about five to ten minutes.

Sosnowski fought to a draw with Pianeta.
Nice UD win for Povetkin. I was a little disappointed in his performance though. He needs to cut a little weight as he is a little out of shape. He also needs to work on his stamina as he was huffing and puffing after 5 rounds. He did turn it up in the last round and if he had another minute or so may have gotten a KO.
Povetkin needed this fight to overcome ring rust. He seemed to get better as the fight went on, nearly knocking Estrada out in the last round.

Nice win by Sasha. Estrada is a skillful fighter who represented the US at super heavyweight in the 2004 Olympics.
One thing is certain Povetkin is not ready for Klitschko. I don't think he ever will be and as long as they are boxing he won't get a belt. His best chance would be to fight the Valuev Chagaev winner. He could beat both of those guys.
Povetkin did not look like he was in the best shape of his career, and he showed some ring rust with poor timing. He did, however, hurt Estrada in the ninth and in the tenth he nearly knocked him out. Had the bout been a twelve rounder, he may have been able to finish Estrada off with a TKO. Estrada, for his part, did not come to lose, and he put up a fight with his own combinations but could not hurt Povetkin enough to slow him down.

Povetkin should be stronger and more powerfull if he is going to beat the superheavyweights. He looks like a medium sized heavyweight with good hand speed and he attacks in combinations. When he uses his jab before those combinations he is most effective. He cannot be faulted for fighting fellow contenders on his way to a possible title fight. He is not good enough to beat either Klitschko -but that is no shame because they are almost unbeatable anyway. He may be the best of rest, time will tell.
Teddy Atlas to help train Povetkin video



Povetkin is making a mistake. Teddy's track record as a trainer is terrible.

Teddy, who is Jewish on his father's side, has admitted in the past he doesn't like "Russians" (he meant East Europeans). He'll probably try to give Povetkin the AIDS or Hepatitis C virus or something to ruin his career.
Hopefully, as Wlad suggested, Poketkin fights Haye. I notice Haye has finally shut his pie-hole after "getting injured" and wimping out on his much-anticipated fight with Wlad.

Oh wait...I'm sure Haye isnt interested in fighting anyone without a belt (a Klitshcko).Edited by: Thrashen
Atlas training Povetkin is bad news indeed.

Alex was good enough to win an Olympic gold medal and defeat Byrd and Chambers without Atlas. If you go down the line you'll see that all of his charges: LaLonde, Muriqi, Moorer, Grant, Maske ...etc always fall out with Teddy. To put it simply, Teddy Atlas seems mentally unstable.

Povetkin was not going to beat Wlad anyway, but he could have picked up a vacant strap somewhere down the road. Now his career will likely be ruined or put off track because of Teddy Atlas.
Another thing: Europeans are dominating boxing in both the pros and amateurs. Boxing is still a major sport there and the Russians have a number of good trainers. So why come to America for a trainer who has never really accomplished anything?

I hope Teddy is smart enough not to try any of his "tough guy" nonsense in Russia. If he does, they might find him in an alley or a dumpster.
It's been a mixed bag at best. He rides his horses until their is no life left in them. Also like race horses they can tend to fight back. Supposedly fat ass Kirk Johnson tried to bite Atlas after one gym dispute over Johnson's lazy habits. Shannon Briggs had a similar falling out with Atlas. Also he is a grand stander who thinks he is starring in a Rocky movie. Who can forget the melodramatic scenes with Michael Moorer when he fought Botha and Vaughn Bean....
Damn this is a dumb move. Atlas is jealous and hates other whites anyway. I think even Atlas is seeing that black supremacy is such a bunch of bullsh*t. But Povetkin would have been better training with a Russian coach.
A terrible move on Povetkin's behalf. Atlas is a terrible trainer and racist at that. He will ruin Povetkin's career. Povetkin is the best heavy after the two Klitschko's at this point. He may not remain that way.
According to Atlas, Povetkin will relocate to America within the next week or two and that Povetkin will have a tune up fight in September.

I'm guessing Alexander will ask for an extension on his mandatory status. Edited by: Blue Devils
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